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A block is a bundle of statements in a computer program that can include declarations and
executable statements. A programming language is block structured if it (1) allows blocks to be
created and (2) allows blocks to be nested within other blocks. Many modern programming
languages, including Java, are block structured.
Java blocks are identified and delimited by curly braces ({}) and nesting can be carried on to
several levels – statement blocks can be nested within method blocks; method can be nested
within class blocks; and class blocks may be nested within other class blocks.
When a block is nested within another, we call the surrounding block the outer block and the
block nested within it the inner block. By drawing a line around each block and omitting the
details (such as code and declarations) you can clarify the hierarchical block structure of code.
Such a simplified drawing is called a contour map.
Connecting the delimiting braces of each block on this Java code leads to the contour map shown
on the right. The two if statement blocks are inner to the do-while statement block but
separate from each other. The do-while statement is outer to both if statement blocks.
public class TimesDrill
public static void main( String args [ ] )
int a, b; // times operands
int ansR; // right answer
int ansU; // user's answer
int score; // user's score
String s; // output string
Scanner scanner = new Scanner( );
System.out.println( "Practice multiplication" );
System.out.println( "To quit, enter -1" );
score = 0; // initialize score
a = (int)( Math.random( )*11 );
b = (int)( Math.random( )*11 );
s = a + " X " + b + " = ";
System.out.print( s + "? " );
ansR = a * b; // compute right answer
ansU = scanner.nextInt( ); // get user's answer
if ( ansU == -1 ) // user wants to quit
System.out.println( "Goodbye" );
break; // quit
if ( ansU != ansR ) // user answered wrong
System.out.print( "Sorry, " + s + ansR );
break; // quit
// user entered a correct answer so add one to
// score and encourage continuing
System.out.println(score+" right. Keep going!");
} while ( true );
Block Structure
class block
main method block
do-while statement block
if statement block
if statement block
Page 1
This application has four blocks labeled A, B, C and D.
The contour map is shown to the right.
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import static javax.swing.JOptionPane.*;
A class block
B main method block
C while statment block
D if statment block
public class PayWithOverTime
static DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat( " $#,###.00" );
public static void main( String [] args )
// declare data
String input, prompt, output;
prompt = "Enter name, wage, hours separated by commas";
// read until user cancels dialog
while ( ( input = showInputDialog( prompt ) ) != null )
// user entered data so build scanner and set delimiter
Scanner scan = new Scanner( input );
scan.useDelimiter( "," );
// scan worker's name, hourly wage and hours worked
String name = );
double wage = scan.nextDouble( );
double hours = scan.nextInt( );
// calculate worker's regular pay
double pay = hours * wage;
if ( hours > 40 ) // if overtime
{ // add half pay for each overtime hour
double extraPay;
= (hours - 40) * wage * 0.5;
pay = pay + extraPay;
output = "Pay " + name + df.format( pay );
showMessageDialog( null, output );
Block Structure
Page 2
This application has five blocks. In its contour, the four method
blocks B, C, D and E are stacked on top of each other and
surrounded by the class block A.
import static javax.swing.JOptionPane.*;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
A class block
B main method block
C method block
D method block
E method block
public class CircleMethods
static DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat( "0.000" );
public static void main( String [] args )
// declare data
double radius, area;
B radius = inputRadius( );
area = calcArea( radius );
printResults( radius, area );
public static double inputRadius( )
String msg = "Enter circle's radius";
C return Double.parseDouble( showInputDialog( msg ) );
public static double calcArea( double radius )
D return Math.PI * Math.pow( radius, 2 );
public static void printResults( double r, double a )
String out = "Circle with radius " + df.format( r )
+ "\nhas area = " + df.format( a );
showMessageDialog( null, out );
Block Structure
Page 3
Application DiceToss has six blocks, including an inner class
nested within the application class. The contour map at right pictures
how blocks E and F are inner to D; B, C and D are inner to A; and
A class block
B main method block
C constructor block
D class block
public class DiceToss
public static void main( String [] args )
B new DiceToss( ); // call app constructor
E constructor block
F method block
public DiceToss( ) // app constructor
Die die1 = new Die( ); // build one die
Die die2 = new Die( ); // build another
die1.roll( );
// roll them
die2.roll( );
int sum = die1.faceUp + die2.faceUp;
System.out.println( "Roll is " + sum );
// A Die object models a 6-sided die used for dice games.
public class Die
public int faceUp;
// number shown facing up
public Die( )
E roll( );
// explicit constructor
public void roll( ) // roll the die
// randomly select a number from 1 to 6
F faceUp = (int)(Math.random( ) * 6 + 1);
Block Structure
Page 4
Mark each block in the following Java program. HINT: any curly brace ({}) delimited code
is a block because it could potentially contain data declarations even if it doesn’t. Draw its
contour map.
public class DukeandEarl
public static void main( String [] args )
final double DUKE_FTP = 0.5;
final double EARL_FTP = 0.5;
String shooter, winner;
// Duke and Earl flip a coin to see who shoots first
shooter = ( Math.random( ) < 0.5 ) ? "Duke" : "Earl";
winner = "nobody";
while ( winner.equals( "nobody" ) )
System.out.print( shooter + " shoots and " );
if ( shooter.equals( "Duke" ) )
if (Math.random( ) <= DUKE_FTP )
System.out.println( "HITS!" );
winner = "Duke";
System.out.println( "misses" );
shooter = "Earl";
else // shooter is Earl
if (Math.random( ) <= EARL_FTP )
System.out.println( "HITS!" );
winner = "Earl";
System.out.println( "misses" );
shooter = "Duke";
System.out.println( winner + " WINS!!!" );
Block Structure
Page 5