Download Honors Biology Chapter 6 – Respiration – How Cells Harvest

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Honors Biology Chapter 6 –
Respiration – How Cells Harvest Chemical Energy
Mr. Pomatto
Cells that can sustain repeated, long contractions (long distance running) but don’t generate a lot of quick power
for the body are called… ______________________________________
Cells that can contract more quickly and powerfully but fatigue much more easily; they function best for short
bursts of intense activity like weight lifting or sprinting are called ___________________________________.
White chicken meat is composed of _________________________ cells
Dark Chicken meat is composed of _________________________cells.
Which of the above produces ATP aerobically? _______________________________________
Which of the above produces ATP anaerobically? _______________________________________
Aerobic processes use …_______.
Anaerobic processes can take place in the absence of _______.
The aerobic harvesting of energy from sugar by muscle fibers is called _________________________________.
***Cellular respiration produces… 1. ____________ 2. _____________ 3. _______________
6.1 Breathing supplies oxygen to our cells and removes carbon dioxide.
 The act of breathing takes in _______ and expels _______.
 Oxygen carried by blood is essential for cells to be able to perform _________________________________.
6.2 Cellular Respiration banks energy in ATP molecules.
 Write the chemical equation for respiration below.
Roughly how many kilocalories of energy can be obtained from a tablespoon of glucose? ___________.
What percent of the energy contained within a glucose molecule is a cell able to store in ATP molecules?
How is the other 60% of the energy lost? ____________________.
Is this energy – conversion efficient? _________.
How efficient is an automobile engine at converting chemical energy in gas to kinetic energy? _______%
How efficient is a muscle cell operating anaerobically (without oxygen)? _______%
Think Critically…
- Some long distance running/skiing athletes take illegal drugs to increase their red blood cell counts. How does
this give them an unfair advantage over other athletes?
6.3 The human body uses energy from ATP for all its activities.
 What percent of the energy produced by your body daily is used to simply keep you alive _______%
 On average, adults need to consume ______________ kcal of energy per day.
 What do you think happens to extra calories that are not used up each day?
6.4 Cells tap energy from electrons transferred from organic fuels.
 Simply stated, cellular respiration ______________________________ glucose and uses
______________________________ to build new molecules.
 During respiration, cells transfer energy from glucose to _______.
 Hydrogen atoms consist of an __________________ and a _________________________.
6.5 Hydrogen carriers such as NAD+ shuttle electrons in redox reactions.
 Oxidation is the __________ of electrons.
 Reduction is the ________ of electrons.
 When NAD+ accepts electrons and hydrogen it becomes ____________.
6.6 Redox reactions release energy when electrons “fall” from a hydrogen carrier to oxygen.
 Electrons release from NADH travel along the ____________________ ______________________
_____________________ .
6.7 Two mechanisms generate ATP
 Every cell in every organism relies on energy from _______.
 _____________________________________ attaches a phosphorus to ADP to make ATP.
 The enzyme that makes ATP in this process is called _______ _________________________.
6.8 Overview: Respiration occurs in 3 main stages.
 Glucose is broken down into ________________________ .
 Some _______ is made.
 Some NADH is made.
 Kreb’s Cycle
 Takes place in the ________________________________.
 Some ______ is made
 Some ______ is made
 MAD _______ IS MADE.
6.9 Glycolysis harvests chemical energy by oxidizing glucose to pyruvic acid
 Although glycolysis produces _______ ATP, it uses _______ ATP, for a net gain of ______ ATP for each
molecule glucose.
 Glycolysis IS NOT very efficient.
 Higher forms of life cannot produce enough ATP from glycolysis alone.
 Name 2 organisms that can survive from ATP produced in glycolysis alone.
 ______________________________
 ______________________________
6.10 Pyruvic acid is chemically groomed for the Kreb’s Cycle
 Before entering the Krebs cycle the Pyruvic Acid must first diffuse into the ___________________________
 It must then be _____________________________ while a molecule of NAD+ is reduced to NADH.
 A Carbon atom is removed from it and _________ is released.
 Whats left of pyruvic acid than reacts with ____________________________________________.
6.11 The Krebs cycle completes the oxidation of organic fuel, generating many NADH and FADH2 molecules.
 Name 3 energy rich molecules produced by the Krebs Cycle
 ________ , ________ , and ________
 Using the diagram on p. 99 answer the following… (follow cycle clockwise!)
 What molecule starts off the Krebs Cycle? __________________________
 What by by-product is produced almost immediately ? _________
 NAD+ is ______________________.
 What by-product is again released? _________
 ________ is made and NAD+ is __________________.
 FAD is ______________________ into FADH2.
 NAD+ is ________________________into NADH.
6.12 Chemiosmosis powers most ATP production.
 H+ concentration gradient drives the production of ATP by ATP _____________________.
 NADH feeds the ETC by oxidizing and releasing electrons and ____________________.
 ___________________________ atoms build-up outside the inner membrane of the mitochondria
 Oxygen is essential here because it accepts and Hydrogen to form ______________.
 Mad ATP is made during chemiosmosis – way more than glycolysis and the kreb’s cycle combined
 Note how the structure of the mitochondria helps its function.
 Sketch a mitochondria below and show the H concentration gradient that powers Chemiosmosis.
6.13 Certain poisons interrupt critical events in cellular respiration
 How does Rotenone kill organisms?
 How does Cyanide kill organisms?
 How does Oligomycin kill organisms?
6.14 Review: Each molecule of glucose yields many molecules of ATP.
 Most ATP production generated by cellular respiration occurs during ______________________________.
 ATP yield depends heavily on an adequate supply of ___________________________.
 List amount of ATP produced by each stage below
 Glycolysis
________ATP (Net)
 Kreb’s Cycle
 ETC and Chemiosmosis ________ATP
 What is the maximum ATP that can be obtained from a single glucose molecule? _________ATP
6.15 Fermentation is an anaerobic alternative to aerobic respiration
 There are 2 types of anaerobic respiration.
 #1 - Alcoholic Fermentation
 Pyruvic acid is converted into CO2 and Ethanol (Ethyl Alcohol)
 During Alcoholic fermentation, organisms produce small amounts of ATP and release 2 by-products – list
them below.
 ____________________________________
 __________
 Name 2 products produced from alcoholic fermentation reactions.
 _________________________
 _________________________
 _________________________
Think Critically…
Why is there a limit to the percentage of alcohol in wine?
 #2 – Lactic Acid Fermentation
 Also anaerobic
 Can occur in many kinds of cells including yeast and muscle cells.
 No CO2 is created
 ATP is the same as alcoholic fermentation because it is generated during _________________________.
 Pyruvic Acid is converted to Lactic acid which eventually is sent to the __________________ and
converted back into pyruvic acid.
 Fast muscle cells produce lactic acid during strenuous exercise – excessive build-up of this acid in muscle
tissue can cause soreness days later.
 Strict Anaerobes
 Require anaerobic conditions
 Poisoned by oxygen
 Found in ___________________ ponds or deep in the ___________.
 Facultative anaerobes
 Can make ATP by ______________________________ or __________________________________.
 Can tolerate O2
 Yeasts and many other bacteria can do this.
 To make beer and wine, yeasts must be grown _____________________________________ so that
they will ferment ______________________ and produce __________________________.
Think Critically –
If during the fermentation of wine, CO2 is not allowed to escape the cask, what will be produced?
Helpful diagrams…
Aerobic Respiration…
Anaerobic Respiration…