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‫مصطلحـــــات طبـيـــــــة‬
Medical Terminology
‫ الدكتور عدنان الخصاونه‬:‫اعداد‬
Medical Terminology
‫• بالنسبه لالخوه الطالب ليست بديله عن الكتاب‬
Medical Terminology for Health Careers provides the strong medical language
foundation that students need for jobs in the healthcare industry.
Provides an overview of health care and anatomy and physiology of body system.
Emphasizes visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning modes.
Teaches word analysis techniques, core medical terms, and the essential vocabulary
of each body system.
Offers stimulating, comprehensive exercises that require the recall of terms and
word structures as well as analysis and judgment within the context of medical
Presents anatomy, physiology, pathology, and diagnostic terms within a framework
of infant-to-seniors health care.
Medical Terminology
of medical terms. ‫ االستخدام الصحيح‬with the proper use ‫يتعامل‬Is a science that deals 
It is accurately describing the human body 
and ‫ عمليات‬processes ‫ظروف‬conditions, ‫محتويات‬and associated components‫جسم االنسان‬
‫بأسلوب علمي‬procedures in a science-based manner.
Medical term formation and Construction
Formation : medical terms and words are usually composed of tow or more .A
The root 
The prefix
The suffix 
‫ الجذر‬The root .A
The main part of the word 
The word root is a term derived from a source language such as Greek or 
Latin and usually describes a body part.
‫هو الجزء الرئيسي للكلمة غالبا مشتق من اللغة االم وعادة‬
‫يصف عضو من الجسم‬
‫المثانة‬Bladder))Example: Cysto
The prefix .B
the word root by giving ‫يعدل‬The prefix can be added in front of the term to modify
, the number of ‫ عضو‬of an organ ‫ مكان‬information about the location ‫اضافية‬additional
parts, or time involved.
‫بدون اعراض‬Example: A symptomatic
The suffix
Suffixes are attached to the end of a word root to add meaning such as condition,
disease process, or procedure.
‫ التهاب الزائدة الدودية‬Example: Appendicitis
‫التركيب‬Construction .B
The way in which medical terms are constructed can be illustrated by the following
Prefix, Root and suffix (Pericarditis) .1
Tow roots and a suffix (Osteo-myelitis) .2
‫نهجة‬Prefix and root (Dyspnea)
‫التهاب المثانة‬Root and suffix (Cystitis)
‫(نزيف االنف‬Epistaxis) Prefix and suffix .5
The Prefixes
Term: A-An 
‫بدون أو غياب‬Meaning: lack of –Absence 
Examples: 
‫ضمور في النمو‬Atrophy: lack of growth
‫بدون اعراض‬Asymptomatic: Absence of symptoms
‫بدون ازرقاق‬Acyanotic (Absence of cyanosis)
Without head‫بدون رأس‬Anencephaly:
Lack of urine ‫ قلة كمية البول‬Anuria:
loss of blood : ‫ فقر الدم‬Anemia
)‫ بدون الم (مخدر‬Analgesia: lack of Pain
The Prefixes-Cont. (A)
Term: Ab 
‫ انفصال‬- ‫بعيد‬Meaning: away from-separation 
Example: 
away from body ‫ بعيد عن مركز الجسم‬Abduction:
The Prefixes-Cont. (A)
Term: Ad 
‫قريب‬Meaning: toward-near
Example: 
Near the body ‫قريب من مركز الجسم‬Adduction:
The Prefixes-Cont. (A)
Term: Aden-(o) 
‫غدة‬Meaning: gland 
Example: 
Enlargement of gland ‫ورم الغدد‬Adenoma:
Tumors of gland ‫ورم الغدد السرطاني‬Adenocarcinoma:
Inflammation of gland : ‫ التهابات الغدد‬Adenitis
The Prefixes-Cont. (A)
Term: Ante- 
‫قبل‬Meaning: before 
Example: 
Before Birth ‫قبل الميالد‬Antepartum:
Before delivery‫ قبل الوالدة‬Antenatal:
The Prefixes-Cont. (A)
Term: Anti- 
‫ضد‬Meaning: against-Contra 
Example: 
Against virus ‫مضاد للفيروسات‬Antiviral:
‫مضاد للميكروبات‬Antimicrobial: Against Microbe
Against Convulsion‫مضاد للتشنجات‬Anticonvulsive:
Against bio‫مضاد حيوي‬Antibiotic:
The Prefixes-Cont. (A)
Term: Arteri -(o) 
‫شريان‬Meaning: artery-arterial 
Example: 
Hardening of arteries‫تصلب الشرايين‬Arteriosclerosis :
Inflammation of artery ‫التهاب الشريان‬Arteritis:
The Prefixes-Cont. (A)
Term: Arthr -(o) 
‫مفصل‬Meaning: joint 
Example: 
Inflammation of joint‫التهاب المفاصل‬Arthritis :
Pain at the joint‫االم المفاصل‬Arthralgia:
Arthrocentesis: Withdrawing fluids from the
‫ سحب السوائل من المفصل‬Joint
‫ فتحة بالمفصل‬Arthrotomy: An opening in the joint
The Prefixes-Cont. (A)
Term: Audi- , Audio- 
‫يتعلق باألذن أو سمعي‬Meaning: pertaining to ear 
Example: 
hearing ‫سمع‬Auditory :
‫ علم السمع‬:Audiology
The Prefixes-Cont. (A)
Term: Auto- 
‫يتعلق بالذات‬Meaning: self, for oneself 
Example: 
self immunity‫ذاتي‬Autoimmune :
The Prefixes-Cont. (B)
Term: Bi 
‫مرتين‬Meaning: twice 
Example: 
Both sides‫كال الجانبين‬bilateral :
The Prefixes-Cont. (B)
Term: Brady 
‫بطء أو قلة‬Meaning: slow- decrease 
Example: 
slow heart beat ‫بطء في خفقات القلب‬Bradycardia :
decrease of respiratory rate ‫بطء في عملية التنفس‬Bradypnea:
The Prefixes-Cont. (B)
Term: bronch- , broncho- 
‫قصبة أو شعبة هوائية‬Meaning: bronchus or bronchi 
Example: 
‫منظار رئوي‬Bronchoscope:
‫التهاب القصبة الهوائية‬Bronchitis: inflammation of bronchi
The Prefixes-Cont. (C)
Term: Carcin (o) 
‫سرطان‬Meaning: cancer
Example: 
Tumor ‫سرطان خبيث‬Carcinoma:
The Prefixes-Cont. (C)
Term: Card- ,Cardio- 
‫قلب‬Meaning: heart 
Example: 
‫تضخم قلب‬cardiomegaly: heart enlargement
‫علم القلب‬cardiology: science of heart study
The Prefixes-Cont. (C)
Term: Cephal (o)- 
‫ رأس أو دماغ‬Meaning: head or brain 
Example: 
Cephalomeningitis: Inflammation of the meninges. “The surrounding
membranes the brain”
“ ‫التهاب المخ والسحايا المحيطة به ”األغشية المحيطة بالمخ‬
The Prefixes-Cont. (C)
Term: Cholecyst (o)- 
‫مرارة‬Meaning: Gall bladder 
Example: 
Cholecystolithiasis: stones in the gallbladder
‫تحصي المرارة‬
‫التهاب المرارة‬Cholecystitis: inflammation of the gall bladder
‫ازالة المرارة‬Cholecystectomy: removal of gall bladder
The Prefixes-Cont. (C)
Term: Col (o) , Colon (o)- 
‫قولون‬Meaning: Colon or Large Intestine 
Example: 
Colostomy: an opening in the large intestine
‫فتحة باألمعاء الغليظة او القولون‬
Colonoscopy: scope for the large intestine
‫منظار األمعاء الغليظة او القولون‬
Colectomy: removal of parts of large intestine
‫استئصال األمعاء الغليظة او القولون‬
The Prefixes-Cont. (C)
Term: Crani (o) 
‫جمجمة‬Meaning: skull 
Example: 
Craniotomy: an opening in the skull
‫فتحة بالجمجمة‬
Cranioplasty: surgical grafting of the skull
‫تجميل لعظام الجمجمة‬
The Prefixes-Cont. (C)
Term: Cyan (o) 
‫ازرقاق‬Meaning: blue 
Example: 
Cyanosis: bluish discoloration of the skin due to lack of oxygen)
‫ازرقاق الجلد نتيجة نقص وصول األكسجين‬
The Prefixes-Cont. (C)
Term: Cyt (o) 
‫خلية‬Meaning: Cell 
Example: 
Cytology: science of studying the cell
‫علم دراسة الخلية‬
‫سموم الخاليا‬Cytotoxic: poisoning of the cell
The Prefixes-Cont. (C)
Term: Circum 
‫حول‬Meaning: around 
Example: 
‫حول الفم‬Circumoral: around the mouth
The Prefixes-Cont. (C)
Term: Chondr (o) 
‫غضروف‬Meaning: cartilage 
Example: 
Chondroblast: cartilage forming cell
” ‫الخلية الغضروفية البانية ” أرومة غضروفية‬
Chondrectomy: removal of the cartilage
‫ازالة الطبقة الغضروفية‬
The Prefixes-Cont. (C)
Term: Cost 
“‫ عظام القفص الصدري ”الضلوع‬Meaning: ribs
Example: 
‫تتعلق بعظام القفص الصدري‬Costal : related to the ribs
Costectomy: resection of rib
‫ازالة احد عظام القفص الصدري‬
The Prefixes-Cont. (D)
Term: Dent (o) , Denti 
‫أسنان‬Meaning: Teeth 
Example: 
Dentology : the science that study teeth
‫علم دراسة االسنان‬
Dentitis : inflammation of teeth
‫التهاب االسنان‬
The Prefixes-Cont. (D)
Term: Derm (a) (ato) 
‫جلد‬Meaning: skin 
Example: 
Dermatology : the science that study the skin
‫علم دراسة الجلد‬
Dermatitis : inflammation of the skin
‫التهاب الجلد‬
The Prefixes-Cont. (D)
Term: Dis- 
Meaning: absence, removal, separation 
‫إزالة أو فصل‬
Example: 
Tissue Dissection: (to separate tissues for anatomical study)
‫فصل األنسجة لدراسة التشريح‬
The Prefixes-Cont. (D)
Term: Dia 
‫بين‬Meaning: between 
Example: 
Diaphragm : between the abdominal cavity and chest cavity
‫الحجاب الحاجز يفصل تجويف البطن عن تجويف الصدر‬
The Prefixes-Cont. (D)
Term: Dys 
‫صعوبة‬Meaning: difficult
Example: 
‫صعوبة في التنفس‬Dyspnea : difficult breathing
‫صعوبة االبتالع‬Dysphagia: difficult swallowing
‫عسر الهضم‬Dyspepsia: difficult digestion
‫الفصل الثاني‬
The Prefixes-Cont. (E)
Term: Ech (o) 
‫صوت‬Meaning: Sound
Example: 
Echocardiogram : heart sound recording
‫تخطيط عضلة القلب باألشعة الفوق صوتية‬
The Prefixes-Cont. (E)
Term: Ectop 
Meaning: out of normal place 
‫خارج عن المكان الطبيعي‬
Example: 
‫حمل خارج الرحم‬Ectopic pregnancy : pregnancy out side the uterus
The Prefixes-Cont. (E)
Term: Endo-En 
‫داخل‬Meaning: into-within 
Examples: 
‫داخل القصبة الهوائية‬Endotracheal : within the trachea
‫منظار داخلي‬Endoscope: scope within the body
The Prefixes-Cont. (E)
Term: Enter 
‫األمعاء الدقيقة‬Meaning: small intestine 
Examples: 
Enteritis : inflammation of small intestine
‫التهاب األمعاء الدقيقة‬
‫توقف حركة األمعاء الدقيقة‬Enterostasis: loss of intestinal motility
The Prefixes-Cont. (E)
Term: Erythr (o) 
‫أحمر‬Meaning: red 
Examples: 
Erythrocyte : red blood cells
‫خاليا الدم الحمراء‬
‫زيادة عدد كريات الدم الحمراء‬Erythrocytosis: Excessive production of erythrocytes
The Prefixes-Cont. (E)
Term: Eu 
‫جيد أو طبيعي‬Meaning: well, good, normal 
Examples: 
Euthyroid : normal thyroid gland
‫غدة درقية سليمة‬
‫الموت الرحيم‬Euthanasia: comfortable or peaceful death
The Prefixes-Cont. (E)
Term: Epi 
‫فوق‬Meaning: above 
Examples: 
Epigastric : above the stomach
‫فوق المعدة‬
‫الطبقة الخارجية للجلد‬Epidermis: outer layer of the skin
The Prefixes-Cont. (E)
Term: Extra 
‫خارج‬Meaning: Outside of
Examples: 
Extracellular :
: situated or occurring outside a cell or the cells of the body <extracellular
‫خارج الخلية‬digestion> <extracellular enzymes>
Extravascular: outside the blood vessel
‫خارج الوعاء الدموي‬
<extravascular tissue fluids> <extravascular hemolysis>
The Prefixes-Cont. (F)
Term: Fore 
‫قبل‬,‫في المقدمة‬Meaning: In front of, before
Examples: 
Forehead : frontal part of the head
” ‫مقدمة الرأس ” الجبهة‬
‫ساعد‬Forearm: frontal part of the arm
The Prefixes-Cont. (G)
Term: Gastr(o) 
‫معدة‬Meaning: stomach
Examples: 
Gastrostomy : an opening in the stomach
‫فتحة بالمعدة‬
‫التهاب المعدة‬Gastritis: inflammation of stomach
‫استئصال كلي للمعدة‬Gastrectomy: total removal of stomach
The Prefixes-Cont. (G)
Term: Gen 
‫ بداية او تكوين‬Meaning: beginning, formation
Examples: 
‫تكوين الجينات‬Genesis : gene formation
Spermatogenesis: formation of sperm genes
‫عملية تكوين الحيوانات المنوية‬
‫تكوين األعضاء‬Organogenesis: formation of organs
The Prefixes-Cont. (G)
Term: Gingiv (o) 
‫ اللثة‬Meaning: Gum
Examples: 
‫التهاب اللثة‬Gingivitis : inflammation of gum
‫يعود للثة‬Gingival: related to gum
The Prefixes-Cont. (G)
Term: Gloss (o) 
Meaning: Pertaining to the Tongue
‫يتعلق باللسان‬
Examples: 
‫التهاب اللسان‬Glossitis : inflammation of the tongue
‫يتعلق باللسان‬Glossal: Pertaining to the Tongue
The Prefixes-Cont. (G)
Term: Ger (i) (o)/ Geront 
‫كبار السن‬Meaning: old age or elderly
Examples: 
‫طب الشيخوخة‬Geriatrics : science that study elderly
‫علم الشيخوخة‬Gerontology: science that study old ages
The Prefixes-Cont. (G)
Term: Genit (o) 
‫يتعلق باألعضاء التناسلية‬Meaning: pertaining of the organs of reproduction
Examples: 
Genitals : organs of reproduction
‫األعضاء التناسلية‬
‫منطقة األعضاء التناسلية‬Genitalia: area of reproduction organs
The Prefixes-Cont. (H)
Term: Haem (a) (o) - Hem (a) (o) – 
Hemat (o)
‫دم‬Meaning: Pertaining to blood
Examples: 
Hematoma : collection of blood under the skin
“‫تجمع دموي ”ورم دموي‬
‫بول مدمم‬Hematuria: blood in the urine
‫سعال مدمم‬Hemoptysis: coughing of blood
‫قيئ مدمم‬Hematemesis: vomiting of blood
The Prefixes-Cont. (H)
Term: Hemi 
)‫نصف ( الشق النصفي األيمن أو األيسر من الجسم‬Meaning: half, the right or left half of the body
Examples: 
Hemiplegia : paralysis of half of the body
‫شلل نصفي‬
‫تخدر أو (خذالن) في نصف الجسم‬Hemiparesis: numbness of the half of the body
The Prefixes-Cont. (H)
Term: Hyper 
‫زيادة عن المعدل الطبيعي‬Meaning: Excessive or above normal 
Examples: 
Hyperglycemia : Excessive blood glucose above normal level
‫زيادة ارتفاع نسبة السكر في الدم‬
‫ارتفاع ضغط الدم‬Hypertension: Excessive blood pressure above normal level
The Prefixes-Cont. (H)
Term: Hypo 
‫نقص عن المعدل الطبيعي‬Meaning: lack of or under or below normal 
Examples: 
Hypoglycemia : lack of blood glucose below normal level
‫نقص نسبة السكر في الدم‬
‫انخفاض ضغط الدم‬Hypotension: lack of blood pressure below normal level
The Prefixes-Cont. (I)
Term: Inter 
‫بين أو خالل‬Meaning: between, among 
Example: 
Intercellular : between the cells
‫بين الخاليا‬
The Prefixes-Cont. (I)
Term: Intra 
‫داخل‬Meaning: inside, within, into 
Examples: 
Intracellular : inside the cells
‫داخل الخاليا‬
‫داخل الوعاء الدموي‬Intravascular: inside the blood vessel
The Prefixes-Cont. (I)
Term: In- 
‫ال النافية‬Meaning: not, non 
Examples: 
Insufficient : not enough
‫غير كافي‬
‫غير مناسب‬Inappropriate: not suitable
The Prefixes-Cont. (K)
Term: kerat (o) 
‫األنسجة المقرنة‬Meaning: horny tissues 
Examples: 
keratin : sulfur-containing fibrous proteins that form the chemical basis of
horny epidermal tissues (as hair and nails)
‫مادة الكرياتين هي عبارة عن طبقة من األلياف البروتينية تكون أساس األنسجة القرنية مثل الشعر واألظافر‬
The Prefixes-Cont. (L)
Term: Lact (o) 
‫الحليب‬Meaning: milk 
Examples: 
Lactation : A process of milk feeding
‫عملية الرضاعة‬
The Prefixes-Cont. (L)
Term: Lymph (o) 
‫يتعلق بالسائل الليمفاوي أو الجهاز الليمفاوي‬Meaning: related to lymph or lymphatic system 
Examples: 
Lymphadenitis : inflammation of lymph node
‫التهاب في الغدد الليمفاوية‬
Lymphedema: enlargement of lymph node
‫تضخم الغدد اليمفاوية‬
The Prefixes-Cont. (M)
Term: Mal 
‫سيئ‬Meaning: bad 
Examples: 
Malnutrition : bad nourishment
‫سوء تغذية‬
Malabsorption: bad absorption
‫سوء االمتصاص‬
The Prefixes-Cont. (M)
Term: Macr (o) 
‫ كبير‬- ‫ضخم‬Meaning: large
Examples: 
Macrocephaly : Enlargement of the head
‫ضخامة الرأس‬
The Prefixes-Cont. (M)
Term: Micro 
‫صغير‬Meaning: small 
Examples: 
Microorganism : small organisms
‫الكائنات الدقيقة‬
Microcyte: small cells
‫خاليا صغيرة الحجم‬
The Prefixes-Cont. (M)
Term: Meg (a) Megal (o) 
or abnormal enlargement ‫كبير‬Meaning: large 
Examples: 
Megacolon : abnormal enlargement of colon
)‫تضخم القولون(األمعاء الغليظة‬
Megaloblast: a large erythroblast that appears in the blood especially in
pernicious anemia
The Prefixes-Cont. (M)
Term: My (o) - or – Muscul (o) 
‫عضالت‬Meaning: Pertaining to Muscles 
Examples: 
Myocardial infarction : an acute episode of heart disease marked by the
death or damage of heart muscle due to insufficient blood supply to the
heart muscle usually as a result of a coronary thrombosis or a coronary
‫الجلطة القلبية‬occlusion
‫التهاب العضالت‬Myositis: inflammation of muscles
‫ الجهاز العظمي العضلي‬Musculoskeletal system: Systems of muscles and bones
The Prefixes-Cont. (N)
Term: Narc (o) 
‫نوم‬Meaning: pertaining to sleep 
Example: 
‫أدوية منومة‬Narcotics : drugs inducing sleep
The Prefixes-Cont. (N)
Term: Nas (o) 
‫أنف‬Meaning: pertaining to the nose
Examples: 
Nasogastric Tube :
‫األنبوب األنفي المعدي‬intubation of the stomach by way of the nasal passages
The Prefixes-Cont. (N)
Term: Nephr (o) 
‫الكلية‬Meaning: pertaining to kidney
Examples: 
Nephritis : inflammation of kidney nephron
‫التهاب الكلية‬
‫حصاوي الكلية‬Nephrolithiasis: stones at the kidney
‫إزالة الكلية‬Nephrectomy: removal of the kidney
The Prefixes-Cont. (N)
Term: Neur (o) 
‫األعصاب‬Meaning: pertaining to nerves
Examples: 
Neurology : branch of medicine concerned especially with the structure,
‫علم دراسة األعصاب‬functions, and diseases of the nervous system
‫جراحة األعصاب‬Neurosurgery: surgery of nervous system
Neurologist: a person specializing in neurology especially : a physician
skilled in the diagnosis and treatment of disease of the nervous system
‫أخصائي أعصاب‬
The Prefixes-Cont. (O)
Term: Ophthalm (o) 
‫العين‬Meaning: pertaining to eye
Examples: 
Ophthalmology : a branch of medical science dealing with the structure,
‫علم دراسة العين‬functions, and diseases of the eye
‫أخصائي‬Ophthalmologist: a person who specializes in ophthalmology
The Prefixes-Cont. (O)
Term: Ot (o) 
‫األذن‬Meaning: pertaining to ear
Examples: 
‫التهاب األذن الوسطى‬Otitis media : inflammation of the middle ear
‫علم دراسة األذن‬Otology: a science that deals with the ear and its diseases
‫• الفصل الثالث‬
The Prefixes-Cont. (P)
Term: Pancreat(o) 
‫البنكرياس‬Meaning: pertaining to pancreas 
Examples: 
‫التهاب البنكرياس‬Pancreatitis: inflammation of the pancreas
‫قناة البنكرياس‬Pancreatic duct: a duct connecting the pancreas with the intestine
The Prefixes-Cont. (P)
Term: Path (o) 
‫المرض‬Meaning: pertaining to disease 
Examples: 
Pathology: the study of the essential nature of diseases and especially of the
structural and functional changes produced by them
‫علم دراسة االمراض ومسببات حدوثها والتغيرات التي تحدثها‬
Pathologist: specialist in pathology; specifically : a physician who interprets
and diagnoses the changes caused by disease in tissues and body fluids
‫اخصائي الباثولوجي‬
The Prefixes-Cont. (P)
Term: Peri 
‫حول‬Meaning: around or enclosing 
Examples: 
‫التهاب الغشاء المحيط بالقلب‬Pericarditis: inflammation of the pericardium
Peritonitis: inflammation of the peritoneum
( the smooth transparent serous membrane that lines the cavity of the abdomen)
‫التهاب الغشاء البريتوني حول البطن‬
The Prefixes-Cont. (P)
Term: Pneum(o) 
‫الرئة‬Meaning: pertaining to lung 
Examples: 
Pneumonia: inflammation of the lung
‫التهاب رئوي‬
Pneumothorax: a condition in which air or other gas is present in the pleural
‫هواء داخل الرئوي‬
The Prefixes-Cont. (P)
Term: Poly 
‫متعدد‬or affecting many parts ‫ زيادة‬Meaning: excessive 
Examples: 
Polydipsia: excessive or abnormal thirst
‫عطش شديد‬
Polyuria: excessive urination
‫زيادة عدد مرات التبول‬
excessive appetite or eating
)‫زيادة عدد مرات األكل (شهية مفتوحة للطعام‬
The Prefixes-Cont. (P)
Term: Pre 
‫قبل‬Meaning: before 
Examples: 
Preoperative: occurring, performed, or administered before and usually
close to a surgical operation
‫قبل العملية‬
preeclampsia: a serious condition developing in late pregnancy that is
characterized by a sudden rise in blood pressure, excessive weight gain,
generalized edema, proteinuria, severe headache, and visual disturbances
and that may result in eclampsia if untreated (an attack of convulsions )
)‫تشنج حملي (تشنج قبل الحمل‬
The Prefixes-Cont. (P)
Term: Post 
‫ بعد‬Meaning: after or behind 
Examples: 
after Birth ‫بعد الميالد‬Postpartum:
after delivery ‫ بعد الوالدة‬postnatal:
The Prefixes-Cont. (P)
Term: Psych ( o) 
‫ يتعلق بالعقل والعمليات النفسية‬Meaning: pertaining to mind or mental process 
Examples: 
the science of mind and behavior ‫علم النفس‬Psychology:
treatment of mental or emotional disorder or ‫ العالج النفسي‬Psychotherapy:
maladjustment by psychological means especially involving verbal
communication (as in psychoanalysis, nondirective psychotherapy,
reeducation, or hypnosis)
The Prefixes-Cont. (Q)
Term: Quad- Quadri 
‫ أربعة‬Meaning: Four 
Example: 
paralysis of all four limbs -- called also tetraplegia ‫شلل رباعي‬Quadriplegia: 
The Prefixes-Cont. (R)
Term: Rect (o) 
Meaning: pertaining to the rectum 
“‫كل ما له عالقة بالمستقيم ”الشرج‬
Example: 
bleeding per rectum ‫نزيف شرجي‬Rectal hemorrhage :
The Prefixes-Cont. (R)
Term: Retin (o) 
‫كل ما له عالقة بشبكية العين‬Meaning: pertaining to the retina in the eye 
Example: 
bleeding per retina of the eye ‫نزيف شبكة العين‬Retinal hemorrhage : 
a condition of the eye in which the retina ‫انفصال الشبكية‬Retinal detachment : 
has separated from the choroid
(a vascular membrane containing large branched pigment cells that lies between the retina
and the sclera of the eye )
The Prefixes-Cont. (R)
Term: Rheum (a) 
Meaning: pertaining to the Rheumatism 
‫كل ما له عالقة بالروماتيزم‬
Example: 
any of various conditions characterized by ‫الروماتيزم‬Rheumatism : 
inflammation or pain in muscles, joints, or fibrous tissue <muscular
Rheumatoid arthritis: a usually chronic disease that is considered an 
autoimmune disease and is characterized especially by pain, stiffness,
inflammation, swelling, and sometimes destruction of joints
The Prefixes-Cont. (S)
Term: Sub 
Meaning: under or below 
‫تحت أو اقل من‬
Example: 
below normal level ‫تحت المعدل الطبيعي‬Subnormal : 
‫تحت الضلع‬Subcostal: below the rib 
The Prefixes-Cont. (S)
Term: Supra-Super 
‫ فوق‬Meaning: Above 
Example: 
above the kidney )‫الغدة الفوق كلوية (الكظرية‬Suprarenal gland: 
‫العلوي‬Superior: upper most 
The Prefixes-Cont. (S)
Term: Stomat( o) 
‫فم‬Meaning: Mouth
Example: 
inflammation of mouth ‫التهاب الفم‬Stomatitis : 
The Prefixes-Cont. (S)
Term: Splen( o) 
‫طحال‬Meaning: pertaining to spleen 
Example: 
removal of spleen ‫ازالة الطحال‬Splenectomy : 
enlargement of spleen‫تضخم الطحال‬Splenomegally:
The Prefixes-Cont. (S)
Term: Semi 
‫جزئي‬Meaning: pertaining to partial 
Example: 
partially awake ‫شبه واعي‬Semiconscious : 
The Prefixes-Cont. (T)
Term: Tachy- 
‫سريع‬Meaning: pertaining to fast or rapid 
Example: 
rapid heart rate ‫نبض سريع‬Tachycardia : 
rapid respiratory rate ‫تنفس سريع‬Tachypnea: 
The Prefixes-Cont. (T)
Term: Thyr( o) , thyroid- 
Meaning: pertaining to the thyroid gland 
‫غدة الدرقية‬
Example: 
removal of thyroid gland ‫ازالة الغدة الدرقية‬Thyroidectomy : 
inflammation of thyroid gland ‫التهاب الغدة الدرقية‬Thyroiditis: 
The Prefixes-Cont. (T)
Term: Trache( o) 
Meaning: pertaining to the windpipe
‫القصبة الهوائية‬
Example: 
an opening in the trachea ‫فتحة في القصبة الهوائية‬Tracheotomy- Tracheostomy: 
inflammation of both trachea ‫التهاب القصبة والشعب الهوائية‬Tracheobronchitis: 
and bronchi
The Prefixes-Cont. (T)
Term: Thorac( o) 
‫الصدر‬Meaning: pertaining to the chest 
Example: 
the chest cavity‫القفص الصدري‬Thoracic (thorax): 
withdrawing fluids from the thorax ‫سحب السوائل من الصدر‬Thoracocentesis: 
The Prefixes-Cont. (U)
Term: Ultra 
‫فوق‬Meaning: beyond, excess 
Example: 
‫فوق صوتية‬Ultrasound : 
‫فوق بنفسجية‬Ultraviolet: 
The Prefixes-Cont. (U)
Term: Ur( o) 
‫بول‬Meaning: pertaining to urine 
Example: 
an instrument for calculating urine ‫جهاز لقياس كمية البول‬Urometer: 
‫ تصوير الجهاز البولي‬Urography: 
X-Ray study for urinary system
The Prefixes-Cont. (U)
Term: Uni 
‫أحادي‬Meaning: pertaining to one- alone 
Example: 
one side ‫جانب واحد‬Unilateral: 
The Prefixes-Cont. (V)
Term: Vas (o) 
‫وعاء دموي‬Meaning: pertaining to a vessel 
Example: 
widening of a blood vessel ‫توسع في الوعاء الدموي‬Vasodilatation: 
narrowing of a blood vessel‫انقباض في الوعاء الدموي‬Vasoconstriction: 
The Prefixes-Cont. (Z)
Term: Zo (o) 
‫حيوانات‬Meaning: pertaining to animals 
Example: 
the science that study animals ‫علم دراسة الحيوانات‬Zoology: 
‫الفصل الرابع‬
2.The Suffixes (A)
Term: -ac 
‫تعود على‬Meaning: related to 
Example: 
pertaining to the heart ‫تعود على القلب‬Cardiac: 
pertaining to ileum ‫تعود على جزء من األمعاء الدقيقة‬Iliac: 
The Suffixes (A)-Cont 
Term: -aemia or -emia 
‫تعود على الدم‬Meaning: related to blood 
Example: 
loss of blood ‫ فقر الدم‬Anaemia: 
increase lipids level in the blood ‫ زيادة الدهون في الدم‬hyperlipidemia: 
‫ نقص مستوى الكالسيوم في الدم‬Hypocalcemia: 
Decrease of blood calcium level
decrease blood sugar level‫ نقص السكر في الدم‬Hypoglycemia: 
The Suffixes (A)-Cont
Term: -al 
‫تعود على‬Meaning: related to blood 
Example: 
related to kidney‫ (كلوي) الكلية تعود على‬renal : 
related to hormone )‫ تعود على الهرمون (هرموني‬hormonal: 
related to placenta ‫ تعود على المشيمة‬Placental: 
related to Retina‫ تعود على شبكية العين‬Retinal: 
The Suffixes (A)-Cont
Term: -algia 
‫تعود على األلم‬Meaning: related to pain 
Example: 
related to joint pain‫ آالم المفاصل‬Arthralgia : 
related to muscles pain ‫ آالم العضالت‬Myalgia: 
The Suffixes (C)
Term: - cele 
Meaning: related to hernia or hollow 
‫تعود على الفتق أو تجويف به سائل أحيانا‬
Example: 
)‫ قيلة مثانية (فتق المثانى‬Cystocele :hollow cavity inside cyst 
‫ أُدْرة = قيلة مائية في‬hydrocele: a swelling of testicles or testis containing fluids 
‫الخصية = فتق أو انتفاخ بسبب سائل‬
‫ فتق المعدة‬Gastrocele: herniation of stomach 
The Suffixes (C)-Cont
Term: -centesis 
‫عملية ثقب لسحب السوائل للعالج أو‬Meaning: surgical puncture for drainage or aspiration 
Example: 
‫ سحب السوائل من‬Thoracocentesis : aspiration of fluids from the thorax or chest 
‫ سحب السوائل من البطن‬Abdominocentesis: aspiration of fluids from the abdomen 
The Suffixes (C)-Cont
Term: -cide or -cidal 
‫قاتل ومدمر‬Meaning: killing or destroying 
Example: 
‫ قاتل البكتيريا والمتحوصلة منها‬bactericide : killing bacteria including spores 
‫ قاتل الجراثيم‬germicide : killing germs 
The Suffixes (C)-Cont
Term: -cyte 
‫خلية‬Meaning: cell 
Example: 
‫ خلية دم حمراء‬Erythrocyte : red blood cell 
‫ خلية دم بيضاء‬Leukocyte : white blood cell 
‫ الصفائح الدموية‬Thrombocyte : platelets 
Melanocyte : black cell in the skin 
‫خاليا سوداء تكون موجودة في الجلد‬
The Suffixes (D)
Term: -derm 
‫تعود على الجلد‬Meaning: pertaining to skin 
Example: 
‫ الطبقة الخارجية‬Epidermis : the outer layer of skin 
‫ الطبقة الداخلية‬Hypodermis : the inner layer of skin 
The Suffixes (E)
Term: -ectomy 
‫إزالة‬Meaning: cutting out, remove, excision 
Example: 
‫عملية إزالة الرحم‬Hysterectomy : removal of uterus 
‫عملية إزالة اللوز‬Tonsillectomy : removal of tonsils 
‫عملية إزالة المعدة‬Gasterectomy : removal of stomach 
The Suffixes (E)
Term: -emesis 
‫قيئ‬Meaning: vomiting 
Example: 
‫قيئ الدم‬Hematemesis: vomiting of blood 
‫قيئ متعدد المرات‬Hyperemesis : excessive vomiting 
The Suffixes (G)
Term: -genesis 
‫تكوين‬Meaning: Forming-Synthesis 
Example: 
‫ تكوين األعضاء‬Organogenesis: Organs Synthesis 
‫ تكوين الحيوانات المنوية في الخصية‬Spermatogenesis : Sperm Synthesis 
The Suffixes (G)
Term: -gram 
‫تخطيط مكتوب للبيانات‬Meaning: Written Recording of data 
Example: 
‫ تخطيط القلب‬Electrocardiogram (ECG): cardiac sound recording 
‫ تخطيط الدماغ‬Electroencephalogram (EEG): brain activity recording 
The Suffixes (G)
Term: -gravida 
‫تتعلق بالحمل‬Meaning: A pregnant woman 
Example: 
ُ ‫ حمل ألول مرة‬Primigravida : pregnancy for the first time 
‫ حمل ألكثر من مرة‬Multigravida : pregnancy more than once 
‫ لم تحمل مطلقا‬Nulligravid : never pregnancy before 
The Suffixes (I)
Term: -ist 
‫تتعلق بشخص معين‬Meaning: One who 
Example: 
‫ أخصائي القلب‬Cardiologist : physician specialize in cardiology 
‫ أخصائي العيون‬Ophthalmologist : physician specialize in Ophthalmology 
‫ أخصائي األسنان‬Dentist : physician specialize in Deontology 
The Suffixes (I)
Term: -itis 
‫التهاب‬Meaning: inflammation 
Example: 
‫ التهاب الزائدة الدودية‬Appendicitis : inflammation of appendix 
‫ التهاب الكبد‬Hepatitis : inflammation of liver 
‫ التهاب الخصية‬Orchitis : inflammation of testis 
The Suffixes (L)
Term: -logy 
‫علم‬Meaning: Science 
Example: 
‫علم دراسة العيون‬Ophthalmology : science of eye disease 
‫علم دراسة القلب‬cardiology : science of cardiac disease 
‫علم دراسة األسنان‬Dentology : science of teeth disease 
The Suffixes (L)
Term: -lysis 
‫تكسير أو تحليل‬Meaning: Dissolving, destruction 
Example: 
‫ تكسير الجليكوجين إلنتاج‬Glycolysis : destruction of glycogen to produce glucose 
‫ تكسير الدم‬Hemolysis : destruction of blood 
‫ تحليل أو تكسير تخثر الدم‬Thrombolysis : destruction of thrombus 
The Suffixes (M)
Term: -malacia 
‫هشاشة‬Meaning: Softening 
Example: 
‫ هشاشة العظام‬Osteomalacia : softening of bones 
Laryngomalacia : softening of larynx 
‫هشاشة الحنجرة‬
The Suffixes (M)
Term: -megaly 
‫تضخم‬Meaning: Enlargement 
Example: 
‫ تضخم القلب‬Cardiomegaly : heart enlargement 
‫ تضخم الكبد‬Hepatomegaly : liver enlargement 
The Suffixes (N)
Term: -natal 
‫الميالد‬Meaning: pertaining to Birth 
Example: 
‫قبل الوالدة‬Antenatal : Before Birth 
‫بعد الوالدة‬Postnatal : After Birth 
Neonatal: Newly delivered baby<28 days 
‫مولود حديث الوالدة‬
The Suffixes (O)
Term: -oma 
‫تورم أو نتوء يشبه الورم السرطاني أو‬Meaning: pertaining to swelling or a tumor like nodule 
‫غدة سرطانية‬
Example: 
‫غدة دهنية‬Lipoma : a nodule of lipids content 
‫ورم دموي‬Haematoma : blood collection swelling 
‫سرطان األعصاب‬Neuroma: Tumor of nerves 
The Suffixes (O)
Term: -oscopy 
‫فحص باستخدام المنظار‬Meaning: an examination looking into 
Example: 
‫منظار معدة‬Gastroscopy : a scope for the stomach 
‫منظار رئوي‬Bronchoscopy : a scope for the bronchus 
‫منظار مثانة‬Cystoscopy: a scope for the bladder 
The Suffixes (O) 
Term: -ostomy 
‫فتحة‬Meaning: Making surgical opening
Example: 
‫فتحة بالمعدة‬Gastrostomy : an opening in the stomach 
‫فتحة للتنفس في القصبة الهوائية‬Tracheostomy : an opening in the trachea 
The Suffixes (O)
Term: -oxia 
‫تتعلق باألكسجين‬Meaning: pertaining to oxygen
Example: 
‫نقص في وصول األكسجين‬Hypoxia : shortage of oxygen level reach 
‫نقص في وصول األكسجين‬Cerebral anoxia : shortage of oxygen level reach to brain 
‫الفصل الخامس‬
The Suffixes (P)
Term: -pepsia 
‫تتعلق بالهضم‬Meaning: pertaining to digestion
Example: 
‫عسر هضم‬Dyspepsia : difficult digestion 
The Suffixes (P)
Term: -phagia 
‫تتعلق بعملية البلع‬Meaning: pertaining to swallowing
Example: 
‫صعوبة بعملية البلع‬Dysphagia : difficult swallowing 
The Suffixes (P)
Term: -phasia 
‫تتعلق بالكالم‬Meaning: pertaining to speech
Example: 
‫صعوبة بالكالم‬Dysphasia : difficult speech 
‫ال يستطيع الكالم‬Aphasia: can not speak 
The Suffixes (P)
Term: -phobia 
‫تتعلق بالخوف‬Meaning: pertaining to fear
Example: 
‫الخوف من الضوء‬Photophobia : light fear 
‫الخوف من الماء‬Hydrophobia: water fear 
‫ الخوف من المرتفعات‬Acrophobia: heights fear 
The Suffixes (P)
Term: -plegia 
‫تتعلق بالشلل‬Meaning: pertaining to paralysis
Example: 
hemiplegia : paralysis of half of the body 
‫شلل نصفي‬
paralysis of all four limbs -- called also tetraplegia ‫شلل رباعي‬Quadriplegia: 
The Suffixes (P)
Term: -pnea 
‫تتعلق بالتنفس‬Meaning: pertaining to breathing
Example: 
‫صعوبة في التنفس‬Dyspnea : difficult breathing 
‫وقف التنفس‬Apnea : cession of breathing 
The Suffixes (P) 
Term: -ptysis 
‫تتعلق بالسعال‬Meaning: pertaining to spitting
Example: 
‫سعال مدمم‬Haemoptysis : coughing of blood 
The Suffixes (R)
Term: -rrhea 
‫تتعلق إفرازات السوائل‬Meaning: pertaining to fluid discharge
‫ إسهال‬diarrhea ‫حيض‬Example: menorrhea
‫إفرازات األنف‬Rhinorrhea : excessive mucous secretion from the nose 
‫إفرازات األذن الخارجية‬Otorrhea: a discharge from the external ear 
The Suffixes (R)
Term: -rrhage -rrhagia 
‫تتعلق بالنزيف‬Meaning: pertaining to bleeding
‫نزف دماغي‬
ٌ Example: encephalorrhagia 
‫نزيف دموي‬Hemorrhage : heavy or uncontrollable bleeding
The Suffixes (S) 
Term: -sclerosis 
‫تصلب‬Meaning: pertaining to hardening
Example: 
Arteriosclerosis : a chronic disease characterized by abnormal thickening 
‫تصلب الشرايين‬and hardening of the arterial walls
Atherosclerosis: an abnormal fatty deposit in the inner coat of the arteries 
‫ترسيب الدهون في الجدار الداخلي للشرايين‬
The Suffixes (S)
Term: -stasis 
‫تتعلق بثبات أو وقف‬Meaning: pertaining to arrest or stabilization or loss
Example: 
Homeostasis : the maintenance of relatively stable internal physiological 
conditions (as body temperature or the pH of blood) under fluctuating
‫استتباب‬environmental conditions.
)‫توقف حركة األمعاء الدقيقة (ركودٌ معوي‬Enterostasis: loss of intestinal motility 
The Suffixes (T)
Term: -thermia 
‫تتعلق بالحرارة‬Meaning: pertaining to heat or temperature
Example: 
‫حرارة‬Hypothermia : subnormal temperature of the body (under 36.6°C ) 
‫ارتفاع‬Hyperthermia: high fever (rise of body temperature above the normal ) 
‫درجة حرارة الجسم‬
The Suffixes (T)
Term: -thorax 
‫تتعلق بالصدر‬Meaning: pertaining to the chest
Example: 
Pneumothorax : a condition in which air or other gas is presented in the 
‫هواء بالصدر‬pleural cavity
Haemothorax : a condition in which blood is presented in the pleural cavity 
‫دم في تجويف الصدر‬
The Suffixes (T)
Term: -trophy 
‫ تتعلق بالتغذية أو النمو‬Meaning: pertaining to the Nutrition or growth
Example: 
‫تضخم أو ضخامة‬Hypertrophy : excessive development of an organ or part 
‫ضمور في‬Atrophy : decrease in size or lack of growth for a body part or tissue 
The Suffixes (U) 
Term: -uria 
‫تتعلق بالبول‬Meaning: pertaining to the urine
Example: 
‫زيادة عدد مرات التبول‬Polyuria: excessive urination 
‫عسر الهضم‬Dysuria: difficult digestion 
‫انعدام أو قلة كمية إفراز البول‬Anuria : absence of or defective urine excretion 
Temperature, Pulse, Respiration
Blood Pressure
Degree centigrade
Bowel Movement
Complete Blood Count
White blood cells
Red blood cells
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
Blood Urea Nitrogen
Cerebrospinal fluids
Central Nervous System
Myocardial Infarction
Congestive Heart Failure
Cerebro Vascular Accident
COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Operating Room
Intensive Care unit
Ounce (31.103 grams)
Grain (0.0648 gram)
Pound (0.45359237 kilogram)
Directions for Instruction
Nothing Per OSS (mouth)
Once Daily
Twice Daily
Three times daily
Four times daily
Every other day
Per OSS (mouth)
Incision and Drainage
Intake and Out Put
Chest X Ray
Intravenous Pyelography