Download Pediatrics as a science about a healthy and sick child. Periods

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Document related concepts
Pediatrics as a science about a
healthy and sick child. Periods
childhood. Health groups. Dentist
importance in child’s health care.
General birth rate of the
population, ‰=
The number of people which were born alive during one year×1000
Mid-annual population
General mortality rate of the
population, ‰=
 The
number died during one year ×1000
 Mid-annual population
Infant mortality rate, ‰ =
 Number
of infant which were born alive
and under the age of one year×1000
 The common number of infant which were
born alive for a year
Neonatal mortality rate, ‰=
 Number
of infant which were born alive
and have died on the first month of a
 The common number of infant which were
born alive during one year
Early neonatal mortality rate, ‰=
The number of infant which were born alive and
have died in the first 6 days×1000
 The common number of infant which were born
alive during one year
Stillbirth rate, ‰=
 The
number of infant which were born
dead after 28 weeks of pregnancy×1000
The number of infant which were born
alive and dead during one year
Health indices
Demographically indices (birth rate, mortality
rate, neonatal mortality rate , early neonatal
mortality rate , still birth rate, infant mortality
rate ).
 Morbidity indices (primary, general, according to
preventive services, hospital morbidity, morbidity
with temporary disability ).
 Invalidity indices
(primary, general).
 Indices of physical development.
Health groups
I. Healthy children without any deflections according to all
signs of health; they don’t get ill or get sick rarely; children
with insignificant deflections which don’t influence health
condition and don’t need any correction.
 II A. Children with burdened biological history (pathology of
pregnancy, pathologic or difficult labor, multiple pregnancy,
immature pregnancy, complicated early neonatal period) and
aggravated social history (harmful parents’ habits, divorced
parents, orphans, etc.), but with normal physical and
psychomotor development, without functional disorders.
 II-B. Children with functional disorders; children which have
been ill often and longly; with often and long episodes of virus
respiratory diseases; children with risk of developing chronic
pathology; reconvalescent children after severe acute diseases.
 III. Children with chronic pathology in compensation.
 IV. Children with chronic pathology in subcompensation.
 V. Children with chronic pathology in decompensation.
Risk group- Children from the II health group, which
haven’t developed chronic pathology, but they have
different functional and morphological deflections
that may course change the health condition for the
Risk groups:
 with risk of developing pathology of central nervous
 immature babies;
 with risk of developing throphical disorders;
 with risk of developing anemia;
 with risk of developing respiratory pathology;
 with congenital defects;
 group of social risk.
Prenatal period: it lasts from conception
to birth. Prenatal period is divided into
embryonic and fetal periods.
Embryonic period begins from conception to 8
weeks of gestations.
 Fetal period lasts from 8 to 40 weeks of
intrauterine life (by the birth).
 A rapid growth rate and total dependency makes
this one of the most crucial periods in the
developmental process. The relationship
between maternal health and certain
manifestations in the newborn emphasizes the
importance of adequate prenatal care to the
health and well-being of the infant.
The common diseases that appear in embryonic period
 anencephalia,
 hydrocephaly,
 pylorostenosis,
 congenital malformation of lungs, kidney,
 congenital heart defect.
 The common diseases that appear in fetal period
 microsomia – decreased sizes of some parts of the
 hypoplasia – organ or system of organs
 macrosomia – increased sizes of some parts of the
 intrauterine infection (herpetic infection, hepatitis,
rubella, mycoplasmosis, toxoplasmosis).
Infancy period: it lasts from birth to 12
months. Infancy is divided into neonatal
and infancy.
Neonatal period: it begins from birth of the baby and
lasts by 28 days.
 Infancy lasts from 1 to 12 months.
 The infancy period is one of rapid motor, cognitive,
and social development. Through mutuality with the
caregiver (mother), the infant establishes a basic trust
in the world and the foundation for future
interpersonal relationships. The critical first month of
life, although the part of the infancy period, is often
differentiated from the remainder because of the
major physical adjustments to extrauterine existence
and the psychologic adjustment of the mother.
The common diseases that appear in neonatal period:
intrauterine infection,
birth ingeries (cephalhematoma, caput succedaneum, skull fracture,
fractures of clavicle, humerus, facial paralysis, brachial palsy).
The common diseases that appear in infancy:
rickets, rachitis,
acute diarrhea,
acute respiratory virus infections,
acute pneumonia,
infantile eczema.
Early childhood includes the children in age
from 1 to 6 years. It is divided into toddler and
preschool periods.
Toddler period lasts from 1 to 3 years.
Preschool period begins from 3 years and ended at 6
 This period, which extends from the time children
attain upright locomotion until they enter school, is
characterized by intense activity and discovery. It is a
time of marked physical and personality
development. Motor development advances steadily.
Children at this age acquire language and wider social
relationships, learn role standards, gain self-control
and mastery, develop increasing awareness of
dependence and independence, and begin to develop
a self-concept.
The common diseases that appear in toddler period:
acute children infections (rubella, measles,
scarlet fever, pertussis, chickenpox, dysentery).
The common diseases that appear in preschool
acute children infections (rubella, measles,
scarlet fever, pertussis, chickenpox, dysentery),
bronchial asthma,
Middle childhood: it lasts from 6 to
12 years.
Middle childhood includes prepubertal period: it begins from
10 years and completes at 12 years.
 Frequently referred to as the "school age," this period of
development is one in which the child is directed away from
the family group and is centered around the wider world of
peer relationships. There is steady advancement in physical,
mental, and social development with emphasis on developing
skill competencies. Social cooperation and early moral
development take on more importance with relevance for later
life stages. This is a critical period in the development of a
 A developmental task is a set of skills and competencies
peculiar to each developmental stage that children must
accomplish or master in order to deal effectively with their
 The
common diseases that appear in middle
 chronic
heart diseases (myocarditis,
 chronic kidneys diseases (pyelonephritis,
 diseases of nervious systems,
 scoliosis,
 disease of eye sight.
Later childhood (adolescence period): it
lasts from 12 to 18 years.
The tumultuous period of rapid maturation and
change known as adolescence has been described in
various ways. It is considered to be a transitional
period that begins at the onset of puberty and extends
to the point of entry into the adult world - usually
high school graduation. Biologic and personality
maturation are accompanied by physical and
emotional turmoil, and there is redefining of the selfconcept. In the late adolescent period the child begins
to internalize all the previously learned values and to
focus on an individual, rather than a group, identity.
 The
common diseases that appear in later
 dysfunction of the nervous system,
 dysfunction of the cardiovascular system,
 dysfunction of the digestive system,
 dysfunction of the endocrine system,
 chronic heart diseases (myocarditis,
 chronic kidneys diseases (pyelonephritis,
 diseases of the nervous systems.