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 pain in the ear with mastication and speech is diagnostic of: ---------- Pain in CSOM indicates ----- Ear pain in diabetic old patient with granulations in the floor of the external canal &
facial paralysis is mostly -------------------, & the causative organism is ------------- The 1st measure to be carried out in a child with fever, rt ear ache and deviation of
angle of mouth to the left and inability to close the right eye is: ----------------- Cholesteatoma presenting as marginal perforation is best managed by:------- Treatment of acute coallescent mastoiditis is ------------------------------- Vertigo during ear wash is due to: --------------------------------------------- The PDF for otitic baro-trauma is:--------------------------------------- CSF otorrhea, CHL, LMNL facial paralysis indicates -----------fracture skull base.
 unilateral tinnitus followed by progressive SNHL is suspicious of ---------- 35ys female with rt tinnitus red ,shadow behind T.M, 180/110 is highly
suspicious of ------------------------& diagnostic investigation is -------------------------------- Cochlear otosclerosis is treated by (Hearing aid --- stapedectomy---- medical ttt.)
 The most diagnostic investigation in acoustic neuroma is:
 ABR is of value in diagnosis of -------------------- Low frequency SNHL occurs in -------------------- Meniere’s disease with mild SNHL is never treated by;
(Medical ttt. ---- Succus decompression – vestibular neurectomy – labyrinthectomy)
 Rinne negative = CHL not occurs in (Otosclerosis – OME – Meniere’s disease)
 30 yr female with bilateral progressive CHL & normal tympanic membrane --------------- 30 yr. female with aural polyp, facial paralysis, hearing loss & dysphonia. The most
probable diagnosis is:
(complicated cholesteatoma – acoustic neuroma – glomus tumour—acute otitis media)
 Tests to assess hearing sensitivity includes the following except
( Pure tone audiometry – tympanometry – tuning fork test – Auditory brainstem
 Recurrent acute otitis media in 2 yr old child with cleft palate is better treated by
( Hearing aid – adenoidectomy – Myringotomy &ventilation tubes—only
repeated courses of antibiotics)
 Cardinal symptoms of CSOM includes the following except:
( Hearing loss ---- Tinnitus ----- Discharge ---- Earache)
 Commonest cause of LMNL facial paralysis is ---------- hearing assessment at 1 yr old is done by
( ABR – Play audiometry – Pure tone audiometry)
 bilateral profound SNHL with failure of hearing aid is treated by ------------- Medial wall of middle ear ?? Anterior wall of middle ear????
 Normal CSF values (glucose------? Protein-------? Chloride------? Pressure-----?)
 Answers:
Frunclosis – Acute infection or complications - malignant otitis externa,
pseudomonas – myringotomy – surgery – Cortical mastoidectomy + myrin
gotomy + antibiotics. – caloric stimulation( use of too hot or too cold water) –
eustacian tube dysfunction . – longitudinal – acoustic neuroma – glomus tumour,
angiography – hearing aid – MRI – acoustic neuroma - Meniere's disease labyrinthectomy – Meniere's - otosclerosis - Glomus tumour – tympanometry –
myringotomy + T-tube - Earache – Bell's palsy – ABR – Cochlear implant -