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World History 2 Term 2, Fall 2013 Review Sheet Answer the following on a separate sheet of paper. Chapter 14: WWI (p. 454-­‐483) 1.
How did new weapons and technology change the way war was fought? Define trench warfare. Where was it fought? Describe the Zimmerman Note. What was the League of Nations? Who introduced the League? What were some of the weaknesses? Describe the Treaty of Versailles and the terms set forth. Who were the Bolsheviks? Chapter 15: Nationalism & Revolution Around the World (p. 490-­‐515) 1. Who was Ghandi? 2. Who was Mao Zedong? 3. What was Zionism? Chapter 16: Rise of Dictators (p. 522-­‐555) 1.
Define Fascism and list the characteristics of a fascist dictator. Why was fascism appealing to Italians and Germans? Who was Adolf Hitler? Explain Hitler’s Economic Policies. What was the Stock Market Crash? Who was Benito Mussolini? Who was Joseph Stalin? What were the goals of the “five-­‐year plans” in Stalinist Russia? Chapter 17: WWII and the Aftermath (p. 562-­‐595) 1. Who were the Allied Powers? 2. Who were the Axis Powers? 3. Define appeasement. 4. What “event” marks the beginning of WW II? 5. Define Blitzkrieg. 6. Explain the significance of the Maginot Line. 7. Explain the Atlantic Charter. 8. Define total war. 9. How did America’s productive capacity help win WW II in Europe? 10. What was Hitler’s Final Solution? 11. Who were the “Big Three leaders”? 12. What was the Manhattan Project? 13. Why did the US drop the atomic bomb on Japan? 14. Who made the decision for the US to drop the atomic bomb on Japan? Chapter 18: The Cold War (p. 603-­‐644) 1. What does NATO stand for? Who are the member nations? 2. What was the Warsaw Pact? Who were the member nations? 3. What is the United Nations? 4. Define Collective Security. 5. Who were the key players (countries) in the Cold War? 6. What made the Cold War arms race so terrifying? 7. Define Containment. 8. What was the Marshall Plan? 9. What was the Truman Doctrine? 10. What was the “domino theory?” 11. Describe the Korean War: a. Why was it fought? b. Who aided the North? c. Who aided the South? d. What happened as a result of the Korean War? 
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