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Community Initiative for Social Enhancement
Project Title
South Africa Early Childhood Development Project
Project Location: Evaton, Gauteng Province in South Africa
Projects Manager
+27 765769040
+ 27 8 6539 3641
Email: [email protected]
Contact person: Aubrey Makata
Projects Manager
Submitted to:
Project Total cost: $49,000
(Reg no- NPO: 078-372)
Project summary
Community Initiative for Social Enhancement, CISE propose to implement the Cosmo City
Early Childhood Development Project, the project aimed at Promoting early childhood
development centers (Crèches) in disadvantaged communities (RDP Houses) that are running
programs that are aimed at the physical, cognitive, emotional, spiritual and social development
of children in Evaton.
The target groups are children under nine (9) years around the Center that was constructed
with support from Mr.Cindi Muzi. It is expected that the project will directly benefit about 140
children in the age bracket (0-9 years) attending to Early Childhood Development.
Through the provision of a holistic support including training to the caregivers, educational
equipment and materials, as well as nutritional support for the children to the 5 ECD
Centres(Crèches) and providing parents and caregivers with skills and information to enable
them promote the psychosocial, cognitive, and physical development of their children, the
project goal will be achieved.
Description of the implementing organizations.
Community Initiative for Social Enhancement is a non-political, non-profit making nongovernmental organization formed in June 2009.
CISE is registered in terms the Non-Profit Act, 1997 (Act 71 of 1997) CISE is also affiliated to
many other local and international networks like Southern Africa Reflect Network (SARN),
Global Campaign on Education (GCE), Africa Network Campaign on Education for All, and
Public Participation Education Network (PPEN).The organization is currently in the steering
committee for the South African Education Network which is in the process of establishment.
CISE was formed with concerned young women and men on the increased cases of violence
against girls, HIV and AIDS, Alcohol and drug abuse, and poor hygienic in the four shacks
CISE consists of a Board of persons of high repute, which is responsible for general policy
direction and guidance.
Besides having Board of Directors to give policy direction, the day-to-day management of
Community Initiative for Social Enhancement (CISE) is the responsibility of the Secretariat. The
Secretariat is youth run and highly professionals, carefully scrutinized to take control of
meticulous planning and implementation process who also sharing the same passion.
The synergetic and balance of the overall management, finance and administration,
programme expertise is considered in selection of professionals. CISE is one of the community
based funded and youth run organization with a good combination of young professionals.
A society free from chronic poverty in which human rights especially girls/women’s rights,
gender based violence and HIV/AIDS cases have been significantly reduced while fostering
(Reg no- NPO: 078-372)
communities with health committed who effectively participate and respond to the needs of
national development in a free, non violent and conducive environment.
Mission Statement
Empower youth, women and children, to actively address issues of violence, alcohol and drug
abuse, hygiene and to provide support to people infected and affected with AIDS; through
behavioral change advocacy, community care services, life skills empowerment and promotion
of children’s, women/girls rights for sustainable livelihood.
 To enhance the awareness on the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse among
young people and the communities at large.
 To promote positive youth, women and child development through counseling, life
skills, leadership and entrepreneurship development;
 To safeguard, promote and protect human rights with particular reference to the
rights of women and children;
 To provide social and economic support services for abused and victimised
women and children at community level
 To provide care and support to those affected and infected with HIV/AIDS
including people living with HIV/AIDS and orphans.
 To protect environment and other issues contribute to the climate change and
mitigate its impact
Programs already implemented
Project back ground
The Early Childhood Development Project has been designed after conducting a Needs
Assessment in the Early Childhood Development Centres in Evaton. There are over 30 ECD
Centres (Crèches) in Evaton. CISE conducted a Needs Assessment for the ECD Centres in 18
of the centre around its offices in Evaton .Bellow are the issues mostly raised by the ECD
Lack of qualified teachers/caregivers, of all the centres visited there is only 1qualified
teacher per school with level 1. Only 3 care givers with level 4.
Poor nutritious diet, this is the major problems facing the ECD Centres in Cosmo City.
Lack of resource that include, Mattresses and covers; dishes and spoons, kitchen
appliances, tables, chairs, outdoor play equipment, educational toys, baby cots, fire
extinguishers, first aid equipment, numeracy and literacy books, story books in English
and Xhosa.
Lack of community participation and poor coordination among ECD practitioners
Most of the ECD Centres are not registered to the Department of Social Services and
do not have the Heath certificate from the MoH as stipulated in the ECD Guidelines.
It is against this background that CISE intend to embark on this project in order to improve the
ECD services in Evaton by providing the knowledge through training of caregivers, provision of
resources and nutritious food and promote community and family participation in ECD
(Reg no- NPO: 078-372)
Children born into poverty are less likely to receive adequate cognitive stimulation, nurturing or
nutrition and are more likely to suffer from chronic health problems, perform poorly in school
and drop out of school at high rates. As future adult participants in the labor market, they are
able to perform only unskilled jobs and earn the lowest wages. When they have children, the
cycle of inherited poverty is repeated. Children who participate in ECD programs are healthier,
attain higher rates of education, are less likely to become involved in crime, and have greater
employment opportunities in later life. ECD is a mechanism by which the cycle of inherited
poverty can be broken.
Target group/ project beneficiaries
Many South African children face considerable barriers to learning. poverty, poor facilities,
overlarge classes, a lack of facilities and resources, illness and family problems. And with so
many of their parents struggling with illiteracy and poverty, the learning environment at home
and in the community is less than ideal.
Evaton is under-resourced when it comes to number and quality of Early Childhood
Development centres. The informal settlements residents where this project will target are
extremely poor, with overwhelming unemployment levels. The majority of children are
vulnerable and there is a lack of knowledge about the benefits and aims of Early Childhood
Development. Despite the national mandate to introduce Grade R in primary schools, the
majority of children under six years of age do not have access to any preschool education. In
these under-resourced communities, Early Childhood Development practitioners have little
access to quality training and resources.
The project will target five (5) ECD Centres and the constructed Centre.. It is expected that the
project will directly reach over 140 under nine children attending to the ECD.
The project intend to builds the capacity of the teachers/caregivers, improves the
circumstances of the children and provides communities with quality Early Childhood
Development Centers that are long-term beacons of community development
Aims and Objectives
Overall Goal
Promote early childhood development centers (Crèches) in disadvantaged
communities (RDP Houses and informal settelments) that are running
programs that are aimed at the physical, cognitive, emotional, spiritual and
social development of children in Evaton.
Objectives 1
To provide a holistic support including training to the caregivers, educational
equipment and materials, as well as nutritional support for the children to the 5
ECD Centres(Crèches) in Evaton.
Objective 2
To providing parents and caregivers with skills and information to enable them
promote the psychosocial, cognitive, and physical development of their
children aged 0-9 years through awareness
(Reg no- NPO: 078-372)
Conduct a refresher training course for those that are trained in ECD , refresher
course play a role in the further upgrading of skills, it will promote knowledge and
practical skills that will enable 5 Early Childhood Development practitioners to
effectively manage day-to-day programmes at their centres.
Conduct community awareness campaigns on the importance of ECD and
children’s rights
Conduct monthly caregivers meetings, this will help the to discuss different issues
as regard to ECD and promote collaboration. The meeting will not only involve the
five targeted ECD but all the 28 ECD Centres through the Evaton ECD providers
Provide daily nutritious meals to the targeted five ECD Centres, the organisation
will provide the food items only monthly basis that will include maize mill, milk,
sugar etc
Provide the targeted Centres with teaching and learning materials, equipments i.e.
fire extinguishers, first aid kit and assist in improving the infrastructural facilities by
providing the targeted Centres with children’s playing jingles.
To provide direct assistance with the registration process with the Departments of
Social Services and Education. Registration allows the centers to receive
government subsidies which enable the centers' long-term growth and self
Project Implementation Monitoring and evaluation
Monitoring and evaluation will be treated as part of project management. This means that it is
going to be an on going process with as much beneficiaries participation as possible. Key
decisions on use of funds for the project will be taken by the Board and will be directly
monitored at that level.
CISE has a continuous monitoring and evaluation protocol which includes registers, reports,
discussions and questionnaires that include community caregivers and parents.
Vigilant visits will be maintained by the CISE staff who will be in the community and ECD
Centers to make sure that all the caregivers are fulfilling their plans and adhere to the National
Early Childhood Development Guidelines. The Project Management Team will be responsible
to Board that is available to give logistical and policy support to the project activities. Reporting
to the Board will be quarterly and bimonthly to CISE executive in order for members of the
Project Management Team to meet and review their progress. Generally and in particular,
examine the kind of impacts the objectives are having to the beneficiaries
The finance Officer will keep all financial records. Each quarterly narrative report represent to
the donor will be accompanied by financial report, using the Childhood reporting standards.
During the implementation of this project, collaborative agreements with the other stakeholders
in ECD activities will be given a priority. Consultations already done has shown that Philipe
Foundation, Oasis South Africa, Joint Aid Management and the department for social
(Reg no- NPO: 078-372)
development are potential partners because they can potentially provide means that we might
perhaps not afford and proper planning of these organizations will avoid duplication of work.
Technical supervision by the African Congress on Early Childhood Development and the
Department of the Social Development.
Their linkage in the project activities is very vital to sustainability of the proposed project. There
involvement in the planning phase needs to be further encouraged during implementation and
evaluation of the project. Thus these two partners will be providing technical support and
The impact of the training is lasting and sustainable as it directly builds and develops human
capital and resources. It is expected that all the targeted ECD Centers will be registered to the
Department of social services. Registration allows the centers to receive government subsidies
which enable the centers' long-term growth and self sustainability. Because of the good quality
and services that the targeted Centers will provide through this project, the government will
automatically register them. Besides CISE is a well recognized and registered NGO in South
Linkages with government and other institutions, specifically, the South African Congress on
Early Childhood Development and the Department of social Development are going to continue
giving technical and other necessary support to the project activities when it phases out after
12 months.
(Reg no- NPO: 078-372)