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You May Be Concerned About:
 Air borne pollutants are the greatest cause of illness due to unconventional gas
mining. Short term health effects include skin rashes, nausea and vomiting,
abdominal pain, breathing difficulties, eye irritation and nosebleeds.
 Serious health problems include reduced brain function, cancer in people of all
ages, birth defects and developmental problems in growing children.
 Many cases have arisen in the US where the process has been used for decades.
Reduced land available to farming.
Continual disturbance due to trucks carrying fracking fluids to and from drilling
Cases of contaminated soil
Farming produce with unacceptable levels of pollutants for sales to continue.
Land that cannot be sold or insured.
 Contamination of aquifers resulting in undrinkable water for people and cattle.
 Reduction of water table levels through use of megalitres in the extraction
 Leakage of contaminants through large areas through linkage of aquifers.
 Uranium and asbestos have been found in groundwater as a result of leaks from
fracking in New South Wales and Queensland.
Contaminated land and food will affect your long term incomes, whereas
unconventional gas mining tends to be short term and employ few people.
The tourism industry will be affected by unsightly gas fields, pollution and loss of
reputation for fresh, clean food.
Sales of food for domestic and hospitality use will be affected.
Methane gas released by unconventional gas mining processes is up to 21 times as
powerful a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide.
Most importantly let the Victorian Government know what YOU think.