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Human Impact on
I. Global Warming/Climate Change
 A)
Climate change has caused mass extinctions in the past
may do so again
 B)
Some species have already gone extinct
1) Golden toad (Bufo periglenes)
2) lived in mountaintop cloud forests
3) habitat destroyed by drought
 C)
If climate changes slow enough many species will have
time to evolve
1) brewers yeast adapted to high salinity in ….
25 generations
2) what type of organisms most likely to survive?
 D)
Other species may migrate
migration map :
Tyme Thymus vulgaris
Table coral Acropora hyacinthus
Pink salmon Oncorhynchus gorbuscha
Tawny owl Strix aluco
Pitcher plant mosquitoes
Wyeomyia smithii
Banded snails Cepaea nemoralis
Sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka
Red squirrels Tamiasciurus hudsonicus
Fruit flies Drosophila melanogaster
Great Tits Parus major
II. Pesticides
 A.
Weeds are becoming resistant to Roundup
1. organophosphate herbicide
2. Europe lists organophosphate & its breakdown
products as carcinogens
3. they are on our food crops that get sprayed with
4. current use of roundup is at much higher levels than
those at which it was tested.
III. Antibiotics
 A)
Bacteria are rapidly developing resistance to
antibiotics due to
1) high reproductive rate = rapid mutation
2) Lateral gene transfer
IV. Emergent Disease
 A)
new diseases - Evolve to live in new host
1. avian influenza
2. H1N1 – swine flue
3. hantavirus – mice
4. AIDS/HIV – chimpanzee
 B)
Viruses mutate into new virus