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Crocodiles: Crocodiles live in waters around the world. Crocodiles are very scaly and have very
sharp teeth and they have green skin. Crocodiles mostly live in waters around the world and
sometimes on land. Crocodiles move on four legs and swim with their legs and tail. Crocodiles
attack any animals that come into their land. They kill their prey then eat it. Crocodiles should be
alive instead of being used for handbags and jackets. By Chelsea
A red panda is a panda but red. A red panda is reddish brown and it is a mammal. A
red panda is found in Western Nepal. Over 800 red pandas are in zoos and parks
around the world. A red panda eats bamboo, eggs, birds, insects and other small
mammals. A red panda comes out from dawn to dusk. Red pandas sleep with their
paws hanging down. A red panda can have twins or one baby. Red pandas will soon be
extinct, to save them we need to save their homes by stopping cutting trees down. By Grace N
Scorpions are creepy, crawlies in the deserts and forests. Scorpions look like a big yabby but
without a stinger. Scorpions live in deserts and forests. Scorpions come out at night. They
move with their legs. Young scorpions eat crickets. Big scorpions eat brown crickets.
Scorpions should be kept in the wild.
By Kaylem T
A tiger lives in the jungle. Tigers are large cats that have black, orange and white strips. Tigers often
live in jungles and rainforest in India. 103 days after mating they have baby cubs. Tigers pounces at
its prey and then bites its neck then kills it. Tigers are one of the most threatened species on earth
so we have to help them survive. By Harrison
Dolphins are animals and they live in the water. Bottlenose dolphins have a long nose. They
are gray. Bottlenose dolphins live in the water. Bottlenose dolphins swim in the water. They
eat around 15 kilograms per day. They can be fish, squid and octopus. Dolphins are the most
amazing animals in the water.
By Indianna W
The echidna is an animal that has a home in the ground. Echidnas have spines on their backs
and tails. They also have sharp toe nails. Echidnas do have long noses. Echidnas dig a hole in
the ground that is called a burrow. Burrows keep echidnas warm during all winter. Echidnas
walk in a waddling sort of way. They can swim the way they walk but they don’t waddle in the water
when they swim. Echidnas come out in the afternoon to find food. They use their noses to get their
food. Echidnas eat ants, termites and small insects. Echidnas are very wonderful animals.
By Edward D
Whales are mammals that live in the ocean. They live in the ocean and the beach. Whales like to
swim. Whales usually eat sea birds, salmon, cod, hake, herring, seals, sea lions, walruses, sea otters,
penguins, squid and octopus. Whales are beautiful mammals.
By ?
Meerkats are very cute animals that live in Asia. Meerkats can be gray, light brown,
black, white, dark brown. Their height is 8 inches high or 20 inches high. Meerkats dig
holes and live in the hole. They live in a place call Savannah. A meerkat has 2 eyes, 4 feet. It can run
as well as walk. Meerkats eat scorpions, insects and lizards. You should not kill meerkats.
By Josh R
On my weekend I went to the Zone with my football team from last year. It was the
best time at the Zone I have ever had. We got $500 to spend from the Golden Square
Football Club. We spent most of the money on laser tag. We played it for four hours
then we went and did rollerblading. I won all the games on roller blades and the man
running the place said I was one of the fastest speed skaters he has seen. Then me and my
friends went and had a race. It was really fun then my Dad came and picked me up and I went and
had a look at Holden day and had a look at the EH’s.
By Lucas
Human Body
Here I am about to be eaten by a giant. Well here it goes. Now I am getting mashed, mushed
and crunches into little bits of food. Now I am going down his oesophagus. I slide down it to
the stomach. I am now in the stomach getting crunched again. Well that’s done. Now his
front door opens and down his small intestine. It looks small but is actually bigger than the
other intestine. I am going down. I am now in the large intestine. It is small. I am getting
ready to be digested out of the body. Now I’m getting flushed away. “Goodbye human”. By
Codie W
At any moment almost three quarters of the body’s blood is in the veins. The veins are
thin walled, stretchy tubes that transport blood from the lungs and other organs back to
the heart. The walls of veins contain the same layers that are found in the arteries but the
layers are much thinner. By the time blood has passed along the arteries and through the
capillary network of each organs it has lost its surges of pressure. By Jordan
Yesterday I had my lunch at 11:00 like I always do through the week. My lunch went into my mouth
where my teeth chomped it up. Then it travelled down my oesophagus into my stomach. My
stomach mushed it and blended it until it turned into gross, disgusting mush. It went through the
valve into a tube to the small intestine. Then my lunch went into the blood stream. It travelled
through my body and gave me energy to play. After it has given me energy it goes into the large
intestine to separate into that yucky stuff that goes into the toilet.
By Alidia
Story Starters
The door was rattling. I could hear scratching and clawing. I knew something was on the
other side. I hope that it isn’t my sister scaring me again. If she is I’m going to get her. But it
wasn’t her. It was an alien at my bedroom door and it wants me to take it to our leaser. So I
did. The alien said, “I want to take you back to my planet”. Just as they were about to take
Mum back to their planet Donkey Kong shows up from nowhere………………… By Stuart D