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This signed Agreement must be received before the manuscript can be scheduled for publication. Please fill in and sign as indicated. Fax, email or mail to: Mattson Publishing Services, 2002 Holly Neck Road, Baltimore, MD 21221 USA Email: [email protected], Fax: 410‐391‐2542 Transmittal #:__________ Author(s):_________________________________________________________________________________________ Title:_____________________________________________________________________________________________ Copyright of the above work is hereby transferred to (please check the box next to the journal in which your article will appear). Institute of Mathematical Statistics Association Publications de l’Institute Henri Poincaré □ Annals of Applied Probability □ Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré (B) Probabilités et Statistiques □ Annals of Probability □ Annals of Applied Statistics Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics & Probability □ Annals of Statistics □ Bernoulli □ IMS Collections □ Statistical Science Brazilian Statistical Association
□ Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics Effective if and when the work is accepted for publication. This copyright applies to the extent transferable for U.S. Government employees, see item B, below. However, the author(s) reserve the following: 1. All proprietary rights other than copyright, such as patent rights. 2. The rights to use all or part of this work (with appropriate reference to the journal and article) in future works of their own, such as lectures, press releases, reviews, textbooks, or reprint books. 3. The right to place the final version of this article (exactly as published in the journal) on their own homepage or in a public digital repository, provided there is a link to the official journal site. The right to provide a copy of the final peer‐reviewed manuscript to the NIH upon acceptance for publication, for 4. public archiving in PubMed Central as soon as possible but no later than 12 months after publication. A. All authors must sign this form. In the case of a "work made for hire," a representative of the employer may send an equivalent form. This form may be duplicated for signing by co‐authors. _____________________________ _____________________________ Signature Signature _____________________________ _____________________________ Name (Please Print) Name (Please Print) _____________________________ ______________________________ Date Date B. I certify that the above author(s) wrote their paper as part of their work as U.S. Federal Government employees. _____________________________ ______________________________ Signature Agency _____________________________ ______________________________ Title, if not author Date