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Math 2B – Final Review
Revised: August 5th, 2015 – Hiep Ton
MATH-2B Review for Final Exam
1. Main facts about system of linear equations, including rewriting the system as a matrix
equation; basis of the column space, the row space, and the null space of a matrix.
2. Construction of the basis of the orthogonal complement for the subspace spanned by the
given system of vectors; the orthogonal projection of the given vector on the given
3. The least square solution of the given inconsistent system of linear equations using the
normal system. The geometric interpretation of the solution.
4. Solving a system of linear equations using LU-decomposition.
5. A matrix transformation, its matrix and finding the image of the given vector under the
6. Linear transformation in 2-space and its matrix.
7. A reduction of a quadratic form to principal axes and its geometric interpretation.
8. Solving the Initial Value Problem for the linear system of ordinary differential equations
using methods of linear algebra.
9. Checking that the given system of vectors form a basis for the given vector space. Finding
the coordinates of the given vector with respect to the given basis; QR-decomposition of the
given matrix.
10. Markov’s chains and its applications.
You need to know main definitions, theorems (without proofs), and main procedures (algorithms).
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Math 2B – Final Review
Revised: August 5th, 2015 – Hiep Ton
1. Main facts about system of linear equations, including rewriting the system as a matrix
equation; basis of the column space, the row space, and the null space of a matrix.
SECTION 4.7: Row / Column / Null space
Example 3 – finding the basis
NOTE: Finding basis by reducing A to ref (without doing any transpose).
Parameterized for all 0s row.
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Math 2B – Final Review
Revised: August 5th, 2015 – Hiep Ton
Example 7 – Inconsistent row and column space from given matrices
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Math 2B – Final Review
Revised: August 5th, 2015 – Hiep Ton
Example 8 – Inconsistent row and column space from given vectors
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Math 2B – Final Review
Revised: August 5th, 2015 – Hiep Ton
Example 9 – Consistent row and column space from given matrices
NOTE: if question asks for consisting from original given matrices, then need to use transpose
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Math 2B – Final Review
Revised: August 5th, 2015 – Hiep Ton
2. Construction of the basis of the orthogonal complement for the subspace spanned by the
given system of vectors; the orthogonal projection of the given vector on the given subspace.
Reference: Projection formula (in Calculus series)
Focus on Gram-Schmidt process
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Math 2B – Final Review
Revised: August 5th, 2015 – Hiep Ton
3. The least square solution of the given inconsistent system of linear equations using the
normal system. The geometric interpretation of the solution.
SECTION 6.1: Inner Product
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Math 2B – Final Review
Revised: August 5th, 2015 – Hiep Ton
SECTION 6.4: Least Square
SECTION 6.4: The Geometric Interpretation of the Solution
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Math 2B – Final Review
Revised: August 5th, 2015 – Hiep Ton
4. Solving a system of linear equations using LU-decomposition.
Example: Finding L and U through E and its inverse
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Math 2B – Final Review
Revised: August 5th, 2015 – Hiep Ton
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Math 2B – Final Review
Revised: August 5th, 2015 – Hiep Ton
Example: Finding L and U directly
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Math 2B – Final Review
Revised: August 5th, 2015 – Hiep Ton
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Math 2B – Final Review
Revised: August 5th, 2015 – Hiep Ton
5. A matrix transformation, its matrix and finding the image of the given vector under the
SECTION 4.9: Reflection Operator
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Math 2B – Final Review
Revised: August 5th, 2015 – Hiep Ton
SECTION 4.9: Projection Operator
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Math 2B – Final Review
Revised: August 5th, 2015 – Hiep Ton
SECTION 4.9: Rotation Operator
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Math 2B – Final Review
Revised: August 5th, 2015 – Hiep Ton
SECTION 4.9: Dilations and Contractions
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Math 2B – Final Review
Revised: August 5th, 2015 – Hiep Ton
SECTION 4.9: Expansion and Compressions
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Math 2B – Final Review
Revised: August 5th, 2015 – Hiep Ton
SECTION 4.9: Shears
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Math 2B – Final Review
Revised: August 5th, 2015 – Hiep Ton
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Math 2B – Final Review
Revised: August 5th, 2015 – Hiep Ton
6. Linear transformation in 2-space and its matrix.
SECTION 4.9: Matrix Transformations from Rn to Rm
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Math 2B – Final Review
Revised: August 5th, 2015 – Hiep Ton
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Math 2B – Final Review
Revised: August 5th, 2015 – Hiep Ton
SECTION 10.10:
Problem 4 – From Project part 1
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Math 2B – Final Review
Revised: August 5th, 2015 – Hiep Ton
7. A reduction of a quadratic form to principal axes and its geometric interpretation.
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Math 2B – Final Review
Revised: August 5th, 2015 – Hiep Ton
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Math 2B – Final Review
Revised: August 5th, 2015 – Hiep Ton
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Math 2B – Final Review
Revised: August 5th, 2015 – Hiep Ton
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Math 2B – Final Review
Revised: August 5th, 2015 – Hiep Ton
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Math 2B – Final Review
Revised: August 5th, 2015 – Hiep Ton
8. Solving the Initial Value Problem for the linear system of ordinary differential equations using
methods of linear algebra.
SECTION 5.4: Differential Equation
Note: If the given A matrix has already been diagonalized, then no need to find D since A,
itself is the diagonal matrix.
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Math 2B – Final Review
Revised: August 5th, 2015 – Hiep Ton
Example 2 – The given matrix A is NOT diagonal
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Math 2B – Final Review
Revised: August 5th, 2015 – Hiep Ton
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Math 2B – Final Review
Revised: August 5th, 2015 – Hiep Ton
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Math 2B – Final Review
Revised: August 5th, 2015 – Hiep Ton
9. Checking that the given system of vectors form a basis for the given vector space. Finding the
coordinates of the given vector with respect to the given basis; QR-decomposition of the given
SECTION 6.3: The Gram-Schmidt Process
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Math 2B – Final Review
Revised: August 5th, 2015 – Hiep Ton
SECTION 6.3: QR – Decomposition
Example 9 – Make sure using q’s as orthonormal from the orthogonal set after Gram-Schmidt
Process and also check if the set is orthogonal before processing QR
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Math 2B – Final Review
Revised: August 5th, 2015 – Hiep Ton
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Math 2B – Final Review
Revised: August 5th, 2015 – Hiep Ton
10. Markov’s chains and its applications.
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Math 2B – Final Review
Revised: August 5th, 2015 – Hiep Ton
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Math 2B – Final Review
Revised: August 5th, 2015 – Hiep Ton
NOTE: Highly recommended look at your Project part 1.
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