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Christos N. Papandreou, M.D., Ph.D.
Graduate (Diploma) of University of Athens School of Medicine (25.2.1980) with degree
“Magna Cum Laude” ("Excellent")
American Boards of Internal Medicine (No. 121487) - (15/09/1988)
American Boards of Medical Oncology (No. 121487) – USA (11.1993)
Board Eligible in Hematology - License to practice as a specialist Hematologist, USA (6.1993)
Insructor of Medicine - Cornell University Medical College & Assistant Clinical AttendingMemorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, N.Y., USA (10.1996-3.1998)
Assistant Professor of Medicine, University of Texas - MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston,
USA. (23.3.1998- 4.11.2003)
Responsible of the monthly Morbidity/Mortality Conference at GU Oncology, MD Anderson
Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA (1998-2003)
Member of the Scientific Committee (Clinical Research Committee) at MD Anderson Cancer
Center where all Research Protocols were presented for scientific judgment and vote (before
start) (2000-2003)
Assistant Professor of Medicine-Oncology, University of Thessaly Medical School (11.200211.2006)
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Medicine, University of Texas - MD Anderson Cancer. Houston,
USA. (12.2003-11.2006)
ΕSMO 2011 Prostate Cancer Guidelines Consensus Conference
Associate Professor of Medicine-Oncology, University of Thessaly Medical School (11.200610.2012)
Professor of Medicine-Oncology, University of Thessaly Medical School (10.2012 - present)
Establish a Referal Center for Comprehensive Treatment of Testicular Cancer in collaboration
with MD Anderson Cancer Center (2007-today)
Director, Division of Medicine, University of Thessaly Medical School 2012-2014
Scholarships – Awards
1975-1979 State Scholarships Foundation (IKY) from 3rd to 6th year of Medical School
o 1974-1979 Scholarship "Papadakis" Endowment: 2nd to 6th year Medical School.
o 1985-1989 Scholarship "Kyriakeion” Foundation during training in US
o 1991
Prize for best trainee in clinical Hematology/Oncology, SUNY Downstate
Medical Center, New York, USA.
o 1994
Award by the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)
 Competitive Research Grants
o 1997-2000 "Neutral Endopeptidase (CD10) as a therapeutic target in the treatment
of solid tumors and more specifically prostate cancer." American Cancer Society
(Competitive award / grant $ 245,000.00 / 3 years)
o 2001-2002 University of Texas-MD Anderson Cancer Center; Specialized Program of
Research Excellence (SPORE) in Prostate Cancer - Developmental Award - Principal
Investigator (Competitive award / grant $ 50,000.00 / 1 year)
o 2011-2014 "Targeted Detection of Prostate Cancer by Using Nanoparticles and Nano Magnetic Resonance Imaging" (CND) Cancer Nano Diagnosis-COOPERATION Program
(NSRF), Project Code 09-PLUS-41-718 - Principal Investigator
(Competitive Grant € 623,297.44 / 3 years)
(Brief Edition)
Last Name:
Father's name:
Present position:
Professor of Medicine-Oncology, University of Thessaly , Department
of Medical Oncology, University Hospital of Larissa
2413 502785, 2413 501551
2413 501021
[email protected] or [email protected]
Medical School, University of Athens
1. Graduate (Diploma) of University of Athens School of Medicine (25.2.1980) with degree
“Magna Cum Laude” ("Excellent").
License to practice Medicine, Prefecture of Eastern Attica (Doc. Ref. 6525, 26.03.1980).
ECFMG Certificate (30.8.1982) (Certificate No. 332-011-6) US Recognition Exams of medical
VQE Certificate (9.1983) Diploma recognition Exams for medicine by US
Title of Specialty in Medicine, Prefecture of Attica (Doc. Ref. 11004, 07.15.1985).
Assistant Clinical Instructor in Internal Medicine & Research Associate in the Division of
Hematology / Medical Oncology, State University of New York, Downstate Medical Center,
USA (1.7.1991-30.6.1993).
FLEX Certificate (Flex ID. No 540109025) - Federal License Exams to practice medicine in the
US (12.1986).
American Boards of Internal Medicine (No. 121487) - (15/09/1988).
License to practice medicine, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, USA (3.2.1989) (License No.
American Boards of Medical Oncology (No. 121487) – USA (11.1993).
Board Eligible in Hematology - License to practice as a specialist Hematologist, USA
Doctoral Thesis, University of Athens (2.12.1997) with the grade of “Magna Cum Laude”
"The nucleotide sequence, deduced amino acid sequence and in vitro transcription and
translation of cDNA of a mouse age-dependent NAD(P)H Quinone Oxidoreductase, with
properties similar to Dihydrofolate Reductase (DHFR-like).
Co-Director of the Research Laboratory of Oncology genito-genital, Memorial Sloan-Kettering
Cancer Center, New York, USA. (7.1995- 3.1998).
Licence to practice the medical profession, at the State of New York, USA (2 0.12. 1996)
(License No. 205 314).
Insructor of Medicine - Cornell University Medical College & Assistant Clinical AttendingMemorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, N.Y., USA (10.1996-3.1998)
Temporary license to practice medicine, the State of Texas, USA (22.1.1998-22.1.2000)
(TexasTemporary Medical License No. 33859).
Permanent license to practice medicine, the State of Texas, (2.4. 2000) (Texas Permanent
Medical License No. K9382).
License prescribing controlled substances in the US (1995-2003) (DPS # 90114032, DEA #
BP3049749, DEA # BP5372470).
Assistant Professor of Medicine, University of Texas - MD Anderson Cancer Center,
Houston, USA. (23.3.1998- 4.11.2003).
Certification of Specialty in Medical Oncology in Greece (2.10.2003) Prefecture of Athens
(Doc. Ref. 20589).
Assistant Professor of Medicine - Oncology, University of Thessaly Medical School
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Medicine, University of Texas - MD Anderson Cancer.
Houston, USA. (12.2003-11.2006).
Associate Professor of Medicine-Oncology, University of Thessaly Medical School (11.200610.2012).
Professor of Medicine-Oncology, University of Thessaly Medical School (10.2012 - present)
October 2012-present: Professor of Internal Medicine-Oncology, University of Thessaly
School of Medicine
November 2006 - October 2012: Associate Professor of Internal Medicine - Oncology
University of Thessaly School of Medicine
November 2002 - Nov.2006: Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine – Oncology, University of
Thessaly School of Medicine
December 2003- November 2006: Adjunct Ass. Professor of Internal Medicine - Oncology,
University of Texas - MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA.
Mar. 1998 - Nov 2003: Assist. Professor of Internal Medicine-Oncology, Univ. of Texas - MD
Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA (staff position in the Department of GU Medical
October 1996 - March.1998 Instructor in Internal Medicine-Oncology, Cornell University
Meidical College, Assistant Attending GU Medical Oncology Service, Memorial SloanKettering Cancer Center, N.Y.
July 1995 - March. 1998 Co-Director GU Oncology Research Lab., Memorial Sloan-Kettering
Cancer Center, N Y., USA.
July 1993 - July 1995 Research Fellow, GU Oncology Research Lab., Memorial Sloan-Kettering
Cancer Center, N Y., USA.
July 1991 - June 1993 Research Fellow, Molecular Hematology-Virology Research Lab. with a
parallel position as Clinical Assistant in Internal Medicine-Oncology State University of N Y,
Downstate Medical Center
July 1988 - June 1991 Fellowship in Haematology-Oncology, State University of N.Y.,
Downstate Medical Center.
July 1985 - June 1988
Residency in Internal Medicine, State University of New York,
Downstate Medical Center.
Febr. 1983 - June 1985
7th IKA Hospital
June 1981- August 1982
April 1980 - April 1981 Military service - 6 months at the department of Internal Medicine,
401 Army General Hospital, Athens
Residency in Internal Medicine, (Director: Professor N. Papanikolaou)
Rural Service, Health Centre of Stylidos, Fthiotida.
Feb.1983- June 1985 I participated in the educational program of the Department of Medicine at the
7th IKA Hospital Athens a) attended training courses of Clinical Medicine and b) participated in training
students in Physical Examination, and in Internal Medicine.
July 1985 – June 1988 I participated in the educational program of the Department of Medicine of the
State University of New York - Downstate Medical Center, USA: training students in Physical
Examination and Clinical Medicine. I was offered the position of Chief Resident in Internal Medicine,
which did not accept to continue my specialization in Hematology / Oncology.
3. July 1988 – June 1993 During this time I worked actively to educate Residents in Internal Medicine and I
was responsible for teaching courses of Hematology Pathophysiology in medical students of the State
University of New York - Medical Center Downstate, USA. During July 1991- 1993 I also held the
position of Clinical Assistant Attending in Internal Medicine / Oncology at State University of New
York - Downstate Medical Center.
July 1993 - March 1998 Responsible for training Fellows in Medical Oncology and postgraduate
students in molecular biology in the laboratory of GU Molecular Oncology, Memorial Sloan - Kettering
Cancer Center, NY & Cornell University Medical College of New York, USA.
October 1996 - March 1998 Participated as an Instructor of Internal Medicine in the educational
program of Cornell University and the Division of GU Oncology at Memorial Hospital, New York,
namely: a) on teaching medical students in internal medicine and clinical oncology, and b) teaching of
Hematology / Oncology and Pharmacology courses in Residents of Internal Medicine and Fellows in
Clinical Oncology.
March 1998 - November 2003 Participated as Assistant Professor in the educational program of the
University of Texas and the Department of GU Medical Oncology at MD Anderson Cancer Center,
Houston, USA, namely training of Fellows in Clinical Oncology at the University of Texas and at MD
Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, USA
November 2003- Today Teaching clinical signs, Internal Medicine and Medical Oncology in Medical
students and Fellows in Internal Medicine and Medical Oncology at the University of Thessaly Medical
2010 - today Teaching in the Post graduate Studies Program entitled "Clinical Applications of Molecular
Medicine" (52 hours / academic year)
December 2010 Teaching in Urological Symposia of Central Greece (Included in the Educational
Program of Greek Urological Association). Speech entitled "Treating advanced stage Testicular Cancer”
December 2011 Teaching in Urological Symposia Central Greece (Included in the Educational Program
of Greek Urological Association). Speech entitled "Treatment of metastatic bladder cancer in the era of
molecular targeted therapies"
February 2012. Teaching in the Postgraduate Courses of ObGyn Clinic. Presentation entitled
"Chemotherapy in Gynecologic Cancer”
12. 2004 - today Organization and coordination of advanced courses in Oncology Clinic with participation
of speakers of different specialties for Fellows of Medical Oncology and young Medical Oncologists.
2010 - today Multiple participation in the Seminars of the Ηellenic Academy of Oncology (E.Aκ.O.) as
coordinator, supervisor and collaborator in the creation of the educational programs.
The following theses have been presented and graded with “Summa Cum Laude”:
John Voutsadakis, Medical -Oncologist on "Pathogenesis of colorectal cancer: The role
of cyclooxygenase inhibitors, the ubiquitin-proteasome system and experimental therapeutic
Anna Patrikidis, Fellow of Internal Medicine-Oncology on "Investigation of Relationship
between Mechanisms of NEP / NPs and NFκB / Proteasome pathways in androgen-independent
prostate cancer"
Constantine Tsapakidis, Biologist and Resident of Internal Medicine, General Hospital of
Larissa, entitled "Investigation of the relationship of cell cycle and apoptosis regulators and
Proteasom / NFκB system in Prostate Cancer"
Panagiotis Vlachostergios, Resident in Internal Medicine, Lutheral Presbyterian Hospital
of New York, State Univesity of New York, Downstate Medical Center (SUNY - DMC) on
"Investigation of the relationship between MGMT-induced resistance to temozolomide and
Ubiquitine-Proteasome pathway in Glioblastoma Multiforme"
I have the honor to be the supervisor for the preparation of doctoral theses of the following
Despina Nasi, Fellow of Medical Oncology at University Hospital of Larissa on "Study of
prognostic and predictive factors in colon cancer, Investigation of the role of Ubiquitine /
Proteasome systems" (ready to defend)
Gregory Kakkas, Urologist on "Study of prognostic factors prostate cancer after radical
resection. Investigation of the role of YB-1/NFκB, neuropeptides and peptidases systems”
(ready to defend)
Helen-Isidora Perdikouris, Fellow of Medical Oncology at the University Hospital of Larissa
on "Study of prognostic and predictive factors in Ovarian Cancer. Exploration of NFκB
systems / NFκB - targeted genes and neuropeptides (Bombesin, ET -1) peptidases (NEP, APA,
Efthimios Thanasias, doctor of Occupational Medicine at the Univ. Hospital of Larissa on
"Study of prognostic and predictive factors for lung cancer. Investigation of NEP systems /
neuropeptides and Ubiquitine / Proteasome / NFκB»
Konstantine Kampossioras, Attending Medical Oncologist at the Univ. Hospital of Larissa
entitled "Study of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) on the metabolism of oxaliplatin in
patients with colorectal cancer. Toxicity-directed analysis”
Elena Marangouli, Attending Medical Oncologist at the Univ. Hospital of Larissa entitled
"Electrophysiological and electrodynamic study of anthracycline cardiotoxicity. (Prognostic
and predictive factors)»
Helen Soga, Resident in Internal Medicine on "Study of predictive factors of prostate cancer.
Investigation of neuropeptide / Peptidase and angiogenic factors "
Chryssoula Vassiliou Biologist entitled "Study of the relationship of the neuropeptides and
intracellular steroidogenesis pathway in prostate cancer" (ready for publication)
Maria Vaiou, Biologist entitled "Study of the relationship of neuropeptides with the ubiquitinproteasome pathway in multiple myeloma" (ready for publication)
Vassilios Papadopoulos, Attending Medical Oncologist at the Univ. Hospital of Larissa
"Diagnostic and clinical significance of immunological markers in Ovarian Cancer"
Maria Grammatikou, biologist on "Polymorphisms of endothelial synthetase of nitric oxide
(eNOS) in breast cancer" (ready to defend)
1/1983 - 5/1985 During my Residency in Internal Medicine I had the opportunity to contribute to
writing two articles The first one described endoscopic findings in colonic diseases in adults and the
second was a description of a patient of mine with liver metastases from a choroidal melanoma 20
years after enuclation of the eye.
7/1991 - 6/1993 During my Fellowship in Medical Oncology - Hematology in USA and for two
additional years I was involved in basic research in the laboratory of Molecular Haematology at the
State University of New York - Downstate Medical Center and drew on my doctoral dissertation on
"The nucleotide sequence, deduced amino acid sequence and in vitro transcription and translation of
cDNA of an age-dependent mouse NAD(P)H Quinone Oxidoreductase with properties similar to
Dihydrofolate Reductase (DHFR-like) ».
7/1993 - 3/1998 During the five years I worked as a researcher and clinician at Memorial Hospital
and Sloan-Kettering Institute for Cancer Research, New York, my research was focused on:
a) the study of neurotrophin receptors in malignant melanoma and prostate cancer.
b) the study of retinoids and their receptors in GU malignancies (prostate and kidney) in both the
clinic and the laboratory.
c) the expression of inhibitory genes of tumors (p21) in the kidney and prostate cancer. Presentation
at the annual meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research in 1995 and two publications
in journals International Journal of Oncology (1996) and Urology (1997).
d) the role of peptidases in GU tumors and in particular their role to facilitate the transition of
prostate cancer from a hormone-dependent to a hormone-independent disease. My effort was
rewarded with very interesting results, which were broadly accepted and presented in several
International meetings. Besides, they were published in reputable scientific journals Prostate (1997)
and Nature Medicine (1998). Finally, they were sufficient to grant me the support of the American
Cancer Society (ACS) with a very competitive research grant - prize (worth $ 245 000 dollars) for three
years. We hope that this research will help to further expand treatment options for hormone
refractory prostate cancer as well as for and other neoplastic diseases that are directly related to the
presence and functionality of neuropeptides.
e) In the clinical setting, I was particularly involved in the treatment of prostate and kidney cancer, the
role of retinoids and of combination chemotherapy and immunotherapy in these conditions. I was coinvestigator in clinical studies on the use of retinoids in prostate cancer and principal investigator in
chemotherapy clinical trials for patients with "anaplastic" prostate cancer, a clinical entity described by
our clinic.
3/1998 - 11/2003 After my election as Assistant Professor at the University of Texas, MD Anderson
Cancer Center at the Department of GU Oncology, with transferred my research activities in Houston
and continued the research program sponsored by the American Cancer Society and the nonprofit
scientific Society for the Treatment of Prostate Cancer (CaPCURE).
I continued, in collaboration with the laboratory of Dr. David Nanus at Cornell University, research on
the mechanism of action and control at the molecular level, the action of neutral endopeptidase (CD
10) and human angiotensin regarding GU malignancies. The results of these studies provide
information for potential new therapeutic manipulations in these diseases and were published in
reputable journals.
At the same time I dealt particularly with clinical research in genitourinary neoplasms.
In 1998 I was awarded the Research Prize from the Society for the Treatment of Prostate Cancer (of $
100,000) for clinical and preclinical research of a new substance with special interest in oncology
space, PS -341. PS-341 is the first member of the class of specific inhibitors of the 26 S proteasome, a
multicatalytic protease with a vital role in the degradation of regulatory proteins that control cell cycle
(p53, p21), which in turn control the activation of transcription factors (IκB), apoptosis and
angiogenesis. The grant of my research (clinical and laboratory) in relation to the inhibition of
proteasome as antineoplastic therapy continued until 2002-2003 at annual competitions.
In laboratory we studied the role of NFκB and proteasome in the development of hormone resistance
prostate cancer aiming at the possibility of developing new therapeutic strategies (we described
apoptosis of hormone-resistant prostate cancer with the use of proteasome inhibition, the role of p 53
and the effect of Bcl -2 [AACR - NCI - EORTC Meeting (Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics Discovery, Development, and Clinical Validation) November 16-19, 1999, AACR 2000]), and the
differential effect of the proteasome inhibitor PS -341 (bortezomib) on apoptosis and angiogenesis in
experimental models of prostate cancer (Mol Cancer Ther, 2003).
In the clinic, I conducted the first phase I study in humanns of the proteasome inhibitor and studied
the toxicity and clinical antitumor activity of PS -341 in solid tumors, especially in hormone-resistance
prostate cancer (ASCO 2,000 to 2001, J Clin Oncol, 2004). The observation by our group that the PS 341 caused a dose-dependent decline in IL-6 (one of the markers of NFκB activation), in doses with
tolerable toxicity (ASCO 2001), steered the interest to another neoplastic disease where IL-6 has a
pivotal role, multiple myeloma, and after proving its beneficial action in chemoresistant myeloma, PS 341, now known as VELCADE (bortezomib), is now aproved therapy for myeloma.
Our laboratory studies showed that the temporal sequence between various cytotoxic agents (eg
anthracyclines, taxanes) and bortezomib is crucial to avoid chemoresistance (AACR 2000, Mol Cancer
Ther 2003) and were the basis of a combination clinical study involving chemotherapy and proteasome
inhibitors, initial results of which we presented at a conference of the American Society of Clinical
Oncology (Proceedings of the American Society of Clinical Oncology twenty-three: 4567, May 2005).
Because of my laboratory and clinical research in proteasome inhibitors as a therapeutic agent, I was
asked and I helped two relevant Review papers (Cancer Research, 2004 & Am J Cancer, 2006).
At the same time I was involved with clinical and translational studies of immunotherapy and
inhibition of tumor neoangiogenesis in patients with tumors of the genitourinary system.
2003 - today Since November 2003 I work full time at the University of Thessaly – University Hospital
of Larissa (UHL) while maintaining research collaboration with the University of Texas - MD Anderson
Cancer Center in Houston (Adjunct appointment until Nov. 2006).
We have already begun collaborations with other departments / clinics in UHL with similar
research interests (eg Urology, Surgery, Gynecology, ENT, Cardiology) and mainly with Pathology
Because of my previous experience and my work on proteasome inhibitors I was asked to
design and supervise a multicenter phase II study with Velcade in patients with hormoneresistance prostate cancer. This study has a built-in translational part and ongoing active
participation of six centers in Greece with funding (~ 510,000 Euros) for clinical and translational
part. So far 46 patients have been enrolled from various oncology centers nationwide and the
accrual of patients continues.
We have actively participated in multicenter clinical and translational studies nationwide and
with Greek Cooperative Oncology Group (HeCOG) as well as in international multicenter studies.
2005 - present:
Investigation of the relationship between the pathways NEP / NPs and NFκB / Proteasome in
prostate cancer. Cooperation with “Theagenio” Cancer Hospital in Thessaloniki and the
Institute for Biomedical Research of the Academy of Athens.
Nanotechnology in Biomedical Imaging. Cooperation with the National Center for Research
and Technological Development Hellas (NCERTD).
Investigation of the relationship between NFκB / proteasome pathway and apoptotic
mechanism in prostate cancer.
Investigation of the relationship between the mechanisms of proteasome and COX pathways
in colon cancer.
Study of the MGMT-induced resistance to temozolomide and ubiquitin-Proteasome pathway
in glioblastoma multiforme.
Study of normoxia-hypoxia factors in androgen-dependent and androgen-independent
prostate cancer cell lines.
In collaboration with Cornell University medical College, Department of Medical Oncology, we
study the relationship between tubulin acetylation and platinum sensitivity in prostate cancer.
Study of the relationship between polymorphisms of membrane copper channels and
platinum-sensitivity in ovarian cancer. Colaboration with Ospedale Regionale per le
Microcitemie, Cagliari, Italy
Study of the relationship between polymorphisms of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS)
and methylenotetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) and the risk of breast cancer.
Study of the relationship between nutritional status, clinical and laboratory parameters
cancer cachexia and prognosis in metastatic lung cancer. Cooperation with the Oncology
Department of the University of Crete and the Oncology Department of the University of
Alberta (Canada).
Investigation of the relationship between NEP / NPs pathways and angiogenic factors in
prostate cancer.
Echocardigraphic study and haematological parameters of cardiotoxicity of anthracyclines and
trastuzumab in patients with breast cancer.
Study of inhibition of angiogenesis in early, non muscle invasive bladder cancer and predictors
of response.
Investigation of SNPs correlation of TLR 9 and MYD 88 genes with response to treatment of
bladder cancer with intravesical BCG injections.
Establish the first Biobank (tissues and biological patient material, i.e. fresh frozen tissue,
whole blood, serum, plasma, urine) with various primary foci before initiating therapy and in
every clinically important endpoint (change line therapy, relapse)
(707 breast, ovarian 159, 54 stomach, colorectal 254, 25 head-neck, 264 lung, bladder 35, 31
endometrial, prostate 41, 34 pancreas, 10 kidney, 15 cervix, 12 melanoma, 5 glioblastoma, 4
esophagus, one vagina, 10 urothelium, 3 of unknown primary tumor, one penis, one
thymoma, 4 sarcoma, testicular 6, 7 gallbladder, 3 mesothelioma)
2010- present:
The outpatient chemotherapy unit in collaboration with UHL Radiology department and the
nutritional section of Harokopio University of Athens are collaborating on several ongoing
nutrition studies [Protocols of nutritional assessment (MNA, PG - SGA, GPS, NRI, MUST), Food
frequency Questionnaire], body mass composition (bio - impedance, SliceOmatic / Tomovision ®)
and physical activity of patients (Hand - grip Strength, Gait - speed) undergoing systemic
chemotherapy for malignancies that have an increased risk for cancer cachexia. The aim is to
investigate the predictive and prognostic value of all assessment methods used as well as their
comparative evaluation, recording of macro-/micro-nutrional elements and correlation with
toxicity while recording the percentage of sarcopenia and its correlation with clinical outcome
(toxicity, treatment response, survival).
Participation in the "cachexia network" to investigate the relationship of genotype - phenotype
of patients with cachexia. For this purpose genetic material collected from patients will be
analyzed for the presence of polymorphisms (SNP's) and will be correlated with the presence of
sarcopenia as derived from the analysis of CT scans with the use of special research software
(SliceOmatic / Tomovision ®). The network has already secured resources $ 450,000 for the
participating centers (Edmonton, Montreal, Edinburgh, Trondheim, Larissa) and has already made
an application for a grant with other 1.25 million Euros for five years.
Participation in the development of a prognostic model Montreal Prognostic Score (MPS) which
is designed to more accurately estimate the life expectancy of patients with unresectable nonsmall cell lung cancer by combining clinical-laboratory data.
Scholarships - Awards
State Scholarships Foundation (IKY) from 3rd to 6th year of Medical School
Scholarship Endowment "Papadakis": 2nd to 6th year Medical School.
Scholarship "Kyriakeiou Foundation" during during training in US
Prize for best trainee in clinical Hematology / Oncology, SUNY Downstate Medical
Center, New York, USA.
Award by the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)
Research Grants
" Role of retinoids in prostate cancer "
PepsiCo Foundation Research Grant, USA ($ 75.000 / 1 year).
"The role of Peptidases in the development of prostate cancer." Association for the Cure
of Prostate Cancer Award (CaPCURE), USA - Principal Investigator ($ 100,000 / 1 year).
1997-2000 "Neutral Endopeptidase (CD10) as a therapeutic target in the treatment of solid tumors
and more specifically prostate cancer." American Cancer Society Career Development Award CRTG 98-051-01- CCE -2 - Principal Investigator (Competitive award / grant $ 245.0000 / 3 years).
1998-1999 "Inhibition of Proteasome through the PS-341 specific inhibitor as treatment of
metastatic prostate cancer." Association for the Cure of Prostate Cancer Award (CaPCURE), USA Principal Investigator ($ 100.000 / 1 year).
1999-2000 " Inhibition of Proteasome for the treatment of metastatic and locally advanced
prostate cancer: Monotherapy and combination therapy. "Association for The Cure of Prostate
Cancer Award (CaPCURE), USA - Principal Investigator ($ 75.000 / 1 year).
2000-2001 "Intraprostatic administration of proteasome inhibitor PS-341 in patients with locally
advanced prostate cancer" Association for The Cure of Prostate Cancer Award (CaPCURE) - Principal
Investigator ($ 150.000 / 1 year)
2001-2002 University of Texas - MD Anderson Cancer Center Specialized Program of Research
Excellence (SPORE) in Prostate Cancer - Developmental Award - Principal Investigator (Competitive
award / grant $ 50.000 / 1 year)
2002-2003 "The role of NFκB and Proteasome in the development of hormone resistance in
prostate cancer - Therapeutic possibilities" Association for the Cure of Prostate Cancer Award
(CaP CURE) - Principal Investigator ($ 150.000 / 1 year).
“Phase II study of Bortezomib in metastatic castrate resistant Prostate cancer
progressing during or after chemotherapy”. Janssen Pharmaceuticals, € 215,000.00
2011- 2014
"Targeted Detection of Prostate Cancer by Using Nanoparticles and Nano - Magnetic
Resonance Imaging" (CND) Cancer Nano Diagnosis - COOPERATION Program (NSRF), Project Code 09PLUS-41-718. Principal Investigator (Competitive Grant € 623,297.44/3 years)
The objective of the above study is to develop a new technique for high-sensitivity detection, magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI), prostate cancer cells using magnetic nanoparticles.
This technique will allow the diagnosis of both the initial occurrence of prostate cancer as well as early
detection of metastases.
Participants in the Partnership:
1. Department of Medical Oncology, University Hospital of Larissa and Faculty of Medicine,
University of Thessaly (PANTHES)
2. Inorganic Materials Laboratory, Institute of Chemical Process, National Center for Research and
Technological Development (NCRTD - EKETA)
3. Pharmaceutical Company DEMO
4. Diagnostic Center EUROMEDICA Larissa (EUROMED)
“Effect of growth factors and neuropeptides in the intracellular steroidogenesis of
prostate cancer”. Janssen Pharmaceuticals, € 65,000.00
I attended all annual conferences of the American Society of Hematology in the years 1988-2002
(in some as presenter).
I attended all annual conferences of the American Society of Clinical Oncology in the years
1988-2010 (in some as presenter).
I attended all annual conferences of the American Society for Cancer Research in the years
1995-2003 (in some as presenter).
I attended as a guest researcher the annual conferences of the Association for The Cure of
Prostate Cancer Award (CaPCURE) in the years 1997-2003 (in some as presenter).
I attended the weekly training sessions (Grand Rounds) at Cornell- Memorial Sloan Kettering
Cancer Center. These seminars aimed at continuous training of skilled personnel about clinical and
basic research topics across the entire spectrum of Oncology (1993-1998).
I attended the weekly training sessions (Grand Rounds) at MD Anderson Cancer Center (19982003).
I attended the weekly scientific meetings of the GU Oncology department at MD Anderson Cancer
Center (from 1998 to 2003).
GUEST SPEAKER (Lectures, Symposia, Conferences)
March 1994
State University of Louisiana, New Orleans
"A minopeptidase A and Renal Cell Carcinoma"
Mini-Symposium of the 85th annual conference of the American Society for Cancer
Research (AACR), San Francisco. Oral Presentation
"Alterations of the low-affinity neurotrophin receptor, p75, in prostate cancer cell lines"
3rd Euro-American Conference on Urological Diseases, Athens.
"Treatment of Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma with Bio-Immunotherapy. The role of Retinoic Acid.
The Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Experience"
June 1997 University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA
"Role of Neutral Endopeptidase, CD10, in Androgen-Independent Prostate Cancer"
September 1998 American Cancer Society, Houston, Texas, USA.
"Prostate Cancer - Diagnosis and Treatment"
18-19 / 02/1999
7th Annual Conference of GU Oncology, Houston, TX
"Current Status of Vaccine Therapy for Prostate Cancer"
Army Brook Medical Center, San Antonio, TX, USA.
"Prostate Cancer: Novel Therapeutic Methods"
Lecture at the 6th annual conference CaPCURE, Lake Tahoe, NV.
"Proteasome Inhibition in Prostate Cancer"
8th Annual Conference of Urinary Oncology, Houston, TX.
"Clinical and Bilogical Aspects of Urothelial Cancer: Newer Agents and Vaccines"
1st International Conference: Ubiquitin, Ubiquitin-like Proteins, and Cancer, Houston,
TX. "Proteasome as a therapeutic target in Cancer"
10th Annual Oncology Conference Urinary, Group in Houston , TX, USA.
"Clinical and Biological Aspects of Prostate Cancer: the Inhibition of proteasome as a therapeutic
ESMO Advanced Course, Rhodes
"New Perspectives: Chest Tumours integration of research and treatment"
ESMO Annual Conference, Vienna; Speaker in Plenary session:
"Optimal Chemotherapy for Prostate Cancer"
Annual Pancretan Conference of Medicine and Biotechnology, Heraklion Crete
“Biological Targets and Novel Therapies for Prostate Cancer”
4th ENT - Head & Neck Surgery Seminarof Central Greece, University of Thessaly
"The role of chemotherapy today in the treatment of laryngeal cancer '
Urologic Oncology Seminar - University of Thessaly
"The role of chemotherapy today in the treatment of invasive bladder cancer"
3rd Congress of Kavala Medical Society
"Prostate Cancer"
Workshop Oncology Department, University of Thessaly
"Prostate Cancer"
5th th Symposium on New Molecules in Cancer Therapeutics, Athens
Chairman Pipeline of Roche company
23-26 / 11/2006
6th National Conference of Tumor Markers and Targeted Therapy, Athens
Chairman in Round table entitled "Targeted Therapy of Resistant malignant neoplasms", in a speech
entitled: “Hormone resistant Prostate Cancer"
Melanoma: Developments in Diagnosis and Treatment, Volos
"Metastatic melanoma: biology, clinical manifestations and diagnosis'
Molecular Oncology & Targeted Therapy Conference for the Clinical Oncologist,
Metsovo Chairman at 4the meeting entitled "Mechanisms of therapeutic molecular targeting"
Larissa Symposia, University of Thessaly
5 session: endometrial cancer, speech entitled "Carcinogenesis in endometrial cancer. Prospects for
clinical applications "
Modern treatment of malignant tumors and future prospects, Kos.
Chairman at Round Table entitled "Targeted therapies in Cancer", a lecture on "The role of
Bortezomib in Hematological Malignancies and Solid Tumors"
6th Symposium on New Molecules in Cancer Therapeutics, Athens
Chairman in Roche Pipeline entitled "Novel Targeted Therapeutics for Cancer - The Roche
14th National Conference of Oncology, Thessaloniki
Chairman at Satellite Symposium on "Monoclonal antibodies"
6 The Fall Urology Meeting "Modern trends in urological cancer ', Ioannina
Round table on 'hormone refractory Prostate Cancer', a lecture on “New Targets and Drugs in Prostate
15 the Postgraduate Congress of Clinical Oncology, Heraklion Crete
Chairman at Round table on topic"Oncology of the 21st century"
Larissa Cancer Society Joint Information Day, Larisa
"Prostate Cancer: Prevention, Early Diagnosis, Treatment"
14 the National Congress of Clinical Oncology, Athens
"Prostate Cancer"
24-25 / 05/2008
Conference Urogenital Oncology "Views and Contrasts in Management of
patients", Larissa Chairman on topic "Kidney Cancer" and speaker on the topic "Prostate Cancer"
entitled "Cases in which the contribution of a Medical Oncologist can make the difference”
Invited speaker at Cornell University Medical College New York, NY entitled:
"CD10 and NFκB are inversely related in Prostate Cancer and predict outcome after radical
Scientific Meeting «Current Perspectives on Prostate Cancer Treatment 2008»,
Athens “Optimizing the Use of Androgen Deprivation Therapy”
2 the Inter-University Seminar Oncology, Heraklion Crete
"Prostate Cancer: epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment"
On the 27th / 09/2008
7 th Symposium on New Mole cules in Cancer Therapeutics, Athens
Chairman in the Lilly Pipeline with title «Lilly Oncology: Delivering Innovations in Cancer Care»
3-4 / 10/2008
Conference on "Tackling liver metastases from colorectal cancer", Athens
Coordinator in a lecture entitled "Effect of chemotherapy on liver», «The role of targeted therapies as
neoadjuvant treatment for hepatic metastases: Role of Bevacizumab, Role of Cetuximab»
14-16 / 10/2008
World Meeting of Researchers for Hepatocellular Cancer: the 1st st Global
Steering Committee Meeting,, San Francisco Clinical Study of Bayer company entitled «Global
Investigation of therapeutic Decisions in Hepatocellular Carcinoma and of its Treatment with
6 the Hellenic Academy of Oncology (E.A.K.O. / FBS.), Athens
"Bladder cancer: Treatment of advanced disease"
30/10 - 1/11/2008
6 the Seminar on "Breast Cancer, by gene therapy", Thessaloniki
Chairman at a lecture on "Aromatase inhibitors: Their role today in the treatment of resected disease
16 the Postgraduate Congress of Clinical Oncology, Heraklion Crete
"Targeted therapy in Prostate Cancer”
7 the National Conference on Tumor Markers and Targeted Cancer Therapy,
Athens "New targeted therapies (Bevacizumab, Bortezomib, Thalidomide)" A round table entitled
"Prostate Cancer"
Congress of Pathology Central Greece, Thessaly University
Round table Coordinator with the general theme "polyps and colon cancer"
Investigators Meeting for Hepatocellular Cancer: Regional Investigator Meeting,
Monaco Clinical Study of Bayer company entitled «Global Investigation of therapeutic Decisions in
Hepatocellular Carcinoma and of its Treatment with Sorafenib»
Seminar on "Developments in Oncology", Patras
«Developments in the treatment of hormone resistant Prostate Cancer," Session on "Modern
therapies in the Treatment of Urinary Cancers"
Invited speaker at Cornell University Medical College, N ew York, NY with title:
"The role of Proteasome NFB-Neuropeptide axis in Prostate Cancer Evolution "
4 the Surgical Symposium of Central Greece, Thessaly University
Chairman at Round Table entitled "Tackling peritoneal malignancy" in a speech entitled "Research and
3 RD Summer School of Oncology, Athens
"Systemic treatment of prostate cancer"
1st Congress of the Mediterranean multidisciplinary Oncology Forum, Athens
Symposium "multidisciplinary Approaches in Genitourinary Cancer ", speaker in speech with
entitled "Novel targets and Agents "
"Cutting Edge Issues in Contemporary Oncology: Current Responses and Future
Prospects", Athens Chairman at lecture on "Stem Cells and Cancer. Future Treatment Options »
2 the Oncology Conference of Central Greece. 'Gastroenterology & Urological
Cancer "Larissa
Lecture on the topic "Treatment of hepatocellular cancer," Chairman on topic
“Prostate Cancer” 'and also chairman on topic" Kidney Cancer "
5 the Seminar of Clinical Oncology, Thessaloniki
Chairman at Round Table entitled "Urinary Tract Cancer"
17 the Postgraduate Congress of Clinical Oncology, Heraklion Crete
Chairman at Round Table entitled "Cancer genitourinary»
4 The National Student Meeting 2009, Heraklion Crete
Coordinator at Round Table entitled "Prostate Cancer"
1rst International Conference on Molecular Cancer Res earch, Athens
Chairman to lecture entitled «The use of parallel molecular profiling of human and murine prostate
cancers to develop individualized microenvironment targeting therapy»
Urological Symposia Central Greece, Larissa
Training Session on "bladder cancer" and lecture entitled: "Which patients and when need
chemotherapy in bladder cancer"
22-25 / 04/2010
16 the National Congress of Clinical Oncology, Athens
Member of the Scientific Committee and participation in the design of the Conference program
16 the National Congress of Clinical Oncology, Athens
Chairman in round table entitled "Insights into the Development of Urologic Malignancies ", Athens
Invited speaker at Cornell University of Medical College, N ew York, NY Lecture
with title: "Peptidase-Neuropeptide system in P rostate C ancer"
17-19 / 9/2010
3 the Oncology Conference of Central Greece 'Gynaecological and Urological Cancer
"Larissa Chairman at round table’s on topics “Cervical Cancer”' and " Early Prostate Cancer "
18 the Postgraduate Congress of Clinical Oncology, Crete
Coordinator in a series of lectures by foreign speakers entitled:
"New Directions in Drug Development in Breast Cancer: Innovative Cancer Drug Targets and Adaptive
Trial Design",
"Vx001: 7-year experience in cancer patients",
«Effects of chemoradiotherapy on regulatory T cells and myeloid derived suppressorn cells in patients
with cancer", and
"New horizons in HER2 + breast cancer, beyond trastuzumab revolution"
"Developments and Dilemmas in the Treatment of Urologic Cancer" Symposium,
Athens Chairman in a state of Art lecture by prof. Ch. Logothetis
9 th Symposium on New Molecules on Cancer Therapeutics, A thina
Chairman at Pipeline presentation of a pharmaceutical company entitled «Pursuing Answers on
Multiple Fronts- Amgen Oncology Development"
8 the National Conference of Indicators and Targeted Cancer Therapy, Athens
Lecture entitled 'target therapies in prostate cancer (Bevacizumab - Dasatinib Bortezomib,
Urological Symposia Central Greece, Larissa
Lecture on "Addressing the advanced stages" in the training session of "Testicular Cancer"
2 The Clinical Tutorial for Residents of Oncology, Ioannina, "Lung Cancer"
Coordinator in 5th section entitled "chemoradiotherapy in patients with small cell lung cancer"
3 the International Urology Meeting of Central Greece, Larissa
State of the Art Lecture entitled : "Targeted drug therapies in prostate cancer"
Training Seminar "Advances in Oncology", Patras
Lecture entitled 'target therapies in prostate cancer "in the session of " Treating Kidney and Prostate
17 the National Congress of Clinical Oncology, Athens
Chairman at round table on "Research in the field of cancer 2011"
Meeting of Central Greece "Cancer and Nutrition", Pelion
Chairman at 1rst and 4th session of the conference.
4 the Scientific Meeting Department Urogenital Oncology "Developments in
genitourinary oncology", Nafplion Chairman at session entitled "Metastatic Kidney Cancer." and
state of the art lecture entitled « Chemotherapy in castration resistant prostate cancer. When we
begin, in which patients, toxicity and benefit. "
9-11 / 09/2011
4 the Oncology Conference of Central Greece "Breast cancer, urinary cancer,"
Larisa Chairman of Organizing Committee, chairman on topic «Advanced Prostate Cancer" and lecture
on the same section entitled "Focused therapeutic approach of metastatic bone disease"
6 the Seminar of Clinical Oncology, Thessaloniki
Participation as chairman at round table entitled "Urinary Tract Cancer"
27-29 / 10/2011
19 the Postgraduate Congress of Clinical Oncology, Crete
Chairman at session entitled "Localized Prostate Cancer" as coordinator on a lecture entitled "Initial
radical treatment (surgery or radiotherapy)" and initial Monitoring"
8 the Macedonian Urology Symposium "Learning from the past to design the
future", Thessaloniki Participation as chairman and commentator at Satellite Symposium of Sanofi Aventis Company, Thessaloniki on topic"Tackling Prostate Cancer."
17-19 / 11/2011 ESMO 2011 Prostate Cancer Consensus Conference, Zurich, Switzerland
Participation in advisory group to establish European guidelines Therapy for Prostate Cancer among
honorary guests international researchers.
Urological Symposium of Central Greece , Larissa
Contribution to session on topic "Cancer of TCC” 'and lecture entitled " Systematic metastatic bladder
cancer therapy in the era of molecular targeted therapies "
16-17 / 1/2012 Symposium "Stem Cell Tumors - New Data on Treating Disease and Complications of
Treatment", Larissa Principal Organizer of Symposium
Conference entitled "Solid tumors in young adults: Dilemmas of modern
oncology" Athens Chairman at Round table on topic "Tumors from germ cells"
Athens International Symposium "Advances and Perspectives in Geriatric
Oncology", Athens Chairman at Roundtable on topic of "Supportive Care "
18 the National Congress of Clinical Oncology, Athens
Chairman at Roundtable on topic "Breast cancer"
2 the Oncology Conference of Eastern Macedonia & Thrace "Current Issues
oncology", Alexandroupolis Lecture entitled "The role of chemotherapy in hormone refractory
prostate cancer after failure to docetaxel - newer data"
13/05/2012 Continuing education on "Personalized approach to oncology patients in the era of
molecular oncology ", Halkidiki Chairman at session on topic"Challenges in the clinical translation of
cancer bio-indicators: Focused on the root of the problem"
3 The Seminar of Clinica&l Research Oncology "Developments and prospects in
oncology", Athens Chairman in Conferences entitled "Gynecology Cancer"
Developments and Dilemmas in Cancer, Larissa
Chairman at main Round table
23-29 / 07/2012
Summer School of Oncology, Heraklion Crete
Lecture on "Prostate Cancer: epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment"
14 to 16/09/2012
Best of ASCO Annual Meeting, Eretria
Member of the Scientific Committee
24-27 / 10/2012
5 the Conference of Central Greece "Lung Cancer - urinary cancer," Larisa
Chairman of Organizing Committee, chairman at session entitled "Delimas on topical treatment of
NSCLC", chairman at session on topic of Prostate Cancer and lecture on the topic of Advanced
Prostate Cancer titled "Bone targeting on prostate cancer"
3/11/2012 20 the Postgraduate Congress of Clinical Oncology, Heraklion Crete
Coordinator at Round Table entitled "Cancer of genitourinary system»
7 the Training Course of Molecular Oncology & Therapy for the clinical oncologist, Metsovo Chairman
at 2nd session on topic of "Personalized therapy in soft tissue sarcomas: new targeting molecules"
10 the National Seminar "Advances in Oncology", Patras
Lecture entitled "New drugs in the treatment of advanced disease - therapeutic algorithm” at
conference focused on" Prostate Cancer "
Meeting "Newer Therapeutic Developments for Malignant Melanoma" Larissa
Principal Organizer of Conference and Chairman at workshop
Workshop "Contemporary Therapeutic Developments in Evnouchoantocho
Prostate Cancer" Larissa Principal Organizer of Conference and Chairman
4-6 / 7/2013
Uro-oncology Conference OF Central Greece "Testis Neoplasms - Kidney Cancer"
Larissa Chairman of Organizing Committee, and chairman at 2 the part of session on topic of Stem Cell
Tumors of Testis
5 the Scientific Meeting of Department of Urogenital Oncology, member of Greek
Urological Association, Volos
Chairman at session entitled "Testicular Cancer"
Best of ASCO Annual Meeting, Eretria
Chairman at meeting entitled "Genitourinary Cancer”
7 the National Seminar of Clinical Oncology, Thessaloniki
Lecture entitled "From the pathophysiology to modern therapeutic approach of hormone refractory
prostate cancer: a critical attitude to contemporary guidelines”
9 the Macedonian Urology Symposium, Thessaloniki
Lecture entitled «Abiraterone in metastatic Prostate Cancer Without previous Chemotherapy "
11 the Seminar of Clinical Oncology "Modern therapeutic approaches", Patras
Lecture on the topic of Prostate Cancer entitled "New drugs in the treatment of advanced disease – is
there any therapeutic algorithm;"
Participation of the International Symposium: Advances and Perspectives in
Gastrointestinal Oncology, Delphi. Chairman at Debate focused on metastatic colorectal cancer
8 The Educational seminar on ‘Molecular Oncology and targeted Therapy’ for Clinical
Oncologists, Ioannina Chairman at a lecture entitled "Triple negative breast cancer: an exlcusion
term or multiple clinical entities?”
4-5 / 4/2014 Seminar entitled "Global treating of oncological patient - Urological Cancer" Larissa
Chairman of the organizing committee of seminar, chairman of the 2nd part of session (Sat. 04.05.14)
2 the Greek Oncology Conference "Tracing scientific outlets in period of crisis",
Thessaloniki Lecture at Satellite sympotium entitled "Therapeutic algorithm in metastatic castrate
prostate cancer"
I. Reviewer for Scientific journals
"Annals of Oncology "
"Cancer Research"
"Clinical Cancer Research"
"J Clinical Oncology"
"J Urology"
K. Member of Societies
American Medical Association
American College of Physicians
American Society of Hematology
American Society of Clinical Oncology
American Association for Cancer Research
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Texas Medical Association
Harris County Medical Association
European Society of Clinical Oncology
Hellenic Society of Medical Oncologists
Hellenic Cooperative Oncology Group
Principal investigator in 41 Clinical Trials (completed and ongoing):
1) Collaboration between oncologists and urologists for the treatment of patients with castration
resistant prostate cancer. DIREG_L_03294 (COLOUR Study).
2) A Randomized Double-blind Placebo-Controlled Trial of Neratinib (HKI-272) After Trastuzumab
in Women with Early-Stage HER-2/neu Overexpressed/Amplified Breast Cancer. (Study 3144A23004-WW).
3) A phase 3, Randomized , open label, two arm study of Neratinib plus Paclitaxel versus Placebo
plus Paclitaxel as First Line Treatment for ErbB-2 Positive Locally Recurrent or Metastatic Breast
Cancer.(Study 3144A2-3005-WW).
4) Evaluation of Quality of Life of patients with unresectable, Locally Advanced or Metastatic
NSCLC during or after First Line Treatment with Docetaxel plus DOCET_L_03284)(QUARTET).
5) FORTIS-M: A phase 3, Randomized, double blind, placebo controlled study of oral talactoferrin
addition to best supportive care to patients with NSCLC who have failed two or more prior
treatment regimens (FORTIS-M).
6) Global Investigation of therapeutic DEcisions in hepatocellular carcinoma and Of its treatment
with sorafeNib. (GIDEON)
7) A Phase III randomized, placebo controlled, double blind trial of Sorafenib plus Erlotinib vs.
Sorafenib plus placebo as First Line systemic treatment for Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC).
8) A phase 3, Randomized, open label for the evaluation of the safety and the efficacy of nolotinib
versus imatinib in adult patients with unreasectable or metastatic Gastrointestinal Stromal
tumor (GIST). (CAMN107G2301).
9) A Randomized, double blind , placebo controlled, multicenter, Phase 3 trial of Bevacizumab,
Temozolamide and Radiotherapy, followed by Bevacizumab and Temozolamide versus Placebo,
Temozolamide and Radiotherapy followed by Placebo and Temozolamide in Patients with
Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma. [BO21990 (AVAglio)].
10) A phase 4 study for the evaluation of Safety and efficacy of AFINITOR (Everolimus) in Patients
with mRCC who have progressed after treatment with anti-VEGF (CRAD001LGR04)
11) A Phase III randomized, double blind, placebo controlled Study of Abiraterone Acetate plus
Prednisone in Asymptomatic or Midly Symptomatic Patients with Castration Resistant Prostate
Cancer. (COU-AA-301)
12) A Phase 3 Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Docetaxel and Prednisone with or
without Lenalidomide in Subjects with Castrate-Resistant Prostate Cancer. (CC-5013-PC-002)
13) Open label study of Cabazitaxel in patients with Castrate-Resistant Metastatic Prostate Cancer
who have previously beeb treated with Docetaxel. (CABAZ_C_05005)
14) An Open-Label Study of Abiraterone Acetate in Subjects with Metastatic Castration-Resistant
Prostate Cancer who have Progressed after Taxane Based- Chemotherapy. (212082-PCR-3001)
15) Aromatase Inhibitors for the adjuvant treatment of Patients with early stage Breast Cancer ER.
(ADVICE code 2011/01)
16) A randomized, 3 arm, multicenter, phase III study to evaluate the efficacy and the safety of TDM1 combined with pertuzumab or T-DM1 combined with pertuzumab-placebo (blinded for
pertuzumab), versus the combination of trastuzumab plus taxane, as first line treatment in
HER2- positive progressive or recurrent locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer (MBC)
(BO22589B / TDM4788g B-EU)
17) A Phase III Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Trial Comparing Capecitabine Plus
Sorafenib Versus Capecitabine Plus Placebo in the Treatment of Locally Advanced or Metastatic
HER2-Negative Breast Cancer (BAY 43-9006 / 12444)
18) A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled Phase III study to assess the efficacy of
recMAGE-A3 + AS15 Antigen-Specific Cancer Immunotherapeutic as adjuvant therapy in
patients with resectable MAGE-A3-positive Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Co-ordinating author
(109493 MAGE3-AS15-NSC-003)
19) An Open Label, Multicentre, Single Arm Study to Characterise the Efficacy, Safety and
Tolerability of Gefitinib 250 mg (IRESSA™) as First line Treatment in Caucasian Patients, who
have Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) Mutation Positive Locally Advanced or
Metastatic Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) (D791AC00014)
20) A randomized phase 3, double blind, placebo controlled, multicenter study to evaluate the
efficacy and safety of Everolimus in adult patients with advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma
after failure of sorafenib. EVOLVE-1 study (CRAD001O2301)
21) A randomized, open label, multicenter, phase III study to evaluate the efficacy and the safety of
TKI258 versus sorafenib ina patients with mRCC who ghave failed treatment with VEGF and
mTOR( CTKI258A2302)
22) Interantional study for the evaluation of Carboplatin and paclitaxel plus bevacizumab as first
line therapy in patients with Epithelial Ovarian, Primary Peritoneal, or Fallopian Tube Cancer.
23) A randomized, open-label Phase III trial of afatinib versus erlotinib in patients with advanced
squamous cell carcinoma of the lung as second-line therapy following first-line platinum-based
chemotherapy (LUX-LUNG 8).
24) A Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Study to Evaluate the Long-term Safety and
Efficacy of Darbepoetin Alfa Administered at 500 g Once- Every-3-Weeks in Anemic Subjects
With Advanced Stage Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Receiving Multi-cycle Chemotherapy (AMG
25) A Phase 3, Randomized, Double-Blind Trial of Paclitaxel Plus AMG 386 or Placebo in Women
with Recurrent Partially Platinum Sensitive or Resistant Epithelial Ovarian, Primary Peritoneal,
or Fallopian Tube Cancer (AMG 20090508)
26) A Phase 3, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo Controlled Study of Rilotumumab
(AMG 102) with Epirubicin, Cisplatin, and Capecitabine (ECX) as First-line Therapy in c-Met
Enriched Advanced Gastric or Gastroesophageal Junction Adenocarcinoma (AMG 20070622)
27) A multicenter, open label, single arm study of pertuzumab in combination with trastuzumab
and a taxane in first line treatment of patients with HER-2 positive advanced (metastatic or
locally recurrent) breast cancer. (ΜΟ28047)
28) A randomized double blind phase 3 efficacy and safety study of pf-00299804 versus erlotinib
for the treatment of advanced non-small cell lung cancer following progression after, or
intolerance to, at least one prior chemotherapy (A7471009)
29) A Phase III prospective, two-cohort non-randomized, multi-centre, multinational, open label
study to assess the safety of assisted- and self-administered subcutaneous trastuzumab as
adjuvant therapy in patients with operable her2-positive early breast cancer (ΜΟ28048)
30) A Phase 3, Randomized, Double-Blind, Multicenter Trial Comparing Orteronel (TAK-700) Plus
Prednisone With Placebo Plus Prednisone in Patients With Metastatic Castration- Resistant
Prostate Cancer That Has Progressed During or Following Docetaxel-based Therapy (C21005)
31) A Phase 3, Randomized, Double-Blind, Multicenter Trial Comparing Orteronel (TAK-700) Plus
Prednisone With Placebo Plus Prednisone in Patients With Metastatic Castration- Resistant
Prostate Cancer. (C21004)
32) Registry of treatment patterns in patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer
(mCRPC) with progression during or after docetaxel-based regimen (PROXIMA)
33) A phase ib/ii study of gdc-0068 or gdc-0980 with abiraterone acetate versus abiraterone
acetate in patients with castration-resistant prostate cancer previously treated with docetaxelbased chemotherapy. (GO27983)
34) A Multinational, Phase 3, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Efficacy and Safety
Study of Enzalutamide in Patients With Nonmetastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer.
35) Randomized, double blind, placebo controlled, multicenter, phase 3 study of BKM120 plus
fulvestrant in patients with HRE-2 negative breast cancer who have progressed after mTOR
treatment. (CBKM120F2303)
36) Open label multicenter three arms Phase I Study for the evaluation of the efficacy of
ketokonazol in the pharmacokinetiks of a single dose of 960mg of Vemourafenib.
37) Randomized, open label, multicenter Phase II two arms Study to Compare the Efficacy and
Safety of Nilotinib versus Imatinib. (CAMN107G2301)
38) A Phase 3, Double-Blind, Randomized, Parallel-Group, Active-Controlled Study to Compare the
Efficacy and Safety of STUDY DRUG and Herceptin as Neoadjuvant and Adjuvant Treatment in
Patients with HER2-Positive Early Breast Cancer (Celtrion CT-P6)
39) A multicenter, double blind, randomized, parallel group, Phase 3 study of the efficacy and
safety of Hercules plus taxane versus trastuzumab plus taxane as first line therapy in patients
with HER-2 positive metastatic breast cancer (MYL-HER3001)
40) A Phase III, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Multicenter Trial of Bavituximab
Plus Docetaxel versus Docetaxel Alone as Second-Line Therapy in Patients with Stage IIIb/IV
Non-Squamous Non Small-Cell Lung Cancer PPHM 1202. (PPHM 1202)
Principal Investigator in Site Initiated Study
«Phase II study of Velcade (Bortezomib) in patients with castration Resistant prostate Cancer who
have progressed during or after receiving Chemotherapy treatment » (26866138 PCR 2002)
Responsible of the monthly Morbidity/Mortality Conference at GU Oncology, MD Anderson
Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA (1998-2003).
Member of the Scientific Committee (Clinical Research Committee) at MD Anderson Cancer
Center where all Research Protocols werepresented for scientific judgment and vote (before
start) (2000-2003)
Responsible of Hematology - Oncology Clinic of University Hospital of Larissa (2006-2009). The
Oncology Clinic of University Hospital from July 2000 was part of the Department of Internal
Medice. From 2006 to 2009 I became the Director of a separate Hematology - Oncology
Director of Oncology Clinic of University Hospital of Larissa (2010 - present). The Oncology Clinic
of the UHL serves all the oncology cases from different departments of the hospital as well as all
oncology cases from the region of Thessaly, of Fthiotida and major part of Western Macedonia.
Managing patients with all types of solid tumors with ability to treat an average of 25 to 30
inpatients daily. The outpatient Chemotherapy Unit as part of the University Oncology Clinic
provides around 9000-10000 out- patient Chemotherapies per year. Furthermore Outpatient
Oncology Departemt can serve approximately 2500-3000 patients annually.
President of Tumor Board of University Hospital of Larissa (2004-present). The Tumor Board
advises for more than 1000 new oncology patients per year.
Director, Division of Medicine, University of Thessaly Medical School 2012-2014
Organizing of Oncology Annual Conferences of Central Greece, in collaboration with several
Helenic and Foreigh Departments such as: University Department of Urology, the Hellenic
Urological Association, M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, University Department of Surgery,
University Department of Gastroenterology, University Department of Internal Medicine,
University Department of Gynecology and University Department of Radiotherapy (2008-present)
- Organizing Committee of Uro-oncology Symposiums of Central Greece on topic of "Cancer Testis"
(April 20 11), on "Tumors Stem Cells: New Data on the treatment of the disease and complications
of Healing" (January 2012), and conference entitled "Modern therapeutic developments in
castrate prostate cancer "in collaboration with University Urology Department, Hellenic Urological
Association and M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Texas
Organizing Committee of Uro-Oncology Conference of Central Greece "Testicular Neoplasms Kidney Cancer" (July 2013, Larissa) in collaboration with the Research Society of Urogenital
Oncology, the University Department of Urology and M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Texas.
Organizing Committee of 1st Panhellenic Conference of Research Society of Urogenital Oncology
entitled "Genitourinary cancer, osteosarcoma, soft tissue sarcoma and neuroendocrine tumor"
(September 2013) in collaboration with the University Department of Urology, the University
Department of Orthopaedic M. D. Anderson Cancer Center.
Organizing Committee of Workshop entitled “Novel treatments for Malignant Melanoma "(April
2013, Larissa), and of Workshop on topic "Modern therapeutic developments on castrate resistant
prostate cancer" (May 2013, Larissa)
Co-organizing with the Department of Internal Medicine of University of Thessaly, conference at
the World Day against cancer entitled “In the battle with Cancer are many winners! More can
become!" (February 2014, Larissa).
Organization of Postgraduate Seminar on topic of "Global management of oncology patients Urological Cancer" (April 2014, Larissa).
1) Collaboration with Division of Cancer Society at Larissa and the Association of Cancer Patients
of Larissa to organize Seminars and Workshops for the public on topic of "Prevention, early
diagnosis and treatment of frequent malignant neoplasms" as prostate, breast, colon. These
lectures following by discussion with the audience, increase alertness and awareness of the
patients and contribute to early diagnosis and thereby more effective treatment of cancer.
2) Our scientific Events (Conferences and Scientific Meetings) organized by the Department of
Medical Oncology of the University of Thessaly are very important educational contributions.
Most importantly, they are themselves events of huge social - medical service and invaluable
contributions since during each of these events Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissections
(RPLNDs) are performed by Dr. Louis Pisters, Professor of Urology, University of Texas, M. D.
Anderson Cancer Center (MDACC). Our department of Medical Oncology along with the
Department of Urology and with the immense contributions of Dr. Pisters and Dr. Ara
Vaporciyan (Prof. of Cardiothoracic surgery at MD Anderson Cancer Center) have formed a high
quality center for Germ Cell Tumors for cases from all over Greece and the neighboring
Major curative retroperitoneal lymph node dissections (RPLNDs) are selflessly performed by
our team 3-4 times a year removing residual tumors (teratoma) after chemotherapy in young
patients with testicular cancer presenting to our center from all over Greece and neighbouring
Balkan countries.
Surgery of complete Retroperitoneal Lymphadenectomy of residual disease after
chemotherapy for testicular cancer is a curative surgery for these usually young patients but
also one of the heaviest and rare surgery of Urologic Oncology performed by only a few
surgeons (urologists-oncologists) worldwide who have been trained to perform RPLND with
successful results. As an example one can mention that in the US of ~ 310 million only three
centers (University of Texas, University of Indiana and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center)
specialize to these surgeries. Taking advantage of our common service, lengthy collaboration
and personal friendship at MDACC with Professor Louis Pisters we have built this
unprecedented life saving. Understanding the financial inability of the majority of young
patients to go to a specialized treatment center abroad, Dr. Pisters has selflessly spend his
time, scientific knowledge and experience to our patients while simultaneously training young
Greek urologists to aquire expertise in RPLND. Over the last six years 52 surgeries have been
carried out successfully (48 Greek patients and 4 from the Balkan region) leading to cure.
A. Monograph-PhD Thesis
"The nucleotide sequence, deduced amino acid sequence and in vitro transcription and translation of
cDNA of a mouse age-dependent NAD(P)H Quinone Oxidoreductase, with properties similar to
Dihydrofolate Reductase (DHFR-like).
Chris N. Papandreou
PhD thesis, Athens, 1996, pp. 105
The Laboratory who supported this thesis, at the previous years was focused on the studying of
the enzyme dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR), which catalyses the reduction of dihydrofolate to
tetrahydrofolate using NADPH as co-factor. The main purpose of the study was the detection of the
activity of this enzyme in various human tissues, because its levels were not easily measurable in the
majority of cells and tissues, normal or neoplastic. For the assessment of enzymatic activity (and not
only the detection of the protein– enzyme) the laboratory had already developed a radioimmunoassay
method for DHFR, using an antiserum specific against this enzyme, isolated from mouse leukemia L
1210 cells.
During experiments for the study of DHFR, and after they had almost exhausted enzyme stocks
isolated from mouse leukemia L 1210 cells, it was decided to isolate a larger quantity of enzyme using
as source not L 1210 cells as usual (which requires use of a large number of cells from many mice with
leukemia), but tissue of normal liver from rats (it is knowh that is eriched of this enzyme). The isolation
of the enzyme was performed by affinity chromatography using methotrexate column. At the first set
of experiments only one protein isolated with molecular weight around 22 kDa, similar to that of
DHFR. At the second set of experiments, however, (and while the same steps and process was
followed) two proteins were isolated, one with a molecular weight (MW) 22 kDa and a second with
MW 28 kDa.
The first thought was that this was probably the result of an error due to condamination with
another protein. Thus, the experiments was repeated using a new column of methotrexate, and the
enzyme was isolated using dihydrofolate acid (FH2) in order to displace the protein from the
methotrexate column. Surprisingly, once again was isolated two different proteins, as shown by the
two different bands in polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Repeating the same procedure for the third
time, using liver tissue from rats the final product, contained this time only a protein of molecular
weight 22 kDa (DHFR). Trying to understand these findings and reviewed carefully all steps of the
procedure we noticed that the only difference between those set of experiments was the age of the
rats. When we used mice that had just received (means younger with soft liver with an average weight
of 1.4 grams) the isolated product containing two proteins. In contrast, when we used older mice with
a average weight of 2.4 g liver only oneprotein was isolted (DHFR).
This was the first observation that led to the thought that this new protein of MW 28 kDa was
expressed only in young mice liver. This hypothesis was further confirmed when the same procedure
was repeated again, and managed to isolate both proteins only from the liver of newborn and young
mice, but not from mice of more than 5 months old.
This protein with MW 28 kDa seems that isolated in combany with the DHFR (binding to
methotrexate). This fuct of co-existence does not say anything about specific catalytic activity of this
protein since the fact that can bound by methotrexate may be represented only its chemical affinity
and not necessarily enzyme activity.
In another set of experiments we try to perform a assay to separate those two proteins and
study the activity of the new protein. Separation of the two proteins was only possible by
electrophoresis in denaturing - SDS gel. Electrophoresis in non-denaturing polyacrylamide gel (without
SDS) after incubation with methotrexate and NADPH leads to the detection of three zones. Coating of
the silica with agarose containing FH2, NADPH and MTT - tetrazole showed that these three bands had
the enzymatic ability of reduction of dihydrofolate activity (based on the change of color observed).
Nevertheless it was not yet known which exactly protein corresponded to the enzyme protein
with MW 28 kDa. Thus we managed to elusion separately each of these proteins corresponding to
their non-chromogenic position - denaturing gel. The protein that was moving slower across the gel
was with MW 22 kDa, while the faster moving MW protein was 28 kDa. The intermediate of those
three bands in the non-chromogenic - denaturing gel containing a mixture of these two proteins.
We also provided evidences that the new protein (isolated from the liver of young mice) not
only bounds to methotrexate, but also has the ability to catalyze the reduction of dihydrofolate to
AIM OF THE STUDY OF PhD Thesis: was the cloning and identification of this new protein.
There were three main questions we had to answer:
a) What exactly are the biochemical characteristics and the role of this new protein?
b) Is there any difference of mRNA expression of this protein between young and old mice?
c) Since this protein is knowh to share two properties of DHFR (dihydrofolate reduction and binding to
methotrexate); does it share a third property: recognition of the protein by specific antiserum against
To answer to those questions, we first ought using cDNA library, to isolate, cDNA of liver tissue
encoding this novel protein. So we got cDNA fragments from muscle liver and then we cut the P28
protein with cyanogen bromide, devide it into small peptides and based on the genetic code we
manufactured oligonucleotide probes for the desired cDNA. Then we used these probes to isolate the
desired cDNA from mouse liver library. In order to get enough amount of this cDNA (amplification of
the product), we transfered it inside a plasmid vector infecting a culture of E. coli cells. After the
certification of the purity of the cDNA isolated from E. coli cells (by determine the nucleotide
sequence-sequencing) we checked the differential mRNA expression of this protein in mice of different
ages and studied whether this new protein was able to be recognized by antiserum against DHFR.
We noticed that this new protein (P28) shares DHFR enzyme properties and seems to belong to the
group of enzymes (DT -diaforases / NQO) involved in the metabolism of anthracyclines and relatives
For better understanding the potential consequences of the involvement of this new protein to
metabolism of two main groups of chemotherapy (MTX and anthrcyclines) we must analyzed two
possibilities related to the interaction of MTX and anthracyclines:
 If the activity of NQO2 mainly leeds to activation of substrate /chemotherapeutic drugs (MMC,
Anthracyclines, CB 10-200) and less to detoxifying of it. It would be possible related to
conformational changes of the enzyme (NQO 2) due to association with MTX, and this connection
could leeds to lost of its association with quinone substrate. This would result in: a) reduction of the
activation of the enzyme, affecting and its chemotherapeutic activity, and b) attenuation of
chemotherapeutic action of MTX, due to reduction of the available enzyme to form polyglutamate
derivatives and inhibition of folate acid.
2. If the role of NQO2 is more detoxifying than activating of chemotherapeutic substrates (coal-beds,
MMC, CB 10-200), then elevated intracellular levels NQO 2 could result to lower levels of the active
substrate. Simultaneous administration of MTX, could inactivate the enzyme and thereby increase the
chemotherapeutic activity of anthracyclines / MMC.
Chin N., Gangi M., Fani K., De Sotto - La Paix F., Papandreou C. , Surapaneni R. K., Landor J. H.:
Colonic histiocytic neoplasm Mimicking Malignant histiocytosis
and Presenting as
intususception . Human Pathology , twenty-six (on the 6th): 682-687, 1995.
IF: 2.806
Papandreou C. , Bogenrieder T., F. Loganzo, Chao MV., nanus DM., Albino AP .: Mutation and
expression of the low affinity neurotrophine receptor (NTR) in human melanoma.
Melanoma Research six: 01/06, 1996.
IF: 2.098
Papandreou C. , Bogenrieder T., Scher H., Albino A. and nanus D.:
Expression and Sequence Analysis of The SDI1 / WAF1 / CIP1 / P21 Tumo r supressor gene in
Prostate Cancer Cell Lines . Intl J Oncology on the 8th: from 1,237 to 1,241, 1996.
IF: 2.773
Hoffman A., Engelstein D., Bogenrieder T., Papandreou C. , Dave A., Motzer R., Dimitrovsky E.,
Albino A. and nanus D.: Expression of retinoid acid receptor - in Human Renal Cell
carcinomas Correlates With the sensitivity to the Antiproliferative Effects of 13- cis retinoic
acid. Clin Cancer Res the 2nd: from 1,077 to 1,082, 1996.
IF: 8.193
Papandreou C , B ogenrieder T, Steckelman ES, Scher HI, Albino AP, nanus DM.: Expression and
Sequence Analysis of the WAF the 1st P the 21st Tumor Suppressor Gene in Renal Cancers .
Urology 49: 481-486, 1997.
IF: 2.197
Bogenrieder T, Finstad CL, Freeman RH, Papandreou CN , Scher HI, Albino AP, Reuter VE,
nanus DM.: Expression an d localization of Aminopeptidase A, Aminopeptidase N, and
Dipeptidylpeptidase IV in Human benign and Malignant Prostate Tissue. Prostate 33 (4):
225-232, 1997.
IF: 3.566
Papandreou CN , Usmani B, Geng Y, Bogenrieder T, Freeman R, Wilk S, Finstad CL, Reuter VE,
Powell CT, Scheinberg D, Ma gill C, Scher HI, Albino AP, nanus DM.: Neutral endopeptidase
24.11 loss in Prostate Cancer contributes to androgen - Independent progression . Nature
Med on the 4th: 50-57, 1998.
IF: 28.054
Papandreou CN , Bogenrieder T, Finstad CL, Freeman RH, Chao MV, Albino AP, Scher HI, Reuter
VE, nanus DM.: Reversal of the low affinity neurotrophin receptor (P 75 NTR ) stromal epithelial expression Pattern Between benign and Malignant Human Prostate.
Urologic Oncology, the 4th: 210-217, 1998.
IF: -
Nanus DM, Bogenrieder T, Papandreou CN , Finstad CL, Lee A, Vlamis V, Motzer RJ, Bander NH,
Albino AP, Reuter VE. : Aminopeptidase A expression and enzymatic activity in primary
human renal cancers. . Int J Oncol thirteen (the 2nd): 261-267, 1998.
IF: 2.773
Daliani D, Papandreou CN : Markers of androgen-Independent progression of Prostate Cancer.
Seminars in Oncology , the 26th (on the 4th): 399-406, 1999.
IF: 3.943
Usmani BA, Shen R, Janeczko M, Papandreou CN , Lee WH, Nelson WG, Nelson JB, nanus DM .:
Methylation of The Neutral endopeptidase gene promoter in Human Prostate Cancer. Clin
Cancer Res , six: 1,664 to 1,670, 2000.
IF: 8.193
Shen R, Sumitomo M, Dai J, Hardy DO, Arroyo D, B Usmani, Papandreou CN , Hersh LB, Shipp
MA, Freedman LP and nanus DM: Identification and Characterization of Two Androgen
Response Regions in The Human Gene Neutral endopeptidase. Molecular and Cellular
Endocrinology , 170: 131-142, 2000.
IF: 4.241
Usmani BA, Janeczko M, Shen R, Mazumdar M, Papandreou CN and Nanus DM: Analysis of
the insertion / deletion polymorphism of the Human angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE)
gene in Patients With Renal Cancer. British J Cancer , 82: 550-552, 2000.
IF: 4.817
Sumitomo M, Shen R, Geng Y, Walburg M, Dai J, Geng Y, D Navarro, Boileau G, Papandreou CN,
Giancotti FG, Knudsen B, nanus DM: Neutral endopeptidase inhibits Prostate Cancer Cell
Migration by blocking FOCAL Adhesion kinase (FAK ) signalling. J Clin Invest , 106: 1399-1407,
IF: 13.765
Tu SM, Millikan RE, Mengistu B, Delpassand ES, Amato RJ, Pagliaro LC, Daliani D, Papandreou
CN , Smith TL, Kim J, Podoloff DA, Logothetis CJ.: Bone - Targeted Therapy for advanced
androgen - Independent carcinoma of the Prostate: A randomized Trial. Lancet 357: 336-341,
IF: 39.207
Daliani D, Papandreou C , Thall PF, Wang X, Perez C, Pagliaro L, Oliva R, Amato R: A Pilot Study
of Thalidomide in Patients With Progressive Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma . Cancer 95:
758-765, 2002
IF: 4.901
Fizazi K, Prow DM, Do KA, Wang X, Finn L, Kim J, Daliani D, Papandreou CN , Tu SM, Millikan RE,
Pagliaro LC, Logothetis CJ, Amato RJ:Alternating Dose - Dense Chemotherapy in Patients With
High Volume disseminated non - seminomatous GERM Cell tumours. Br J Cancer 86 (1): 1555
to 1560, on the 20th May, 2002.
IF: 4.817
Pagliaro LC, Millikan RE, Tu SM, Williams D, Daliani D, Papandreou CN , Logothetis CJ: Cisplatin,
gemcitabine, and ifosfamide as Weekly Therapy: A Feasibility and Phase II Study of Salvage
Treatment for advanced Transitional - Cell carcinoma. J Clin Oncol 20 (13): 2965-70, the 1st
July, 2002.
IF: 17.960
Papandreou CN , Daliani D, Thall PF, Tu SM, Wang X, Reyes A, Troncoso P, Logothetis CJ:
"Results of a Phase II Study With Doxorubicin, Etoposide and Cisplatin in Patients With Fully
Characterized Small Cell Carcinoma of the Prostate ". J Clin Oncol , 20 (14): 3072-3080, July
15, 2002.
IF: 17.960
Daliani D, Assikis V, Tu S - M, Papandreou C , Pagliaro L, Holtkamp T, Wang X, Thall PF,
Logothetis C: Phase II Trial of Cyclophosphamide, Vincristine and Dexamethasone in the
Treatment of Androgen - Independent Prostate Cancer. Cancer , 97, 561-567, 2003.
IF: 4.901
Salgaller, M.L.ab, Elgamal, A.-A.b, Bosch, M.b, Lodge, A.b, Shankar, G.b, Boynton, A.b,
Belldegrun, A.c, Logothetis, C.d, Papandreou, C.d
Tumor antigens - Prostate cancer antigens and vaccines
Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy V. 52, Issue SUPPL. 1, 2003, Pages S8-S9+S27
IF: 3.943
Tu SM, Millikan RE, Williams D, Pagliaro L, Daliani D, Papandreou CN , Kim J, Logothetis CJ:
Treatment of Refractory urothelial Carcinoma With Alternating- Interferon, Cisplatin,
Paclitaxel, Methotrexate, Cisplatin (TMP) and 5- Fluorouracil. Urologic Oncology, 21 (5): 342348, 2003.
IF: 3.360
Papandreou CN , Daliani DD, Yang H, Newman RA, Nix D, Pien CS, Millikan RE, Tu SM, Pagliaro
L, Kim J, Adams J, Elliot P, Esseltine D, Petrusich A, Dieringer P, Perez CA, Logothetis CJ: Phase I
Trial Of The Proteasome Inhibitor Bortezomib In Patients With Advanced Solid Tumors With
Observations In Androgen - Independent Prostate Cancer . J Clin Oncol ., 22: 108-121, 2004.
IF: 17.960
Williams S, Pettaway C, Song R, Papandreou C , Logothetis C, McConkey DJ: Differential Effects
of the Proteasome Inhibitor bortezomib on apoptosis and angiogenesis in Human Prostate
tumor xenografts. Mol Cancer Ther . 2003 Sep; 2 (9): 835-43.
IF: 6.107
Papandreou CN , Logothetis CJ: Bortezomib as A Potential Treatment for Prostate Cancer.
Cancer Res . 2004 Aug 1; 64 (15): 5036-43. Review.
IF: 9.284
Assikis VJ, Do KA, Wen S, Wang X, Cho - Vega JH, Brisbay S, Lopez R, Logothetis CJ, Troncoso P,
Papandreou CN , McDonnell TJ: Clinical and biomarker Correlates of androgen - Independent,
Clin Cancer Res . 2004 Oct 15; 10 (20): 6770-8.
IF: 8.193
Papandreou CN : The Proteasome as A Target for The Treatment of Cancer.
Am J Cancer . 2005? 4 (6): 359-72.
IF: 3.36
Daponte A, Kostopoulou E, Papandreou CN , Chiotoglou I, Voutsadakis I, Vanakara P, Minas M,
Nakou M, Kallitsaris A, Kollia P, Koukoulis G, Messinis IE.: retinoid receptor Alpha and Beta
expression in serous ovarian tumors . Oncology. 2007 73 (02/01): 81-9.
IF: 2.613
Daponte A, Kostopoulou E, Papandreou CN , Daliani DD, Minas M, Koukoulis G, Messinis IE:
Prognostic Significance of fascin expression in advanced poorly Differentiated serous ovarian
Cancer. Anticancer Res. 2008 May-Jun? the 28th (3B): 1905-1910. Erratum in: Anticancer Res.
2010 Jan; 30 (1): 277.
IF: 1.390
Daliani DD, Tannir NM, Papandreou CN , Wang X, Swisher S, Wood CG, Swanson DA, Logothetis
CJ, Jonasch E: Prospective assessment of Systemic Therapy followed by surgical Removal of
metastases in selected Patients With Renal Cell carcinoma. BJU Int. 2009 Aug, 104 (4): 456-60
IF: 3.130
Voutsadakis IA, Doumas S, Tsapakidis K, Papagianni M, Papandreou CN : Bone and Brain
metastases From ampullary adenocarcinoma. World J Gastroenterol. 2009 Jun 7, 15 (21):
IF: 2.430
Vlachostergios PJ, Patrikidou A, Daliani DD, Papandreou CN : The Ubiquitin - Proteasome
System in Cancer, A major player in DNA Repair. Part 1: Post-translational regulation. J Cell
Mol Med. 2009 Sep? on the 13th (9B): 3006-18. Epub 2009 Jun 11.
IF: 5.228
Vlachostergios PJ, Patrikidou A, Daliani DD, Papandreou CN: The Ubiquitin - Proteasome
System in Cancer, A major player in DNA Repair. Part 2: Transcriptional regulation.
J Cell Mol Med. 2009 Sep? on the 13th (9B): 3,019-31. Epub 2009 Jun 11.
IF: 5.228
Vlachostergios PJ, Voutsadakis IA, Papandreou CN : Orbital Metastasis of Breast carcinoma.
Breast Cancer (Auckl). 2009 Dec 2, on the 3rd: 91-7.
IF: -
Vlachostergios PJ, Voutsadakis IA, Barbanis S, Karasavvidou F, Papandreou CN : AFP - Producing
hepatoid adenocarcinoma of the Stomach: A Case Report . Cases J. 2009 Dec 9, 2: 9296.
IF: -
Voutsadakis IA, Masouris G, Tsapakidis K, Papandreou CN : Rapid fatal Outcome From
Pulmonary arteries compression in Transitional Cell carcinoma. J Oncol. 2009, 2009: 579,
9407. Epub 2010 Jan 6.
IF: -
Papandreou CN, : Is methylation The Key to CD10 loss; J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2010 Jan, 32
(1): 03.02.
IF: 0.998
Bamias A, Karadimou A, Lampaki S, Lainakis G, Malettou L, Timotheadou E, PAPAZISIS K,
Andreadis C, Kontovinis L, Anastasiou I, Stravodimos K, Xanthakis I, Skolarikos A, Christodoulou
C, Syrigos K, Papandreou C , Razi E , Dafni U, Fountzilas G, Dimopoulos MA: Prognostic
stratification of Patients With advanced Renal Cell carcinoma Treated With sunitinib:
comparison With the Memorial Sloan - Kettering prognostic Factors model.
BMC Cancer. 2010 Feb the 18th? the 10th: 45.
IF: 3.319
Voutsadakis IA, Patrikidou A, Tsapakidis K, Karagiannaki A, Hatzidaki E, Stathakis NE,
Papandreou CN : Additive Inhibition of Colorectal Cancer Cell Lines by aspirin and
bortezomib. Int J Colorectal Dis. 2010 Jul? twenty-five (the 7th): seven hundred ninety-five to
eight hundred and four. Epub 2010 Apr 16.
IF: 2.645
Chira, P.ab , Vareli, , Sainis, I.a , Papandreou, C.d , Briasoulis, E.a: Alterations of
microRNAs in solid cancers and their prognostic value. Cancers. Volume 2, Issue 2, June 2010,
Pages 1328-1353
IF: -
Voutsadakis IA, Papandreou CN : The ubiquitin-Proteasome System in Prostate Cancer and ITS
transition to castration resistance. Urol Oncol. 2010 Jun on the 24th.
IF: 3.360
Gioulbasanis I, Vlachostergios P, Zafiriou A, Papandreou C . Cancer cachexia syndrome: A
Review. Forum of Clinical Oncology 2010 Jun, the 1st (1): 34-41.
IF: -
Vlachostergios PJ, Daliani DD, Dimopoulos V, Patrikidou A, Voutsadakis IA, Papandreou CN :
nonbacterial thrombotic (marantic) endocarditis in a Patient With Colorectal Cancer.
Onkologie . 2010; 33 (8-9): 456-9. Epub 2010 Jul 7.
IF: 1.156
Zintzaras E, Grammatikou M, Kitsios GD, Doxani C, Zdoukopoulos N, Papandreou C , Patrikidou
A: polymorphisms of the endothelial Nitric oxide synthase gene in Breast Cancer: A Genetic
Association Study and meta - analysis. J Hum Genet. 2010 Nov, 55 (11): 743-8. Epub 2010 Aug
19. Erratum in: J Hum Genet. 2010 Nov; 55 (11): 777. Patrikidou, Anna [added].
IF: 2.526
Papazisis KT, Kontovinis LF, Papandreou CN , Kouvatseas G, Lafaras C, Antonakis E,
Christopoulou M, Andreadis C, Mouratidou D, Kortsaris AH: Brain natriuretic Peptide precursor
(NT - PRO - BNP) levels PREDICT for Clinical Benefit to sunitinib Treatment in Patients With
metastatic Renal Cell carcinoma. BMC Cancer. 2010 Sep on the 14th, 10: 489.
IF: 3.319
Venook AP, Papandreou C , Furuse J, de Guevara LL: The incidence and epidemiology of
hepatocellular carcinoma: A global and Regional Perspective . Oncologist . 2010; 15 Suppl 4:
IF: 5.826
Gioulbasanis I, Kamposioras K, Doufexis D, Vlac hostergios PJ, Makridou M, Gianousi Z, Ghosh
S, Tzereme M, Papandreou CN , Georgoulias V: Predictive and prognostic value of the
Glasgow Prognostic Score (GPS) in Greek Patients With metastatic Lung Cancer. Forum of
Clinical Oncology. 2011 Mar, 2 (1): 9-13.
IF: 2.826
Patrikidou A, Vlachostergios PJ, Voutsadakis IA, Hatzidaki E, Valeri RM, Destouni C, Apostolou E,
Daliani D, Papandreou CN : Inverse Baseline expression Pattern of The NEP / neuropeptides
and NF Mr B / proteasome pathways in androgen-dependent and androgen- Independent
Prostate Cancer Cells. Cancer Cell Int. 2011 May 15, on the 11th (1): 13.
IF: 1.989
Gioulbasanis I, Georgoulias P, Vlachostergios PJ, Baracos V, Ghosh S, Giannousi Z, Papandreou
CN , Mavroudis D, Georgoulias V: Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) and Biochemical
Markers of cachexia in metastatic Lung Cancer Patients: interrelations and Associations With
Prognosis. Lung Cancer. 2011 Dec, 74 (3): 516 to 20. Epub 2011 May 31.
IF: 3.737
Vlachostergios PJ, Karasavvidou F, Patrikidou A, Voutsadakis IA, Kakkas G, Moutzouris G,
Zintzaras E, Daliani DD, Melekos MD, Papandreou CN: P 53 and Cyclooxygenase -2 Expression
are Directly Associated With Cyclin D one Expression in Radical Prostatectomy Specimens of
Patients With Hormone - Naïve Prostate Cancer. Pathol Oncol Res. 2011 Jul 23. [Epub Ahead
of print]
IF: 1.806
Kouvaras E, Papandreou CN , Daliani DD, Athanasiadis A, Koukoulis GK: Comparative Study of
Spatial localization of HER-the 2nd and CEP17 signals and of HER-2 / CEP17 ratios, in "Thin"
and "thick" Tissue sections. Breast. 2011 Aug 18. [Epub Ahead of print]
IF: 2.581
Fountzilas G, Kourea HP, Bobos M, Televantou D, Kotoula V, Papadimitriou C, PAPAZISIS KT,
Timotheadou E, Efstratiou I, Koutras A, Pentheroudakis G, Christodoulou C, Aravantinos G,
Miliaras D, Petraki K, Papandreou CN , Papakostas P, Bafaloukos D, Repana D, Razis E,
Pectasides D, Dimopoulos AM: Paclitaxel and bevacizumab as First line Combined Treatment
in Patients With metastatic Breast Cancer: The Hellenic Cooperative Oncology Group
experience With Biological Marker Evaluation. Anticancer Res. 2011 Sep, 31 (9): 3007-18.
IF: 1.725
Papandreou CN , Doxani C, Zdoukopoulos N, Vlachostergios PJ, Hatzidaki E, Bakalos G, Ziogas
DC, Koufakis T, Zintzaras E: Evidence of Association Between Methylenetetrahydrofolate
Reductase Gene and Susceptibility to Breast Cancer: A Candidate - Gene Association Study in
a South - Eastern European Population. DNA Cell Biol. 2011 Aug 29. [Epub Ahead of print]
IF: 2.072
Befani CD, Vlachostergios PJ, Hatzidaki E, Patrikidou A, Bonanou S, Simos G, Papandreou CN ,
liakos P: Bortezomib represses HIF-1a Protein expression and Nuclear Accumulation by
inhibiting Both PI 3 K / Akt / TOR and MAPK Pathways in Prostate Cancer Cells. J Mol Med
(Berl). 2012 Jan, 90 (1): 45-54. Epub 2011 Sep 10.
IF: 4.739
Giannousi Z, Gioulbasanis I, Pallis AG, Xyrafas A, Dalliani D, Kalbakis K, Papadopoulos V,
Mavroudis D, Georgoulias V, Papandreou CN : Nutritional status, acute Phase Response and
depression in metastatic Lung Cancer Patients: Correlations and Association Prognosis.
Support Care Cancer. 2011 Oct 1. [Epub Ahead of print]
IF: 2.597
Vlachostergios PJ, Gioulbasanis I, Kamposioras K, Georgoulias P, Baracos VE, Ghosh S,
Maragouli E, Georgoulias V, Papandreou CN : Baseline insulin - like Growth Factor - I Plasma
levels, Systemic Inflammation, Weight loss and Clinical Outcome in metastatic non - Small
Cell Lung Cancer Patients. Oncology. 2011? 81 (on the 2nd): 103-108. Epub 2011 Oct 4.
IF: 2.613
Vlachostergios PJ, Karasavvidou F, Kakkas G, Moutzouris G, Patrikidou A, Voutsadakis IA,
Kapatou K, Daliani DD, Melekos MD, Papandreou CN : CD on the 10th and Endothelin -1 are
Inversely Expressed in Early Prostate Cancer and PREDICT PSA Failure after Radical
Prostatectomy. J Cancer Sci Ther. 2011, S 1: 1-6. doi: 10.4172 / 1948-5956. S 1-005 (Invited
IF: -
Gioulbasanis I, Patrikidou A, Kitikidou K, Papadimitriou K, Vlachostergios PJ, Tsatsanis C,
Margioris AN, Papandreou CN , Mavroudis D, Georgoulias V: Baseline Plasma Levels of
Interleukin - the 8th in Stage IV Non - Small - Cell Lung Cancer Patients: Relationship With
Nutritional Status and Prognosis. Nutr Cancer. 2011 Nov 18. [Epub Ahead of print]
IF: 2.783
Vlachostergios PJ, Et Al. Beyond The Abstract - p53 and cyclooxygenase-2 expression are
Directly Associated With cyclin D1 expression in Radical prostatectomy specimens of Patients
With hormone-naïve Prostate Cancer. BERKELEY, CA ( - UroToday and
UroToday International Journal. Fri, on the 18th November 2011 (Invited Article)
IF: -
Vlachostergios PJ, Papandreou CN : Neuroendocrine Differentiation and the ubiquitin Proteasome System in cancer: Partners or enemies; World J Exp Med. 2011 Dec? 1 (1): 7-9
(Invited Article)
IF: -
Vlachostergios PJ, Karasavvidou F, Kakkas G, Kapatou K, Gioulbasanis I, Daliani DD, Moutzouris
G, Papandreou CN : Lack of prognostic Significance of P on the 16th and P twenty-seven
after Radical prostatectomy in hormone - naive Prostate Cancer .J Negat Results Biomed .
2012 Jan 5; 11 (1): 2.
IF: 1.470
Voutsadakis IA, Vlachostergios PJ, Daliani DD, Karasavvidou F, Kakkas G, Moutzouris G, Melekos
MD, Papandreou CN: CD on the 10th Is Inversely Associated With Nuclear Factor - Kappa B
and Predicts Biochemical Recurrence after Radical Prostatectomy. Urol Int. 2012, 88 (2): 158164
IF: 1.151
Voutsadakis, I.A. , Papandreou, C.N.: The ubiquitin-proteasome system in prostate cancer
and its transition to castration resistance. Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original
Investigations. Volume 30, Issue 6, November 2012, Pages 752-761
IF: 3.36
Tsapakidis K, Vlachostergios PJ, Voutsadakis IA, Befani C, Patrikidou A, Hatzidaki E, Daliani D,
Moutzouris G, liakos P, Papandreou CN: Bortezomib REVERSES the proliferative and Anti apoptotic Effect of neuropeptides on Prostate Cancer Cells. International Journal of Urology
2012, 19 (6): 565-574
IF: 1.910
Vlachostergios PJ, Kakkas G, Karasavvidou F, Moutzouris G, Patrikidou A, Voutsadakis IA, Daliani
DD, Zintzaras E, Melekos MD, Papandreou CN: Expression of Neutral endopeptidase,
endothelin -1 and Nuclear factor kappa B in Prostate Cancer: Interrelations and Associations
With Prostate - Specific antigen Recurrence after Radical prostatectomy . Prostate Cancer .
2012? 2012: 452795
IF: -
Gioulbasanis I, Vlachostergios PJ, Papandreou CN., Selecting for predisposition to Cancer
cachexia. EMBO Mol Med. 2012 Jun; 4 (6): 451-2. doi: 10.1002 / emmm.201200232. Epub 2012
Apr 11.
IF: 18.245
Lencioni R, Kudo M, Ye SL, Bronowicki JP, Chen XP, Dagher L, Furuse J, Geschwind JF, Ladr Ó N
de Guevara L, Papandreou C , Sanyal AJ, Takayama T, Yoon SK, Nakajima K, Cihon F, Heldner S,
Marrero JA. First Interim Analysis of The GIDEON (Global Investigation of Therapeutic
Decisions in hepatocellular carcinoma and of ITS Treatment With Sorafenib) non interventional study. Int J Clin Pract. 2012 Jul; 66 (7): 675-83.
IF: 2.583
Patrikidou A, Vlachostergios PJ, Voutsadakis IA, Hatzidaki E, Valeri RM, Destouni C, Apostolou E,
Papandreou CN. Neuropeptide-inducible upregulation of Proteasome activity precedes
Nuclear Factor Kappa B Activation in androgen-Independent Prostate Cancer Cells.
Cancer Cell Int. 2012 Jun 20; 12 (1): 31.
IF: 2.093
Pectasides D, Papaxoinis G, Kalogeras KT, Eleftheraki AG, Xanthakis I, Makatsoris T, Samantas E,
Varthalitis I, Papakostas P, N Nikitas, Papandreou CN , Pentheroudakis G, Timotheadou E,
Koutras A, Sgouros J, Bafaloukos D, Klouvas G, Economopoulos T, KN Syrigos, Fountzilas G.
XELIRI-bevacizumab Versus FOLFIRI-bevacizumab as First-line Treatment in Patients With
metastatic Colorectal Cancer: A Hellenic Cooperative Oncology Group Phase III Trial With
collateral biomarker Analysis. BMC Cancer. 2012 Jun 29; 12: 271.
IF: 3.333
Vlachostergios PJ, Voutsadakis IA, Papandreou CN.
The ubiquitin-proteasome system in glioma cell cycle control. Cell Div. 2012 Jul 20; 7 (1): 18.
IF: 3.471
Ryan CJ, Smith MR, de Bono JS, Molina A, Logothetis CJ, de Souza P, Fizazi K, P Mainwaring,
Piulats JM, Ng S, Carles J, Mulders PF, Basch E, Small EJ, Saad F, Schrijvers D, Van Poppel H,
Mukherjee SD, Suttmann H, Gerritsen WR, Flaig TW, George DJ, Yu EY, Efstathiou E, Pantuck A,
Winquist E, Higano CS, Taplin ME, Park Y, Kheoh T, Griffin T, Scher HI , Rathkopf DE; COU-AA302 Investigators. Abiraterone in metastatic Prostate Cancer Without Chemotherapy
previous. N Engl J Med. 2013 Jan 10; 368 (2): 138-48. Epub 2012 Dec 10. Erratum in: N Engl J
Med. 2013 Feb 7; 368 (6): 584.
IF: 54.420
Vlachostergios PJ, Daliani DD, Papandreou CN. Basic concepts in metastatic cardiac disease.
Cardiology Research, 3 (2), 47-48
IF: -
Doumas S, Voutsadakis IA, Fourkas N, Papagianni M, Papandreou CN. Concomitant thymic
carcinoma with cervical and supravascular node metastatses and thuroid carcinoma: report of
a case and literature review. Journal of Medical Cases, 3 (3), 181-184
IF: -
Vlachostergios PJ, Papandreou CN. The role of the small ubiquitin-related modifier (SUMO)
pathway in prostate cancer. Biomolecules, 2 (2), 240-255
IF: 37
Horwich A, Hugosson J, de Reijke T, Wiegel T, Fizazi K, Kataja V? Panel Members; European
Society for Medical Oncology. Prostate cancer: ESMO Consensus Conference Guidelines 2012.
Horwich A, Hugosson J, de Reijke T, Wiegel T, Fizazi K, Kataja V; Panel Members; European
Society for Medical Oncology. Ann Oncol. 2013 May; 24 (5): 1141-62
IF: 7.384
Froudarakis M, Hatzimichael E, Kyriazopoulou L, Lagos K, Pappas P, Tzakos AG, Karavasilis V,
Daliani D, Papandreou C , Briasoulis E. Revisiting bleomycin Safe From Pathophysiology to
Clinical Use. Crit Rev Oncol Hematol. 2013 Jul; 87 (1): 90-100.
IF: 5.27
Vlachostergios PJ, Hatzidaki E, Stathakis NE, Koukoulis GK, Papandreou CN . Bortezomib
downregulates MGMT expression in T98G glioblastoma Cells. Cell Mol Neurobiol. 2013 Apr;
33 (3): 313-8. doi: 10.1007 / s1 0571-013-9910-2.
IF: 2.210
Vlachostergios PJ, Gioulbasanis I, Ghosh S, Tsatsanis C, Papatsibas G, Xyrafas A, Hatzidaki E, C
Vasiliou, Kamposioras K, Agelaki S, Margioris AN, Nasi D, Georgoulias V, Papandreou CN.
Predictive and prognostic value of LPS -stimulated Cytokine secretion in metastatic non-Small
Cell Lung Cancer. Clin Transl Oncol. 2013 Nov; 15 (11): 903-9. doi: 10.1007 / s12094-013-10215. Epub 2013 Mar 5.
IF: 1.600
Vlachostergios PJ, Papandreou CN.
The Bmi-1 / NF- Mr B / VEGF Story: Another hint for Proteasome Involvement in glioma
Angiogenesis; J Cell Comm un Signal. 2013 Dec; 7 (4): 235-7
IF: -
Vlachostergios PJ, Hatzidaki E, Papandreou CN.
MGMT repletion after treatment of glioblastoma cells with temozolomide and O6benzylguanine implicates NF Mr. B and Mutant p53. Neur ol Res. 2013 Oct; 35 (8): 879-82
IF: 1.449
Vlachostergios PJ, Hatzidaki E, Befani CD, liakos P, Papandreou CN.
Bortezomib overcomes MGMT-Related resistance of glioblastoma Cell Lines to
Temozolomide in Schedule A-dependent Manner. Invest New Drugs. 2013 Oct; 31 (5): 116981.
IF: 3.500
Vlachostergios PJ, Voutsadakis IA, Papandreou CN . The role of ubiquitin-Proteasome System
in g
lioma survival and Growth. Growth Factors. 2013 Jun; 31 (3): 106-13. doi: 10.3109 /
08977194.2013.799156. Epub 2013 May 21. Review.
IF: 2.927
Souglakos, J.a, Karavasilis, V.b, Tsotra, E.b, Samantas, E.c, Sgouros, I.c, Basta, E.d, Amarantidis,
K.e, Papandreou, C.f, Boukovinas, I.g, Doufexis, D.h, Labrodimou, G.h, Ziras, N.i, Kentepozidis,
N.g, Stathopoulos, G.j, Stathopoulou, E.d: Pancreatic adenocarcinoma treatment hellenic
oncology survey 'PATHOS': Frequency and current treatment modalities of advanced
pancreatic adenocarcinoma in Greece. Forum of Clinical Oncology Volume 4, Issue 4, 2013,
Pages 11-19
IF: 84.
Liaskos C, Rigopoulou EI, Orfanidou T, Bogdanos DP, Papandreou CN. CUZD1 and Anti-CUZD1
Antibodies as Markers of Cancer and inflammatory Bowel Diseases. Clin Dev Immunol. 2013?
2013: 968 041
IF: 2.93
Vlachostergios PJ, Voutsadakis IA, Papandreou CN. Mechanisms of Proteasome Inhibitorinduced cytotoxicity in Malignant glioma. Cell Biol Toxicol. 2013 Aug; 29 (4): 199-211. doi:
10.1007 / s10565-013-9248-z. Epub 2013 Jun
IF: 1.971
Begas E, Papandreou C , Tsakalof A, Daliani D, Papatsibas G, Asprodini E. Simple and Reliable
The HPLC Method for Monitoring of Methotrexate in Osteosarcoma Patients. J Chromatogr
Sci. 2013 Jun 25.
IF: 1.03
Vlachostergios PJ, Voutsadakis IA, Papandreou CN. The Shaping of invasive glioma phenotype
by The ubiquitin-Proteasome System. Cell Commun Adhes. 2013 Oct; 20 (5): 87-92.
IF: 1.522
Ramalingam S, Crawford J, Chang A, Manegold C, Perez-Soler R, Douillard JY, Thatcher N, Barlesi
F, Owonikoko T, Wang Y, Pultar P, Zhu J, Malik R, Giaccone G? FORTIS-M Study Investigators.
Talactoferrin alfa Versus placebo in Patients With Refractory advanced non-Small-Cell Lung
Cancer (FORTIS-M Trial). Ann Oncol. 2013 Nov; 24 (11): 2875-80.
IF: 6.578
Lencioni R, Kudo M, Ye SL, Bronowicki JP, Chen XP, Dagher L, Furuse J, Geschwind JF, Ladron de
Guevara L, Papandreou C , Takayama T, Yoon SK, Nakajima K, R Lehr, Heldner S, Sanyal AJ.
GIDEON (Global Investigation of Therapeutic Decisions in hepatocellular carcinoma and ITS
Of Treatment With Sorafenib): Second Interim Analysis. Int J Clin Pract. 2013 Nov 28.
IF: 2.538
Heidenreich A, Bracarda S, Mason M, Ozen H, Sengelov L, Van Oort I, Papandreou C , Fossa S,
S Hitier, Climent MA? European Investigators. Safety of cabazitaxel in Senior adults With
metastatic castration-resistant Prostate Cancer: Results of The European compassionate-Use
Programme. Eur J Cancer. 2014 Jan 31.
IF: 4.819
Pentheroudakis G, Kotoula V, Kouvatseas G, E Charalambous, Dionysopoulos D, F Zagouri,
Koutras A, Papazisis K, Pectasides D, Smantas E, Dimopoulos M, Papandreou C , Foutzilas G.
Association of VEGF-A splice Variant mRNA expression With Outcome in bevacizumabTreated Patients With metastatic Breast Cancer . Clinical Breast Cancer (accepted).
IF: 2.628
Foutzilas G, Dafni U, Papadimitriou C, Timotheadou E, Gogas H, Eleftheraki A G, Xanthakis I,
Christodoulou C, KOUTRAS A, C Papandreou , Papakostas P, Miliaras S, Markopoulos C,
Dimitrakakis C, Korantzopoulos P, Karanikiotis C, Bafaloukos D, Kosmidis P, Samantas E,
Varthalitis I, Pavlidis N, Pectasides D, Dimopoulos M. A. Dose-Dense Sequential adjuvant
Chemotherapy followed, as indicated, by trastuzumab for One year early in Patients With
Breast Cancer: First Report AT five-year Median Follow-up of A Hellenic Cooperative
Oncology Group randomized Phase III Trial ,. BMC Cancer, (ahead of print)
IF: 3.319
Karavasilis, V.a, Kosmidis, P.b, Syrigos, K.N.c, Mavropoulou, P.d, Dimopoulos, M.A.e, Kotoula,
V.f, Pectasides, D.g, Boukovinas, I.h, Klouvas, G.i, Kalogera-Fountzila, A.d, Papandreou, C.N.j,
Fountzilas, G.a, Briasoulis, E.: Docetaxel and intermittent erlotinib in patients with metastatic
non-small cell lung cancer; a phase II study from the hellenic cooperative oncology grou.
Anticancer Research Volume 34, Issue 10, 1 October 2014, Pages 5649-5655
IF: 1.072
A Thiery-Vuillemin, C Theodore, L Jacobasch, J Schmitz, C Papandreou, Efficacy and
safety of sequential use of everolimus in patients With metastatic renal cell carcinoma
previously treated with bevacizumab with or without interferon therapy: results from the
European AVATOR Study. Clinical genitourinary cancer, 2014
IF: 2.605
Vlachostergios PJ, Papandreou CN. Bevacizumab in advanced cervical cancer. Clinical and
Translational Oncology 16 (10), 2014, 935-935
Submitted (Under review):
Patrikidou A, Vlachostergios PJ, Voutsadakis IA, Hatzidaki E, Valeri RM, Destouni C,
Apostolou E, Papandreou CN: Endothelin-and bombesin-inducible link for
Proteasome-dependent Nuclear factor kappa B activation in androgen - Independent
Prostate Cancer Cells.
Book Chapters
Nanus DM, Papandreou CN , Albino AP: Expression of Cell - Surface peptidases in neoplastic
Cells. In: Cell-surface Peptidases, Kenny J, Boustead CM, eds. Bios Scientific Publishers Ltd.,
Oxford, 1997, pp: 323-339.
Vlachostergios PJ, Gioulbasanis I, Papandreou CN : From DNA damage response and repair to
cancer: The role of nutrition. In: DNA Repair: New Research, Kimura S and Shimizu S, eds.
Nova Science Publishers Inc., New York, 2012, in final production.
Vlachostergios PJ, Papandreou CN:
The Endothelin Axis in DNA Damage and Repair: The Cancer Paradigm
InTech, 2013
Rosenthal CJ, Rottman M., Choi KN, Papandreou C .:
Rapid tumor lysis induced by Mitomycin-C (MC) administered by continuous infusion (CI)
with concomitant radiation therapy (RT). Proceeding at The American Association for Cancer
Research 32: A2323, 1991.
Papandreou C ., Rosenthal CJ, Nandivada N .:
Intensive Chemotherapy Versus immune stimulating Therapy of HIV Infected Patients With's
sarcoma's sarcoma . Proceedings of The American Society of Clinical Oncology 11: A10, 1992.
Papandreou C ., Bogenrieder T., F. Loganzo, Felsen D, Scher HI, Chao M., Albino AP, nanus DM .:
Alterations in The low-affinity nerve Growth Factor receptor p75 in Prostate Cancer.
Proceedings of The American Association for Cancer Research 35: 1627 A, 1994.
Papandreou C. , Platica O., Solomon G., J. Eng, Rothenberg SP:
A Protein That co-purifies With dihydrofolate Reductase From mouse liver Is NAD (P) H
quinone oxidoreductase . Proceedings of The American Association for Cancer Research 35:
A3243, 1994.
Papandreou C. , Bogenrieder T., Finstad CL., Reuter VR., Wilk S., Scher HI., Albino AP. and
Nanus DM. : Loss of Neutral endopeptidase in androgen Independent Prostate cancers.
Proceedings of The American Association for Cancer Research 36: 268, A 1,596.1995.
Papandreou C. , Vidal MJ., Steckelman ES., Scher HI., Albino AP., nanus DM .: The WAF1 tumor
supressor gene Is not mutated in Human Renal and prostatic carcinoma Cell Lines.
Proceedings of The American Association for Cancer Research 36: 581, 3462 A, 1995.
Bogenrieder T., Papandreou C ., Hoffman AD, Chen G., Steckelman EA., Kelly WK., Scher HI.,
Albino AP. and Nanus DM .: Analysis of 13-cis retinoid acid induced Antiproliferative Effects
alone and in Combination With Interferon-A in Human Prostate Cancer . Proceedings of The
American Association for Cancer Research 36: 272, 1621 A, 1995.
Hoffman AD., Bogenrieder T., Steckelman E., F. Loganzo, Papandreou C ., Schacher Y., Albino
AP. and nanus DM .: The Antiproliferative Effects of retinoic acid mediated through Is The
retinoic acid receptor- b in human renal cell carcinoma cell lines. Proceedings of The
American Association for Cancer Research 36: 510, A 3,035.1995.
D. nanus, Finstad CL, Bogenrieder T., Papandreou C . and AlbinoA.P .: Loss of aminopeptidase
A enzyme activity in Renal Cell carcinomas.
Proceedings of The American Association for Cancer Research 36: 97, A 578, 1995.
Papandreou C , Freeman R, Xu Y, Scheinberg D, Maslak P, Wilk S, Scher HI, Albino AP and nanus
DM .: Neutral endopeptidase regulation by androgen in Prostate Cancer Cells . Proceedings of
The American Association for Cancer Research 37: 244, A 1671, 1996.
Papandreou C , Usmani B, C Magill, Scher H, and nanus D .: Antiproliferative Effect of Neutral
endopeptidase on androgen-Independent Prostate Cancer Cell Lines .
Proceedings of The American Association for Cancer Research 38: 1546 A, 1997.
Usmani B, Lang P, Chen J, K Burnstein, Papandreou C , and D nanus: Hypermethylation of
Neutral endopeptidase 24.11 in androgen-Independent Prostate Cancer Cells.
Proceedings of The American Association for Cancer Research 38: 178, 1190 A, 1997.
Papandreou CN , Y. Geng, Usmani B., R. Shen, Scher HI, Wary KK, Giancotti FG, and nanus D .:
Neutral endopeptidase inhibits androgen-Independent Prostate Cancer Cell Migration by
Inhibition of Focal Adhesion Kinase of phosphorylation .
Proceedings of The American Association for Cancer Research , 39: 296, A2025, 1998.
Shen R, Hardy DO, LP Freedman, B. Usmani, Papandreou CN , Nanus DM: Androgen regulation
of The Neutral endopeptidase gene Is mediated through hormone A Response Element
Located in the 24th exon.
Proceedings of The American Association for Cancer Research , 39: 249, A1704, 1998.
Elliott PJ, Pien CS, Papandreou CN, Smith MR, R. Newman, Millikan RE, Logothetis CJ:
PS-341: Clinical Development of The First Proteasome Inhibitor . Proceedings of The American
Society of Clinical Oncology 18: 209a, A804, 1999.
Pagliaro LC, Millikan RE, Delpassand E., R. Amato, Daliani D., C. Papandreou , Tu SM, Wood L.,
Logothetis CJ:
Phase I Trial of Gemcitabine (GEM) Combined With Strontium-89 (Sr89) for Treatment of
Painful Bone Metastases in Androgen-Independent Prostate Cancer (AIPCa).
Proceedings of The American Society of Clinical Oncology 18: 351, A1352, 1999.
Yang H, JL Hermann, Logothetis CJ, Elliot P, Adams J, McConkey D, Papandreou C :
Enhanced induction of prostate carcinoma cell death by inhibition of proteasomal activity
using the novel dipeptidyl boronate PS- 341 in combination with ionizing radiation:
modulation by bcl-2.
AACR-NCI-EORTC Meeting , (Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics-Discovery,
Development, and Clinical Validation) November 16-19, 1999.
Hermann JL, Yang H, Logothetis CJ, Elliot P, Adams J, McConkey D, Papandreou C : Prostate
carcinoma Cell Death induction by inhibiting the activity of The the 26th S Proteasome
Complex Using PS - 341 A Novel Dipeptidyl boronate.
AACR-NCI-EORTC Meeting (Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics-Discovery,
Development, and Clinical Validation) from 16 to 19 November, 1999.
Papandreou CN , Pagliaro L, Millikan R, Daliani D, Hermann J, Hong Y, Smith M, Adams J, Elliot
P, Lightcap E, McCormack T, Pien C, Newman R, Logothetis CJ: Phase I Study of PS- 341, A
Novel Proteasome Inhibitor, in Patients With advanced malignancies. Clin Cancer Res the 5th:
S 3730, Suppl S, 1999.
McConkey D, Williams SA, Papandreou C : Role of p53 in Proteasome inihibitor-based
Combination Chemotherapy in LNCaP Cells. Proceedings of The American Association for
Cancer Research 41: A4136, 2000.
Papandreou CN , Pagliaro L, Millikan R, Daliani D, Herrmann JL, Yang H, Smith M, Adams J, Elliot
P, Pien C, Newman RA, Logothetis CJ:
Phase I Study of PS- 341, A Novel Proteasome Inhibitor, in Patients With advanced
malignancies. Proceedings of The American Society of Clinical Oncology : the 19th: A738, 2000.
Shankar G, Kelley H, Lodge A, Boyton A, Papandreou C , Logothetis C, Elgamal A:
Monitoring immune response of prostate cancer patients vaccinated with Prostate-Specific
Membrane Antigen (PSMA) Protein-Loaded Dendritic Cells (DC) in a phase I / II clinical trial.
Proceedings of The American Association for Cancer Research 42, A142, 2001.
McConkey DJ, Williams SA, Logothetis C , Papandreou CN:
Preclinical Evaluation of Proteasome Inhibitor-Based Combination Chemotherapy for
Advanced Prostate Cancer. Proceedings of The American Association for Cancer Research 42,
A1234, 2001.
Assikis V, Tu S, Papandreou C , Mengistu B, Holtkamp T, Pagliaro L, Millikan R, Logothetis C, D ,:
Phase II Study of cyclophosphamide (CTX), vincristine (VCR), dexamethasone (DEX) (CVD) for
Patients (PTS) With metastatic androgen-Independent adenocarcinoma of The Prostate
(AIPCa ). Proceedings of The American Society of Clinical Oncology on the 20th: 2380, 2001.
Papandreou C , Daliani D, Millikan R, Tu SM, Pagliaro L, Adams J, Elliott P, Nix D, Dieringer P,
Thall P, Logothetis CJ:
Phase I Study of Intravenous (IV) Proteasome Inhibitor PS- 341 in Patients (pts) With
advanced malignancies . Proceedings of The American Society of Clinical Oncology : the 20th:
340, 2001.
Logothetis CJ, Yang H, Daliani D, Millikan R, Tu SM, Pagliaro L, Adams J,Elliott P, Nix D, Dieringer
P, Papandreou CN :
Dose dependent Inhibition of 20S Proteasome Results in Serum IL6 and PSA Decline in
Patients (pts) With Androgen-Independent Prostate Cancer (PCa AI) Treated With The
Proteasome Inhibitor PS-341. Proceedings of The American Society of Clinical Oncology: the
20th: 740, 2001.
Li Z, Amato R, Papandreou C , Pagliaro L, Kim J, Millikan R, Loggins -Coffman J, Perez C,
Logothetis C, Daliani D:
Phase II Study of Thalidomide for Patients With metastatic Renal Cell carcinoma (MRCC) after
progressing on the 2nd-Interleukin (IL
two) -based Therapy (Rx) . Proceedings of The
American Society of Clinical Oncology : on the 20th: 717, 2001.
Wang L, Elgamal A, Shankar G, P Lodge, Salgaller M, Boynton AL, Fiorentino A, Daliani D, Tu S,
Pagliaro L, Logothetis CJ, Papandreou C :
rPSMA-Loaded Autologous Dendritic Cell Vaccine (CaPVax) Safely Activates Cellular and
Humoral Immune Responses Against Androgen-Independent Prostate Cancer.
Proceedings of The American Society of Clinical Oncology: the 20th: 2641, 2001.
Shankar G, Kelley H, L Samadzadeh, Lodge A, Boyton A, Papandreou C , Logothetis C, Belldegrun
A, Elgamal A:
Induction of tumor antigen-specific immune responses in hormone-refractory prostate
cancer patients treated with DCVaxTM-Prostate in a phase I / II clinical trial.
Proceedings of The American Association for Cancer Research 43, A716, 2002.
Assikis VJ, Elgamal A, Tu SM, Daliani D, Pagliaro L, Logothetis C, Papandreou C: Immunotherapy
for androgen Independent Prostate Cancer: Results of A Phase I Trial With A tumor vaccine of
Autologous dendritic Cells loaded With r-PSMA (DCVax TM -Prostate) .
Proceedings of The American Associationfor Cancer Research , 43: 296, A3352, 2002.
Assikis VJ, Logothetis C, Thall P, Putnam J, Tu SM, Swanson D, Wang X, Papandreou C , Daliani:
A Prospective Study of Salvage Surgery and Additional Systemic Therapy Following Initial
Response in Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC) .
Proceedings of The American Society of Clinical Oncology: twenty-one: 756, 2002.
Yang H, Assikis V, Daliani D, Logothetis CJ, Adams J, Papandreou CN :
The Proteasome Inhibitor PS-341 Alters the Chemosensitivity of Prostate Cancer Cells.
Proceedings of The American Association for Cancer Research 44? 6526: March 2003.
Assikis VJ, Daliani D, Pagliaro L, Wood C, Perez C, Logothetis C, Papandreou C , Hawkins ES,
Srivastava PK : Phase II Study of an Autologous Tumor Derived Heat Shock Protein-Peptide
Complex Vaccine (HSPPC-96) for Patients With Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma (mRCC).
Proceedings of The American Society of Clinical Oncology: the 22nd: 1552, 2003.
Siefker-Radtke AO, Poulter V, Mathew P, Tu SM, Logothetis CJ, Papandreou CN : Preliminary
Evidence of Efficacy and Tolerance for Weekly Intravenous bortezomib Plus mitoxantrone in
Patients With advanced androgen- Independent Prostate Cancer (AIPCa). Proceedings of The
American Society of Clinical Oncology on the 23rd: 4567, 2005.
Vlachostergios PJ, Kakkas G, G Moutzouris, Patrikidou A, Gioulbasanis I, Karasavvidou F, Daliani
DD, Koukoulis G, Melekos MD, Papandreou CN: Neutral endopeptidase (NEP) and the 1st
endothelin (ET-1) are inversely Expressed in hormone-naïve Prostate Cancer and are
predictors of Biochemical Failure From Radical prostatectomy. Annals of Oncology twenty-one
(Supplement eight): viii278, 2010 ( 35 th ESMO Congress , Milan, Italy, October 8-12, 2010).
Vlachostergios PJ, Patrikidou A, Daliani DD, Papandreou CN: DNA Repair & The ubiquitinProteasome System: Molecular Insights Into A clinically Relevant Association. 15th World
Congress in Advances in Oncology & the 13th th International Symposium on Molecular
Medicine , Loutraki, Greece, October 7-9, 2010.
Gioulbasanis I, Georgoulias P, Giannousi Z, Vlachostergios PJ, Ghosh S, Maragouli E, Siagouli M,
Papandreou CN , Mavroudis D, Georgoulias V: Correlation of The Mini Nutritional assessment
(MNA) With Laboratory Markers of cachexia in metastatic Lung Cancer Patients. 3 RD
International Congress on Nutrition and Cancer , Bodrum, Turkey, from 20 to 24 October, 2010.
Gioulbasanis I, Kamposioras K, Makridou M, Vlachostergios PJ, Papatsibas G, Sunita G, Tsatsanis
C, Papandreou CN , Mavroudis D: Predictive and prognostic value of The Glascow Prognostic
score (GPS) in Patients With Lung Cancer metastatic . on the 3rd RD International Congress on
Nutrition and Cancer , Bodrum, Turkey, October twenty to twenty-four, 2010 (award as best
communication - 1st prize).
Gioulbasanis I, Giannousi Z, Xyrafas A, Makridou M, Tzereme M, Daliani D, Vlachostergios PJ,
Kamposioras K, A Pallis, Kalbakis K, Zafeiriou A, Papandreou CN, Georgoulias V: Nutritional
status, Systemic Inflammation and Psychological Distress in Patients With metastatic Lung
Cancer: interrelations and Associations With Prognosis. 2nd International Conference on Cancer
Nutrition Therapy , Edinburgh, Scotland, March 29-30, 2011.
40. Gioulbasanis I, Vlachostergios PJ, Pallis A, Kalbakis K, Makridou M, Giannousi Z, Papadopoulos V,
Zafeiriou A, Karkanta E, G Papatsibas, Papandreou CN:
The Glasgow Prognostic Score (GPS) predicts Toxicity in Platinum-based Treated Patients With
Lung Cancer metastatic. 4th International Congress on Nutrition & Cancer , Antalya, Turkey,
October 19 to 23, 2011.
Gioulbasanis I, Vlachostergios PJ, Giannousi Z, Margioris A, Tsatsanis C, E Chatzidaki, Kalbakis K,
Ghosh S, Papandreou CN:
Interleukin (IL) -8 production after peripheral Blood monocytes stimulation Correlates With
Nutritional status in metastatic non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients. 4th International
Congress on Nutrition & Cancer , Antalya, Turkey, October 19 to 23, 2011.
Gioulbasanis I, Giannousi Z, Makridou M, Kalbakis K, Vlachostergios PJ, Papadopoulos V, A
Pallis, Kakkalou D, E Karkanta, Papandreou CN :
Nutritional screening in obese patients with metastatic lung cancer. Does IT make Any Sense;
Abstracts of The 6th Cachexia Conference , Milan, Italy, December 8-10, 2011. J Cachexia
Sarcopenia Muscle (2011) on the 2nd: 251.
Hatzidaki E, Kakalou D, Perdikouri I, Vasiliou Chr, Vaiou M, Nasi D, Vlachostergios PJ, Giannousi
Z, Bacavou Hr, Papatsibas G, Papandreou CN , Gioulbasanis I:
Nutritional status and immunoreactivity. Interrelations and Associations With Clinical
outcomes in Patients With non Small Cell Lung Cancer. 2nd Lung Cancer Network "From The
Bench to Bedside The" , Athens, Greece, February 4.2, 2012.
Vlachostergios PJ, Kakkas G, G Moutzouris, Karassavidou F, Kapatou K, Daliani DD, Melekos M ,
Papandreou CN: Endothelin-1 (ET-1) and nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-K B) are directly
interrelated PREDICT and Biochemical Recurrence of hormone naïve Prostate Cancer after
Radical prostatectomy. on the 27th th Annual EAU Congress , Paris, France, February 24 to 28,
2012 (Accepted)
Moutzouris C., Vlachostergios P., Kakkos C., Karassavidou F., Patrikidis A., Daliani D., Melek M., Hood
C., Papandreou C.: The neutral endopeptidase (CD10) and endothelin 1 (ET-1) are inversely
EXPRESSION IN hormone sensitive prostate cancer and are predictive FACTORS OF BIOCHEMICAL
RECURRENCE AFTER radical prostatectomy. 20th National Congress of Urology , Limassol, Cyprus, 2324 October, 2010.
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Research Protocols
University of Thessaly Medical School
Biochemistry Laboratory
Cytogenetics and Molecular Genetics Laboratory
Department of Pathology
Department of Pharmacology
Department of Urology
Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
• Department of Internal Medicine
Collaborative Research Protocols in Greece
Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH)
Theagenio Hospital of Thessaloniki
Institute for Biomedical Research of the Academy of Athens
Institute of Biomedical Research and Technology (BIOMED), Centre for Research and
Technology Thessaly (CERETETH)
University of Ioannina Medical School
University of Heraklion Medical School
Collaborations with Foreign Oncology Centers
• New York Presbyterian Hospital, Weill Medical College, Cornell University, NY, USA (Prof David
• University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, USA (Prof Christopher
• Cross Cancer Institute, Edmonton, Canada (Prof Vickie Baracos)
• Institut Gustave Roussy, University of Paris, Paris, France (Prof Karim Fizazi)
• Multidisciplinary Centre for Oncology, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Lausanne,
Switzerland (Dr Ioannis Voutsadakis)