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August, 2004
Dear Colleague:
I extend to you and your students a cordial invitation to attend the thirty - first annual Pi Mu Epsilon
student conference at Miami University. This year’s dates are Friday evening, October 1, and Saturday
afternoon, October 2. The student conference is held in conjunction with Miami’s conference on
“Mathematics & Symmetry”, which begins Friday afternoon and continues Saturday morning.
I need your help in recruiting some student talks and/or students who would like to come along for fun
and learning. Some talks are about research, but many are expository or about interesting summer jobs.
Perhaps some of your students returning this fall will have had interesting summer employment involving
mathematics, statistics, or computing. Last year’s titles were "Comparing Dispersion Algorithms for
Teams of Robots", "A Patterns Pathway", "A Simple Proof of the Four Squares Theorem",
"Implementation of Embedded Linux in the New Generation of Embedded Products", "A New Axiomatic
Geometry: Cylindrical (or Periodic) Geometry", " Do Developmental Math Courses Adequately Prepare
Students?", "Comparing Mathematics Education in the United States and Europe", "An Interesting Bit of
Cryptography: The Diffie-Hellman Exchange", "Topological Touchdowns: Examining Football Using
Topological Logics", "Escher Tilings and Ribbons", "Deranged Series", "Arc Length and Surface Area –
Are we on the same page?" "Symmetry Analysis of a Generalized KdV Equation", "Matrix Optics", "Do
Not Pass Go, Do not Collect $200: Markov and Monopoly", "The Wronskians are Coming!", "Extensions
and Enlargements of Groups", "The McNugget Problem", "A Multivariate Statistical Analysis of Stock
Trends", and "Aviation Baggage Screening Strategies: To Screen or Not to Screen, That is the Question".
Mathematical, statistical, computing, operations research or mathematics education topics and other
applications are welcome.
One of our objectives is to keep student costs low. We arrange free overnight accommodations for all
student guests with our students, a free Friday night pizza dinner for all guests, and on Saturday, a picnic
lunch (free for speakers). If your students could ride to the conference with you, they would have almost
no out-of-pocket costs.
If you have any questions or would like more details, please visit our Web site at, email me at
<[email protected]>, give me a call at 513-529-9266, or fax at 513-529-1493. A student registration
form is printed on the back of this letter. Please post the flyer included with this letter and gently twist a
few arms–I know your students will benefit from and enjoy this experience.
Milton D. Cox, Director
Student Conference
Miami University: Equal Opportunity in Education and Employment