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Egypt Experience 2017
Answer=2pts.;Web Info=1pt.each
DUE: No later than
Fri Feb 10
Weighted Grade(½):____/40
A) Circle entire answer, not just the letter.
B) The website title comes from the title bar at the top of the window (you do not
need to include the browser listed at the end).
C) URL: The ENTIRE URL should be listed, so long as it is a normal folder structure.
D) URL: Do NOT list the Search Engine here (Google, Yahoo, etc).
was responsible for building King Djoser’s Step Pyramid?
A. Lauer B. Ahmose C. Khaemwese D. Imhotep
Ex 1. Question: Who
Website Title(from title bar): Step Pyramid of Djoser: Egypt’s First Pyramid__________
Search Engine Used: Google______________________________________________
Ex 2. Question: Which
A. Nut
goddess had a frog head?
B. Wadjet C. Heqet D. Sekhmet
Website Title(from title bar):____________________________________________
URL(FOLLOW RULES):__________________________________________________
Search Engine Used:____________________________________________________
1. Question: Who
invaded Egypt around 1786BC?
A. Hyksos B. Israelites C. Nomads
D. Sumerians
Website Title(from title bar):____________________________________________
URL(FOLLOW RULES):__________________________________________________
Search Engine Used:____________________________________________________
2. Question: Who
was the Egyptian Queen who became Pharaoh?
A. Aphrodite B. Hera C. Hatshepsut D. Isis
Website Title(from title bar):____________________________________________
URL(FOLLOW RULES):__________________________________________________
Search Engine Used:____________________________________________________
3. Question: Around
A. Tut
1303BC-1085BC, almost all of the Pharaohs shared what name?
B. Ramesees C. Khufu D. Akhenaton
Website Title(from title bar):____________________________________________
URL(FOLLOW RULES):__________________________________________________
Search Engine Used:____________________________________________________
4. Question: What
direction does the Nile flow?
A. North B. South C. East
D. West
Website Title(from title bar):____________________________________________
URL(FOLLOW RULES):__________________________________________________
Search Engine Used:____________________________________________________
5. Question: What
is a mastaba?
A. Slave B. Boat C. Eel
D. Tomb
Website Title(from title bar):____________________________________________
URL(FOLLOW RULES):__________________________________________________
Search Engine Used:____________________________________________________
6. Question: What
was the first Egyptian capital?
A. Sudan B. Memphis C. Nubia
D. Giza
Website Title(from title bar):____________________________________________
URL(FOLLOW RULES):__________________________________________________
Search Engine Used:____________________________________________________
7. Question: Who was the goddess Isis married to?
A. Osiris
B. Tut
C. Zeus
D. Antony
Website Title(from title bar):____________________________________________
URL(FOLLOW RULES):__________________________________________________
Search Engine Used:____________________________________________________
Who was Isis’ brother?
A. Osiris B. Tut C. Zeus
8. Question:
D. Antony
Website Title(from title bar):____________________________________________
URL(FOLLOW RULES):__________________________________________________
Search Engine Used:____________________________________________________
9. Question: What
side of the Nile are the Pyramids built on, and why?
East, because of the rising sun
East, because of the Red Sea
West, because of the Sahara Desert
West, because the setting sun represents death
Website Title(from title bar):____________________________________________
URL(FOLLOW RULES):__________________________________________________
Search Engine Used:____________________________________________________
10. Question: About
how tall is the Great Pyramid?
A. 99ft(33m)
B. 300ft(100m)
C. 480ft(160m) D. 1200ft(400m)
Website Title(from title bar):____________________________________________
URL(FOLLOW RULES):__________________________________________________
Search Engine Used:____________________________________________________
11. Question: Who
is buried in the Great Pyramid?
A. Tut B. Khufu C. Menes D. Cleopatra
Website Title(from title bar):____________________________________________
URL(FOLLOW RULES):__________________________________________________
Search Engine Used:____________________________________________________
12. Question: How
A. 1
many cataracts does the Nile River have through Nubia?
B. 3 C. 6 D. 12
Website Title(from title bar):____________________________________________
URL(FOLLOW RULES):__________________________________________________
Search Engine Used:____________________________________________________
13. Question: The
Egyptians had an early form of paper called _______?
A. Papyrus B. Reeder C. Heiroglyph D. Linen
Website Title(from title bar):____________________________________________
URL(FOLLOW RULES):__________________________________________________
Search Engine Used:____________________________________________________
14. Question: What
was/is the Rosetta Stone?
A. Astronomy device B. Translation device
C. Baking tool
D. Nile obstacle
Website Title(from title bar):____________________________________________
URL(FOLLOW RULES):__________________________________________________
Search Engine Used:____________________________________________________
15. Question: The
Sphinx was built during which period?
A. Roman rule
B. New Kingdom
C. Middle Kingdom D. Old Kingdom
Website Title(from title bar):____________________________________________
URL(FOLLOW RULES):__________________________________________________
Search Engine Used:____________________________________________________
16. Question: Where
was the world’s first lighthouse?
A. Cairo B. Aswan C. Alexandria
D. Thebes
Website Title(from title bar):____________________________________________
URL(FOLLOW RULES):__________________________________________________
Search Engine Used:____________________________________________________
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