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The Epistles of John
Miracle Life School of Power Ministry
Week 14 – 31 Jan 2012
Seven Tests 2:3-29
a. Test 1: Obeying God’s commands 2:3-6
b. Test 2 : Loving one’s neighbour 2:7-11
c. Test 3 : Remembering your Spiritual growth
d. Test 4 : Not loving the World 2:15-17
e. Test 5 : Guarding against Antichrists or False
teachers 2:18-23
f. Test 6 : Letting the Gospel remain in you
g. Test 7 : Continuing, Abiding in Christ 2:28-29
Test 7 : Continuing in Christ 2:28-29
This is the final test to know if we really know God.
Do we continue in Christ? Remember : Christ is the
only person who ever came ‘out of’ heaven, out of
spiritual world and dimension
He is the son of God who came to earth to reveal
who God is and to show us what life is all about
Jesus Christ is of the very nature of God. He is
righteous just like God is righteous. He always did
what was right; He was righteous in every detail of
life just like God is righteous.
Therefore, when we continue in Christ, we continue
in the very nature of God.
Test 7 : Continuing in Christ 2:28-29
We live like God lives, and we live life like it
should be lived.
We live righteous lives; we try to do all
things right just like God.
Consequently, the person who continues
and lives in Christ is the person who knows
God, but the person who does not continue
in Christ does not know God.
The test of salvation, of whether or not we
know God, is this: Do we continue in Christ?
Test 7 : Continuing in Christ 2:28-29
1. The test : Do we continue in
Christ? v28
2. The purpose for continuing : That
we may have confidence & not be
ashamed at Christ’s return v28
3. The proof of continuing: Living a
righteous life v29
– Knowing that He is righteous
– Being born again
Do we continue in Christ? v28
The word ‘continue’ means to dwell, stay, sojourn,
rest in or upon.
It is being set and fixed and remaining there ;
continuing on and on in a fixed state, condition, or
It is being at home and being permanent and
Therefore, to continue in Christ means….
To continue to stay in Christ
To be set and fixed in Christ and to remain in Him.
To be at home in Christ; to find our permanent
home in Him and to be settled in Him.
Do we continue in Christ? v28
The basic idea is just like dwelling in a
house. We are to dwell in Christ, in the kind
of life He showed us how to live.
He lived a righteous life, a life that was
always right toward God and man.
Therefore, we are to make our home in
Christ, to dwell and move about in the
righteous life of Christ
We are to be right with God and man just
like He was
Do we continue in Christ? v28
When a person continues in Christ, what
kind of life does he live?
Very practically, what kinds of things does
he do? How does he behave toward God
and man? Scripture says the following:
Continuing in Christ means that a person
confesses that Jesus Christ is the son of
He believes the love that God has shown
him in Christ, and he loves God because of
what God has done for him.
1 John 4:15-16.
Do we continue in Christ? v28
Continuing in Christ means that a person
walks and fellowships with Christ.
He lives and moves and has his being in
Christ. Acts 17:28
He communes and lives in a consciousness
of the Lord’s presence, and from the Lord’s
presence he learns of God, and he draws
the strength and authority to live victoriously
day by day.
1 John 2:6 – Walk as Jesus did
1 John 2:27, Psalm 16:11, Prov 3:5-6
Do we continue in Christ? v28
Continuing in Christ means that a person
walks in open confession before God.
He walks hour by hour all day long opening
up his life to God; he constantly confesses
that he is short of God’s glory and any
known sin that he slips into.
He does not walk in sin, and he does not
allow any sin to go un-confessed.
1 John 1:6-10
Continuing in Christ means that a person
continues in the Word of Christ and knows
the truth. John 8:31-32
Do we continue in Christ? v28
Continuing in Christ means that a person
lets the Word of God continue in his life.
1 John 2:14, 24
Continuing in Christ means that a person
experiences the indwelling presence and
witness of the Spirit. 1 John 4:12-13
Continuing in Christ means that a person
has power to live like he should.
John 15:7
Continuing in Christ means that a person
dwells in love and in unity and fellowship
with all other believers John 17:21-23,
1 John 4:20
Do we continue in Christ? v28
Continuing in Christ means that a person
bears fruit and lives a very fruitful life.
John 15:5, Gal 5:22-23.
Continuing in Christ means that a person
loves others, that he lives and walks in love
toward others. 1 John 4:12-13
Continuing in Christ means that a person
remains in the church; he has not gone out
from the church. 1 John 2:19, 1 John 3:6
Continuing in Christ means that a person
possesses confidence, an unashamedness
in life that prepares him for eternity.
1 John 2:28
Do we continue in Christ? v28
Continuing in Christ means that a person
actively surrenders himself to obey God’s
commandments. 1 John 3:24.
Continuing in Christ means that a person
loves his brother. 1 John 2:10, 3:14-15.
Continuing in Christ means that a person
does the will of God. 1 John 2:17
Continuing in Christ means that a person
experiences the continuous presence and
anointing of the Holy Spirit. 1 John 2:27,
Purpose for continuing v28
That we may have confidence and not be
ashamed when Christ returns. Two
significant points :
1. Jesus Christ is coming again. Scripture
emphatically declares that He is going to
return to earth again.
• He is coming to consummate human history
and to judge the earth – every man and
woman who has ever lived. This is the
constant declaration of the scripture…
• Mat 16:27, 25:31-32, John 5:22, 28-29,
1 Cor 4:5, 2 Cor 5:10, 2 Tim 4:1, 1 Pet 1:17,
Jude 1:14-15, Rev 20:12, 22:12.
Purpose for continuing v28
2. All the people is to be prepared for the return of
• How can we prepare? By doing just what we
discussed earlier – continue in Christ.
• If we continue in Christ we will have confidence and
not be ashamed before Him at His coming.
• The word “confident” means boldness assurance. It
has the idea of unshakeable boldness and
• If we continue in Christ now, today, and everyday
hereafter, we can have unshakeable confidence and
assurance and even boldness when Jesus Christ
returns to earth.
• The word “unashamed” means not to shrink back;
not to sense guilt and disgrace; not to feel
Purpose for continuing v28
If we do not continue in Christ, we shall be ashamed
when Jesus Christ returns to earth.
Note the fact that is ignored by believers :
There shall be shame, disgrace and embarrassment
when Christ returns
Some believers will shrink back from Christ
The picture of nothing but joy and rejoicing when
Christ returns is not true picture.
There is going to be judgment ; the judgement of
every man’s works no matter what the works are,
and there shall be the judgment of sinners no matter
who they are, all unbelievers.
Purpose for continuing v28
There shall be joy and rejoicing for some
believers, for those who have been
continuing in Christ.
But there will be shame, guilt, disgrace, and
embarrassment – a shrinking back, for those
who have been walking unfaithfully.
Acts 10:42, 17:31, Rom 2:16, 14:10,
1 Cor 3:12-15, 2 Cor 5:10, 2 Tim 4:1
Proof of continuing v29
What is the proof ? Living a righteous life.
If a person continues in Jesus Christ, he lives
a righteous life - this is the supreme and final
proof that a person knows God.
We can always tell if a person knows God by
the fruit and treasure of his life; is he living a
righteous life, a life just like Jesus Christ
lived? This is exactly what Jesus Christ said.
Mat 7:16-18, 12:35.
There is one reason why a person who
knows Christ lives a righteous life. The
person knows that Jesus Christ is righteous,
sinless son of God.
Proof of continuing v29
He was sinless before he ever came to earth.
He was sinless when he lived on earth.
He walked as a man upon earth and he lived
a perfect and righteous life as a man.
Therefore, he secured the perfect and ideal
righteousness for man.
This is the very reason Jesus Christ was able
to bear the sins of man and die for them.
As the perfect and ideal man, God was able
to accept His death as the perfect sacrifice
for sin.
Proof of continuing v29
Therefore, the person who truly believes in Jesus
Christ lives in the righteousness of Christ.
He continues, dwells, lives and moves in the
righteousness of Jesus Christ.
He trusts and casts himself upon the righteousness
of Christ, and he continues day by day to trust and
cast himself upon His precious Lord and His
This is the way we can tell whether or not a person is
born of God, whether or not God has given a new
birth to a person.
If a person honours God’s son by trusting and
casting himself upon the righteousness of His son,
God takes that person and honours him.
Proof of continuing v29
God gives him a new life, a spiritual birth.
God makes a new creation out of him, a
spiritual man.
The true believer becomes a new creation,
the new man of God. 1 John 2:29
The person who lives a righteous life is the
person who knows God. God is righteous His
very nature is righteousness.
Therefore, a person who lives a righteous life
is the person who has the nature of God.
He is the person who allows God’s nature to
be lived out and through his life.
Proof of continuing v29
If a person does not have the nature of God,
then he does not live out the life of God.
He does not live a righteous life.
We can tell whether or not a person knows
God by the life he lives.
John 3:3-5 – Born again
2 Cor 5:17 – New Creation
Eph 4:24 – New self
Col 3:10 – New self
1 Pet 1:23 – Born again
1 John 5:1 - Born of God.