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Project Evaluation Review
Project Details
Project Name
Regional Fatigue Stops and Alcohol Checkpoints
July 2013 – June 2014
Project Team
Linda Anderson
Inspector Andy Sloan
Senior Sergeant Greg Brown
Project Completion Review
Project Plan
Project Plan Evaluation Review
Project Goal
“To reduce the incidence and severity of road traffic crashes involving fatigue and to increase
the overall safety for all road users.”
Time Reconciliation
July 2013
June 2014
As planned
Scope Reconciliation
Planned Objectives
Research used to provide justification and
implementation of this projects:
Strategic alignment included:
-Safer Journeys
-Communities at Risk Register
-NZTA Briefing Notes
-Road Safety Action Plan
outcomes are included in the Project
Plan and statistics are updated yearly
-NZ Police Strategies
Project management is used to plan and
implement this project
Project Review
Achieved / Partial
Project Plan:
-Does the goal support the intended
outcome of the project: “A safe road
system that is increasingly free of road
deaths and serious injuries” (Safer
Journeys Strategy 2020)
-Is the focus (road safety issue) of the
project clearly identified?
-Is there a comparison between National
& Local/Regional statistics
-Is the magnitude of the problem
-Does the Project Plan include all
associated stakeholders?
-Are there any other groups that should
be included/ or removed?
Objectives: (What do you intend to
achieve from this project)
-Do the objectives identified in the Project
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Project Evaluation Report
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Plan support the intended outcome of this
-Would you change/add/or remove any of
the identified objectives?
Strategies: (How you will achieve the
intended outcomes)
-Are the strategies appropriate to achieve
the intended outcomes?
-Would you change/add/or remove any of
the identified strategies
Outcomes: (Intended objectives
-Did the project achieve the intended
-Would you change/add/or remove any of
the identified outcomes?
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Project Evaluation Report
-To be reviewed yearly
-To be reviewed yearly
-To be reviewed yearly
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Strategic Outcomes
New Zealand Injury Prevention Strategy 2003:
Statement NZIP’s: The purpose of the New Zealand
Injury Prevention Strategy is to establish a
framework for the injury prevention activities of
government agencies, local government, nongovernment organisations, communities and
individuals. The Strategy sets out the Government’s
vision for a New Zealand where more people can
live free of injury while continuing to lead active and
challenging lives. The Strategy will assist New
Zealand to better focus its injury prevention efforts
and resources by providing a clear direction to the
range of agencies, organisations, and communities
which have either a direct involvement, or a
contributory role to play, in injury prevention activity
in New Zealand.
• Collective action: injury prevention activity
requires the active participation of regional and
local government, community groups, iwi,
businesses, families/whänau and individuals
working in partnership with central
• Personal skills and responsibility: injury
prevention activity will encourage the
development of personal skills and foster
responsibility for personal safety and the safety
of others.
• Equity: injury prevention activity will aim to
reduce inequalities in injury outcomes within
and between groups.
• Evidence-based decision-making: injury
prevention activity will be based on evidence
and good information, wherever possible.
• Effectiveness: injury prevention activity will
focus on identifying and implementing
interventions that are effective and make the
best use of resources (both human and
RSHB & Partners-The commitment is to work in
partnership with other organisations, groups and
individuals to achieve the identified goals. By doing
this we will increase the safety for all road users and
equip drivers with the skills to drive safely
-Development of programs will include building on
personal skills, change behaviours and attitudes of
drivers and reach the overall goal of providing a safe
driving environment for all road users. This will be
achieved by implementing best practice programs
that increase knowledge and skills
-This will be achieved by working in partnership with
local groups and providers to increase the equity
and outcomes for specific groups: including Maori
and others
-We will plan and implement projects that are
evidenced based and best practice models and
utilise the crash data and other sources to develop
targeted road safety programs accordingly
-As part of the planning and development of
programs a robust evaluation will be undertaken for
each of the projects implemented across the region
Safer Journeys Strategy 2020
Road Safety Education:
(Safer Journeys 2020) Road Safety Education
works in two main ways:
Road safety
education is a core part of the road safey
1)Education equips road users with the
knowledge and skill they need to reduce the
risk to themselves and others.
2)Raising awareness and building knowledge
(eg: using school programmes, public events,
information pamphlets)
3)Positive influencing behaviour (eg: fact
sheets, mass media advertising campaigns)
HBDHB Project Management Resource
Project Evaluation Report
Road Safe HB& Partners
-Development of programs, including fatigue
education opportunities will include building on
personal skills and change behaviours and attitudes
of drivers and reach the overall goal of providing a
safe driving environment for all road users. This will
be achieved by implementing best practice
programs that increase knowledge and skills
-The commitment is to work in partnership with all
road safety associated groups & organisations to
raise awareness of the risks of road traffic crashes
for all road users and what those risks are
-Media campaigns and education program’s will be
developed to increase driver awareness of the risks
and consequences of poor decisions by drivers and
the long term gains for road safety will come from
the increased knowledge that road safety is the
responsibility of all road users
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-Review the objectives, strategies, outcome and overall goal of the project yearly
-Investigate other opportunities to implement fatigue/EBA checkpoints at other high risk times and long
-Continue to undertake joint fatigue/EBA checkpoints with the surrounding road safety partners
While it is acknowledged that no single event is entirely responsible for the downward trends for
serious & fatal crash rates in the Hawke’s Bay region, it is promising that the collaborative work
between stakeholders appears to be contributing to this. Awareness raising education about the risks
and consequences of poor decisions and unsafe driving practices is one component of a cross
sectional approach. Another important component includes enforcement, which focuses on noncompliant driving practices alongside driver education.
It is considered that a downward trend will continue, this is due to the comprehensive road safety
program being implemented with the key road safety partners.
The program also supports the
intended outcomes of the regional and national strategic documents. This includes…. “a safe road
system that is increasingly free of road deaths and serious injury”. This vision is shared by all the
associated road safety partners in the Hawkes Bay region.
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Project Evaluation Report
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