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The Sarnia Rugby Club does its best to speak to all questions. If you can't find your
answer listed here, please contact us. The club tries to get back to people asap.
HOW WAS RUGBY INVENTED? The game called rugby started when a boy that was playing soccer at a school
named rugby picked up a ball and ran with it - there were no rules against handling the ball at the time. Rugby
Union has evolved and lots of other games have come about since. Sports such as Canadian & American Gridiron
Football as well as Australian Rules and Rugby League and Touch all evolved from rugby. At the heart of Rugby is a
unique ethos which it has retained over the years. Not only is the Game played to the Laws, but within the spirit of
the Laws. Through discipline, control and mutual self-respect, a fellowship and sense of fair play are forged,
defining Rugby as the Game it is.
evolved from the game of rugby; they are now very different games. Rugby is a very controlled continuously
flowing game with regulations in place to keep all players safe on the field of play. Although rugby players do not
wear pads or body armor, they are taught the necessary skills to stay safe on the field. Gridiron Football is a stop
and go contest with specialized player positions. Players equipment is designed for impact collisions.
WHAT DO YOU NEED TO PLAY RUGBY? A player should have appropriate footwear for the field being played
upon. Otherwise, a player needs a shirt, shorts and socks. Youth players are required to wear mouth protection.
Some older players choose to wear a layer of thin foam or tape to protect their ears. One of the great things about
rugby is that there is not a lot of equipment needed to get started.
WHAT ARE THE DIMENSIONS OF A RUGBY PITCH? About the size of a Canadian Football field. There are
uprights on each goal line. The game is played on the entire area including the end zones.
WHAT’S THE POINTS SYSTEM IN RUGBY? Generally, 5 points for what is called a TRY (literally a touchdown
in the opponents end zone), as well there is a two point kick conversion opportunity for teams that score tries.
Also, a penalty kick option can score 3 points and a drop goal during play nets 3 points too.
CAN A SMALL PERSON PLAY? Rugby is a game for all shapes and sizes and that is one of the sport’s main
strengths and attractions. IS MY CHILD BIG ENOUGH? Yes. There are fifteen different positions on the rugby
pitch. There are situations where shorter players are more needed than tall players and vice versa. There are
positions that are expected to be able to run faster than most other players. There are many situations in a game of
rugby that find big and small players together working for their own teams.
physical sport. Player welfare is the number one priority for coaches, referee's and players. Understanding how to
play safely is important for all participants. CAN MY CHILD TRY THE SPORT WITHOUT GETTING PUT
INTO A FULL CONTACT GAME? Rookie Rugby is a great option for kids of any age to try the sport of rugby
without any contact elements. Young children are introduced to a flag version of the game. If appropriate, older
children are sometimes instructed with stuffed tackle dummies on how to tackle and go into contact safely
WHY CAN'T THE BALL BE PASSED FORWARD? Not passing forward is one of the basic components of the
game. Players can run forward with the ball or kick the ball forward in the air or on the ground at any time in the
game. They can kick to a team mate, open space or even to themselves. Other basics are that only the ball carrier
can be tackled, there is no blocking and only players with their feet on the ground can play the ball and all tackles
must be made below shoulders and with an attempt to wrap the ball carrier.
related; there are specific laws regarding each of them. Although a referee's job isn't to coach players, when a call
is made the ref signals or verbalizes whether there was a law infringement. Refs, just like players and spectators
want the game to progress safely at all times. New players are always encouraged to speak with officials after
games. WHAT'S A SCRUM? It's just a restart, like a face off in hockey. It's also a test of power and timing. Grid
Iron uses the term "line of scrimmage"; scrimmage comes from the word scrummage. WHAT'S A LINE-OUT? A
throw in occurs if the ball goes out of bounds (into touch); the game of basketball has a similar process.
MISTAKE OR COMMITTED A FOUL? In simple terms, one could compare this to "advantage" in soccer or a
delayed penaly in ice hockey. A referee will stop a game when the ball is unplayable or if there is a score. Minor
errors or penalties are considered but the referee will allow play to continue whenever possible.
HOW DOES OFFSIDE WORK IN RUGBY? The concept of offside in rugby can be similar to other games. In
general, a player is in an offside position if that player is further forward (nearer to the opponents’ goal line) than
the team mate who is carrying the ball or the team mate who last played the ball.
WHERE ARE GAMES PLAYED? Games and practises happen at Norm Perry or at the old Scits field.
HOW MUCH WILL IT COST FOR MY CHILD TO PLAY? Rugby is a low cost sport option for children. A
uniform consists of a pair of shorts, socks, cleats and a mouth piece. Each player is asked to pay dues to help offset
the cost of field use, Rugby Ontario & Rugby Canada fees, and other disbursements associated with running an
amateur community sport club. No player will ever be turned away due to a financial challenge.
HOW DOES RUGBY PROTECT ITS ATHLETES? Rugby believes in putting a player’s safety above everything
else. Rugby Canada requires that all rugby coaches are registered and certified and have a vulnerable sector check
done. Registration with Rugby Canada provides a level of insurance. By continually offering coach certification
courses each year the club believes that a level of protection helps to keep athletes safe and enjoying the game.
People with experiences in ice hockey, lacrosse and North American Football are quick to note that rugby players
don't wear pads - Rugby believes that is part of the formula for fewer injuries.
HOW CAN A PARENT GET INVOLVED? Being a sport parent is important; just being available for children is a
full time job. The Sarnia Rugby Club offers parents the chance to get off the sidelines and get in the game by
becoming a rugby coach or referee! There are great opportunities to become more involved in the game we love.
Rugby parents make great rugby coaches! With Rugby Canada’s Coach Training program, a parent can become a
certified coach! Or become a Rugby Referee; an easy way to learn more about the game and stay involved in your
child's rugby game is by refereeing. With great training and resources, a parent can become a referee! Just ask how.