Download Rule #1: ry-axis: replace x with -x or x Rule #2: rx

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Aim #71: How do we graph reflections?
Homework: Handout
Do Now: Determine the scaling of the equation y = (.75x)
Consider the graph of the parent function y = x
a. What would happen to the graph
if we negated the y-values?
b. What would happen to the graph
if we negated the x-values?
Rule #1: ry-axis: replace x with -x
or x
Rule #2: rx-axis: replace y with -y
Determine the equation of the following functions after the given reflections:
1) y = |x|
2) y = x2
3) y = x2 - 3x - 4
4) y = 3|x|
5) y = 2|x + 3| - 1
6) y = -.5(x - 2)2
a) Write the equation of the function after the given reflection
b) Graph the parent and the new function.
c) Find the domain and range
4) y = | x - 2 |
rx- axis
Sum It Up!!
Given a parent function f(x) then:
y = -f(x) : Reflects the graph over the x-axis
y = f(-x) : Reflects the graph over the y-axis