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School of CS
1. Basic organizational concepts
 Influences on organizational theory
 The modern organization
 Types of organizational structures
 Functional areas
 Organization and environment
2. Basic Information Technology Concepts
 Hardware organization and types
 Software
 Systems, applications and utility
 Networks
 Internet
 IS architectures
3. Introduction to Corporate Information Systems
 Definition
 Classification of IS
 Evolution of IS
 Perspectives on IS: systems, STS, Work system, strategic system
 Roles of IS
 Impacts
 IS development
4. Introduction to databases
 Data concepts
 Organization concepts
 Database approach
 DBMS activities
 Database planning
 ER methodology
5. E-commerce
 E-commerce extended view
 E-commerce architecture
 E-commerce system & application
 Security and payments
 Business and revenue models
6. Management Support Systems
 Types of decisions and decision making styles
 IDC model of decision making
 Organizational models of decision making.
 DSS architecture & analysis capabilities
 Types of DSS models
 BI & dashboards
 Collaborative systems & social networking
7. Management Support Systems II
 Characteristics of a warehouse
 Organization of warehouses
 Cube, Aggregation, slice & dice, concept hierarchies
 Data mining
 Sequential, association, classification, clustering
8. Artificial Intelligence
 History & early work
 Nature of knowledge and machine intelligence
 Knowledge representation
 AI applications
 Expert Systems and Neural Nets
9. Knowledge Management
 Types of knowledge: tacit & explicit
 KM cycle
 Capture and codification
 document, ontologies and AI methods
 Case studies of HP, RR & Siemens
10. Case Studies and Articles
 VA administration
 Kodak
 The second machine age
 Accenture retail vision
 HP
 Continental Airlines
 Rolls Royce
 Siemens
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