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• Ceteris Paribus
Productivity Accounting procedure
The process of calculating is best understood
by applying the term ceteris paribus, i.e. "all
other things being the same," stating that at a
time only the impact of one changing factor
be introduced to the phenomenon being
examined. Therefore, the calculation can be
presented as a process advancing step by
step. First, the impacts of the income
distribution process are calculated, and then,
the impacts of the real process on the
profitability of the production.
Mainstream economic theory relies upon a
priori quantitative economic models, which
employ a variety of concepts. Theory typically
proceeds with an assumption of ceteris
paribus, which means holding constant
explanatory variables other than the one
under consideration. When creating theories,
the objective is to find ones which are at least
as simple in information requirements, more
precise in predictions, and more fruitful in
generating additional research than prior
Deductive-nomological model - Strengths
Covering law model reflects neopositivism's vision of empirical
science, a vision interpreting or presuming unity of science,
whereby all empirical sciences are either fundamental
science—that is, fundamental interactions|fundamental
physics—or are special sciences, whether astrophysics,
chemistry, biology, geology, psychology, economics, and so
on.Reutlinger, Schurz Hüttemann, , § 1.1 Systematic
introduction, in Zalta, ed, SEP, 2011.Spohn, Laws of Belief
(Oxford U P, 2012), .Whereas fundamental physics has
sought scientific law|laws of determinism|universal regularity,
special sciences normally include ceteris paribus laws, which
are predictively accurate to high probability in normal
conditions or with all else equal, but have exceptions
Deductive-nomological model - Weaknesses
Scientific explanations increasingly pose
not determinism's universal laws, but
probabilism's chance, ceteris paribus laws
Derek Parfit - Ethics and rationality
For instance, it might be in my self-interest
to become trustworthy in order to
participate in mutually beneficial
agreements, even though in maintaining
the agreement I will be doing what will,
ceteris paribus, be worse for me
Clark Glymour - Journal articles
* A Semantics and Methodology for Ceteris
Paribus Hypotheses, Erkenntnis, Vol. 57 (2002),
Paul Krugman - New trade theory
The home market effect states that,
ceteris paribus, the country with the
larger demand for a good shall, at
equilibrium, produce a more than
proportionate share of that good and
be a net exporter of it
Virtue ethics - Criticisms
In other words, just because an action
or person 'lacks of evidence' for virtue
does not, ceteris paribus|all else
constant, imply that said action or
person is unvirtuous.
Proportionality (mathematics) - Inverse proportionality
The concept of inverse proportionality
can be contrasted against direct
proportionality. Consider two variables
said to be inversely proportional to each
other. Ceteris paribus|If all other
variables are held constant, the
magnitude or absolute value of one
inversely proportional variable will
decrease if the other variable increases,
while their product (the constant of
proportionality k) is always the same.
Substitute good - Increase in price
An increase in price (ceteris paribus) will
result in an increase in demand for its
substitute goods
Substitute good - Good Substitution
In other words, 'good substitution' is
an Economics|economic concept
where two goods are of comparable
value. Potatoes from different farms
are an example; if the price one farm's
potatoes goes up, people will stop
buying them and buy the other farm's
instead, ceteris paribus (assuming
that potatoes from different farms are
Economic productivity - Accounting and interpreting
The process of calculating is best
understood by applying the term ceteris
paribus, i.e. all other things being the
same, stating that at a time only the
impact of one changing factor be
introduced to the phenomenon being
examined. Therefore, the calculation can
be presented as a process advancing
step by step. First, the impacts of the
income distribution process are
calculated, and then, the impacts of the
real process on the profitability of the
Ordinary good
An 'ordinary good' is a
concept used in consumer theory. It is
defined as a Good (economics and
accounting)|good which creates
increased demand when the price for
the good drops or conversely
decreased demand if the price for the
good increases, ceteris paribus. It is
the opposite of a Giffen good.
Defeasible reasoning
and in knowledge representation and
planning in artificial intelligence. It is also
closely identified with prima facie
(presumptive) reasoning (i.e., reasoning
on the face of evidence), and ceteris
paribus (default) reasoning (i.e.,
reasoning, all things being equal).
Index of economics articles - C
* Canadian and American economies compared – Capital
(economics) – Capital asset – Capital intensity – Capitalism –
Cartel – Cash crop – Catch-up effect – Celtic Tiger – Central
bank – Ceteris paribus – Charity shop – Chicago school of
economics – Classical economics – Classical general
equilibrium model – Coase conjecture – Coase theorem –
Cobweb model – Collective action – Collusion – Commodity –
Commodity market – Community-based economics –
Comparative advantage – Comparative statics – Compensating
differential – Competition – Competition law – Complementary
good – Comprehensive Income Policy Agreement –
Computational economics – Concentration ratio – Consumer –
Consumer price index – Consumer sovereignty – Consumer
theory – Consumerism – Consumption (economics) –
Contestable market – Contract curve – Contract theory –
Cooperative – Cost – Cost-benefit analysis – Cost curve – Costof-production theory of value – Cost overrun – Cost push
inflation – Cost underestimation – Cournot competition – Cross
elasticity of demand – Cultural ecology – Currency
Demand - From individual to market demand curve
If the proportion of consumers with a
strong preference for a good increases,
ceteris paribus the demand for the good
will increase
Supply and demand - Partial equilibrium
Partial equilibrium as the name
suggests takes into consideration only
a part of the market, ceteris paribus to
attain equilibrium.
Discounted utility
Despite arguments about how \beta
should be interpreted, the basic idea is
that all ceteris paribus|other things equal,
the agent prefers to have something now
as opposed to later (hence \beta 1).
Urban sprawl - Paradox of intensification
Ceteris paribus, urban intensification
which increases population density
will reduce per capita car use, with
benefits to the global environment,
but will also increase concentrations
of motor traffic, worsening the local
environment in those locations where
it occurs.
Speed of sound - Basic concept
All other things being equal (ceteris
paribus), sound will travel more slowly in
spongy materials, and faster in stiffer ones
Smart growth - The Paradox of Intensification
These findings led them to propose the
paradox of intensification, which states
Ceteris paribus, urban intensification
which increases population density will
reduce per capita car use, with benefits to
the global environment, but will also
increase concentrations of motor traffic,
worsening the local environment in those
locations where it occurs.
Technology dividend
'Technology dividend' is an IBM term
referring primarily to the lower software
costs that accrue, ceteris paribus, when
upgrading from one zSeries or System z9
server model to the next generation (e.g.
from a z990 to a System z9-109).
Unintended consequence - Unexpected drawbacks
While there was a reduction in the number
of head injuries, there was also an
unintended reduction in the number of
juvenile cyclists—fewer cyclists obviously
leads to fewer injuries, assuming Ceteris
paribus|all else being equal
Model (economics) - Are economic models falsifiable?
Research conducted according to this
three-question test finds that in the
2004 edition of the Journal of
Economic Theory, only 12% of the
articles satisfy the three
requirements.” Ignoring the fact that
the ceteris paribus assumption is
being made is another big failure
often made when a model is applied
International Financial Reporting Standards - Objective of financial statements
Capital Maintenance in Units of Constant
Purchasing Power in terms of a Daily
Consumer Price Index or daily rate of all
constant real value non-monetary items in all
entities that at least break even in real value
at all levels of inflation and deflation - ceteris
paribus - remedies for an indefinite period of
time the erosion caused by Historical Cost
Accounting of the real values of constant real
value non-monetary items never maintained
constant as a result of the implementation of
the stable measuring unit assumption at all
levels of inflation and deflation under HCA.
International Financial Reporting Standards - Concepts of capital maintenance and the
determination of profit
the restatement of Historical Cost or Current Cost
period-end financial statements in terms of the periodend monthly published Consumer Price
9/Framework_07-04nd.pdf] Framework for the
Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements,
Par 104 Only financial capital maintenance in units of
constant purchasing power (Capital Maintenance in
Units of Constant Purchasing Power) in terms of a
daily index per se can automatically maintain the real
value of financial capital constant at all levels of
inflation and deflation in all entities that at least break
even in real value—ceteris paribus—for an indefinite
period of time
Idiosyncrasy Credits - Social identity analysis
SIA studies have suggested that, ceteris
paribus, the status accorded by high
identifying followers to prototypical leaders
contains a component of idiosyncrasy
Constant purchasing power accounting
The stable measuring unit assumption is never implemented under
k%3AB008LAC0FEkeywords=B008LAC0FEie=UTF8] Smith, NJ,
2012, Constant Item Purchasing Power Accounting per IFRS,
Chapter 1.1.11 Monetary items inflation-adjusted daily CMUCPP
implements financial CMUCPP – as originally authorized in IFRS in
the Framework (1989), Par 104 (a) [now Conceptual Framework
(2010), Par 4.59 (a)[]
Conceptual Framework (2010)] which states: Financial capital
maintenance can be measured in either nominal monetary units or
units of CPP as an alternative to the 3000-year-old generally
accepted globally implemented traditional historical cost accounting
(HCA) model – with differentiated variable and constant real value
non-monetary items in terms of a Daily CPI which automatically
maintains the real value of capital constant for an indefinite period of
time in all entities that at least break even in real value at all levels of
inflation and deflation – ceteris paribus
Constant purchasing power accounting
CMUCPP automatically maintains the
CPP of capital constant for an indefinite
period of time in all entities that at least
break even in real value at all levels of
inflation and deflation (including during
hyperinflation as guide-lined in IAS 29) –
ceteris paribus – whether they own any
revaluable fixed asset or not.
Constant purchasing power accounting
The CMUCPP model presents substantial
benefits, for example, automatically
maintaining banks' and companies'
existing capital base constant for an
indefinite period of time in all entities that
at least break even in real value at all
levels of inflation and deflation - ceteris
Constant purchasing power accounting - Authorized by the IASB during low inflation
It also means that financial CMUCPP to
automatically maintain the real value of
capital constant in all entities that at least
break even - ceteris paribus - in a low
inflationary environment is authorized in
IFRS since the original Framework (1989)
is applicable in the absence of specific
Constant purchasing power accounting - Concepts of capital maintenance and the
determination of profit
Prescribed in IAS 29
during hyperinflation:
in/file/content105/c9/Framework_0704nd.pdf] Framework for the Preparation
and Presentation of Financial
Statements, Par 104 Only financial
capital maintenance in units of CPP per
se automatically maintains the real
value of financial capital constant at all
levels of inflation and deflation in all
entities that at least break even—ceteris
paribus—for an indefinite period of time
Productivity model - Business models
#Calculation order of the variables can
differ. Calculation is based on the
principle of Ceteris paribus stating that
when calculating the impacts of change
in one variable all other variables are
hold constant. The order of calculating
the variables has some effect on the
calculation results, yet, the difference
is not significant.
Post-materialism - The Socialization Hypothesis
Therefore, cohort (statistics)|cohorts
which often experienced economic
scarcity would ceteris paribus place a
high value on meeting economic needs
(such as valuing economic growth above
protecting the environment) and on
safety needs (will support more
authoritarian styles of leadership, will
exhibit strong feelings of national pride,
will be strongly in favor of maintaining a
large, strong army and will be more
willing to sacrifice civil liberties for the
sake of law and order (politics)|law and
Independent school (United Kingdom) - School type and eventual degree class
The authors noted a very well-determined
and monotonically positive effect defined
over Social Classes I to V whereby, for
both men and women, ceteris paribus,
academic performance at university is
better the more advantaged is the
student's home background
Aggregation problem - Aggregate consumer demand curve
If the proportion of consumers with a
strong preference for a good increases
ceteris paribus the demand for the good
will change
Automatic stabilization - Automatic stabilizers incorporated into the expenditure multiplier
Holding all other things constant,
ceteris paribus, the greater the level
of taxes, or the greater the MPI then
the value of this multiplier will drop.
For example, lets assume that:
Knut Wicksell - Theoretical contributions
If the market rate is beneath the natural
rate, an economic expansion occurs,
and prices, ceteris paribus, will rise
Economic theory - Supply and demand
That is, the higher the price of a
product, the less of it people would be
prepared to buy of it (other things
ceteris paribus|unchanged)
Economic theory - Theory
Theory typically proceeds with an
assumption of ceteris paribus, which
means holding constant explanatory
variables other than the one under
Diminishing returns
The 'law of diminishing returns' (also
'law of diminishing marginal returns' or
'law of increasing relative cost') states
that in all productive processes, adding
more of one factor of production, while
holding all others constant (ceteris
paribus), will at some point yield lower
per-unit returns. The law of diminishing
returns does not imply that adding more
of a factor will decrease the total
production, a condition known as
'negative returns', though in fact this is
Parsimony - Formulations before Ockham
Philosophical Studies (Ireland)
Aristotle writes in his Posterior
Analytics, we may assume the
superiority ceteris paribus [all things
being equal] of the demonstration
which derives from fewer postulates
or hypotheses.Wikipedians,
WIXP-3VhztgC Complexity and
Dynamics] citing Richard McKeon
(tr.) Aristotle's Posterior Analytics
(1963) p.150 Ptolemy (c
Cournot competition - Implications
* According to this model the firms
have an incentive to form a cartel,
effectively turning the Cournot model
into a Monopoly. Cartels are usually
illegal, so firms might instead tacitly
collude using self-imposing strategies
to reduce output which, ceteris
paribus will raise the price and thus
increase profits for all firms involved.
Marginal utility - Quantified marginal utility
(where “ceteris paribus|c.p.” indicates
that the only Dependent and
independent variables|independent
variable to change is g\,).
The Wealth and Poverty of Nations
* The 'climate thesis' that posits that
tropical climes are, ceteris paribus, poor
candidates for development.
Present value - Background
If offered a choice between 100 today
or 100 in one year and there is a
positive real interest rate throughout
the year ceteris paribus, a rational
person will choose 100 today
Stackelberg competition - Stackelberg compared with Cournot
In Cournot competition, it is the
simultaneity of the game (the
imperfection of knowledge) that
results in neither player (ceteris
paribus) being at a disadvantage.
Price elasticity of demand
'Price elasticity of demand' ('PED' or
'Ed') is a measure used in economics to
show the responsiveness, or elasticity
(economics)|elasticity, of the quantity
demanded of a good or service to a
change in its price. More precisely, it
gives the percentage change in quantity
demanded in response to a one percent
change in price (ceteris paribus, i.e.
holding constant all the other
determinants of demand, such as
income). It was devised by Alfred
Wealth elasticity of demand - Definition
The wealth Elasticity (economics)|elasticity
of consumption quantity for some good will
determine the size of the expenditure shift
due to unexpected changes in net
personal wealth, ceteris paribus (i.e
Principles of grouping - Proximity
The principle of proximity states that,
ceteris paribus|all else being equal,
perception tends to group stimuli that are
close together as part of the same object,
and stimuli that are far apart as two
separate objects
Fundamental science - Versus special science
Modeling fundamental interactions, fundamental physics is
presumed to underlie all other sciences—such as
astrophysics, chemistry, biology, geology, psychology, and
economics—categorized as special sciences.Wolfgang
Spohn, The Laws of Belief: Ranking Theory and Its
Philosophical Applications (Oxford: Oxford University Press,
05dq=fundamental+special+sciences p 305].Alexander
Reutlinger, Gerhard Schurz Andreas Hüttemann,
[ Ceteris paribus laws], sec 1.1 Systematic
introduction, in Edward N Zalta, ed, The Stanford
Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Spring 2011 edn.Vítor Neves,
5 ch 12 Sciences as open systems—the case of economics], in
Olga Pombo, Juan M Torres, John Symons Shahid Rahman,
eds, Special Sciences and the Unity of Science (Dordrecht,
Heidelberg, London, New York: Springeory of Light and
Matter, exp edn w/ new intro by Anthony Zee|A Zee
(Princeton London: Princeton
University Press, 2006),
Deductive–nomological - Strengths
Covering law model reflects neopositivism's vision of empirical
science, a vision interpreting or presuming unity of science,
whereby all empirical sciences are either fundamental
science—that is, fundamental interactions|fundamental
physics—or are special sciences, whether astrophysics,
chemistry, biology, geology, psychology, economics, and so
on.Reutlinger, Schurz Hüttemann,
[ Ceteris paribus], § 1.1 Systematic introduction, in
Zalta, ed, SEP, 2011.Spohn, Laws of Belief (Oxford U P,
dq=fundamental+special+sciences p 305].Whereas
fundamental physics has sought scientific law|laws of
determinism|universal regularity, special sciences normally
include ceteris paribus laws, which are predictively accurate
to high probability in normal conditions or with all else equal,
but have exceptions [Reutlinger et al § 1.1]
Deductive–nomological - Weaknesses
Scientific explanations increasingly pose
not determinism's universal laws, but
probabilism's chance, ceteris paribus laws
Penn effect - The international development implications
If the money income levels are taken as
given, then ceteris paribus, the Penn
effect is a very good thing
Liebig's law of the minimum - Other applications
Economic theories based on ceteris
paribus deal only with a small
selection of variables and are a weak
planning tool when applied to the
complex web of interconnectedness of
the global market responsible for the
primary consumption of natural
Airsoft - Ballistics and velocity
For example, a gun with a large
cylinder and a long barrel will shoot
slightly harder than a gun with a
small cylinder and a short barrel
(ceteris paribus).
3,4-Methylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamine - Research
A p-score of 5% or less is often
considered statistically significant,
and the effect found needs to be larger
with smaller studies to have statistical
significance, ceteris paribus, in order
to correct for sample size.) In the
second study, positive effect in CAP
scale immediately after treatment did
not achieve statistical significance
(p=6.6%), but may do so with a larger
Crowding out (economics) - Crowding out resources
If increased borrowing leads to higher
interest rates by creating a greater
demand for money and loanable funds
and hence a higher price (ceteris paribus),
the private sector, which is sensitive to
interest rates, will likely reduce investment
due to a lower rate of return
Crowding out (economics) - Crowding out resources
This in turn leads to higher interest rates
(ceteris paribus) and crowds out interestsensitive spending
Crucial experiment
In particular, such an experiment must
typically be able to produce a result that
rules out all other hypotheses or theories if
true, thereby demonstrating that under the
conditions of the experiment (i.e., Ceteris
paribus|under the same external
circumstances and for the same input
variables within the experiment), those
hypotheses and theories are proven false
but the experimenter's hypothesis is not
ruled out
Utility (economics) - Discussion and criticism
Available at:
2014/02/17/joan-robinsons-critique-ofmarginal-utility-theory/ This criticism is
similar to that of the philosopher Hans
Albert who argued that the ceteris paribus
conditions on which the marginalist theory
of demand rested on rendered the theory
itself an empty tautology and completely
closed to experimental testing.Pilkington,
Ceteris paribus
or is a Latin phrase meaning with other
things the same or all other things being
equal or held constant. A prediction or a
statement about a ontic|causal,
epistemic|empirical, or inductive logic|logical
relation between two states of affairs is
ceteris paribus entails an acknowledgement
that the prediction, although usually accurate
in expected conditions, can fail or the relation
can be abolished by intervening factors.
chapter 2
Ceteris paribus
A 'ceteris paribus assumption' is often key
to scientific inquiry, as scientists seek to
screen out factors that perturb a relation of
interest. Thus, epidemiologists seek to
control independent variables as factors
that may influence dependent variables—
the outcomes or effects of interest.
Likewise, in scientific modeling, simplifying
assumptions permit illustration or
elucidation of concepts thought relevant
within the sphere of inquiry.
Ceteris paribus
The focus on universal laws is a
criterion distinguishing fundamental
physics as fundamental science,
whereas ceteris paribus laws are
predominant in most other sciences
as special sciences, whose laws hold
in special cases.
Ceteris paribus - Clause
For example, it can be predicted that if
the price of beef
paribusmdash;the quantity of beef
demanded by buyers will decrease
Ceteris paribus - Clause
This operational description intentionally
ignores both known and unknown factors
that may also influence the relationship
between price and quantity demanded,
and thus to assume ceteris paribus is to
assume away any interference with the
given example
Ceteris paribus - Characterization given by Alfred Marshall
In breaking it up, he segregates those
disturbing causes, whose wanderings
happen to be inconvenient, for the time in
a pound called Ceteris Paribus
Ceteris paribus - Two uses
The other use of the ceteris paribus
clause is to see it as a means for
obtaining an approximate solution
Ceteris paribus - Two uses
'Temporal isolation' requires the factors
fixed under the ceteris paribus clause to
actually move so slowly relative to the
other influence that they can be taken as
practically constant at any point in time
Ceteris paribus - Two uses
The other aspect of substantive isolation is
'causal isolation': those factors frozen
under a ceteris paribus clause should not
significantly be affected by the processes
under study. If a change in government
policies induces changes in consumers'
behaviour on the same time scale, the
assumption that consumer behaviour
remains unchanged while policy changes
is inadmissible as a substantive isolation
(Lucas critique).
Identity (game show) - Show summaries
Had she thought about dramatic ways for
the strangers to reveal their identities,
Guzik might have realized that a person
wearing separates, but not a person in a
dress, could lift her shirt to reveal the scar
from her donation surgery, such that
producers might have planned such a
reveal and advised the kidney donor to
wear separates; therefore, ceteris
paribus|all else being equal, the person
wearing separates would be more likely to
be the kidney donor.
Law of demand
In economics, the Scientific law|law
states that, ceteris paribus|all else
being equal, as the price of a product
increases, quantity demanded falls;
likewise, as the price of a product
decreases, quantity demanded
Placebo-controlled study - Indexing
In certain clinical trials of particular drugs,
it may happen that the level of the placebo
responses manifested by the trial's
subjects are either considerably higher or
lower (in relation to the active drug's
effects) than one would expect from other
trials of similar drugs. In these cases,
Ceteris paribus|with all other things being
equal, it is reasonable to conclude that:
Javed Ahmad Ghamidi - Penal laws
* Ceteris paribus (all other things being
equal), a woman's testimony is equal to
that of a
trefl12y2.html The Law of Evidence], AlMawrid|Renaissance – Monthly Islamic
Journal, 12(9), 2002.
Partial derivative
In mathematics, a 'partial derivative'
of a function (mathematics)|function
of several variables is its derivative
with respect to one of those variables,
Ceteris paribus|with the others held
constant (as opposed to the total
derivative, in which all variables are
allowed to vary). Partial derivatives
are used in vector calculus and
differential geometry.
Social welfare function - Arrow social welfare function (constitution)
Along earlier lines, his version of a social
welfare function, also called a
'constitution', maps a set of individual
orderings (ordinal utility functions) for
everyone in the society to a social
ordering, a rule for ranking alternative
social states (say passing an enforceable
law or not, ceteris paribus)
John L. Pollock - Knowledge and Justification
His epistemic norms are governed by
defeasible reasoning; they are ceteris
paribus conditions that can admit
Law of diminishing returns
The law of diminishing returns states that
in all productive processes, adding more
of one factor of production, while holding
all others constant (ceteris paribus), will at
some point yield lower incremental perunit returns. The law of diminishing returns
does not imply that adding more of a factor
will decrease the total production, a
condition known as 'negative returns',
though in fact this is common.
Cost curve - Short-run average total cost curve (SRATC or SRAC)
The average total cost curve is
constructed to capture the relation
between cost per unit of output and the
level of output (economics)|output, ceteris
Logrolling - Logrolling in real politics
Thus, ceteris paribus, members who
receive such projects, are likely to vote in
support of their leader's wishes (Evans
Units of constant purchasing power
The stable measuring unit assumption is never implemented
ie=UTF8] Smith, NJ, 2012, Constant Item Purchasing Power
Accounting per IFRS, Chapter 1.1.11 Monetary items
inflation-adjusted daily CMUCPP implements financial
CMUCPP – as originally authorized in IFRS in the Framework
(1989), Par 104 (a) [now Conceptual Framework (2010), Par
4.59 (a)[]
Conceptual Framework (2010)] which states: Financial capital
maintenance can be measured in either nominal monetary
units or units of CPP as an alternative to the 3000-year-old
generally accepted globally implemented traditional
historical cost accounting (HCA) model – with differentiated
variable and constant real value non-monetary items in
terms of a Daily CPI which automatically maintains the real
value of capital constant for an indefinite period of time in all
entities that at least break
even in real value at all levels of
Income elasticity of demand
In economics, 'income Elasticity
(economics)|elasticity of Supply and
demand|demand' measures the
responsiveness of the demand for a good to
a change in the income of the people
demanding the good, ceteris paribus. It is
calculated as the ratio of the percentage
change in demand to the percentage change
in income. For example, if, in response to a
10% increase in income, the demand for a
good increased by 20%, the income elasticity
of demand would be 20%/10% = 2.
Anti-metrication - Natural evolution and human scale
The use of such a system thereby
increases the evolutionary advantage that
mathematical aptitude provides (i.e.,
increases its relevance as a factor
affecting fitness for survival), increases
the evolutionary fitness (ceteris paribus)
of persons who have genetically or
culturally inherited mathematical aptitude
that is above the population-wide average
during their reproductive years, and
thereby increases the rate of growth in
mathematical aptitude of the population
as a whole
Bharatiya Mahila Bank - Banking For Women
Furthermore, the results of a study
using a global dataset covering 350
Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) in 70
countries indicates that more women
clients is associated with lower
portfolio-at-risk, lower write-offs, and
lower credit-loss provisions, ceteris
paribus. provision
Team Deathmatch - Description
assuming ceteris paribus, the player who
controls the [most powerful] power-ups
(namely collect the item most often) is the
one that will have the best potential for
making the best score.
Gender discrimination in Pakistan
'Women's rights in Pakistan' Under
Pakistan's dual system of civil and
sharia law, females are considered
equal under the law (ceteris paribus is
assumed) and in religious practice,
rights accorded to them by Pakistan's
Islamic Republic Constitution of
Pakistan|constitution of 1958 and
consolidated in 1973, which outlawed
gender discrimination on all levels
Alastair Hannay - Essays
*–––––––––, Conscious Episodes and Ceteris
Paribus, The Monist, 78:4, 1995, pp. 447-463.
It is one of the main principles of the
scientific method and relies on ceteris
paribus (other things being equal)
The Ultimate Resource - Population
A large section of the book is
dedicated to showing how population
growth ultimately creates more
resources. The basic argument echoes
the overarching thesis: as resources
become more scarce, the price rises,
creating an incentive to adapt. It
suggests that the more a society has to
invent and innovate, ceteris paribus,
the more easily the society will raise
its living standards and lower
resource scarcity.
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