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Jerri Johnson
Immunization Rules docket 0900-30570
Wednesday, June 26, 2013 9:56:05 PM
My name is Mary Therneau and live in Grand Rapids, Mn.
I am a parent to three beautiful daughters, one is severly brain injured due to childhood
vaccinations, her name is Dyane. At four months of age her vaccination examination stamped
in her chart "normal baby with normal devolopement. Within eight hours of the vaccination,
Dyane started having seizure like activity. The medical doctor denied my concerns and
convinced me to give her her six month baby vacinations which lead to more seizure like
activity. This vacination led to grand mal statis epilepicus emergency care and
hospitalization. Dyane began to loose her motor function, to loose her ability to respond with
eye contact and make sounds.
Since that time her exam charts read--epilepsy, seizures, complex seizure disorder, intractible
epilepsy (means seizures do not respond to traditional medical treatment) and seizure status
(life-threatening seizure) and requires care in all aspects of living.
She is now thirty three years of age and lives in her home with her mother.
Dyane reguires care 24 hours a day in all areas of living which includes complete cares with
dressing, brushing her teeth and combing her hair. She needs someone to specially prepare
her foods and feed her as well as thickening her liquids and give them to her. She needs
complete assistance with all transfer. She is unable to walk and needs complete assiatance
with mobility and any positioning to prevent suffication and skin breakdowns. She needs
complete cares with diapering and taking care of all personal hygeine and grooming. She also
requires respiratory interventions. She continues to have uncontrollable seizure activiy which
leads to life threatening seizures at any time.
This horrible vacination experience has been is a "life sentence" to Dyane. It has taken her
ability to lead a normal life, instead she needs someones to care for her 24 hours a day. The
vaccination took away her ability to become a college graduate, to become gainfully
employed and become a beautiful like her sisters have accomplished.
This vaccinations took my entire future away. I have not been able to seek gainful
employment or lead a normal adult life in any capacity. Insead, my world is providing total
cares for Dyane all day and night. a
world where nothing is normal, nothing is predictable and nothing is stable.
Thank you for this opportunity to share our experience which is far from any life ever
anticipated as a parent.
Mary and Dyane Therneau
Jerri Johnson
Public Relations Coordinator
National Health Freedom Coalition'
651 688 6515
[email protected]