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57 Natural Healing Solutions That Your Doctor Doesn't Tell You About
Chapter 1: Intro
Medicine has changed throughout the years.
History of Medicine:
1000 AD: -- "Here, take this herb."
1700: -- "That herb won’t cure you; here’s an elixir."
1900: -- "That elixir won’t cure you; take this pill."
1960: -- "That pill won’t help; take this antibiotic."
2000: -- "That antibiotic has been recalled; take these pills."
Our modern society has led us into some complex and destructive lifestyles and habits.
Fast foods, overeating to compensate for emotional problems, alcohol abuse, drug
problems, smoking, excess sugar, pollution, and the stress of living in our fast-paced
society have resulted in a breakdown in our bodies. This breakdown results in problems
like Anxiety, Arthritis, Depression, Type II Diabetes, Gout, High Blood Pressure, High
Cholesterol, and many other ailments.
When one of these ailments bothers us enough physically we go to the doctor. Most of
us choose an allopathic doctor because that is the only type of doctor our insurance
plans will cover. Naturopaths and other holistic or alternative practitioners are rarely
covered by most insurance plans.
Allopathic doctors are physicians who use pharmacologically active agents (drugs) to
treat or suppress our symptoms, diseases, and conditions. But treating or suppressing
our symptoms rarely gets to the root cause of our problems. It may, however, leave us
with a fistful of prescriptions, each one treating the side effect of its predecessor, and an
empty pocket from paying our deductible.
Getting to the root of a physical problem is not something most overworked and
overbooked physicians were trained to do or have time to do in today’s busy society.
Today’s physicians are also not trained to recognize that the human body has an innate
ability to heal itself given the right circumstances.
They are merely taught which medications work to suppress the symptoms of each
ailment. This information is reinforced by the pharmaceutical sales reps who constantly
visit doctors’ offices to inform them of new and better drugs. Nowadays these drugs are
also advertised in the media.
If you listen closely to the drug advertisements, though, you will hear enough side
effects the drugs may cause to dissuade you from taking them. Usually, only the people
absolutely desperate to find an answer to their medical problems succumb to asking for
these drugs. Allopathic medicine treats the symptoms in individual body parts whereas
alternative treatments heal the whole body.
Unfortunately, there is no money available to advertise in the media how homeopathic
remedies, herbal supplements, food, and vitamin remedies can help you manage or rid
yourself of your medical problems. The food we eat, the air we breathe, and the toxins
we ingest have a lot to do with our current state of health. This book will offer you the
ability to take charge of your health.
We will go over some of the top health problems and symptoms Americans face today
and offer you information on healing them with all-natural solutions you may never hear
about from your allopathic doctor.
This book covers treatments and therapies you can access yourself. These are
alternative treatments that are backed up with sound science. They include dietary
changes, herbs, vitamins, and minerals. Massage therapy, magnetic therapy, and
several other holistic modalities will also be offered.
You may find that at times it seems as though one modality is suggested for every
ailment. This is because the remedy or alternative modality may affect the whole body,
such as massage therapy.
Please keep in mind that the remedies we suggest are not meant to be the Quick Fix
that drugs are supposed to be. You will see improvement, and you will see cures, but
you need to stick with the remedies long enough for them to work. They are meant to
work synergistically with your body to help it heal itself.
Some of these remedies stimulate the body to heal itself. Others address the symptoms
and the origin of the symptoms.
You may find you have allergic symptoms to an herb. If this is the case, stop taking it
and see your physician. There is a place for allopathic medicine in healing, but once we
take responsibility for our own health, that place is usually after we have tried all the
remedies we can find that heal our bodies rather than merely treat the symptoms of our
You have probably heard the disclaimer the FDA requires on some supplements, "This
statement has not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose,
treat, cure, or prevent any disease."
According to the FDA, “The disclaimer must also state that this product is not intended
to ‘diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease,’ because only a drug can legally make
such a claim.1 Both the FDA and modern medicine have moved away from natural
We need to offer a similar disclaimer due to FDA regulations. No statement in this book
is intended as a claim for cure, treatment, or prevention of any disease or condition.
Having said that, we also need to say that with the information in this book, we are
putting some powerful information in your hands so that you can make informed
decisions about your health.
Chapter 2 Healing Solutions
As Publilius Syrus in the 1st century BC said: “Good health and good sense are two of
life's greatest blessings.”
Which of the common physical challenges facing many of us today would you like to rid
yourself of?
Anxiety & Stress
Dry Skin
Eye Problems
Hair Loss
High Blood Pressure
High Cholesterol
Memory Problems
Motion Sickness
While the exact cause of acne is not known, factors that contribute to it are: oily skin,
heredity, allergies, androgens, stress, certain drugs (especially steroids), excessive
consumption of junk foods, saturated and hydrogenated fats, nutritional deficiencies,
some cosmetics, and menstrual cycles.
Healing Solution #1: Change your body’s pH
You can get pH test strips from your local drug store. A body that is out of balance,
either too acidic or too alkaline is a breeding ground for acne-causing bacteria. The
ideal level is between 7 and 7.25.
The FDA has a food chart2 that can guide you into choosing foods that can repair your
pH if it is out of balance.
Healing Solution #2: Homeopathic Remedies3
If you have suffered with acne for a long time, consult a homeopathic physician who can
design a treatment specific to your needs. If you have occasional acne, try:
For blackheads: take Selenium 9C, three pellets three times a day dissolved
under your tongue.
For pimples: take Kali Bromatum 9C, three pellets three times a day
Healing Solution #3: Supplements4
Chromium picolinate – Helps reduce skin infections. Take as directed on bottle
Flax Seed Oil or Evening Primrose Oil – Repairs damaged skin cells and
dissolves pore-blocking fatty deposits. Take as directed on bottle
Vitamin B-complex – Important for skin tone. 100 mg 3 times a day
Niacin (extra beyond what is in the B-Complex) – Improves skin surface blood
flow. 100 mg 3 times a day (do not exceed)
Vitamin B5 – Reduces stress. 50 mg 3 times a day
Vitamin B6 – Deficiencies noted with acne. 50 mg 3 times a day
Zinc – Helps tissues heal and assists with prevention of scarring. 50 mg 3 times
a day
Healing Solution #4: Herbs4
Burdock, red clover, and milk thistle are blood cleansers and assist the liver with
detoxification. When the liver becomes overwhelmed, the skin acts as a
detoxifier, causing acne.
Tea Tree Oil - Use sparingly as a topical as it is a natural antibiotic
Healing Solution #5: Diet4
Making these changes in your diet can help reduce, relieve, and often get rid of acne:
Add more fiber to your diet – This helps rid the body of toxins.
Avoid the following: alcohol, caffeine, butter, cheese, chocolate, eggs, fried
foods, hydrogenated oils and shortenings, wheat, and soft drinks.
Eliminate dairy for a month and see if your acne clears up. Acne sometimes
results from a dairy allergy.
Avoid sugar, as it has been shown that people with acne have an impaired
glucose tolerance.
Do not use iodized salt as iodine worsens acne.
Avoid stress as it can cause flare-ups.
Aging is something none of us can avoid, but with a little help, we can at least do it
gently. We can retain the vitality of our youth and avoid many of the pitfalls of aging.
Healing Solution #1: Get enough sleep
Avoid sugar after dinner – Sugar sets up a spike and crash scenario that disrupts
Avoid computers and television right before bedtime – The light from them can
disrupt your body’s nightly release of melatonin.5
Avoid protein and caffeine right before bed as they promote alertness.
Take a relaxing soak in the bathtub with a cup and a half of Epsom salts. As your
body cools down from the bath, it will be ready for sleep.
Healing Solution #2: Homeopathic Remedies3
Boost your memory power with Baryta Carbonica 9C.
If you forget names, try Anacardium Orientale 9C.
Treat aches and pains with Hevert’s combo of Arnica and Rhus Toxicodendrum. 6
It takes the edge off pain without drugs, and acts to reduce bruising and minor
swelling that is due to overexertion.
Healing Solution #3: Supplements4
Coenzyme Q10, 100 mg daily, is an aid to circulation and protects the heart.
DMG (dimethylglycine) - Take as directed on the package. It improves
oxygenation at a cellular level, improving energy.
L-Phenylalanine helps increase vitality an alertness.
Broad spectrum amino acid combination as proteins help to regulate the body’s
water balance, a very important issue as we age. Proteins are vital ingredients of
every bodily process. As we age and our bodies slow down, it is important to add
extra sources of protein.
Multi-vitamin and mineral supplement – It is very important to give our bodies the
fuel they need to function as we age.
Flax Seed Oil, Evening Primrose Oil, or Salmon Oil are all good sources of
Omega-3 fatty acids, which are both essential for proper brain function, and they
also help the heart.
SAMe is great for beating depression, improving our mental abilities and our liver
health, treating Fibromyalgia, and easing the pain of osteoarthritis.7
Healing Solution #4: Herbs4
Horsetail as a tea or an extract is a wonderful source of silica, which helps
maintain the strength of bones an connective tissue.
Ginkgo biloba helps improve brain function.
Milk thistle helps support liver function.
Valerian is helpful in promoting sleep and is a good tranquilizer.
Chamomile tea is wonderful for relaxation.
Healing Solution #5: Diet4
Eat only when you are hungry, as this has been shown to increase lifespan.
8 glasses of water daily will keep your kidneys functioning optimally and avoid
the problems that can arise from dehydration.
Allergies are nothing to sneeze at. Allergies are a highly sensitive immune response of
the body to a substance. They manifest as hives, sneezing, itching, rashes, swelling,
and in a host of other ways. There are immediate reactions as well as delayed reactions
that are harder to track down. There are some remedies that can lessen these
Healing Solution #1: Try a Food Allergy Self-Test
When you think you might be allergic to a certain food, try this simple test to see. Sit
down, relax for a few minutes, then take your pulse using a watch with a second hand.
Count the beats within a minute – normal is 52 to 70 beats per minute. Check your
pulse again after you eat the food, and if you find your heartbeat has increased more
than 10 beats per minute, you are likely allergic to the food. Avoid it for a month and
then re-test yourself.
Healing Solution #2: Homeopathic Remedies3
Allium Cepa9
Healing Solution #3: Supplements4
Quercetin or other bioflavonoids, 2-3 grams per day, as they are natural
antihistamines. Catechin and hesperidin are also bioflavonoids and are available
in combination with Quercetin. Look for a combination product that also includes
Bromelain and Vitamin C, as they can enhance the action of the bioflavonoids.
Bee Pollen can strengthen the immune system, or you can get raw honey that
was collected nearby from pesticide-free areas.
Healing Solution #4: Herbs
Butterbur, taken four times a day, has shown impressive results as an
Nettles, which calm the inflammatory response in allergies.
Healing Solution #5: Diet4
Rotate foods by eating a unique group of foods each day for four days and then
repeat the cycle. Be sure no food is eaten more often than every four days.
Common food allergens you may want to avoid until you have self-tested them
for an allergic response include: beef, caffeine, chocolate, corn, dairy products,
eggs, oats, peanuts, strawberries, tomatoes, and wheat.
Anxiety & Stress
Stress causes our bodies to produce more adrenal hormones like adrenaline. In
response to adrenaline, we use up more proteins, fats, and carbohydrates to produce
energy. Our muscles tense, our heartbeat increases, we breathe faster, and even the
composition of our blood changes. None of this is good for our bodies on a sustained
Healing Solution #1: Massage Therapy
A soothing massage can help you unwind from daily stress.10
Studies show that massage therapy affects the body chemistry by reducing the
stress hormone cortisol.11
Healing Solution #2: Meditation
Meditation can produce deep relaxation and tranquility of mind and is very helpful
in reducing stress.12
One study found that mindfulness meditation helped reduce anxiety in people
who had tough-to-control worries, sleep difficulties, and who were irritable.
Healing Solution #3: Homeopathic Remedies3
There are a number of homeopathic remedies for anxiety, depending on the
cause, the circumstances, the sensations, and the consequences. One common
homeopathic remedy for mild palpitations is Aconitum Napellus 9C.
Healing Solution #5: Supplements
SAMe improves mood and mental functioning.
Healing Solution #6: Herbs
Catnip and Chamomile are calmatives.
Valerian Root and Hops are sedatives.
Healing Solution #7: Diet4
Avoid black tea, coffee, cola, chocolate, and other caffeine-containing foods.
Limit animal proteins.
Avoid processed foods.
Healing Solution #8: Aromatherapy12
Use these aromatherapy recipes in a diffuser or put them in a soothing bath.
2 drops Bergamot, 2 drops Clary Sage, 1 drop Frankincense
3 drops Sandalwood, 2 drops Bergamot
3 drops Lavender, 2 drops Clary Sage
Arthritis is joint inflammation that is accompanied by pain, stiffness, and sometimes
swelling, deformity, and limited range of motion.
Healing Solution #1: Arnica creams, salves, ointments, gels, and oils
Arnica gels like Boericke & Tafel Arniflora Arnica Gel relieve the pain and
swelling in arthritic joints.13
Healing Solution #2: Homeopathic Remedies3
There are a wide variety of homeopathic remedies for arthritis, but one of the
most common is Bryonia Alb 9C. Take three pellets three times a day.
Healing Solution #3: Supplements4
B-Complex helps reduce swelling.
Vitamin K assists with depositing minerals into the bone complex.
Healing Solution #4: Herbs4
Alfalfa eases inflammation.
Boswellia (an Ayurvedic herb) helps reduce inflammation and restore blood
vessels around the inflamed connective tissue associated with arthritis.
Healing Solution #5: Diet4
Unless you have a problem with sulfur, eat more foods containing sulfur such as
asparagus. Eggs and the allium plants of garlic and onions are helpful too.
Tart red cherries are known for relieving pain and inflammation.
Back pain can have mechanical causes that include tense muscles, injury causes such
as sprains or falls, and it can occur with some conditions or diseases.14
Healing Solution #1: Positive Affirmations15
Motivational author Louise Hay has a wonderful book called ‘You Can Heal Your Life.’
In it she states that many of our illnesses and conditions arise from the attitudes and
beliefs we hold about ourselves and our lives, and she offers positive affirmations to
reverse those attitudes.
Lower back pain: lack of financial support
Middle back pain: stuck in the stuff of life
Upper back pain: feeling a lack of emotional support
Affirmation: I know that Life always supports me. Repeat several times daily for
30 days.
Healing Solution #2: Massage Therapy11
Massage therapy is especially beneficial for lower back pain, but it can be helpful
for other areas of the back where tense muscles are causing pain.
Healing Solution #3: Trigger Point Therapy16
For lower back pain, use a tennis ball placed between your buttock and the wall.
Move the ball around to all areas to ensure back pain releases.
Healing Solution #4: Lose Weight
Backache can result from carrying around too much weight as it causes the
muscles of the back to be under constant strain. Losing weight helps reduce that
Over 200 viruses can cause the common cold. Most colds are over in a week to 10
days. Your chances of catching and keeping a cold increase when you are fatigued, run
down, and stressed.
Healing Solution #1: Neti Pot18
Chase sinus infections and colds away faster with saline solution in a neti pot. Be
sure to use distilled water with the salt, though. Neti pots are available in
pharmacies, along with the instructions for using them.
Healing Solution #2: Homeopathic Remedies3
There are homeopathic remedies for each phase of a cold, but these will also help:
At first sign of a cold, Influenzinum 30C, one unidose tube.
For recurring colds, take Natrum Muriaticum 9C, 3 pellets, 3 times a day
Healing Solution #3: Supplements4
Zinc lozenges taken as often as every two hours have been proven in a
Dartmouth study to shorten the duration of a cold.
Vitamin C, 5,000 to 20,000 mg daily in divided doses, fights the cold virus.
Healing Solution #4: Herbs4
Echinacea enhances the immune response, giving your body a leg up on
defeating the common cold.
Ephedra helps congestion and coughing.
Eucalyptus oil in a hot bath helps relieve congestion.
For a sore throat, gargle with tea tree oil in water.
Constipation occurs when what we eat moves too slowly to our exit zone. It can result in
a lot of different ailments, so it is important to keep things moving along properly in our
digestive tracts.
Healing Solution #1: Fiber and Fluid
Constipation quite often arises when we eat too little fiber in our diets. Women
need about 25 grams of fiber daily, and men need about 35-40 grams daily.
Corn, white, black, garbanzo or kidney beans, avocado, pasta (whole wheat or
gluten free), brown rice, edamame, lentils, pears, oatmeal, raspberries, peas,
broccoli, apples, and almonds are great fiber sources.
Men need about 13 cups of liquid a day and women require about 9 cups of
liquid each day.17
Healing Solution #2: Homeopathic Remedies3
Need to go but can’t? Take Nux Vomica 9C.
Don’t need to go but should? Take Hydrastis Canadensis 9C.
Healing Solution #3: Supplements
Magnesium helps regulate bowels. Take 500 mg. Magnesium glycinate or
Magnesium citrate morning and night.
Acidophilus helps friendly bacteria survive in the stomach and intestine.
Healing Solution #4: Herbs
Aloe vera has a soothing effect on the digestive tract. Depending on the type you
get, it may also have laxative properties.
Healing Solution #5: Diet
Fiber, fiber, and more fiber.
Dandruff is most often caused by a fungus. More important than defeating the fungus is
finding the solution to why you have it.
Healing Solution #1: Omega-3 Deficiency
According to scientific studies, a deficiency of Omega-3 fatty acids is a primary
cause of setting up the condition that allows the dandruff fungus to proliferate on
your scalp repeatedly.
Krill oil or fish oil are important supplements to take when you have dandruff. 19
Healing Solution #2: Homeopathic Remedies3
If there is no apparent reason for the dandruff, take Phosphoricum Acidum 9C, 3
pellets, 3 times daily.
For seborrhea, take Natrum Muriaticum 9C, Oleander 9C, and Phosphoricum
Acidum 9C, alternating 3 pellets of each, 3 times a day, for 20 days each month.
Healing Solution #3: Supplements4
Kelp supplies minerals that are needed for hair growth and scalp healing,
especially iodine.
Selenium controls dry scalp.
Zinc lozenges, as zinc is needed for protein metabolism.
Healing Solution #4: Herbs
Dandelion root helps detoxify the liver, allowing toxins like dead fungal cells to
flush from the body.
Healing Solution #5: Diet
Some people have found that cutting back on sugar helps do away with dandruff.
Healing Solution #1: Seasonal Affective Disorder
Seasonal Affective Disorder is a specific type of depression that affects approximately
20% of Americans each winter when there is less light.
Full spectrum bulbs in every light fixture in your home except in the bedroom or
closets can help tremendously to chase away the SAD blues.
Most people affected by SAD are Vitamin D deficient, so take Vitamin D3 up to
10,000 IU daily. Be sure to take K2 with it as it is synergistic with it and helps with
Healing Solution #2: Homeopathic Remedies3
Homeopathic remedies can help in the early stages of depression, and there are
various remedies for the different causes of depression.
Arsenicum album 9C is recommended for depression that accompanies anxiety.
Healing Solution #3: Supplements4
L-tyrosine eases stress by boosting adrenaline, and raising dopamine levels.
Zinc, according to studies, is deficient in people with depression.
SAMe can provide relief from depression in as little as one week’s time.
Healing Solution #4: Herbs
St. John’s Wort is helpful for mild to moderate depression but is not
recommended for severe depression.
Kava Kava helps with depression but can cause drowsiness.
Healing Solution #5: Diet4
Bypass the hamburgers, French fries, and other foods high in saturated fats as
they can impair blood flow to the brain and increase depression.
Alternative treatments have been studied for Type 2 diabetes, and several have been
found to be effective in treating it.
Healing Solution #1: Glucomannan21
A dietary fiber that is water-soluble, glucomannan comes from the konjac root. It
delays food from emptying from the stomach, which allows a slower absorption of
dietary sugar, leading to lower after-meal blood sugar levels. Recommended
dosage is 500 to 700 mg per your intake of each 100 calories.
Healing Solution #3: Supplements21
Acetyl L-Carnitine helps with diabetic neuropathy, take 1000 mg 3 times daily.
Alpha lipoic acid boosts insulin sensitivity and helps diabetic neuropathy, take
600 mg to 1200 mg daily.
Biotim, 9 mg daily drops fasting glucose levels.
Chromium improves glucose levels.
Evening Primrose Oil at 4 grams per day improves nerve function.
Magnesium is found to be deficient in people with Type 2 diabetes.
Healing Solution #4: Herbs
Ginseng: American Ginseng lowers blood sugar spikes after the ingestion of
some form of sugar. Asian Ginseng, 200 mg daily, improves levels of blood
Gymnema lowers blood sugar.
Healing Solution #5: Diet19
Aloe effectively lowers blood sugar.
Diarrhea is one of those ailments that most of us want to treat immediately as it is so
uncomfortable. Often we treat the symptoms without thought for the cause, which is
usually something we ingested or, more rarely, a virus.
Healing Solution #1: Feed the Friendlies
Feed the friendly bacteria with acidophilus, preferable human strain as cow strain
lives only 3 days in the gut. Cultured or fermented foods also help, as does
yogurt with live cultures in it.
Healing Solution #2: Homeopathic Remedies3
From a virus, take Arsenicum Album 9C. 3 pellets, 3 times daily.
After heavy alcohol ingestion, Nux Vomica, 9 C. 3 pellets, 3 times daily.
Explosive diarrhea, take Croton Tiglium 9C. 3 pellets, 3 times daily.
Healing Solution #3: Supplements4
Activated Charcoal tablets or capsules absorb toxic elements from your colon.
Essential fatty acids help to form stools.
Kelp at 1000 mg daily replaces minerals lost when you have diarrhea.
Potassium at 99 mg daily replaces lost potassium.
Healing Solution #4: Herbs
Ginger in tea form can help with cramps.
Healing Solution #5: Diet4
Drink plenty of liquids and eat a light diet for a few days after a bout of diarrhea.
Dry Skin
There are two types of dry skin. Simple dry skin is the result of a lack of oils, whereas
complex dry skin lacks both natural oils and moisture. Poor diet, environmental factors,
and nutritional deficiencies are the most common causes.
Healing Solution #1: Your Environment
Limit exposure as much as possible to sun, cold, wind, chemicals, and cosmetics
that dry out your skin.
Bathe only with moisturizing soaps, and do not bathe excessively.
Healing Solution #2: Healing Aids
Aloe soothes, heals, and moisturizes without harsh chemicals.
Spritz your skin with an herbal or floral water throughout the day.
Organic Apple Cider Vinegar relieves the itching sometimes associated with dry
Use, borage oil, organic olive oil, or organic coconut oil as skin softeners.
Healing Solution #3: Supplements4
Evening Primrose Oil contains an essential fatty acid the skin needs.
Vitamin A helps to strengthen the skin. Take 25,000 IU daily for three months,
then reduce the dosage to 15,000 IU.
B-Complex helps with anti-aging.
Eye Problems
Our eyes need proper nourishment just as our bodies do. A diet that includes plenty of
vitamins and minerals will us maintain optimal eyesight.
Healing Solution #1: Bilberry
The anthocyanosides in bilberry may help with night vision, and they have been
shown to have protective effects against macular degeneration, cataracts, and
Healing Solution #2: Lutein
The stores of lutein in the eye lessen as we age, especially if our diets do not
replenish them. Sources of lutein include spinach and colorful fruits and
vegetables. Lutein reduces the chance of your getting macular degeneration.
Healing Solution #3: Eyebright
Eyebright eye drops soothe the eyes and can reverse conjunctivitis.
Healing Solution #4: Gingko Biloba
Gingko improves the flow of blood to the retina of the eye and also improves
blood flow to the brain.
Healing Solution #4: Eye Exercise
This exercise stimulates the muscles around your eyes and improves eyesight.
Without moving your head, look to the right, then down, then to the far left, then
up. Repeat this 3-4 times every morning.
Fatigue is a symptom that can occur with many illnesses. It is important to determine
whether your fatigue results from overwork, stress, sleeping problems, a poor diet, or
other lifestyle issues or is caused by an illness. The remedies below address fatigue
that is caused by lifestyle, not illness.
Healing Solution #1: Color Therapy4
Color is light and ultimately a form of energy due to its wavelengths. When this
energy enters our bodies, it stimulates both the pineal and the pituitary glands.
This in turn affects certain hormones that activate bodily processes. Color
influences our moods, thoughts, and behavior.
The colors we surround ourselves with or wear can energize us. Red stimulates
and excites, and orange reduces fatigue while it also stimulates the appetite.
Yellow also has an energizing effect, though less than red, and it can help in
relieving depression.
Healing Solution #2: Homeopathic Remedies3
For fatigue resulting from working hard, take 3 pellets, 3 times daily of Arnica
Montana 9C.
Insomnia induced fatigue improves with Coccculus Indicus 9C in a dosage of 3
pellets, 3 times daily.
For stiffness after sports, take Rhus Toxicodendron 9C, 3 pellets, 3 times daily.
Healing Solution #3: Supplements4
Bee pollen can dramatically increase energy.
An amino acid complex is quickly assimilated by the body to offer energy.
B-Complex can increase energy levels.
Healing Solution #4: Herbs
Herbs that help increase energy include: cayenne, gingko biloba, gotu kola, and
Healing Solution #5: Diet4
Energy robbing foods include: sugar, caffeine, alcohol, white flour products, fats,
and processed foods.
Healing Solution #6: Affirmation15
I love my life. I am filled with energy and enthusiasm. Repeat several times daily
for 30 days.
Hair Loss
Causative factors in hair loss include: hormones (especially overactive or underactive
thyroid activity), heredity, and aging. It can also accompany circulatory problems,
severe illness, sudden weight loss, diabetes, stress, poor diet, and nutritional
Healing Solution #1: Hair Tips
Be gentle with your hair. Let it air dry when you can. Avoid tension-creating
hairstyles like buns, pony tails, braids or cornrows.
Massage your scalp with oil. Sweet almond oil is a good choice as is organic
coconut oil. After the massage, work the oil through your hair and leave it there
for a half hour or more before shampooing. You will have just stimulated the
blood flow to your hair follicles and moisturized your hair to repair its brittleness.
Healing Solution #2: Homeopathic Remedies3
Take Phosphoricum Acidum 9 C, 3 pellets, 3 times daily for hair loss.
For patchy baldness, take Fluoricum Acidum 9 C, 3 pellets, 3 times daily.
Healing Solution #3: Supplements4
Take essential fatty acids such as Flaxseed Oil, Evening Primrose Oil, and
Salmon Oil to improve the texture of your hair and avoid brittleness.
Inositol, 100 mg twice daily, is essential for hair growth.
Take Biotin, 50 mg three times daily, as a deficiency of biotin has been
associated with hair loss.
Healing Solution #4: Herbs
Using a combination of organic apple cider vinegar and sage tea as a rinse will
help hair grow.
Horsetail is a source of silica, which is a necessary ingredient in hair growth.
Healing Solution #5: Diet4
Avoid raw eggs – They are rich in avidin, which is a protein that prevents Biotin
from being absorbed.
Headaches have many causes, but the experts theorize that 90 percent of them are
tension headaches, and only 6 percent of them are migraines. The remaining 4 percent
are related to factors such as exposure to irritants such as perfumes or pollution, TMJ,
hormonal imbalance, nutritional deficiencies, alcohol overindulgence, and smoking.
Healing Solution #1: Relief is in Your Fingers
Trigger point therapy can help. Often tension headaches are caused by a
tightening of the suboccipital muscles, which lie at the base of the skull on both
sides of the back of the neck. Lie down on your back with a tennis ball in this
area and gently work the tight areas for about 10 minutes.22
Aromatherapy also provides some headache relief. Essential oils for getting rid of
headaches include: Eucalyptus, Helichrysum, Lavender, Roman Chamomile,
Peppermint, and Spearmint.23
Healing Solution #2: Homeopathic Remedies3
For a throbbing headache, or one that is in the temples, take Belladonna 9 C, 3
pellets, 3 times a day.
For a feeling of pressure in the head, take Cimicifuga Racemosa 9 C, 3 pellets, 3
times daily.
For a headache that alternates from one side to the other, take Lac Caninum 9
C, 3 pellets, 3 times daily.
Hevert’s combo of Arnica and Rhus Toxicodendrum eases the pain of a
Healing Solution #3: Supplements4
Bromelain supplementation of 500 mg as needed helps to regulate the
inflammation involved in headaches.
Chelated Calcium of 1500 mg daily taken with 1000 mg Magnesium helps to
ease muscle tension.
Coenzyme Q10 and DMG (dimethylglycine) improve tissue oxygenation.
DL-Phenylalanine (DLPA) can be used for pain, but be sure you are not in one of
the groups that shouldn’t take it.
Glucosamine Sulfate is a natural alternative to aspirin.
Take L-Tyrosine, L-Glutamine, and Quercetin to relieve cluster headaches.
Healing Solution #4: Herbs
White Willow Bark is the precursor to and the natural version of aspirin.
Gingko Biloba may help certain headaches as it improves circulation to the brain.
Healing Solution #5: Diet4
Avoid the following as they are known to cause headaches in some people: ice cream,
iced drinks, chewing gum, and salt.
Heartburn may be misnamed, as it appears as a burning sensation in the stomach,
chest or throat. More common causes are spicy foods, fried foods, tomato-based foods,
citrus fruits, chocolate, coffee, and alcohol.
Rather than taming the beast that rages in your chest with drugs, try these natural
Healing Solution #1: Heartburn and Carbonated Drinks24
Either cut back on or give up carbonated drinks completely. While fizzy is fun
when it comes to drinks, the fizzy can seriously interfere with your digestion.
Carbonated soft drinks cause the stomach to distend to twice the amount that
drinking the same amount of water would do. This increased distention forces the
stomach acid to back up into the esophagus, resulting in heartburn.
Drinking carbonated drinks also causes the stomach acid level to rise for almost
an hour after consumption.
Healing Solution #2: Homeopathic Remedies3
Alternate Iris Versicolor 9 C and Sulphuricum Acidum, taking 3 pellets of each
three times a day.
Healing Solution #3: Supplements4
Aloe vera soothes and heals the intestinal tract. Be sure to get the aloe vera that
has the laxative properties removed.
Pancreatin plus Bromelain supplies the enzymes that are needed in digestion.
Papaya tablet are the five-star remedy for heartburn. Chew 5-10 of them and
drink a glass of water.
Healing Solution #4: Herbs
Catnip, ginger, and marshmallow root all aid in digestion.
Healing Solution #5: Diet4
If heartburn is a frequent problem, put one tablespoon of organic raw apple cider
vinegar in a glass of water and sip it with your meals.
If heartburn wakes you up in the middle of the night, do not eat for 3 hours before
High Blood Pressure
Hypertension cause the heart to work harder than it normally does. It is divided into two
categories: primary hypertension, which is not due to an underlying disease process,
and secondary hypertension. Typical causes of primary hypertension include stress,
obesity, smoking, excessive use of coffee and tea, drug abuse, overuse of salt, and use
of oral contraceptives.
Healing Solution #1: De-Stress Yourself
Meditation is a wonderful way to reduce stress and lower your blood pressure.
Massage therapy also works wonders for lowering blood pressure.
Deep breathing exercises when things get stressful can help lower your blood
pressure. After five minutes of deep breathing, we can often be ready to tackle
the next problem.
Healing Solution #2: Exercise Regularly and Lose Weight25
Inches matter, especially around your waist, when it comes to having a healthy
blood pressure. Men are at risk of having high blood pressure if their waist
measures greater than 40 inches, and women face the same fate if their waist
measures greater than 35 inches.
Healing Solution #3: Supplements4
Calcium (1500-3000 mg daily) and Magnesium (750-1000 mg daily) compensate
for the deficiencies noted in people with high blood pressure.
Garlic (2 capsules, 3 times daily) lowers blood pressure. In case you are worried
about the odor, you can get an odorless variety.
L-Carnitine (500 mg, 2 times daily on an empty stomach), L-Glutamic Acid (500
mg daily on an empty stomach), and L-Glutamine (500 mg daily on an empty
stomach) help to prevent heart disease. Add 50 mg of Vitamin B6 and 100 mg
Vitamin C for better absorption.
Take Selenium at 200 mcg daily because a deficiency of selenium has been
noted in heart disease.
Healing Solution #4: Herbs
Hawthorne berries and Rosemary have been useful in reducing high blood
Use Hops and Valerian root to calm stress.
Healing Solution #5: Diet4
Eat dark chocolate as it contains flavanols that boost the elasticity of our blood
Eliminate salt from your diet.
Eat Potassium-rich foods to lower blood pressure. They include sweet potatoes,
tomatoes, orange juice, potatoes, bananas, kidney beans, peas, cantaloupe,
honeydew melon, and dried fruits such as prunes and raisins. 26
Healing Solution #6: Solve Sleep Apnea
Approximate half of all people who have sleep apnea appear to have high blood
pressure. If you snore loudly, are excessively tired after what seemed to be a
good night’s sleep, or have headaches early in the morning, see a sleep
High Cholesterol
Cholesterol, despite its bad reputation, is actually necessary for the body to function
properly. Cholesterol, which is synthesized in the liver, is vitally important because it is
the precursor of our steroidal hormones, which control the functions in a vast portion of
the body.
What is important in determining whether you have high cholesterol is not the actual
total cholesterol number, but your HDL to LDL ratio. HDL is the ‘good’ cholesterol and
LDL is the ‘bad’ cholesterol.
Healing Solution #1: Lose Weight
Losing even 5-10 percent of your body’s weight can have a significant impact on
your cholesterol count.
Exercise raises you HDL and lowers your LDL. Start a good aerobic exercise
routine. Forty minutes, three times a week can make a significant difference in
your cholesterol counts and your overall health.
Healing Solution #2: Homeopathic Remedies3
A change in diet along with these homeopathic remedies can bring your
cholesterol and triglyceride levels back to normal: Podophyllum Peltatum,
Colchicum Autumnale, and Cholesterinum.
Healing Solution #3: Supplements4
Apple Pectin binds fats and heavy metals to lower cholesterol.
Calcium aspartate prevents low calcium levels, which impair heart function.
Chromium picolinate (400-600 mcg daily) improves the HDL to LDL ratio.
Fiber helps to lower cholesterol.
Lecithin capsules (1200 mg, 3 times a day) lowers cholesterol.
Healing Solution #4: Herbs4
Cayenne, Goldenseal, and Hawthorne berries are known to help lower
Healing Solution #5: Diet4
Use unrefined cold-pressed or expeller-pressed oils such as organic olive oil,
flaxseed oil, or coconut oil.
Do not eat nuts except for raw fresh walnuts.
Vegetables and fruits are cholesterol-free.
The flu begins like the common cold, many times with headaches, fatigue, and body
aches. Then a fever develops with you feeling hot one moment and chilled to the bone
the next. Then come the other parts like the dry throat and cough, nausea and vomiting,
and weakness.
While these remedies cannot keep you from catching the flu, they can help you get
through it, often faster than if it is left untreated. How quickly you recover depends on
your state of health when you caught it.
Healing Solution #1: Flu Chasers
Wild Oregano Oil is a fungicide, bactericide, and virucide. Put half a dropper full
in a glass of water and drink it twice a day.27
Colloidal Silver is another potent antiviral that can be used to chase the flu. Onehalf dropper of Colloidal Silver twice a day works well with Wild Oregano Oil as a
flu chaser.
Healing Solution #2: Homeopathic Remedies3
Oscillococcinum is the homeopathic remedy for flu that has goen mainstream
and can be found in pharmacies as well as health food stores. It contains Anas
barbariae 200CK HPUS as its main ingredient.
To prevent an attack of the flu, take Influenzium 30 C, 3 pellet a week from
October through April.
Healing Solution #3: Supplements4
Zinc lozenges are helpful with the flu just as they help you get over a cold.
Vitamin A is a powerful immune booster, take 15,000 IU daily unless you are
pregnant, and then do not exceed 10,000 IU.
Vitamin C with Bioflavonoids (5,000 to 20,000 daily) strengthens the immune
system via the white blood cells.
Healing Solution #4: Herbs
If necessary, catnip tea enemas lower flu-related fever.
Echinacea and Goldenseal tinctures help boost the immune system to get rid of
the flu. Both alcohol-based and glycerin-based tinctures are available.
Slippery Elm Bark lozenges help with sore throats and coughing.
Healing Solution #5: Diet4
Drink plenty of fluids such as herbal teas, fresh juices, soups.
Put some cayenne pepper in your chicken soup to help break up the congestion.
Memory Problems
Irish author and playwright of the 1800’s, Oscar Wilde, said “Memory... is the diary that
we all carry about with us.” But when those pages of our diary begin to dim at times, we
can all use a few of these remedies.
Healing Solution #1: Play Games
Games like crossword puzzles, Sudoku, computer games, and other mental
stimulation games help us keep our minds sharp and our memories intact.
Challenge yourself to remember songs, state capitals, or other things of interest
to you. Challenge your mind each day, as the more you exercise it, the better it
will remember.
Hold your breath for 30 seconds every hour for thirty days. This is supposed to
improve mental alertness.
Healing Solution #2: Homeopathic Remedies3
Memory loss with aging can be aided with Baryta Carbonica 9 C, 3 pellets. 3
times daily.
If you forget names, take Anacardium Orientale 9 C, 3 pellets, 3 times daily.
If you lose your train of thought, take Caladium Seguinum 9 C, 3 pellets, 3 times
Healing Solution #3: Supplements4
Acetylchoine maximizes your memory.
Take choline, 100 mg, 3 times a day to additionally increase levels of the most
important neurotransmitter, acetylcholine.
B-Complex improves memory.
Zinc (50-80 mg daily) binds toxic substances and removes them from the brain.
Healing Solution #4: Herbs
Gingko Biloba has been shown to increase blood flow to the brain, which is very
helpful to the memory.
Healing Solution #5: Diet4
Avoid dairy products and wheat products for a month to see if there is
improvement in your memory.
Motion Sickness
Symptoms of motion sickness vary, but include queasiness or nausea or vomiting with
traveling in any mode of transportation. Other symptoms may include fatigue, dizziness,
cold sweats, weakness, and pallor.
Natural remedies have been used quite successfully with motion sickness, but they
need to be started before you travel.
Healing Solution #1: Quick Remedies
When you travel, take some whole grain crackers and some olives with you. The
crackers give you something light to snack on if you get hungry, and olives help
with the nausea by decreasing salivation.
Beware of being around strong odors when you travel as they can exacerbate
Stay as cool as possible as someone with motion sickness tends to become
more nauseated when too warm.
Healing Solution #2: Homeopathic Remedies3
Bryonia and Cocculus indicus help motion sickness.
Healing Solution #3: Supplements4
Take 5 Charcoal tablets or capsules one hour before you travel, preferably not
with other remedies or medicines.
Also take 500 mg Magnesum one hour before travel as it acts as a nerve tonic.
Take 100 mg of Vitamin B6 one hour before your trip and again 2 hours later to
relieve nausea.
Healing Solution #4: Herbs
Ginger has long been known as a wonderful treatment for motion sickness. It
also prevents nausea and upset stomachs. Take 2 ginger capsules (about 1000
mg), starting one hour before your trip and then every three hours afterward.
Peppermint in tea or lozenge form is also great for calming your stomach.
Healing Solution #5: Diet4
Avoid alcohol before you travel as it causes problems with the inner ear.
Chew papaya tablets or eat raw papaya for the nausea.
Sinusitis can be acute, allergic, or chronic and involves an inflammation of the nasal
passages. The remedies below are geared toward solving acute sinusitis problems.
Healing Solution #1: Manuka Honey
Studies have shown that honey was much more effective at killing the bacteria
that cause sinusitis.28
Healing Solution #2: Homeopathic Remedies3
For acute sinusitis with a congested nose but no secretions, take Belladonna 9
C, 3 pellets, 3 times daily.
If your sinusitis has thick yellow secretions, take Hydrastis Canadensis 9 C, 3
pellets, 3 times a day.
For sinusitis with green secretions, use 3 pellets, 3 times daily of Kali Bichromium
9 C.
Healing Solution #3: Supplements4
Acidophilus (human strain) replaces the good bacteria in the colon if you have
taken antibiotics for your sinusitis.
Flaxseed Oil reduces inflammation.
Vitamin A enhances the immune system (10,000 IU daily).
Healing Solution #4: Herbs
Use Bitter Orange Oil to swab your nasal passages to bring relief to their
Take Mullein to reduce inflammation and soothe irritation.
Healing Solution #5: Diet4
Eliminate sugar from your diet and reduce your salt intake. Sugar depresses the
immune system.
Healing Solution #6: Neti Pot
Use distilled water with your neti pot. Put 4 drops of Wild Oregano Oil in it and a
dropper full of Colloidal Silver along with the sea salt. Rinse your sinuses twice
daily, once in the morning and once before bedtime.
Warts are caused by human papillomaviruses, of which there are over 60 that have
been identified. Warts can be found anywhere on the body. Because warts are caused
by viruses, they can be dispatched by natural virucides.
Healing Solution #1: Wild Oregano Oil
Put Wild Oregano Oil on the wart and cover it with a bandage. Replace the Wild
Oregano Oil and the bandage every few days until you notice that the wart is
ready to come off.
Healing Solution #2: Colloidal Silver
Put Colloidal Siler on the wart and cover it with a bandage, changing it every few
days until the wart looks ready to come off.
We hope you enjoy taking charge of your health.
1. U.S. Food and Drug Administration,
2. U.S. Food and Drug Administration,
3. Horvilleur, A. (1989). Acne. In The Family Guide to Homeopathy (2nd ed., p. 16).
VA: Health and Homeopathy Publishing.
4. Balch, M.D., J., & Balch,C.N.C, P. (1997). Acne. In Prescription for Nutritional
Healing (2nd ed., pp. 88-90). Garden City Park, NY: Avery Publishing Group.
5. Scientific American, ‘Bright Screens Could Delay Bedtime’ by Stephani
Sutherland, Dec 19, 2012,
6. Hevert’s Pain Relief,
7. Clouatre, D. (2001). SAMe: The Ultimate Methyl Donor (1st ed.). Los Angeles,
CA: Jarrow Formulas.
8. ‘Relieve Allergies the Natural Way’ by Colette Bouchez, WebMD,
9. ‘Natural Treatments for Your Seasonal Allergies’, by Dr. Lisa Lewis, ND, Lac,
10. ‘Massage: Get In Touch with Its Many Benefits’, Mayo Clinic:
11. Clinical Massage Research, American Massage Therapy Association,
12. ‘Aromatherapy Recipes for Anxiety’,,
13. ‘Arnica for Pain?’ By Dr. Andrew Weil,
14. ‘What Is Back Pain? Fast Facts: An Easy-to-Read Series of Publications for the
Public’, National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases,
15. Hay, L. (1987). You can heal your life. Santa Monica, CA: Hay House.
16. Davies, C. (2004). The trigger point therapy workbook: Your self-treatment guide
for pain relief (2nd ed.). Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications.
17. “Water: How Much Should You Drink Every Day?’, Mayo Clinic,
18. ‘What is a neti pot? And why would you use one?’ by James T C Li, M.D., Ph.D.,
Mayo Clinic,
19. ‘Dandruff is Caused by Scalp Fungus!’ by Dr. Joseph Mercola,
20. ‘Simple, Inexpensive Remedies for Seasonal Affective Disorder’ by Dr. Joseph
21. ‘Alternative Treatments for Type 2 Diabetes’, Prevention Magazine,
22. “How to Relieve Headaches Using Trigger Points’, The Alternative Daily,
23. ‘Aromatherapy for Headaches’,,
24. ‘How drinking carbonated soft drinks can contribute to acid reflux problems’ by
Dr. David Williams,
25. ‘10 ways to control high blood pressure without medication’, Mayo Clinic,
26. ’13 Ways to Lower Blood Pressure Naturally’, Prevention Magazine,
27. ‘What Are the Health Benefits of Oregano?’ by Dr. Joseph Mercola,
28. ‘Honey Kills Bacteria That Causes Chronic Sinusitus’ by Dr. Joseph Mercola,