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Answers to the Chapter 4 and 5 test (AP Environmental Science)
Mr. Alexander Major II- Teacher; APeS
1. No. Without landscape ecology, management would be unaware of the different
ecosystems interacting with each other, producing organismal adaptations not
seen in any particular ecosystem before which will impact the available resources.
2. Without deadwood being cleared by fire, opportunities for the hardwood climax
community won’t appear. Fire prevention policies have negative effects on the
management of the forest due to the high possibility of crown fires and nonpreparation of the area for new, different species via secondary succession.
3. The movement of an industrialized society from the primitive to the modern
condition causing a gradual shift in the birth and death rates.
4. Water. Lack of water can cause a population to decline. Also, fire can cause the
same effect, by destroying habitats and organisms.
5. An endangered species has a declining population like a threatened species but it
is heading for extinction, unlike the other.
6. If a keystone species is removed, the ecosystem would go out of balance because
many species depend on its presence.
7. A species can’t live in isolation because it is part of a food chain/food web.
8. Survival traits will be maintained by natural selection.
9. Ecological resilience is the condition where an ecosystem continues to function
with destructive disturbances occurring due to its resilience mechanisms that
maintain its sustainability. Ecological resilience relates to environmental tipping
because tipping can cause a positive or negative loop that will have a deleterious,
or betterment effect on the ecosystem.
10. The Black Plague produced an opposite outcome of an epidemiological transition
because of the increasing high mortality rates due to disease.
Multiple Choice
A) 1
B) 1 C) 1 D) 3
E) 1