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Name __________________________________
Date ________________
Virginia Studies Review Homework
VS. 2b, c, d, e
Monday (VS.2b)
 Match the term to its description:
A. Coastal Plain
____ Old, rounded mountains
and a source of many rivers
B. Piedmont
____ elevated land with a flat
top, located in Southwest, VA
C. Blue Ridge
____ Includes Great Mtns
and other valleys separated
by ridges
D. Valley and
____ rolling hills at the foot of
the mountains, west of the
Fall Line
E. Appalachian
____ Flat land near Atlantic
Ocean and Chesapeake Bay
 Which two regions are separated by the Fall
___________________ & __________________
Wednesday (VS.2d)
 Match letters for the language groups and
numbers with tribal groups of American Indians
with the correct region of Virginia.
Appalachian Plateau
Coastal Plain
A. Siouan
B. Algonquian
C. Iroquoian
Tuesday (VS.2c)
 The __________________ Ocean provided
transportation links between VA & Europe.
 The 4 major rivers that flow into the
Chesapeake Bay are: (from North – South)
a. ________________________________
b. ________________________________
c. ________________________________
d. ________________________________
 Each river was a source of ___________, and
a pathway for ______________________ and
_________________________ in Virginia.
 The ________________ ______________ was
surveyed by ___________ ________________
and has a variety of wildlife.
Thursday (VS.2e)
 Describe the climate of Virginia:
Relatively ___________ with four distinct
________________________ which results in
a variety of ________________________
(plant life).
 The land in Virginia is covered with
______________________, which have a
variety of trees.
Review (VS.2b)
1. Powhatan
2. Monacan
3. Cherokee
 What evidence proves that American Indian
lived in all areas of Virginia?
1. ________________ 4. __________________
2. ________________ 5. __________________
3. ________________
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