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Guidance Material
Preparing for Industry and Site Visit Briefings
Prior to site visit
Identify with REO any reports that should be provided to the consultants to assist with
preparing tenders such as groundwater monitoring results for the area. This is useful to
help them properly scope approaches to the investigations by considering relevant
information. It is preferable to provide copies of any information at the time of the site
visit to inform the tenders.
If appropriate, ask the company who conducted the previous works to give presentation
to group on each of the sites for investigation at the site visit (you may want to ask them
to provide maps).
Meet/contact TA separately and outline their role – Clarify that they can not answer any
questions during tendering process. During site visit they should not comment on whether
approach is acceptable/not as it is up to the tenderer. They can raise issues that need to be
considered in determining approach as visit each site
At Site Visit
General Comments on tender
 Explain the objectives of the study (adapt these as relevant):
o Determine the true risks associated with the contamination
o Delineate the extent of contamination and provide management outcomes for
each site investigated that ensure site is sustainable for future use (fit for
o Comply with NEPM and commonwealth legislative requirements, but meet
spirit and intent of state legislation (but use most relevant/current guidelines
for different contaminants eg 92 guidelines are superceded)
o Future use of site is unchanged/changed
 Make sure meet all SOR requirements when preparing tender and don’t make
 Should find out shutdown and operational requirements over the course of project as
may change, advise tenderers of any known constraints to timings.
 Discuss schedules with Tenderers
 Explain for joint projects (more than one property) whilst preference is to award all
sites to one consultant as easier in terms of project management, Defence may award
individual sites to different consultants - it will depend on which proposals will
deliver the best outcome for each site
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Version 2.0
21 May 2012
Explain EIA process (provide EIA policy) that has been incorporated into the national
contamination program to ensure proper consideration of potential environmental
impacts associated with the activity under the EPBC Act, including:
o Stage 1 work – typically a desktop and site inspection process and so no ECC
or IER required.
o Stage 2 work – typically only ECC required, unless believe intrusive work
needs further EIA consideration.
o Stage 3 design – IER may be prepared as part of design and rap work. If so it
will need to be reviewed when have specific consultant on to ensure their
approach has not changed.
o Stage 4 – Initial Environmental Review and ECC must be approved before
works can begin.
Get REO to explain induction process and access arrangements (noting any access
issues Christmas shut down periods, operational shut downs).
Try and ensure a representative from each company is in each car and split yourself
with REO so they get exposure to Defence information from both DPM and REO.
Ensure any information given is relayed to all participants (if in another area/car) etc.
Explain Tender Board Process to DEHP
 Explain role of TA to provide technical support to Defence
 Please note that the TA will sit on the panel and see all returnable schedules
(including fees). In this format, it will not disclose the pricing strategies of
 Can only provide tender clarification, can not get advice from Defence or TA on
approaches, can discuss issues during site inspection
 Tenderers must send any questions to Defence PM, MUST not contact TA directly
(email and will respond to all)
 Schedules in SOR
 expecting one set of schedules for each base. Meaning if there are 2 Bases
then we want 2 x Schedules 1-5
 explain the reason and that all information should sit behind the schedule, you
should not simply refer to other sections of the report
 breakdown the Intrusive investigation line item in schedule 1 to include a line
item (for intrusive investigations) for every CSR site, so that I know if we
eliminate a CSR from the program exactly how much I should save on the
field work component
Project Management
 Carefully consider project set up to best suit Defence’s needs
 Experience shows the PM is key POC for us and key to success in delivering project,
consider closely on Project set up in proposals that will ensure good communication
with Defence PM
 Incorporate contingencies in proposal to show how will meet delivery timeframes
 Field supervisor is also important
 Show understand scope of project by considering relevant stakeholders and
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21 May 2012
Don’t underestimate time taken to identify and source relevant information – the REO
is not a librarian
 Need to put project team in the proposal that will be doing the work, if there are
changes to team as project progresses must be approved by Defence
 Helpful to identify staff that are currently cleared on DEHP
 Show their role, responsibilities, hours against other commitments
 Ensure clarify roles of all personnel (eg. Who will be writing the report, who will be
peer reviewing, who is main contact with Defence etc).
 Demonstrate good communication channels amongst team and with Defence
Financial Aspects of Tender
Other issues useful to point out for conducting projects:
 Explain total budget – not lump sum and the SOR clearly requested a ‘total fee’ this is
because we are publicly accountable and must get value for money.
 any cost savings due to changes in scope (reduction) must be realized – if this does
not occur, this would constitute fraud under Panel agreement as panel is acting on
behalf of Commonwealth and therefore must get value for money
 Variations must be approved before work is undertaken (out in field can be more
flexible and verbal and then follow up with email, but otherwise must have a
Hand out EIA policy and templates (Stage 3 SOR annex)
Hand out SOR (explain the schedules)
Document Control:
Version 2.0
21 May 2012