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2015 – 2016 Constitution
Pre-Professional Transdisciplinary Project Design Club
University of California, San Diego
17th March 2016
Article I
The name of this organization shall be Prototype. The Oxford Dictionary defines Prototype as ‘A
first or preliminary version of a device from which other forms are developed’. This name signifies
two underlying beliefs, first being that we as students are prototypes of our final personage and we
are constantly trying to sculpt ourselves into our finest existence, the second being that all project
design requires a prototype be it physical or abstract.
Article II
Statement of Purpose
Section I
The objectives of this pre-professional transdisciplinary Club are as follows
To integrate students of different majors together in teams where they tackle a problem which
requires multi-disciplinary thinking while working to mimic the environment of a professional
real-world team who serve the community and help society grow as a whole.
To help students develop skills outside their major which might be useful to them throughout
their career.
To help students develop a basic understanding of majors other than their own and learn some
fundamental concepts from those majors.
To promote wholesome development in analytical skills, design, teamwork, leadership and a
world-view outlook.
To provide resources for the professional development of its members.
To uphold a high professional standard among its members.
To maintain a close community among its members and provide a network of future
professionals to each member.
To promote student/faculty interaction.
Section II
Prototype at the University of California, San Diego is a non-profit student organization. All the
funds received by the Club shall go to the benefit of the members of the Club itself.
Article III
Section I
Any person who is a registered undergraduate student enrolled at UCSD is eligible for membership
Prototype. Membership in the organization shall not be denied to any student on the basis of race, color,
national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, political inclination or disability.
All members of this organization are subject to the Constitution of Prototype UCSD.
Section II
All the members should be enrolled in at least 12 units at the University of California, San Diego.
This means that they are a full-time student of University of California, San Diego for the current
quarter. If a member is not, then he/she shall be put on a probationary period for that particular quarter.
If he/she is still not enrolled in 12 units by the next quarter then his/her membership shall be considered
Section III
All members and non-members are welcome to attend any General Body Meetings and Social
events as well as other open events organized by the Prototype Board. All professional and
specialized events are only open to the members of Prototype UCSD.
Section IV
All UCSD students interested in becoming members of Prototype UCSD shall fulfill the following
 Fill out the application form which is available on the website. Student applications for
membership are evaluated by the board. Students will individually be notified of their
acceptance for membership.
 Pay the dues equal to the club per project session which thus enables them access to any perks
or benefits membership such as the professional and the specialized events. This money will
go towards funding their team project.
Section V
A student member displaying behavior inappropriate for a professional representative of
Prototype may be expelled from the organization by a three-fourths vote of the Board membership
if said behavior has not ceased even after a written warning been submitted by the organization
officers to the student in question.
Section VI
Faculty affiliated with Prototype and non-student community members such as UCSD Alumni and
Graduate or Professional Students are eligible to participate as non-voting members of Prototype.
They are eligible to attend all events but are not allowed to participate in the team project.
Only the faculty members who are Team Leads are allowed to participate in the Team project
Article IV
Section I
General Body Meetings
Prototype shall hold General Body Meetings (GBM) twice each quarter, with the dates to be
determined by the board members during the previous quarter, as soon as class schedules are
available. These GBMs shall be open to everybody who wants to attend.
Executive Board members are required to attend at least one of the General Body Meetings each
quarter, although attendance at all General Body Meetings is highly encouraged.
Publicity for the meetings through means decided by the officers shall be done at least ten days
prior to the date of the meeting.
Section II
Board Meetings
The Board shall meet weekly during the academic year (9 months) to discuss events that pertain
to Prototype and its members. The President shall have the authority to schedule more meetings if
he/she deems this necessary in achieving the goals of the organization.
Scheduling of these meetings for each academic term shall be determined during the
previous academic term as soon as the class schedules are available by a consensus of the
Board members.
Board meetings are closed to the public and the general members of Prototype. Only people
on the Board are eligible to attend. Attendance by non-officers is at the discretion of the
All Prototype Board members are expected to attend unless he/she contacts the President
at least 8 hours before the meeting. Any officer who intends to be late for a Board Meeting
must inform another attending officer prior to the meeting and give this officer the
responsibility of passing on the updates at the Officers meeting.
The Vice President of Operations shall record minutes at these meetings, and they may be
available to the Board members after the meeting. They shall be available to the Board
members who missed the Board meeting due to unforeseen circumstances by request.
Any board member who is tardy and misses a meeting without prior notification must
present to all officers his/her reasons for absence. The Executive Committee will
subsequently hold a discussion and vote upon the status of this officer. If more than threefourths of the Board deem appropriate then this officer shall be put on probation until
further notice. If an officer has three absences without prior notification then all their duties
shall be put on hold and if more than half of the voters deem appropriate, this member must
relinquish his/her position and duties immediately.
Article V
Board Members
Section I
Elections shall be held in April at a special Elections meeting, during the first week of spring
quarter. During the period that immediately follows elections and ends with the conclusion of the
academic school year, each position shall be occupied by both the incoming officer and the
outgoing officer, and both shall carry out the duties specified in the Prototype constitution. Each
position on the Executive Board retains a single vote, which shall be cast by the incoming officer.
The incoming Board Member shall defer to the outgoing Board member for decisions in case of
an impasse.
During the period mentioned above, the incoming Board officers shall work together with their
counterpart in the outgoing Board officers and learn the duties of the position from the outgoing
officer. During this period, if any outgoing officer decides that his incoming counterpart is not
a suitable candidate for the position then the incoming candidate shall be relieved of their
position immediately and that position shall be vacant until a suitable candidate is found.
New officers will be determined by majority vote amongst the present board officers. An
officer application shall be posted on the website and the Facebook page for those interested
in applying. The board will review all applications collectively. Applicants seen as fit for a
position will interview with the President, the Vice President and their counterpart for the
position applied. A majority vote amongst board will then determine who is selected for each
respective officer position.
Special meetings shall be called to elect new officers to fill any vacancies which may occur
during the academic term, provided that written notice of this meeting, its purpose, and office
to be filled has to be publicized appropriately at least ten days prior to the date of such a
No student shall be elected to office if graduating before completing at least two quarters in
Elected positions are filled in the order listed in Article V, Section III of the Constitution.
To be eligible for Executive Committee or appointed officers, the individual must be a UCSD
student, obey all rules outlined by UCSD pertaining to students holding elected positions.
Officers shall have earned at least 12 units in their most recently completed term. This
requirement does not apply to first-term freshmen or first term transfer students. Officers shall
be enrolled in at least 12 units currently. Officers shall not be on disciplinary probation.
Officers shall have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 and not have been on probation for the
most recently completed term prior to the term of election.
In the case that a current Board member terminates their position, a replacement shall be voted
for by the remaining board members by simple majority within two weeks of the departure of
the former Board member. In the case that the President is unable to carry his/her duties, the
Vice President will assume Presidency.
Impeachment of any officer may be accomplished only if someone from the board raises a
motion of impeachment. This motion should receive immediate support from at least one other
Board member. When a motion of impeachment is passed, then the officer may be impeached
upon presentation of just and reasonable cause for such action to the Faculty Advisor of the
organization and, upon the Faculty Advisor’s approval, with a two-thirds vote of all Board
members of the organization.
Section II
Officer Requirements and Duties
All the Board Members and appointed officers shall make a commitment of a minimum of 8
hours per week to assist and facilitate events and projects for Prototype UCSD. Officers must
fulfill this quota in addition to other duties and meeting requirements. It is the duty of each
individual officer to inform the Vice President of Operations of his/her attendance at events
and projects.
All Prototype Board members are expected to attend the Board Meetings unless he/she contacts
the President at least 8 hours before the meeting. Any officer who intends to be late for a Board
Meeting must inform another attending officer prior to the meeting and give this officer the
responsibility of passing on the updates at the Officers meeting.
All officers are required to attend a minimum of 6 events per quarter. This includes the General
Body Meetings but does not include the Board Meetings.
All the Board members are required to design, organize and execute at least one event of their
own choosing per two quarters. They must have a sign-in sheet available at these individually
organized events. These events are called individual events. More individual events may be
organized if the Board member is willing upon the approval of the President. Two-thirds of the
Board is required to approve this event before it can be executed. It may be a Professional
Event such as a graduate student panel, a resume workshop, mock interview sessions, and an
industry network night or a Social Event such as a bonfire, a field trip, bowling/laser tag and
If an officer does not abide to the requirements set forth by the Executive Board members, that
officer will be subject to the following actions then the President may administer a
probationary period of two weeks within which the officer on probation must show adherence
to the requirements or other proof of commitment to the organization as determined by the
Executive Board. If the officer fails to show a lack of commitment to the organization by
improvement during the probationary period, the officer will be removed from his or her
position and the position will be filled or closed according to the discretion of the Executive
All Board members and appointed officers are required to partake in fundraising activities and
events and in the writing of Grants.
All of the Board members shall assist in the organization of the three main Team Project
showcase events – The Defense, The exhibition and The Gauntlet.
Section III
Board Member Positions
There shall be 12 people on the Board. They are President, Vice President, Vice President of
Finance, Vice President of Operations, Internal Affairs Chair, External Affairs Chair, Professional
Development Chair, Marketing and Publicity Director, Fundraising Chair, Social Chair, Outreach
and Education Chair, Technical team Lead / Webmaster.
Their individual duties are as follows
The President is the chief executive of Prototype UCSD and supervises all of the organizations’
affairs and activities. The President organizes officer meetings and represents Prototype at events.
The president presides over the General Body Meetings and the Elections. The President works
with the faculty advisors and other Board Members in planning and coordinating events for each
quarter and for the academic year. The President holds Veto and all decisions shall have to be
ratified by the President before they are approves and can be put into play.
It is recommended that the candidates have prior experience in Prototype before application.
Oversees all Prototype activities (planning, delegation, execution). All other Board members
must defer to a decision made by the president. Any decision made by the President can be
contested if challenged by three-fourth of the attending Board Members.
He/she works with all the faculty advisors and tries to fulfill their requirements and wishes to
the best of his/her ability. Prototype really tries to reach out to the faculty and provide a great
experience to all the faculty that have any dealings with the Club. The President works with
the Vice President to provide them with this experience and to make sure that all their needs
are fulfilled.
He/she shall delegate all the necessary tasks during the Board meetings to the respective Board
members. He/she is required to prepare an agenda for every week which includes all the
residual responsibilities for the coming week. He/she is also responsible for following up on
all the tasks during the next Board Meeting.
Presides over General Body Meetings and Board Member Meetings. It is the President’s duty
to maintain decorum during all these meeting and move them in a direction beneficial to
Prototype UCSD.
Provides vision and scope for future growth of the organization.
Serves as a consultant to the Board Members in leading their divisions and performing their
duties. The President ensures all board members are performing their duties. If the President
deems necessary he/she can put a Board member for probation and pass a motion for
impeachment. Similarly, if the President deems that a Board member currently on probation is
working towards the best interests of Prototype UCSD and they are committed to the success,
growth and development of the Club, he/she can end the probationary period.
If he/she is dissatisfied with the contribution made by a Board member, then he/she reserves
the right to pass a Motion of Impeachment against that particular Board member. A voting
shall immediately ensue and upon three-fourths approval, the Board Member shall be relieved
of all their duties. The Board Member reserves the right to appeal for their actions.
Vice President
The Vice President is the focal center of Prototype. He is the first line of defense for any queries
that a Board member might have about anything related to the proper functioning of the Club.
He/she works very closely with the President to lead the Club and to advise the other Board
members. He/she works very closely with all the Faculty members and interacts with them if any
issue arises be it a guest speaker or a team faculty lead. He/she also helps the project teams with
their projects if required and keeps them on track both with time issues and guideline issues. It is
recommended that the candidates have prior experience in Prototype before application.
He/she works very closely with the president as an advisory to all the other Board members of
Prototype. He supports any of the Board members if they require any assistance with any of
their duties.
He/she works with all the faculty advisors and tries to fulfill their requirements and wishes to
the best of his/her ability. Prototype really tries to reach out to the faculty and provide a great
experience to all the faculty that have any dealings with the Club and the Vice President along
with the President is responsible for providing this experience.
The Vice President is responsible for keeping all of the project teams on track with their
projects. He/she pushes the teams which are falling behind and sees that they are able to
complete their initial blueprint before the Defense, their model before the exhibition and their
prototype before the Gauntlet. He/she also sees that their projects comply with the project
guidelines as much as possible. If they do not then he/she shall check them and try to get them
back on track.
Works with the Professional Development Chair and makes sure that all the members have
completed all their Foundation Requirements for their Project Team before the Exhibition in
Quarter II. If any member is defaulting, then need to get them back on track.
The Vice President is responsible to design a mentor-mentee program which shall go on every
two quarters. The design is completely dependent on the discretion of the vice president.
The Vice President also assists the President when required.
The Vice President is responsible for the duties of the President when the President is unable
to carry out his duties. He/she shall take charge of the club and work towards the progress of
Prototype UCSD.
Vice President of Finance
The Vice President of Finance is responsible for the financial records of the organization, keep
track of Donors, assist the Vice President of Internal and Vice President of External for purposes
of funding, and assist the President in completing an Annual Financial Report which shall be
available on request, for Disbursement of funds, and for reporting in detail at the First and the
Sixth Board meeting the financial situation of the Club. The VP Finance also is responsible for
filling out Department and University funding request forms along with the fundraising chair.
It is recommended that the candidates have prior experience in Prototype before application.
Leads the Finance Division, which consists of Fundraising Chair. They must work in cohesion
during the fundraising events and make an account of the acquired.
Holds all the finances for all the Project Teams and disburses them as required. Prepares a
budget plan for the Project teams according to their performance in the Defense Event and
oversees all the Project team spending. He maintains the email for finance and responds to the
project teams’ emails.
Manages finances of the Club and prepares the budget for each individual event in accordance
with the primary organizing Board Member of that event.
Shall have sole access to the off-campus financial account. The off-campus account shall hold
all of the organizations funds. They shall be used as per his/her discretion and the approval of
the President.
Drafts the sponsorship package to be sent out to industry and alumni contact.
Finalizes the grants and submits them to their respective benefactors.
Internal Affairs Chair
The Internal Affairs Chair shall assist the President in the capacity needed to fulfill the goals of
Prototype UCSD, including the supervision of all officer elections. He/she works with the Vice
President of Finance for the purposes of all University-affiliated funding. With the guidance of the
President, the Internal Affairs Chair shall facilitate all business within Prototype UCSD. The
Internal Affairs Chair is also responsible for the application for projects and shall assist in
establishing project teams, schedules and goals, be responsible for ensuring that all projects meet
Prototype standards, and overseeing all projects to their conclusion. Basically helps with the
organization of all the events which are conducted by Prototype UCSD.
It is recommended that the candidates have prior experience in Prototype before application.
Leads the Internal Division, which consists of Professional Development Chair and the Social
Organizes the General Body Meetings, and the three main Team Project showcase events –
The Defense, The exhibition and The Gauntlet. Helps each of the Board members organize
their individual events.
Oversees the professional development aspect of Prototype UCSD, which includes resume
critiques, networking workshops and mock interviews and other Pre-professional events.
Maintains good relations with the CSI, the Career Services Center and other organizations
which assist in the professional development of UCSD students. Does this with the help of the
Professional Development Chair.
Oversees the social aspect of Prototype UCSD which consists of social and community
networking events. Faculty and companies which sponsor us may be invited at these events.
Maintains good relations with other organizations on campus. Does this with the help of the
Social Chair.
Responsible for booking rooms for board meetings and general events. Also responsible for
working with the University. Should know all the benefits that the University provides to clubs
and take advantage of those opportunities from organizations such as the AS and OneStop.
External Affairs Chair
The External Affairs Chair is in charge of developing and maintaining relations with alumni,
Industry, and other local organizations. The External Affairs Chair will manage industry-related
programs such as industry tours, mock job interviews, guest speakers from industries, Industry
Panels and Graduate/Professional and Alumni Panels. He/she works with the Vice President of
Finance for the purposes of all Non-University-affiliated funding. With the guidance of the
President, the External Affairs Chair shall facilitate all business among Prototype UCSD and other
external organizations such as companies and other Clubs. The External Affairs Chair shall be the
official liaison between Prototype UCSD and other student organizations on campus and relations
off campus.
It is recommended that the candidates have prior experience in Prototype before application.
Leads the External Division, which consists of Outreach & Education Chair.
Responsible for managing all the Club interactions with companies and external sponsors.
Keeps track of the visiting companies at the events and helps them out as required. Invitations,
timings and such for these companies are also taken care of by the External Affairs chair.
Also responsible for all the Clubs dealings with the professors. Keeps track of all the professors
which are in the three different stages as mentioned in Article VI. Invites the required
professors to the respective events and keeps track of their response and attendance. Also does
the introduction of the professors at the events and helps them out as required.
Responsible for the food and drinks and other perks at the events such as the prizes during the
Organizes at least 1 outreach event every two Quarters where we reach out to other universities
and their students for an event or a collaborative effort.
Organizes at least 1 outreach event every two Quarters where we reach out to Elementary,
Middle and High Schools and their students for an event or a collaborative effort.
Vice President of Operations
The Vice President of Operations is responsible for administrative management of all General
Body Meetings and the Board Meetings, record keeping of all participation at all meetings and
events, excluding social gatherings, keeping all members informed of meetings and activities,
recording and posting permanent record (minutes), for maintaining a current roster of members
and developing bi-weekly newsletters and posting them to all the members.
Record meeting minutes at all officer meetings, both the General Body Meetings and the Board
Member Meeting and they may be available to the Board members after the meeting. They
shall be available to the Board members who missed the Board meeting due to unforeseen
circumstances by request.
Sends out doodles for Board meetings, General Body Meetings and other Professional events
which involve the Prototype Board.
Maintains records of membership and all the current members. Also maintains the records of
all the project design teams and their faculty advisors.
Manages the email account ([email protected]) i.e. answer emails and maintain
contact lists. Also post the electronic biweekly newsletter through the email to all the
subscribed members.
Email the designed Marketing and publicity email at least 4-5 days before the event physically
happens to all the subscribed people, the members, the faculty and the Board. Maintain good
relations with all the advising offices on Campus and use them to send out the email about
bigger events to all the students within a particular major.
Organizes and oversees relocation, supply Inventory, and involvement points and attendance
of all committee and board members.
Does all the dealings with OneStop UCSD about all the “Legal matters” of being a Club at
Marketing and Publicity Director
The Marketing and Publicity Director has three key purposes. Firstly, he/she does the publicity
and the advertisement for the events of the Club. He/she works with the organizer of the events
and has to design all the paper advertisements for the particular event at least 10 days before the
event. He/she also designs and prints all the flyers which are required to publicize for the event.
He/she maintains the Facebook page of the Club and along with the Vice president of Operations
sends out the newsletters and the promotional emails. Secondly, they are responsible for the
documentation of the events through a combination of photography and videography. And lastly,
he/she is responsible for the design and marketing of all organization related merchandize.
The Marketing and Publicity Director is required to publicize the mission and goals of the
organization, advertise upcoming events and activities, oversee and assist the Webmaster in
updating the webpage, and develop and distribute Chapter materials to interested individuals.
Prints and designs flyers and other forms of physical advertisement. Distributes them to
officers and members. Oversees class announcements and all paper advertisements.
Maintains the Club’s Facebook page and maintains a presence on other Social Media such as
twitter. Announces and promotes events via the Facebook page. Invites all the subscribed
members of the club through Facebook and other social media. Keeps track of the Social Media
interactions and is responsible for promoting the organization through a positive social media
Documents all the Prototype events with photographs and video clips. Archives them with the
help of the Technical Lead onto the Club Website. Posts promotional videos and photos to the
Facebook page and on other media.
Responsible for professional photographs of the Board members and maintaining a database
of Board member resumes. Also responsible for the professional photographs of the Faculty
associated with the Club and the Professional institutions associated with the Club. Works
along with the Technical Lead to put these photos onto the Club website.
Documents the sales of merchandize such as T-shirt and stickers. Keeps track of the members
involved who have requested merchandize. Works with the President and any creative
members of the Board to design the Merchandize. The President finalizes the merchandize
with the help of the Marketing and Publicity Director.
Professional Development Chair
The Professional Development Chair is responsible for all the pre-professional aspects of
Prototype UCSD. The primary function of the Professional Development Chair is to maintain very
good relations with the Career Services Center, Center for Student Involvement, The Library, The
Student Centers, and other professional resources that the campus offers and to use these resources
to develop the soft and the hard skills of the members of Prototype UCSD. He/she shall work with
the President and Internal Affairs Chair to improve the soft and the hard skills of the members of
Prototype UCSD through a plethora of events which focus on both individual development and
team development.
He/she is responsible to design and execute at least 2 pre-professional events every quarter for
the members of Prototype. They can be anything ranging from mock interviews to resume
development sessions, information panels or seminars.
Works with the Vice President and makes sure that all the members have completed all their
Foundation Requirements for their Project Team before the Exhibition in Quarter II. If any
member is defaulting, then need to get them back on track.
He/she works with the social chair to design and execute at least one networking event every
quarter. This event should include one set of representatives other than the members of
Prototype such as Graduate Students, Alumni, Professors, recruiters etc.
He/she shall work with the Internal Affairs chair to design the three main Project design events
– The Defense, The Exhibition and The gauntlet.
Assists the Vice President with the Mentor Mentee Program. Aims to get top compatibility of
mentors for the mentees.
Collaborates with the External Affairs chair and the Internal Affairs Chair to maintain good
relationships with the CSI, the Career Services Center etc. and do a collaboration preprofessional event every quarter using the above mentioned resources.
Is responsible for searching for other pre-professional development opportunities such as
career fairs and online courses and such and incorporating it within our club along with holding
information sessions about it.
Social Chair
The Social Chair is responsible for all the pre-professional aspects of Prototype UCSD. The
primary function of the Professional Development Chair is to maintain very good relations with
the Career Services Center, Center for Student Involvement, The Library, The Student Centers and
other professional resources that the campus offers and to use these resources to develop the soft
and the hard skills of the members of Prototype UCSD. He/she shall work with the President and
the Internal Affairs Chair to improve the social relations amongst the members of Prototype.
He/she is responsible to design and execute at least 2 social events every quarter for the
members of Prototype. They can be anything ranging from off-campus dinner events, potlucks,
to bonfire at the beach, bowling or even small events such as study jams with snacks and sport
He/she works with the professional development chair to design and execute at least one
networking event every quarter. This event should include one set of representatives other than
the members of Prototype such as Graduate Students, Alumni, Professors, recruiters etc.
Assists the Vice President with the Mentor Mentee Program. Aims to get top compatibility of
mentors for the mentees.
Organizes at least one Board Member social event every quarter. At least three-fourths of the
Board members must be present for the event to be considered a complete quota for this event.
It should be along the lines of the social events mentioned above.
He/she is shall work with the Outreach and Education Chair to organize at least one notable
community service event for the members of Prototype every quarter. This event can be along
the lines of clean up the beach, orphanage visits or lunch for the homeless etc.
Outreach and Education Chair
The Outreach Coordinator will be responsible for an external outreach program that engages
activity between students who are members of Prototype and students who are not members of
Prototype in a manner that shall be beneficial to both the groups. These other students may be from
other Clubs/organizations from UCSD, from other colleges or even students from schools such as
the Preuss School. He/she works under the President and the External Affairs chair to ensure that
Prototype has good standing in the community and is seen as a respectable organization. He/she
also works with the External Affairs Chair to manage all the industry relationships and dealings
that Prototype maintains.
He/she is responsible for organizing outreach events serving the community, namely those
associated with Prototype. He/she shall work with the Social Chair to organize at least one
notable community service event for the members of Prototype every quarter. This event can
be along the lines of clean up the beach, orphanage visits or lunch for the homeless etc.
Responsible for managing all the Club interactions with companies and external sponsors.
Keeps track of the visiting companies at the events and helps them out as required. Invitations,
timings and such for these companies are also taken care of by the External Affairs chair.
Ensures the event documentation for the particular industry/external agency/organization for
the event. Maintains good relations with them such that they can be called upon another time
for more collaborative events.
Organizes at least 1 outreach event every two Quarters where we reach out to other universities
and their students for an event or a collaborative effort. Works with the External Affairs Chair
to organize this event. These can be events such as information sessions, professional panels,
facility tours and such.
Organizes at least 1 outreach event every two Quarters where we reach out to Elementary,
Middle and High Schools and their students for an event or a collaborative effort. Works with
the External Affairs Chair to organize this event.
Organizes at least 1 mixer every two Quarters where we reach out to alumni, graduate &
professional students and industry professionals for a fun networking night. Works with the
External Affairs Chair to organize this event.
Maintains relationship with the alumni, the graduate students & professional students from
UCSD such that we can call on them to help out, get involved, collaborate or share their
experiences at different events.
Fundraising Chair
The Fundraising Chair is responsible for raising funds for Prototype UCSD. The funds generated
through the events and activities organized by the Fundraising chair shall be used to organize the
complimentary food at Pre-professional events, at our General Body Meetings, and at the three
main Team Project showcase events – The Defense, The exhibition and The Gauntlet. These funds
shall also be used to fund the project teams, for the design of the Club merchandize and for the
publicity of the Club. The Fundraising Chair shall work in close collaboration with the Vice
President of Finance.
Make a list of all the grant deadlines for the Quarter. Present in the 2nd Board Meeting all of
these deadlines and delegate parts of the grant to different sects of the Board in groups of two.
Is responsible for the completion of all the grant requirements. After the first draft of the
proposal is completed, proofreads with the Vice President of Finance and submits it before the
Collaborates with the Social Chair and organizes at least 1 minor and 1 major fundraiser per
quarter. There are many different ways to do this, such as food sales or such. Keeps track of
the funds received and the major donors along with the Vice President of Finance.
Collaborates with Vice President of Finance and Industry Chair in drawing industry
sponsorship. Goes to the industry interviews and promotes the club. Also prepares the pitches
responsible for the industry interviews.
Collaborates with Vice President of Finance in drafting the sponsorship package for all the
companies associated with Prototype. Also works with the External Affairs Chair and is
responsible for the invitations to these industries for events such as the Defense, the Exhibition
and the Gauntlet.
Technical Lead/ Webmaster
The Technical Lead is required to develop and update the website of Prototype UCSD. He/she
shall work with the Internal Affairs Chair to keep track of all the events that are organized by the
Club. He/she shall also assist the Board in use of the equipment such as the projectors and such at
the events organized by the Club. He/she is the primary technician of the Club and should have a
deep understanding of web design. He/she should be able to help the Board deal with any technical
difficulties that might arise during any event. Should have prior knowledge of web design
languages such as html and software such as Adobe Dreamweaver.
Maintains the website and updates it regularly to reflect the mission and the goals of Prototype
He/she is required to assist all the Board members with their presentations for the General
Body Meetings and at their own individual events. All the presentations should be created at
least two days before the event. The Technical Lead offers advice with the aesthetics, and the
format of the presentation. He/she shall also check the content for accidental discrimination or
Works with the Internal Affairs Chair and keeps track of all the events and posts all of these
updates regularly to the Club website. Maintains all the events and activities of the Club
through the google Calendar. Works along with the Internal Affairs Chair to update the google
calendar regularly.
Works with the Vice President of Operations to keep track of all the members and all the
Project teams on the website and also helps keep track of all the meeting times and all the event
times. Archives all the information about the Club along with the President.
Works with the Marketing and Publicity Director to maintain the pictures of all the Board
members and all the Faculty members on the website. They work together for the design of the
merchandize. All the photos and the video clips which are captured by the Marketing and
Publicity Director are managed by the Technical Lead. The Event photos are posted on the
website using Picasa or related software.
Also helps the Board members get through technical difficulties during the events.
Article VI
Faculty Advisors
Section I
Faculty Advisors
We shall have a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 4 registered faculty advisors with Prototype.
They will get invited to all our quarterly events and they will oversee some of these events. They
will have some say in the working of the Club. They shall be permanently associated with our
Club unless they terminate their position. In the case that a faculty advisor terminates his/her
position, another faculty advisor shall be found within 4 weeks to fill the vacant position. The
faculty advisors are considered members of Prototype UCSD.
Section II
Guests and Speakers
Faculty of UCSD can be one time attendees or guest speakers or judges for events and such.
They can be called upon to speak and advise only if they are currently a staff faculty of UCSD.
Section III
Team Supervisors
These professors shall be the advising 1-2 project design teams. They will get assigned teams and
they will have to oversee the progress of their teams. They have to approve a project design before
the team can submit it at the defense. They are not required to attend the three main Team Project
showcase events – The Defense, The exhibition and The Gauntlet, but are recommended to and
must upon prior request of the Executive Board.
Article VII
Section I
This Constitution may be amended by a three-fourths vote of the members present at any regular
or special meeting. Upon passage, an amendment should be submitted to the faculty advisors and
receive approval. Upon approval, the amendment shall come into effect immediately. It shall be
officially included in the constitution within 2 weeks of its approval.
The Date of the amendment should be recorded meticulously and all board members shall receive
a written notification of the approved amendment.
The amendment should not contest any clause in the current constitution. If it does, then the motion
of the amendment shall be considered null and void, and shall not be put under discussion. If the
Board still feels that the amendment shall be to the benefit of Prototype UCSD, then they must
submit an appeal to the current President upon whose discretion, the motion shall be put under