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B.Tech Year IV (First Semester)
E 4011
EM 4011
IT 4012
IT 4022
IT 4016
IT 4026
See under Department of English.
Engineering Mathematics(3-1-0)
See under Department of Engineering Mathematics.
Advanced Computer Network(2-0-2)
Text Book: Data Communications and Networking (5th Edition)
Author: Behrouz A.Forouzan
Wired LANs: Ethernet, Ethernet Protocol, Standard Ethernet, Fast
Ethernet(100 Mbps), Gigabit Ethernet, 10 Gigabit Ethernet, Other Wired
Networks, SONET 400, ATN 421, Wireless LANs, IEEE 802.11 project,
Bluetooth, WiMAX, Cellular Telephony, Connecting devices and Virtual
Computer Architecture(2-0-1)
Text Book: Computer Architecture and Organization (3rd Edition)
Author: John P. Hayes
System Design: Structure Versus Behavior, VHDL Design Process,
Computer Aided Design Level, Gate Level, Programmable Logic Device,
Field Programmable gate arrays, FPGA Implementation of Serial Adder,
Register Level Design, Design Techniques, CPU Organization:
Accumulator based CPU, Instruction sets for CPU, ARM6 Microprocessor,
Core Instruction set of ARM6, Organization of 68020, Data Presentation,
Floating Point Numbers, IEEE 754 Floating Point Number Format,
Instruction sets, RISC Formats, Addressing Modes, Instructions Types.
Advanced Data Management Techniques(2-0-1)
Text Book: Professional NoSQL
Author: Shashank Tiwari
Defining NoSQL setting context by explaining the history of NoSQL’s
emergence, Introducing the NoSQL variants, Listing a few popular NoSQL
products, Testing NoSQL Technology, Exploring Mongo DB Basis,
Accessing Mongo DB from JAVA, Understanding the Storage Architecture
of NoSQL, CRUD Operations on Mongo DB, Querying use cases in the
context of Mongo DB, Indexing and Ordering Datasets, Managing
Transactions and Data Integrity.
Advanced Java Programming(2-0-2)
Text Book: Java How to Program (9th Edition)
Author: H. M. Deitel
Simple GUI based input/output with J OptionPane, Swing Components,
Text Field and Event Handling, Common GUI Event Types and Listener
Interface, J Button, J ComboBox, J List, Adapter Classes, Key Event
Handling, Layout Manager, Panels, J TextArea, Graphics contexts and
Graphics Object, Color control, Font, Java 2D API, Collection, Typewrapper classes for Primitive Types, Auto Boxing and Auto Unboxing,
Interface Collection and Class Collections, List, Collection Methods, Stack
IT 4036
IT 4017
Class, Class Priority queue and Interface queue, Sets, Maps, Properties
classes, Synchronized collections, Unmodifiable Collections, Abstract
Implementation, Layout Manager: Box Layout and Grid Bag Layout.
Computer Integrated Manufacturing (2-1-0)
Manufacturing industries, types of production, functions in manufacturing,
plant layout, production concepts and mathematical models, automation
strategies, basic concepts of production economics, methods of evaluating
investment alternatives, costs in manufacturing, break-even analysis,
structural model of a manufacturing process, steady-state optimal control,
adaptive control, on-line search strategies, logic control elements,
sequencing elements, ladder logic diagrams, programmable logic
controllers, computer-process interface, computer process monitoring,
types of computer process control, direct digital control, programming for
computer process control.
Analog and Digital Control (2-0-1)
Text Book: Modern Control System (9th Edition)
Author: Richard C.Dorf and Robert H.Bishop
Open and close loop control system, the state differential equation, SignalFlow Graph Models, the Sensitivity of Control Systems to Parameter
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