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POSITION: 1-Titular Professor of Infectious Diseases- Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE); 2Head of Teaching, Research and Care Center in Infectious Diseases – Tropical Medicine Department–
Federal University Pernambuco(UFPE); 3-Consultant in Safety Risk Management Healthcare( private
and public hospitals) – change behavior interventions.
RESEARCH AREAS: Hospital Infectious disease policy; Hospital Outbreaks; Patient Safety /
Risk Management; Hospital Surveillance; Travel / Healthcare Immunization; Change Behavior
Intervention methodology.
BACKGROUND: Graduated in Medicine in 1980. Attended part of the sixth medical year at
Radcliffe Hospitals in Oxford, England (1980). Internal Medicine residence (1981-1982).
Infectious Diseases residence (1983). Master degree in Tropical Medicine at Federal University
of Pernambuco-UFPE (1987) and doctorate degree in Medicine, at UFPE (1995).Fellow's
Leadership at Partners of America / Kellogg Foundation/EUA (1996-1998) and Master of
Business Administration (MBA) Auditing of Health Services by Facinter / Fatec International /
Unitergroup/Recife (2008- 2010). From 1990 to 1995 participated in trainings on HIV / AIDS at
the Morehouse School of Medicine and Medical College of Augusta (Georgia, USA). In 1996,
president of the IX Brazilian Congress of Infectious Diseases in Recife. Working as a infectious
diseases physician at tertiary high complex hospitals (public and private), developing patient
risk control and hospital epidemiology. During the last 10 years, worked in quality and
management patient safety projects and accreditation certification according to the international
standards of patient safety. Worked on projects supported by the World AIDS Foundation
(WAF); San Diego State University; ANVISA / Sentinel Hospital; Cetpetro / CNPq and STD /
AIDS Brazilian Health Government. Member of national editorial journal boards in the medical
field. Honorary Observer at Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust, England, with supervising
manger by Professor Christopher Conlon, Department Infectious Diseases/Bone Infection
Unit(2015). Affiliate Member- ISTM (International Society Travel Medicine)(2016). Participation
on Antimicrobial Stewardship: Management Antibiotic Resistance- Futurelearn On-line
Course/University of Dundee (6 weeks – 14th February to 21th March, 2016). Working with,
Dengue, Zika and Chinkungunya Patients & Clinical - Prevention Interventions Projects .
SELECTED PUBLICATIONS: 1-Camilo, ENR; Arantes, TEF; Hinrichsen, SL. Epidemiological
analysis of accidents with biological material in an eye hospital. Rev Bras Oftalmol. 2015;
74 (5): 284-7; 2-Hinrihchsen, SL et al. Occurrence of Acinetobacter in two private tertiary
hospitals in Northeastern Brazil. Revista Panamericana de Infectología (Impresso), v. 16, p.
174-179, 2014; 3 -Hinrichsen, SL et al. Travel Medicine: A prospective study in Recife,
Northeastern, Brazil.Rev. Panam. Infectol. 13(2): 33-37, 2011; 4- Hinrichsen, S. M. L.; Oliveira,
C. L. F. ; Campos, M. A. ; Possas, L. C. M. ; Sabino, G. ; Vilella, Tas . Quality management
and risks in patient safety: Pilot Study. RAHIS. Revista de Administração Hospitalar e
Inovação em Saúde, v. 7, p. 10-17, 2011; 5- Hinrichsen, SL et al . Candida isolates in tertiary
hospitals in northeastern Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, v. 40, p. 325-328, 2009; 6Clement, J ; Neild, G ; Hinrichsen, SL. et al. . Urban leptospirosis versus urban hantavirus
infection in Brazil. Lancet, v. 354, p. 2003-2004. 1999; 7- Hinrichsen, S.L., et al Prise en
charge du Sida en hospitalisations traditionnelle et de jour à Recife (Brésil). Cahiers
Santé. 1998; v.8, p.315-317; 8--Sipan, C. L. ; Hovell, M. F. ; Blumberg, E. J. ; Hinrichsen, SL. et
al. Regional training in AIDS prevention for health and behavioural science leaders in
North-Eastern Brazil. AIDS Care, v. 8, n.1, p. 71-84, 1996. BOOKS: 1-Hinrichsen, S.L.
Causes of... Differential Diagnosis. 1. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Medbook, 2014. v. 1. 560p ; 2Hinrichsen, SL. Biosecurity and Infection Control –Hospital Health Risk . 2. ed. Rio de
Janeiro: Guanaba Koogan, 2013. v. 1. 458p. 3-Hinrichsen, S L. Quality and Safety PatientRisk Management; . 1. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Medbook Editora Científica, 2012. v. 1. 352p ; 4Hinrichsen, SL. DIP. Infectious and Parasitic Diseases. 1. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara
Koogan, 2005. v. 1. 1136p; 5- Hinrichsen, SL. Biosecurity and Infection Control–Hospital
Health Risk. . 1. ed. Rio de Janeiro: MEDSI, 2004. v. 1. 896p; Understanding about Zika
[email protected]. Phone: 55-81-986420033.
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