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Basic Electricity & Magneto Ignition
In order to understand the operation of the Ignition system on a small engine,
we must understand Basic Electricity!
What is electricity ?
The movement of free electrons
through a conductor !
What are Electrons ?
Electrons are part of a Atom!
What is an Atom ?
Atoms are everything around you!
Atoms consist of :
Protons – positively charged
Neutrons – neutral charge
Electrons – negatively charged
Basic Electricity & Magneto Ignition
Simple Circuits, Conductors, and Insulators
Simple Circuits! – must have a Power source, conductor and a load.
Conductors ! - are materials that allow the flow of “free electrons”
to move from atom to atom easily!
Examples of conductors: gold, silver, copper, aluminum
Insulators ! - are materials that do not allow the flow of “free electrons”
Examples of insulators: air, plastics, silicon, porcelain
Basic Electricity & Magneto Ignition
Methods of producing Electricity
Laws and Rules of Magnetism
#1 Unlike Poles (North, South) attract !, Like Poles Repel !
#2 A moving magnetic passing a wire in a complete circuit
creates electron movement within that wire (Electricity)
Factors that determine amount of electrical current created
- Speed of the moving magnetic field
- Strenght of the magnetic field
- Size and type of conductor
#3 Electron flow in a wire creates a magnetic field around that
wire (Electro Magnets)
Basic Electricity & Magneto Ignition
Electricity Terminology
Voltage: -electrical pressure or force behind the electron movement,
-measured in Volts ( V or E )
Amperage: -measurement of electron flow
-measured in Amps ( A or I )
-6.28 x 10(18th) electrons past a single point in one
second = 1 Amp
Ohms Law:
-opposition to current flow
-measured in Ohms ( R or
Basic Electricity & Magneto Ignition
Creating the Magneto Ignition !
Important Measurements
and Adjustments !
! !Breaker
Spark Plug
Basic Electricity & Magneto Ignition
The Complete Magneto Cycle
a) – Magnet approaches the armature, lines of
force cut across the windings , causing current
flow in the primary circuit.
b) – Electron flow creates a magnetic field
around the windings.
c) – Piston arrives at TDC on the compression
stroke, breaker points open
d) – Primary circuit is broken causing the
magnetic field to collapse very FAST!
e) –Collapsing lines of force cut across the
secondary winding, causing HIGH electrical
current to be induced in the circuit
f) – High electron current causes a spark to
jump across the spark plug gap.
Basic Electricity & Magneto Ignition
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