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Anticipation guide for Plate Boundaries.
Directions: Read each statement and place a check in the ME
column if you agree with it and a minus if you do not agree with it. Then,
read the information provided by the Interactives’ Dynamic Earth “Slip, Slide and
Collide” website ( )
related to plate boundaries and again use a check or a minus,
except place it in the AUTHOR column. Compare your answers with
those of the author.
Taking it further: Change all the minus statements in the author column so
that they agree with the textbook, and write down the page number where
you found the information.
1. At convergent boundaries, plates are
moving apart from one another.
2. A subduction zone is where one plate
(oceanic) goes under another.
3. A rift forms where the subducting
plate sinks back into the mantle.
4. Earthquakes at subduction zones
can produce volcanoes and tsunamis
5. A collision zone forms where two
oceanic crusts collide.
6. Divergent boundaries in the ocean
form a mid-ocean ridge.
7. A rift is a dropped zone where two
plates are pushing toward one
8. Transform boundaries occur where
two plates slide past one another.
9. Earthquakes can occur at
convergent, divergent or transform
10.Volcanoes can occur at convergent,
divergent or transform boundaries.
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