Download Name: John Toney Date: 1-12

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Name: John Toney
Date: 1-12-15
Content Area: Mathematics
Length of Lesson: 25 days
Lesson Topic (Modules, if applicable):
Unit 12 : Probability and statistics
 Stem and leaf plots
 Box whisker plots
 Multiple counting principle
 Permuations and Combinations
 Independent probability
 Multiplying probabilities
 Adding probabilities
 Statistical Measures
 Normal Distribution
 Binomial experiments
Big Ideas:
 2.6.8.B: Organize and display one-variable
data using appropriate data display, such as
stem-and-leaf and box-and-whisker plots,
and two variable data with scatterplots.
 2.6.11.A: Design and conduct an
experiment using random sampling.
 2.6.11.C: Select or calculate the
appropriate measure of central tendency,
calculate and apply the interquartile range
for one-variable data, and construct a line
of best fit and calculate its equation for
two-variable data.
 2.7.11.A: Use probability to predict the
likelihood of an outcome in an experiment.
 2.7.11.C: Compare odds and probability.
 2.7.11.E: Use probability to make
judgments about the likelihood of various
 M8.E.3.1.1: Find the probability for a
mutually exclusive or an independent event
(written as a fraction in simplest form).
 M8.E.3.2: Determine the number of
combinations and/or permutations for an
 M11.E.1.1.1 Create and/or use appropriate
 representations of data, including box-andwhisker plots, stem-and-leaf plots, scatter
plots, line/double line, bar/double bar and
circle graphs.
Understanding Goals (Concepts):
 Analysis of one and two variable
(univariate and bivariate) data
 Solve problems involving independent
and dependent events using the counting
 Solve problems involving linear
permutations and combinations.
 Find the probability and odds of events
 Find the probability of mutually exclusive
and inclusive events
 Use measures of central tendency (Mean,
median, mode) to represent a set of data
and describe how outliers affect
measures of central tendency.
 Find measures of variation (range &
interquartile range) for a set of data.
 Answer questions based on data displays
(box-and-whisker, stem-and-leaf, scatter
plots with lines of best fit, and bar
Student Objectives (Competencies/Outcomes):
Students will be able to:
 Solve problems involving independent and
dependent events using the counting
 Solve problems involving linear
permutations and combinations.
 Find the probability and odds of events
 Find the probability of mutually exclusive
and inclusive events
 Use measures of central tendency (Mean,
median, mode) to represent a set of data
and describe how outliers affect measures of
central tendency.
 Find measures of variation (range &
interquartile range) for a set of data.
 Answer questions based on data displays
(box-and-whisker, stem-and-leaf, scatter
plots with lines of best fit, and bar graphs).
M11.E.1.1.2 Answer questions based on
displayed data (box-and-whisker plots,
stem-and-leaf plots, scatter plots, line and
double line graphs, bar and double bar
graphs and circle graphs).
M11.E.2.1.1 Find/select/use the
appropriate measure of central tendency
(mean, mode or median) of a set of data
given or represented on a table, line plot,
or stem-and-leaf plot.
M11.E.2.1.2 Calculate and/or interpret
the range, quartiles and interquartile range
of sets of data.
Essential Questions:
 How do you decide which functional
representation to choose when modeling a
real world situation, and how would you
explain your solution to the problem?
 How can we use univariate and bivariate
data to analyze relationships and make
 Outcome, (2)
 Sample Space (2)
 , Event, Independent Events, Dependent
Events, (3)
 Fundamental Counting Principle, (2)
 Permutations, (2
 Combinations, (2)
 Probability, Odds, (1)
 Compound Event, (2)
 Mutually Exclusive, Inclusive, (3)
 Measures of Central Tendency, Mean,
Median, Mode, Range, (2)
 Interquartile Range, (3)
 Box-and-Whiskers, (2)
 Stem-and-Leaf (2)
Performance Task:
Formative Assessments:
Students will demonstrate adequate understanding via a chapter test.
Pre-assessments, open-ended questions, Think-Pair-Share
Flexible grouping, students will be encouraged to attend math lab
Materials and Resources:
Textbook, notes
“Mini Lesson” Students will
continue to solve
independent and dependent
probability problems. They
will check HW problems and
begin practice problems
from ws pg 717-718.
12-4 ws. pg 719
Date: 1/13
Day: AB
“Do Now” Independent and
dependent probability
practice problem.
Date: 1/14
Day: A
“Do Now” Independent and
dependent probability
practice problem.
Date: 1/15
Day: B
“Do Now” – Get started on
review worksheets as soon
as they arrive to class
Date: 1/16
Day: A
“Do Now” – Have review
worksheets out and ready
for going over.
“Mini Lesson” Students will
fill in guided notes on solving
mutually exclusive and
mutually inclusive
probability problems. They
will work on guided practice
problems in their notebooks
then begin independent
practice problems.
12-5 NB HW
“Mini Lesson” Students will
continue to solve mutually
exclusive and mutually
inclusive probability
problems. They will check
HW problems and begin
practice problems from ws
pg 723-724.
“Mini Lesson”
Review CH 12 SECTION 1-5
Students will work on
review worksheets with
partner in class and finish
for homework if necessary.
“Mini Lesson”
Review CH 12 Section 1-5
Students will check answers
to review worksheets and
ask questions as needed.
12-5 ws. pg 725
Finish review
Instructional Procedures*:
Date: 1/12
Day: A
“Do Now” Independent and
dependent probability
practice problem.
*Include Do Now, Mini Lesson, Guided Practice, Independent Practice, Summations/Formative Assessments, Reflections
Study for test Tuesday