* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Information on the planned EEA 2017 report on CCA/DRR and a request for updated country information regarding national integration of CCA/DRR 1. Background information: It is a high priority at global and European level to implement a comprehensive and integrated approach to risks from natural hazards by considering the full disaster cycle (prevention, preparedness, response and recovery) and also recognising the importance of climate change as a driver of risk. Climate Change Adaptation (CCA)1 and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)2 provide a range of complementary approaches for managing the risks of climate and weather-related extremes and disasters. CCA and DRR address common challenges in most countries, but are covered by different sets of policies and are under the responsibility of different institutions, which often collaborate at varying levels (from consultation to full integration). At global, EU and national level there is recognition that there are benefits of linking and integrating the knowledge base, as well as policies, between the two CCA and DRR areas (see the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2020 and the Paris Agreement under UNFCCC). This has been also confirmed by national reference centres on climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation at the EEA EIONET workshop held in June 2015. Hence, EEA has included in its Annual Work Programme for 2016 the development and preparation of a new report covering the linkages and synergies between CCA and DRR CCA (hereafter 2017 EEA CCA/DRR report), regarding both the knowledge base and the policies, to be published in mid-2017 (for further information see Annex 1).. The preparation of the EEA 2017 CCA/DRR report has started in January 2016 and involves a team of European experts3 developing the contents and an Advisory Group providing views on the scoping of the report. In addition EEA will organise an expert meeting (11-13 April 2016), inviting experts from various countries and international organisations, to review and discuss several parts of the report (in particular sections on policies, practices and case studies). EEA will present and discuss the progress of the report with EEA member countries at the 2016 EIONET workshop (June 2016) and will provide the final draft report for the regular EIONET review in January/February 2017. This will also be an opportunity for invited experts to provide their comments. The report will be published in June 2017. 2. Objective of this request: The 2017 EEA CCA/DRR Report aims amongst others to present country experiences in planning and/or implementing synergies between CCA and DRR and lessons learnt. The report will therefore include sections on national and subnational policies, case studies and good practises where relevant complemented by examples of subnational implementation. 1 Climate Change Adaptation - The process of adjustment to actual or expected climate change and its effects. In human systems, adaptation seeks to moderate or avoid harm or exploit beneficial opportunities. In some natural systems, human intervention may facilitate adjustment to expected climate and its effects. 2 Disaster Risk Reduction - Denotes both a policy goal or objective, and the strategic and instrumental measures employed for anticipating future disaster risk; reducing existing exposure, hazard, or vulnerability; and improving resilience. 3 These experts are from EEA, JRC, the European Topic Centre on Climate Change impacts, vulnerability and Adaptation (ETC/CCA), the European Topic Centre on Inland, Coastal and Marine waters (ETC/ICM) and other institutions. Information from EEA member countries is already available from various sources as indicated below (see Annex 2). EEA will make use of this information, which was already reported by countries in the context of different initiatives, thus avoiding duplication of efforts. Hence, EEA kindly requests the provision of additional specific information by answering to a short list of questions (see below) on CCA/DRR national policies and practises on linkages between CCA and DRR. 3. Request for additional information: Question 1: CCA/DRR Integration How is climate change adaptation currently integrated in the existing national and subnational DRR plans and actions in your country (e.g. flood management, forest fire protection, drought management, heat waves planning and storm emergency planning)? Question 2: Good practices What are in your opinion examples of good practices of integration and/or synergy of CCA and DRR in your country? Both national and subnational examples (links and references) of both organizational and implementation practices are welcome. Question 3: Views on new EEA 2017 CCA/DRR report What specific topics could the EEA 2017 CCA/DRR report cover in order to support the respective activities at national or subnational level in your country? Annex 1: The EEA 2017 CCA/DRR report This new EEA 2017 CCA/DRR report, termed “Climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction in Europe - Synergies for the knowledge base and policies”, aims to foster a better awareness and exchange among decision-makers, policy and science experts and practitioners regarding potential synergies between DRR and CCA in terms of knowledge base, policy developments and implementation. This report aims to be of use for national policy development and implementation in EEA member countries and for the European Commission’s report on the EU adaptation strategy, due in 2017. The report main contents are the following: Overview of the policies and practises at European and national level on CCA and DRR with particular focus on opportunities and synergies between DRR and CCA policies and measures; Observations and projections at European scale of extreme weather and climate related events (e.g. heatwaves, hail, heavy precipitation events, storms, droughts, floods, forest fires, landslides and avalanches); Observations and projections of impacts of extreme weather and climate related events and other geophysical hazards (landslides and avalanches) and risks on society, e.g. ecosystems and human health (including economic damage costs and losses, fatalities and insurance coverages); Case studies on policies and practises (at national or subnational level). The target audience of this report will be decision-makers in EU institutions and in EEA member countries, both at national and subnational level, who are involved in the development and implementation of DRR and/or CCA policies. The report can also be useful to policy advisers and scientific/technical experts, who are advising decision-makers. Annex 2: Already available country information on CCA and DRR EEA already has available country information from the following existing reporting: 2015: according the regulation on a mechanism for monitoring and reporting greenhouse gas emissions and for reporting other information at national and Union level relevant to climate change4 (MMR), the EU Member States reported to the Commission information on their national adaptation planning and strategies, outlining their implemented or planned actions to facilitate adaptation to climate change. 2015: according the Hyogo Framework for Action (now Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2020) the countries provided DRR Progress Reports including assessment of strategic priorities in the implementation of DRR actions and establishing baselines on levels of progress achieved in implementing the HFA's five priorities for action (available on Preventionweb website5). Furthermore EEA intends to make use of the information that was due to be reported by Member States to DG ECHO by end of 2015. 4 Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on a mechanism for monitoring and reporting greenhouse gas emissions and for reporting other information at national and Union level relevant to climate change and repealing Decision No 280/2004/EC, OJ L 165, 18.6.2013, p. 13. 5 2012: the Working Group on CCA and DRR of the European Forum on Disaster Risk Reduction (EFDRR) carried out a survey6 among European countries (HFA focal points and National Platform coordinators) on DRR and CCA to get an overview to which extent, and how, member countries of the EFDRR link these two issues7. 6 7