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Occupational Therapy Practitioners
Advisory Council Meeting Minutes
January 26, 2006
Lynette Buckley
Mary Noska
MDH Staff
Tom Hiendlmayr
Susan Winkelmann
Kimberly Ruberg
Grace Rauchwarter
Erin Bernier
Karen Sammes
Absent Members
Merri Vitse
Mary Smith
Jerline Carey
Introductions were done by those in attendance.
Review and Approval of Minutes from October 27, 2005
Minutes were approved as written.
Additions/Adoption of Agenda
Mr. Hiendlmayr requested the following edits. Under old business, there is no handout
for CE approved sponsors – update. He also noted that Wound Care item, Fee reduction
item and Web page item should be moved to the left, as these items are not “Legislative
Staff Updates as of December 31, 2005
Credentialing Report
Ms. Ruberg gave the Credentialing report for December 31, 2005. Ms. Ruberg stated
that currently there are 2,619 Licensed Occupational Therapists, and 804 Occupational
Therapy Assistants for a total of 3,423. Ms. Ruberg informed Council Members that the
program is currently processing renewals for Occupational Therapists. She stated 181 of
617 Occupational Therapist have renewed. Ms. Sammes had questions about renewals
after a lapse. Ms. Ruberg stated that the statutes contain information regarding renewal
after a lapse. She also stated that if the person had questions regarding a renewal after a
lapse they could contact her.
Investigation and Enforcement Report
Ms. Winkelmann presented the Investigations and Enforcement report that reflects
investigation and enforcement activities during the first half of Fiscal Year 2006. She
informed the Council there were forty-three investigations opened and fourteen
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investigations closed during the first half of Fiscal Year 2006.
Ms. Winkelmann discussed the public action against Mary E. Thoreson. Ms.
Winkelmann stated that Ms. Thoreson’s public action is considered non-disciplinary and
would not appear on the website list. Ms. Winkelmann also discussed the revocation of
Donna Knop’s Occupational Therapist license. Ms. Sammes asked if the Donna Knop
action was on the website. Ms. Winkelmann responded that Ms. Knop’s name was on
the website list. Ms. Winkelmann informed Council Members that only names of
practitioners are listed on the website, and if a person would like more information about
the public action, he or she can call Department Staff.
Budget and Expenditure Report
Mr. Hiendlmayr discussed the Comparison: Proposed 2006 Budget & F.Y. 2006
Expenditure Report with Council Members. Mr. Hiendlmayr noted that the program
spent $11,000 less than budgeted on the salaries line item. He also explained that the
fees received for the mailing list requests produces a negative number for the
printing/communications line item expenditure. Ms. Sammes stated that many employers
are looking to fill positions and this is possibly the reason for the increase in the number
requests for mailing lists. Mr. Hiendlmayr explained that the biennial renewal fees are
currently low because the program still has two more renewals to process this Fiscal
Old Business
Legislative Amendments 2006
Mr. Hiendlmayr stated that all the proposed legislative amendments discussed at the last
Council Meeting have been approved by the Executive Office and language is being
drafted. He informed Council Members that he received an email from Ms. Sammes
requesting some other changes, but he is unsure whether these changes will be approved
by the Executive Office.
Wound Care and OT Scope of Practice
Mr. Hiendlmayr stated language regarding wound care would not go forward at this time.
He noted that he has researched other states regulations and has not found language
regarding wound care in any other state statutes. He stated Maryland has stated wound
care is in its scope of practice but it is not defined. Ms. Sammes stated that MOTA’s
education standards are being revised and therefore they will not be addressing wound
care until they can show that school curriculum covers it.
Fee reduction discussion update
Mr. Hiendlmayr stated that fee reductions would be addressed in Fiscal Year 2007. He
noted that Fiscal Year 2007 is a budget year, and this would be the appropriate time to
make changes. He stated the program continues to generate a surplus of about $90,000
each year. Mr. Hiendlmayr stated that he and Ms. Winkelmann will be calculating fee
reduction budgets, and the Council will discuss this in future meetings.
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Web Page update
Ms. Ruberg presented the Council Members with a handout showing the Occupational
Therapy Licensing website. Ms. Sammes stated MOTA’s website would be changing in
February so this website should reflect this change. Ms. Winkelmann commended
Ms. Ruberg on all her efforts of updating the website. Ms. Sammes asked if the reasons
or disciplinary actions would be listed on the website. Ms. Winkelmann responded that
in the future the Department anticipates scanning these public records onto the
website.Ms. Winkelmann responded to Mr. Bernier’s request for clarification regarding
the difference between non-disciplinary public actions and disciplinary actions
public actions. The Council had a brief discussion regarding whether the Department
checks with other states for actions against the practitioners in other states. Mr.
Hiendlmayr responded that the Department requires applicants to request verification
from any state where they have been credentialed before they could be licensed in
Minnesota. He noted the problem is they may not always disclose all the states where
they were credentialed. Ms. Winkelmann noted that criminal background checks and
Department of Motor Vehicle checks are not statutorily required before issuing their
Minnesota Occupational Therapist’s License.
New Business
Database development project
Mr. Hiendlmayr informed Council Members that the Department is currently working on
a database for the Occupational Therapist Licensing Program. He stated he anticipated
that this would be completed later this spring. He stated a roster of Licensed
Occupational Therapist/Occupational Therapy Assistants in Minnesota would accessible
directly from this database. The Council had a brief discussion regarding the issue of
peoples’ names and addresses being on this website. Mr. Hiendlmayr responded that on
the application applicants are required to list an address through which the Department
could send correspondence and it states that this address would be public. They could
designate their employer’s address or a post office box if they did not want their home
address given out on mailing lists.
Next Meeting
April 21, 2006
2:30 pm to 4:30 pm
Snelling Office Park
1645 Energy Park Drive
St. Paul, Minnesota
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