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Your son's circumcision - Questions and Answers
03/06/2009 22:35
Your son's circumcision Q&As
Published by Bupa's health information team, August 2008.
Answers to questions about your son's circumcision
This section contains answers to common questions about this topic. Questions have been suggested by health
professionals, website feedback and requests via email.
My son is being circumcised, how do I take care of the healing wound?
Will the foreskin grow back?
Will circumcision affect my son's ability to have sex later in life?
My son is being circumcised, how do I take care of the healing wound?
The area should be kept dry for 48 hours after the operation. After this, it's important to keep the tip of his penis clean.
Give your son warm baths once or twice a day, without adding bubble bath or scented soaps, as these may irritate the
healing wound. His penis should be left to dry naturally.
Circumcision is a simple operation to remove the foreskin. The skin edges are closed using dissolvable stitches and/or
special glue. Your son's penis may be wrapped in a paraffin-based dressing to protect it from rubbing against clothing. The
tip of his penis is usually left uncovered so that he can pass urine.
The skin edges will usually form a seal within a day or two of the operation. The dressing is usually removed 24 to 48 hours
after the operation.
It's important that the tip of his penis is kept clean after the dressing is removed. Give him warm baths once or twice a day,
without adding bubble bath or scented soaps, as these may irritate the healing wound. Let his penis dry naturally after each
Get your son to wear loose underwear and clothing until the wound is fully healed. If he is very young and still in nappies,
check his nappy isn't too tight and change it frequently. Give him regular nappy-free time but make sure he doesn't pull on
his healing wound.
You son will find it painful when passing urine for the first few days. Applying petroleum jelly (for example Vaseline) to the
tip of his penis after he has passed urine may help to ease discomfort and stop clothes or the nappy from sticking to the
healing wound.
Contact your doctor or the hospital if you have any concerns or if your son develops any of the following symptoms:
a high temperature
signs of worsening pain (babies and toddlers cry more and are difficult to settle when they are in pain)
heavy bleeding
yellow or white discharge
increasing redness around the wound
It's possible your son may have developed a wound infection and may need treatment.
Further information
British Association of Paediatric Surgeons
020 7869 6915
Holman JR, Lewis EL, Ringler RL. Neonatal circumcision techniques. Am Family Physcian 1995; 52:511-518
Williams N, Kapila L. Complications of circumcision. Br J Surg 1993; 80:1231-1236
Will the foreskin grow back?
No your son's foreskin will not grow back.
The foreskin is the sleeve of skin that surrounds the head of the penis. The foreskin is always stuck to the head of the
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Your son's circumcision - Questions and Answers
03/06/2009 22:35
penis at birth, but it gradually separates and can usually be pulled back by the age of about three.
There are many conditions and diseases that can affect the foreskin, such as inflammation or infection resulting in scarring
or a very tight foreskin. Circumcision is a simple operation to remove the foreskin from the penis. The foreskin will not grow
back after it's removed.
There have been reported attempts to restore the foreskin but the procedures are still experimental and the long-term
results are unknown.
Further information
British Association of Paediatric Surgeons
020 7869 6915
Management of foreskin conditions. British Association of Paediatric Surgeons., accessed 1
February 2008
Will circumcision affect my son's ability to have sex later in life?
Circumcision should not affect your son's ability to have sex in adulthood.
Male circumcision involves removing the foreskin from the penis. Your son's penis may feel more sensitive after being
circumcised but it shouldn't affect his ability to have an erection or his sexual performance later in life.
Further information
British Association of Paediatric Surgeons
020 7869 6915
Impotence or erectile dysfunction. Sexual Dysfunction Association., accessed 30 January 2008
Related topics
Your son's circumcision
Caring for surgical wounds
This information was published by Bupa's health information team and is based on reputable sources of medical evidence.
It has been peer reviewed by consultant urologist Raj Persad, MB BS, ChM, FRCS (Urol), FEBU at United Bristol Health
Care Trust, and by Bupa doctors. The content is intended for general information only and does not replace the need for
personal advice from a qualified health professional.
Publication date: August 2008
Your son's circumcision factsheet
Visit the your son's circumcision health factsheet for more information.
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