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Psych 101 Supplemental Instruction
Exam 1 Review Session #2
1. The transduction of light energy into nerve impulses takes place in the _______
a. Iris
b. Retina
c. Lens
d. Optic nerve
2. The inner ear contains receptors for
a. Audition and kinesthesis
b. Kinesthesis and the vestibular sense
c. Audition and vestibular sense
d. Audition, kinesthesis, and the vestibular sense
3. Experimenters gave people a list of words to be recalled. When the participants
were tested after a delay, the items that were best recalled were those
a. At the beginning of the list
b. In the middle of the list
c. At the end of the list
d. At the beginning and the end of the list
4. Research on memory construction reveals that memories
a. Are stored as exact copies of experience
b. Reflect a person’s biases and assumptions
c. May be chemically transferred from one organism to another
d. Even if long term, usually decay within about five years
5. Sleep spindles predominate during which stage of sleep?
a. NREM 1
b. NREM 2
c. NREM 3
d. REM
6. A person whose EEG shows a high proportion of alpha waves is most likely
a. Dreaming
b. In NREM 2 sleep
c. In NREM 3 sleep
d. Awake and relaxed
7. Which of the following is characteristic of REM sleep?
a. Genital arousal
b. Increased muscular tension
c. Night terrors
d. Alpha waves
Psych 101 Supplemental Instruction
8. Circadian rhythms are the
a. Brain waves that occur during deep sleep
b. Muscular tremors that occur during opiate withdrawal
c. Regular body cycle that occur on a 24-hour schedule
d. Brain waves that are indicative of NREM 2 sleep
9. Psychologist who believed that dreams contained symbols of the unconscious
a. Wilhelm Wundt
b. Sigmund Freud
c. John B Watson
d. William James
10. Psychologist who worked with split brain patients to show that hemispheres
had specialized function
a. Rene Descartes
b. BF Skinner
c. Roger Sperry
d. William James
11. Juwan eagerly opened an online trading account, believing that his market savvy
would allow him to pick stocks that would make him a rich day trader. This
belief best illustrates
a. A scientific attitude
b. Critical thinking
c. Hindsight bias
d. Overconfidence
12. The Moon illusion occurs in part because distance cues at the horizon make the
moon seem
a. Farther away and therefore larger
b. Closer and therefore larger
c. Farther away and therefore smaller
d. Closer and therefore smaller
13. Most color-deficient people will probably
a. Lack functioning red- or green-sensitive cones
b. See the world in only black and white
c. Also suffer from poor vision
d. Have above-average vision to compensate for the deficit
14. Jack claims that he often has dreams that predict future events. He claims to
have the power of
a. Telepathy
b. Clairvoyance
c. Precognition
Psych 101 Supplemental Instruction
d. Psychokinesis
15. Chemical messengers produced by endocrine glands are called
a. Agonists
b. Neurotransmitters
c. Hormones
d. Enzymes
16. A strong stimulus can increase the
a. Speed of the impulse the neuron fires
b. Intensity of the impulse the neuron fires
c. Number of times the neuron fires
d. Threshold that must be reached before the neuron fires
17. The size of the pupil is controlled by the
a. Lense
b. Retina
c. Cornea
d. Iris
18. The study of perception is primarily concerned with how we
a. Detect sights, sounds, and other stimuli
b. Sense environmental stimuli
c. Develop sensitivity to illusions
d. Interpret sensory stimuli
19. The process by which sensory information is converted into neural energy is
a. Sensory adaption
b. Top-down processing
c. Psychophysics
d. Transduction
20. _____________ processing refers to how our knowledge and expectations influence
a. Top-down
b. Bottom-up
c. Signal detection
d. Psychophysical
21. Who would be most likely to agree with the statement, “Psychology is the
science of mental life.”?
a. Wilhelm Wundt
b. John Watson
c. Ivan Pavlov
d. Virtually any American psychologist during the 1960s
Psych 101 Supplemental Instruction
22. Which psychological perspective emphasizes the interaction of the brain and
body of behavior?
a. Neuroscience
b. Cognitive
c. Behavioral
d. Behavior genetics
23. Which of the following would be best for determining whether alcohol impairs
a. Case study
b. Naturalistic observation
c. Survery
d. Experiment
24. Epinephrine and norepinephrine are _____________ that are released by the
_____________ gland.
a. Neurotransmitters; pituitary
b. Hormones; pituitary
c. Neurotransmitters; thyroid
d. Hormones; adrenal
25. Which of the following is typically controlled by the right hemisphere?
a. Language
b. Learned voluntary movements
c. Arithmetic reasoning
d. Perceptual tasks