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LAHORE UNIVERSITY OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCES Department of Economics (Course Outline) Economics 211: Intermediate Microeconomics I Instructor: Atif Ikram Office Hours: To be announced Course Objectives: The basic objective of this course is to develop students’ ability to use analytic reasoning to understand and apply the basic models of microeconomic theory. This course deals with the economic behavior of individual units, such as consumers, firms, and markets. It then turns to a study of price determination and resource allocation associated with equilibrium outcomes in different market settings. Particular attention will be given to perfectly competitive markets and imperfectly competitive markets in this regard. The course also lays emphasis on problem solving and application of basic microeconomic theory on selected public policy issues. Required Texts: 1. Varian, Hal R., Intermediate Microeconomics: A Modern Approach, 5th ed., W.W. Norton, 1999. 2. Varian, Hal R., Microeconomic Analysis, 3rd ed. W.W. Norton, 1993. Additional Readings: 1. Nicholson, Walter, Microeconomic Theory: Basic Principles and Extension, 7th ed., Dryden Press, 1998. 2. Bergstrom, Theodore C., Hal R. Varian, Workouts in Intermediate Microeconomics, 3rd ed., W.W. Norton, 1993. Grading: Four Assignments (10%) Four Announced Quizzes (20%) Midterm Exam (30%) Final Exam (40%) Outline: The following is an approximate schedule of what we will cover and when. Week Topics Chapters (Intermediate Microeconomics by Varian) 1 Budget Constraints, Preferences Ch. 2. 3 2 Preferences, Utility Ch. 3, 4. Microeconomic Analysis by Varian (MAV) Ch. 7. 3 Utility Maximization, Deriving the Demand Curve Ch. 5, 6. MAV Ch. 7. 4 Deriving the Demand Curve, The Slutsky Equation Ch. 6, 8. MAV Ch. 8 5 Consumer Surplus, Market Demand Ch. 14, 15. 6 Midterm 6 Market Demand, Equilibrium Ch. 15, 16 7 Technology, Profit Maximization Ch. 18, 19. MAV Ch. 1, 2. 8 Cost Minimization, Cost Curves Ch. 20, 21. MAV Ch. 4. 9 Firm Supply, Industry Supply Ch. 22, 23. 10 Imperfect Competition: Monopoly, Price Discrimination, Product Differentiation Ch. 24, 25. Final Exam Tentative Schedule of Quizzes Quiz 1 Week 2, Friday Quiz 2 Week 4, Friday Quiz 3 Week 7, Friday Quiz 4 Week 9, Friday