* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
AMDM Unit 2 Project Name: Date: Per.: Students will be choose a group that will complete a project chosen from 3 options provided. Projects will be due at the beginning of class on Friday 11/6. In your groups choose one of the following game options and answer the questions below. 1. Draw a tree diagram to represent all of the possible outcomes in the game, labeling with probabilities. 2. List all possible outcomes and their related probabilities. 3. If 230 people played your game how many would you expect to win of each of the given prizes? 4. If it costs a person $5 to play, is the game fair? Explain. 5. Find the expected profit when 230 people play the game. 6. Play the game and record the outcome of 230 trials. 7. Display your data in a table. 8. Compare the proportions of your outcomes to the theoretical probabilities from question 2. Make a statement about any similarities or differences you see. 9. Create a half-poster board presentation. Make sure you provide all of the information from the questions above as well as any relevant graphs, pictures, or tables. All answers to questions must be clearly identified on your poster. 10. Fill out the group member survey and submit confidentially. All items are 10 points each (10 points for #10 come from the average rating that your group members give you) GAME OPTIONS: Option 1-Spinner Option 2-Dice Option 3-Coins A spinner is divided into 4 You begin by rolling a pair of A fair coin is flipped four times equal sections labeled $1, $2, dice. in a row. $3, and $4. If the sum of the two If the same result is Everyone spins the spinner dice is an even number, achieved all 4 times, two times. you get to roll one die you win $8. If the second spin is less over again as a bonus If the same result is than the first spin you roll, otherwise, you lose achieved 3 of the 4 get nothing. and the game is over. times, you win $5. If the second spin is On the bonus roll, if the If you have the exact greater than the first number is even, you win same number of heads spin, you win the sum $10. If the number is and tails, you lose the of the spins. odd you lose $1. game and win nothing. If the two spins match, you get a bonus spin which can result in $0 or $5. This will be added to the total. Discuss the options with your group and decide which one you will choose. See me when you are ready to make your choice. Once you decide, you will NOT be allowed to change to a different game. Once a game has been picked three times in a given class period, the game can no longer be chosen. DUE DATE: Beginning of class Friday 11/6 10% deduction for every day the project is late. Peer Review for Unit 2 Group Project Please write each group member’s name in the space provided and circle a number 1-10 for how much they contributed to the project (1-member did little to no work on the project, 10-member contributed in a significant way to the project). Then list the contributions each group member made to your group. Additional comments may be made at the bottom. Group Member 1(your name): _______________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Contributions: _________________________________________________________________ Group Member 2: _______________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Contributions: _________________________________________________________________ Group Member 3: _______________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Contributions: _________________________________________________________________ Group Member 4: _______________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Contributions: _________________________________________________________________ Group Member 5: _______________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Contributions: _________________________________________________________________ Additional Comments: _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________