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GHS 12- Northern Ireland Evaluation
Sackville High School
Ms. Anthony
May 2011
Outcomes covered by this assignment:
• understand that different notions and perceptions of justice have existed around the world
• consider the management of individual, group and state power, as they examine the political,
economic, social, and cultural frameworks that have influenced the development of variant notions
of justice
• analyze and explain how divergent notions of justice have led to instability and conflict within and
among societies around the globe
Your Task:
Choose one of the following two assignments to show your knowledge of Northern Ireland and the
Irish Republican Army and the pursuit of justice. Use your existing knowledge from class
assignments and discussions, as well as new research. Include a bibliography of your outside
sources. You may use visual aids where they are appropriate. This assignment is worth 25 points.
Option 1: Create a timeline that outlines the history of Northern Ireland and the development and
activities of the IRA. Analyze the information on your timeline and answer the following Question:
There are many different perceptions of justice related to the Development of Northern Ireland and
the conflict that has characterized its history. How has the struggle for individual, group, and state
power influenced the creation of these various notions of justice?
Option 2: Create a power point presentation that outlines at least 5 significant conflicts/events in
Post World War II Northern Ireland. Examine how these events show the various notions of justice
and evaluate them. Do you think that one side is more justified than the other? Why or Why Not?