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Annex I to IOM NO. 218/10
Brief on Forms of Communication
Written communications may have different categories, such as, Letter, Memorandum, Office
Memorandum, Demi-Official Letter, Un-official Letter, Un-official Note, Endorsement and
Office Order.
A brief explanation of each of the above is as under:
1. Letter
An official letter purporting to convey the views or orders of the Management is written under the
direction of the Rector or a Director. It is used for all formal sanctions and communications to
other departments outside the University or campuses. It should use letter head of the University
or the campus, number and date, name and designation of the addressee, subject, salutation, main
text of the letter and name, designation of the Sender, his signature with his telephone number.
2. Office Memorandum
This form is be used for correspondence between various campuses and for conveying
information usually not amounting to an order of the management. It is written in the third person
and should bear no salutations except the signature and designation of the officer signing it. Since
this University is conducting most of its communication electronically, Office Memorandum
form is used for conveying orders of the Rector and other authorities.
3. Memorandum
This form should be used for correspondence between the campuses and their subordinate offices
in a campus. It should be written in the third person and should bear no salutations or
subscriptions except the signature and designation of the officer signing it.
4. Demi-Official letter
This form should be used in correspondence between campuses and Head Office when it is
desired that a matter should receive the personal attention of the individual addressed. A demiofficial communication should be addressed to an officer by name. It should be written in the first
person singular with the salutation: “My dear or “Dear Mr.” and end with “Yours sincerely.” The
expression ‘My dear’ should normally be used for an officer of the same status or an officer one
step higher in status and “Dear Mr.” if the officer to be addressed is two or more steps higher in
status. The name and designation of the sender with titles, if any, should also be typed.
5. Un-official note
An un-official (u.o.) note should be made by sending a note on the file itself. This method of
consultation could be employed between campuses and the Head Office.
6. Endorsement
This form should be used when a copy of a communication is to be forwarded to others in
addition to the original addressee. The endorsement may take one of the following forms:— “A
copy (with a copy of the letter replied to) is forwarded to for information/necessary
action/guidance/for compliance.”