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Statistics Quarter 2: Probability
Section 8: Normal/Uniform distribution– Drawing, Shading, Finding Areas, and Interpreting
Statistics Quarter 2: Probability
Section 8: Normal/Uniform distribution– Drawing, Shading, Finding Areas, and Interpreting
1. Let X = the birth weight of full-term babies. X is known to be normally distributed with
mean   3400 grams and   505 grams.
a. Show the notation to describe the distribution of X.
b. Draw a normal curve with parameters labeled (include associated z-scores)
c. Shade the region that represents the proportion of full term babies who weigh more than 4410
grams. (find and label the z-score associated with the value 4410)
d. Find this area of this shaded region (use probability notation and calculator syntax when
reporting this answer).
e. Provide two interpretations of this area.
Statistics Quarter 2: Probability
Section 8: Normal/Uniform distribution– Drawing, Shading, Finding Areas, and Interpreting
2. Let Y = the height of 10-year-old males. Y is known to be normally distributed with
  55.9 inches and   5.7 inches.
a. Show the notation to describe the distribution of Y.
b. Draw a normal curve with parameters labeled (include associated z-scores)
c. Shade the region that represents the proportion of 10-year old males who are less than 46.5
inches tall (find and label the z-score associated with the value 46.5)
d. Find this area of this shaded region (use probability notation and calculator syntax when
reporting this answer).
e. Provide two interpretations of this area.
Statistics Quarter 2: Probability
Section 8: Normal/Uniform distribution– Drawing, Shading, Finding Areas, and Interpreting
3. Let X = the length of human pregnancy. Suppose X is known to be normally distributed with
  266 days and   16 days.
a. Show the notation to describe the distribution of X.
b. Draw a normal curve with parameters labeled (include associated z-scores)
c. Shade and find P(230  x  260) (show calculator syntax when reporting the answer) (find
and label the z-scores associated with 230 and 260)
d. Provide two interpretations of this area.
4. Let X = the length of “healthy” human pregnancy. Suppose X is known to uniformly
distributed between 252 and 280 days.
a. Show the notation to describe the distribution of X.
b. Draw a uniform curve with parameters labeled
c. Shade and find P(260  x  270)
d. Provide two interpretations of this area.