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Eat, Live, Play!
By Jodi Kurry Cohen, MS.Ed
Director of Early Childhood Programs
Temple Dor Dorim Early Childhood Center
Play has been man’s most useful preoccupation. Frank Caplan
From the moment a child experiences their first interactions of “goo and ga” with their mom and dad to the time they
participate in competitive sports on the high school football field, that child is learning through play. Play sets the
stage for vital opportunities in the development of a slew of skills that are essential in determining a child’s future
Regardless of age, children receive similar benefits from play. Through play children learn…
How to make choices
To use their imagination, improvise, think flexibly and explore new options
To solve problems, both with materials and people
To work cooperatively
To put skills into action
To give a project their attention until it’s done
While academic skills are important, research has shown that the life skills that are learned through play
are even bigger indicators of success later in life than a child’s academic readiness. Good grades and academic
ability can help a child get to where they need to go but creativity, determination, follow through and being able to
work with others will take them above and beyond that place.
Play often involves engaging others socially which is another vital life skill. When children don’t have adequate
opportunities to play with other children they don’t have the chance to practice the skills needed in fostering
relationships. Two children working together in the sandbox to build a castle, negotiating the give and take of play
could translate later in life to two adults working cooperatively as a team on an important architectural project for
their firm! Play is that vital for future success!
Play comes in many forms and can include play dates, the playground, dramatic play and blocks at the preschool
age to team sports, neighborhood play and game nights with older children. Play can be structured or unstructured,
guided by adults or led by children. For some children play will come naturally but for others it may need to be
coaxed and encouraged. Regardless of how it’s done, it’s important for parent to provide environments that allow
for play and foster that type of learning so that our children are well prepared for a competitive future.
Make sure your children Eat, Live and PLAY!