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Round 4
coelacanth |ˈsēləˌkanTH|
a large, bony marine fish with a three-lobed tail fin and fleshy pectoral fins.
ephebe |ˈefēb, iˈfēb|
(in ancient Greece) a young man of 18–20 years undergoing military training.
apothegm |ˈapəˌTHem|
a concise saying or maxim; an aphorism.
budgerigar |ˈbəjərēˌgär|
a small gregarious Australian parakeet that in the wild is green with a yellow head. It is popular as a pet
bird and has been bred in a variety of colors.
: of or relating to the sea that in ancient geography comprised the Arabian sea, the
Red sea, and the Persian gulf
dithyramb |ˈdiTHəˌram|
a wild choral hymn of ancient Greece, esp. one dedicated to Dionysus.
• a passionate or inflated speech, poem, or other writing.
: a lo o s e ni n g o f a na il f r o m t he n ai l b ed b e gi n n i n g at t he fr ee ed ge a nd p ro ceed i n g to t he ro o t
ischiorrhogic |ˌɪskɪə(ʊ)ˈrɒdʒɪk|
(of an iambic line) having a spondee as its second, fourth, or sixth foot.
Interesting Note: derived from greek for “broken hip, limping”)
tachycardia |ˌtakiˈkärdēə|
an abnormally rapid heart rate.
acephalous |āˈsefələs|
1 no longer having a head: an acephalous skeleton.
• Zoology not having a head.
• having no leader or chief: an acephalous society.
2 Prosody lacking a syllable or syllables in the first foot.
extravasate |ikˈstravəˌsāt|
verb [ with obj. ] (usu. as adj. extravasated) chiefly Medicine
let or force out (a fluid, esp. blood) from the vessel that naturally contains it into the surrounding area.
chiasmus |kīˈazməs|
a rhetorical or literary figure in which words, grammatical constructions, or concepts are repeated in
reverse order, in the same or a modified form; e.g. ‘Poetry is the record of the best and happiest
moments of the happiest and best minds.’
prosopopoeia |prəˌsōpəˈpēə, ˌpräsə-|
1 a figure of speech in which an abstract thing is personified.
2 a figure of speech in which an imagined or absent person or thing is represented as speaking.
chrysoberyl |ˈkrisəˌberəl|
a greenish or yellowish-green mineral consisting of an oxide of beryllium and aluminum. It occurs as
tabular crystals, sometimes of gem quality.
archaeopteryx |ˌärkēˈäptəriks|
the oldest known fossil bird, of the late Jurassic period. It had feathers, wings, and hollow bones like a
bird, but teeth, a bony tail, and legs like a small coelurosaur dinosaur.
syndactyly |sinˈdaktəlē|
nounMedicine & Zoology
the condition of having some or all of the fingers or toes wholly or partly united, either naturally (as in
web-footed animals) or as a malformation.
logomachy |lōˈgäməkē|
noun (pl. logomachies) rare
an argument about words.
foofaraw |ˈfo͞ofəˌrô| informal
1 a great deal of fuss or attention given to a minor matter.
2 showy frills added unnecessarily.
narghile |ˈnärgəlē|
an oriental tobacco pipe with a long tube that draws the smoke through water; a hookah.
deuteranopia |ˌd(y)o͞otərəˈnōpēə|
color-blindness resulting from insensitivity to green light, causing confusion of greens, reds, and yellows.
shillelagh |SHəˈlālē|
a thick stick of blackthorn or oak used in Ireland, typically as a weapon.
a green film that forms on copper
tohubohu |ˈtōho͞oˈbōho͞o|
noun informal
a state of chaos; utter confusion:
eryngo |əˈriNGgō|
a spiny-leaved plant of the parsley family, with metallic blue teasel-like flowers, growing in sandy
places by the sea and native to Europe.
theomachy |THēˈäməkē|
noun (pl. theomachies)
a war or struggle against God or among or against the gods.