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1. Monosaccharides, Disaccharides, Polysaccharides.
2. 20, essential
3. A, D, E, K
4. Parotid, submandibular, sublinqual
5. Bicuspids
6. 32
7. assimilation
8. plants
9. amylase, polysaccharides, disaccharides
10. Closes off nasopharynx.
11. sweet, sour, salty, bitter
12. mastication
13. bolus
14. chyme
15. cardiac, pyloric
16. stomach
17. rugae
18. HCl, pepsin/pepsinogen, mucous
19. Pepsin
20. Duodenum, jejenum, illeum
21. Pancreatic, bile
22. villi
23. To increase surface area and absorption
24. Jujenum
25. 20 to 21 ft.
26. illeoceccal valve.
27. messentary
28. rectum
29. Chief
30. Lacteal
31. Cecum, ascending, transverse, descending, sigmoid, rectum
32. Water and electrolytes
33. To break down waste and produce vitamin B and K
34. Methane
35. Defecation.
36. Internal anal sphinter, External anal sphinter
37. Liver
38. Liver
39. Fats and lipids
40. RBC's
41. Gall bladder
42. Oddi
43. Endocrine and Exocrine
44. In order for your body to Absorb the nutrients out of the food that we eat,
the large pieces must be broken down into their Simplest form. Large, complex
carbohydrates, such as starches, are called Polysaccharides. They are broken
down into single-sugar molecules called Monosaccharides . The chemical digestion
of carbohydrates begins in the Mouth. Protein molecules are broken down into
Amino Acids molecules. The chemical digestion of proteins begins in the Stomach.
Lipids are broken down into Glycerol and Fatty Acids molecules. Lipid digestion
does not begin until the Small Intestines.
45. The first set of teeth, called Deciduous teeth, begins to appear around the age
of 6 months. A complete set of these “milk-teeth” will have 20 teeth. The second
set of teeth is called the permanent teeth. As they develop, they will push out the
first set of teeth. A complete set of adult teeth will contain 32 teeth. The front
8 teeth (top and bottom) are called Incisors. The next 4 are called Canines. The
next 8 are called pre-molars or Bicuspids. The back 12 that grind your food are
called Molars.
46. C
47. E
48. E
49. F
50. D
51. B
52. A
53. A
54. F
55. C
56. D
57. B
58. G
59. B
60. A
61. Pharynx
62. esophogus
63. cardiac sphincter
64. stomach
65. pyloric sphincter
Small Intestines (3 parts)
66. duodenum
67. jujenum
68. illeum
69. illeocecal valve
Large Intestines
70. cecum
71. Ascending colon
72. Transverse colon
73. Descending colon
74. Sigmoid colon
75. Rectum
76. K
77. H
78. J
79. L
80. E
81. B
82. G
83. A
84. C
88. Mouth
89. Sublingual salvilary gland
90. Submandibular salvilary gland
91. Liver
92. Pancreas
93. Ascending colon
94. Appendix
95. Parotid salvilary gland
96. Soft palate/uvula
97. tongue
98. pharynx
99. esophagus
100. spleen
101. stomach
102. descending colon
103. Small intestines/Illeum
104. Sigmoid colon
105. Rectum
106. Anus