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Weekly Math Homework – Q3:2
Find the quotient.
Find the quotient.
Find the quotient.
Find the quotient.
12 ÷
28,275 ÷ 87
14,145 ÷ 23
Find the difference.
Find the product.
Find the sum.
Find the quotient.
764.7 – 45.39
48.2 x 0.39
543.09 + 18.208
0.2124 ÷ 0.06
Simplify the fraction:
What is the GCF of 64 and 32?
What is the LCM of 6 and 4?
A Party Store sells large plates
in packs of 12 and small plates
in packs of 8. In order to have
an equal number of both, what
is the least amount of large
plates that would have to be
Determine if the example is
positive or negative.
Determine if the example is
positive or negative.
Determine if the example is
positive or negative.
Write the integer that best
represents 23 degrees
below zero.
Earned 25 dollars
20 feet below sea level
4 degrees below zero
What is the value of
3x2 + 5x when x = 3?
Evaluate the expression.
Are the two expressions
equivalent when x = 5?
33 + 3(4 +
Simplify the expression.
7y + 3x + 3 – 2y + 6
7x + 3x
What is the coefficient of y?
9x + 5
What is the constant?
Graph the integer 2 and its
opposite on the number line.
Graph the integer 4 and its
opposite on the number line.
Graph the integer 6 and its
opposite on the number line.
Graph the integer 0 and its
opposite on the number line.
Place the following numbers on
the number line.
Compare the numbers with
>, <, =.
Compare the numbers with
>, <, =.
- 3 ______ - 1
7.3 ______ 3.9
If point A is located at (-6, 3) on
a coordinate plane, and point B
is located at (-6, 0), what is the
distance between the two
Graph the ordered pair (3, 5) and
its reflection over the y-axis.
Graph the ordered pair (3, 5) and
its reflection over the x-axis.
Graph the ordered pair (-4, 1) and
its reflection over the y-axis.
Graph the ordered pair (-4, 1) and
its reflection over the x-axis.
-2.75, -0.35, 1.4, 2.82
If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat?
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