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Ideas to use slide show How to Help Friends- Mental Health
The slide show was developed:
1. as a tool to improve awareness of Mental Health in your college
2. to support knowledge of student service areas in your college
3. to increase student knowledge about good student habits that contribute to mental
4. to give students specific information about what to do in the event they hear a friend is
contemplating suicide
The slide deck is 56 slides in a ‘game show’ format. There are questions and answers for points.
The perspective is helping friends so may be of more interest to students.
Ideal for an orientation session, group session or classroom visit. The show will take about 20
min or more, depending on how much you talk on some of the ‘answer’ slides.
Suggest you have students keep track of their own points, and have several prizes to give away
to the winners. Perhaps small chocolate bars for everyone with large bars or special swag for
first or more places.
This could also be done with students working in pairs or small groups. The presentation would
take longer to do in this case.
Altering the Content
You can change any of the text. Change the points, headings, questions or answers. Don’t
delete or add slides or it will ruin the game show effect.
It is important that you insert the information that is relevant to your campus and service.
There are notes for most of the slides as suggestions but use whatever is most suitable for the
audience and the presenter.
The accompanying handout needs to be completed with the room numbers for your service
area. Insert any websites or anything else you like. We can include our website once it’s
available for students.
You might consider printing out the Mental Health for Life for everyone if you like