Download ANS/NTR/PO 415 Comparative Nutrition Syllabus

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ANS/NTR/PO 415 Comparative Nutrition
Jim Croom, Ph.D., FACN, Instructor
John Brake, Ph.D., PAS, WNR Distinguished Professor (Consulting Instructor)
Course Information
Course title
Comparative Nutrition
Course number
Online ( )
Date of Course
Please see course calendar on Moodle
Instructor Information
Jim Croom, Ph.D., F.A.C.N.
[email protected]
Address and Contact 334 Scott Hall
Department of Poultry Science
Campus Box 7608
NC State University
Raleigh, NC 27695-7608
Skype Address (jim.croom)
Office Hours and
Dr. Croom conducts virtual office hours 6 hours per
week on Skype (voice and IM), and email (See Moodle
calendar for days and times). If your schedule does not
allow you to attend office hours, please contact Dr.
Croom schedule a private tutoring session. Dr. Croom
also tries to take Skype calls and IM message anytime
he is logged onto Skype if he is not otherwise occupied.
He sometimes does this in the evenings. If he has
logged in during the evening, you can be sure your call
will be welcomed.
Lecture Unit Notes
Unit 1
Digestion and Absorption: The importance of gastrointestinal
adaptation in nutrition (Watch online movies before you start
Gastrointestinal Morphology
Microscopic Anatomy of GI Tract
Regulation of Digestion and Absorption
Unit 2
Nutrient Metabolism and Bioenergetics (Watch online movies
before you start Unit)
Metabolism Introduction
Energy Production
Whole Body Energy Metabolism
Please take Exam 1 –Exam window Feb. 4 - Feb. 8. Exam will be administered in
the presence of your proctor (see section on proctoring on Moodle class site).
Units 1 and 2 Covered
Unit 3
A) Water and Fluid Balance
B) Carbohydrates in Nutrition
Water: The Forgotten Nutrient
Carbohydrates: Structure
Carbohydrates: Digestion
Carbohydrates: Metabolism
Unit 4
Proteins in Nutrition (Watch online movie before you start unit)
Proteins and Amino Acids: Structure
Proteins and Amino Acids: Digestion
Proteins and Amino Acids: Metabolism
Please take Exam 2 – Exam window March 11- March 15. Exam will be
administered in the presence of your proctor (see section on proctoring on Moodle
class site). Units 3 and 4 Covered
Unit 5
Lipids in Nutrition (Watch online movies before you start unit)
Lipids: Structure
Lipids: Digestion
Lipids: Metabolism
Unit 6
Vitamins in Nutrition, Lectures 1 and 2 (Watch online movies
before you start unit)
Please take Exam 3 – Exam window April 1 – April 5. Exam will be administered
in the presence of your proctor (see section on proctoring on Moodle class site).
Units 5 and 6 Covered
Unit 7
Vitamins in Nutrition, Part II
Vitamins - Water Soluble: Thiamine and Riboflavin
Vitamins - Water Soluble: Niacin, Biotin, and Pantothenic Acid
Vitamins - Water Soluble: B6, Folate, B12, and C
Unit 8
Minerals in Nutrition (Watch online movies before you start unit)
Please take Exam 4 – Exam window April 22 – April 26. Exam will be
administered in the presence of your proctor (see section on proctoring on Moodle
class site).
Units 7 and 8 Covered
The final exam is comprehensive. Exam window April 29- May 9. Exam will be
administered in the presence of your proctor.
There are sample exam questions posted on the Moodle web
site. The purpose of these questions is to give you examples of
how class material is presented on the exams. These are actual
questions taken at random from the class exam pool across the
entire semester.
Exam Details
There will be four (4) examinations during the semester
consisting of 150 multiple choice and true/false questions and
one (1) comprehensive final exam consisting of 300 multiple
choice and true/false questions.
The semester exams will be worth 300 points each and the
comprehensive final 600 points. Your total number of points for
the course, excluding bonus points is 1800.You will be allowed 1
hour and 15 minutes to complete the 4 semester examinations
and 3 hours to complete the final exam.
Exam questions will be randomly generated by Moodle from an
existing pool of questions. Examinations for any two students
will be different in either order or exact content of questions. All
exam questions are taken from the written notes and the
instructional movies. Sometimes there will be slight deviations
from the written notes and the voiced lectures. These are due to
additions to the notes or misspeaking by the instructor. Always
default to the written notes. No exam questions will be
generated from the movies. The movies are to provide you
background information to avoid having you purchase a text.
Please save your exam question answers often as you take the
exams. Should there be a short interruption in Moodle service,
this will save your answers. If you do not save answers at the
end of the exam, Moodle will not record your answers or
administer a grade.
You will not be allowed to print your exams. You are allowed
scratch paper to note any question number on your exam that
you would like to discuss with Dr. Croom.
You will have 48 hours from the time you complete an exam to
contest any question.
Guaranteed Minimum Grading
A+ = 98-100%
A = 90 - 97%
A- = 87 - 89%
B+ = 83 - 86%
B = 76 - 82%
B- = 72 - 75%
C+ = 67- 71%
C = 60 - 66%
C- = 60%
D+ = 59
D = 58%
D- = 57%
F = less than 56%