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Cooperation Is the Key
One clue that all life is related on planet Earth is that we all share the same genetic code. A gene
that codes for a particular protein in a watermelon will be the same gene in a cat or human.
Comparing the percentage of similar genes between different species is one way we know how
related one species is to another. Prior to the revolution in genetics scientists compared fossils of
different species to work out their phylogenic (how much related) relationship to each other.
Genetic data is now confirming what was worked out originally with fossils. Use the "tree of
life" picture to answer questions 1-6.
1. Which is more related to humans (Homo sapiens)
chimpanzees or gorillas?
2. Which is more related to humans Orangutans or
Old World Monkeys?
3. Which is more related to humans Old World
Monkeys (Africa) or New World Monkeys (South
4. Notice where branches on the phylogenic tree
meet. These spots are where both branches leading to
extant (existing) species share a common ancestor
species now extinct. Can you explain why the
statement "humans came from monkeys" is an
ignorant (uninformed) statement?
5. Of the extant species of Primates which is the
6. Which Hominin (early pre-human genus) gave rise to two very different braches of hominds one of which lead to Homo sapiens?
Recall what you learned from watching Ape Genius for the following questions.
7. When Anthropologists research the behavior of chimps compared to the behavior of modern
humans what question are they ultimately trying to answer?
8. What have anthropologists learned about differences in impulse control between chimps and
9. What do some studies possibly show about human juveniles and impulse control as relates to
school and college?
10. Will chimps help other humans if they know what the humans wants?
11. Which group of chimps are more cooperative, African (traditional) chimps or Bonobo
12. What is one important way that juvenile chimps (and juvenile humans!) learn from adults?
13. Why do juvenile humans continue to follow ineffective steps (poking and tapping with a stick
to get the gummy bear and chimps don't, when they can clearly see the candy in the clear box?
14. Fill in the blank. Humans are much better at _________________ to achieve a common
15. After the destruction of the 2007 Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans it was noticed that
neighborhoods where people did not know their neighbors fared poorly (more deaths and misery)
as compared to neighborhoods where people knew each other much better. Why?
16. It is important to realize that all extant organisms are perfectly suited to their niche (their
place or "job" in the environment). One species is no "better" or necessarily more advanced than
another. Humans left their niche about 10,000 years ago when they settled down in permanent
structures, planted food and gave up hunting and gathering. This was the birth of human
civilization and we have come to dominate all life on Earth with powerful technologies. Do you
think we are better off or worse off now that we have created our own unique (never before seen
on Earth) niche? And, do we owe any responsibility to the other organisms of Earth now that we
can affect their very existence? For example we are driving all other primate species to extinction
currently. Explain your answer as best you can!
17. This is a tough question that requires you to think and speculate on what you know
personally. If humans are so superior at cooperating compared to other primates, why then do we
fight sometimes? And, what can we do to avoid fighting?