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Early Middle Ages Notes!!!
Name: _____________________________________ Period: ______
Section Two: Europe after Rome
1. After Rome fell, there began a time period between 500 to 1500 AD; this time period is
called the _________________ _______.
2. Another term for this time period is “___________________________”
3. The religion that will spread all over Europe during this time is
___________________________. It will be spread by ____________________________,
who are people sent out by the church to teach people about Christ.
4. The leader of the Catholic Church in Europe was called the ____________.
5. A famous missionary who brought Christianity to Ireland was called
6. Some religious people stayed in one place and taught about Christ. These men were called
________________. They taught, studied and helped the poor in areas where they lived.
They lived in communities called __________________________________.
7. Most followed the rules for living set down by an Italian monk named
________________________, which is where they got their name: the
_______________________ Monks.
8. What were several important things that monks did?
   9. What is ILLUMINATION?
10. Dark times were spreading around Europe after Rome fell, which is why Medieval times got
the nickname, the “_________ ___________!”
11. As Christianity was spreading, a new group of people called the ________________, settled
in what we call France.
12. Their ruler, ________________, would build the first big medieval empire!
13. The most famous ruler of the Franks was a man named ___________________________,
who was a brave warrior, spread Christianity all over and was big on education!
14. But Europe had new threats to worry about. _________________ attacked Spain in the
south, ________________ were barbarians who attacked Eastern Europe, and a new group
of warriors, called the ______________________, were attacking from the north!
Extra Stuff: The Vikings!!!
1. The fierce group of warriors that came out of Scandinavia was known as the _______________.
They raided and pillaged all over Northern Europe!
2. The Vikings actually called themselves the ______________________.
3. In their language, “to go out and fight and pillage” means to “_____ ____
4. The Norse version of democracy was called the ________________________.
5. ___________________ are long stories or poems that make up Norse history. Within them are
_____________ that tell the adventures of heroes, gods and adventurers. Myths!
6. One of the most famous is a story about a fierce Norse warrior called _____________________,
who fights the monster ___________________, and is awarded great riches by King
7. The Norse explored, traded and raided using a type of ship called a
___________________________. The Norse called them ___________________.
8. These ships had _________________________, or heads that were attached to the front of the
boat. They were usually dragons, to fend off sea monsters and to look terrifying!
9. One famous Norse warrior/explorer, with a very bad temper, was named _________ ____
10. He founded the colony of _____________________________. He told people that it had much
“green land” to encourage people to move there.
11. His son, _____________________ ___________________, also explored, and was said to have
discovered the land of __________________, which is in modern day
__________________________, ______________________.
12. In __________________________, the Norse fought the Natives Americans there, who they
called _________________________. It didn’t go so well for the Norse.
13. The Norse had some pretty cool mythology and gods!!! Name the four gods we mentioned and
what they were known for:
14. The Universal Tree in Norse mythology is called ________________________________. The
gods lived in _____________________, and humans lived in _______________________. When
a warrior died, he would go to ________________________, to drink mead with the
__________________________, the female warriors who ran the place!
15. The __________________ were sisters who determined each person’s future and fate.
Section 3: Feudalism and Manor Life
1. In medieval society, the “top dog” of a country was its _______________. Then came the
_______________, or wealthy land-owners!
2. For their loyalty, kings would give land to the nobles, who were also called ________________.
3. Lords would then hire professional soldiers to protect their land. These soldiers were called
4. Sometimes nobles would give a knight their own land, called a __________.
5. A knight who promised to serve a lord is called that lord’s ________________________.
6. This system of promises between a lord and knight is called ___________________________.
What were the lord’s duties?
What were the vassal’s duties?
9. Feudalism came to England when a French noble called _______________________ the
___________________ invaded it in 1066. He rewarded his knights with land there!
10. Knights couldn’t farm their land by themselves, so they “rented” out their land to poor workers
called ___________, who farmed it in exchange for housing and protection.
11. The large estate where serfs lived and worked for the lord or knight was called a
____________________. Here, you could find the lord’s mansion and the serfs’ village and
12. Draw out the social pyramid of FEUDALISM!!!
Describe manor life for a peasant:
Describe manor life for a lord:
Some noble women had some power, too! A powerful noblewoman in France who had political
power was named __________________ of __________________________.
Section 4: Feudal Society
1. Why did many people move to the cities during medieval times?
2. What did knights start wanting instead of land?
3. Japan and Medieval Europe were a lot alike! In Japan, warriors called ______________________
followed the code of ____________________. In Europe, soldiers called
____________________ lived by a code called ________________________. They were very
much the same!
4. Describe how knights were supposed to act under chivalry:
    5. Fill in the differences chart between Japan and Europe.
Code of living
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