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Unit 4 South America-Study Guide
1. What type of government can be found in the nations of:
Argentina- republic (rule by many)
Brazil- republic (rule by many)
2. List 5 facts about the Amazon River. (pg.294)
1. it allows ships to carry cargo
2. it is the 2nd longest river in the world
3. it carries more freshwater to the ocean than any other river
4. it flows out into the Atlantic Ocean
5. it has 1,000 tributaries
3. Why are the Parana, Paraguay, and Uruguay Rivers an important system to Paraguay? pg.
Paraguay is landlocked, so the rivers form an important transportation route.
4. List 3 facts about the Transoceanic Highway. pg. 371
1. links the Amazon river to ports in Brazil
2. Peru and Brazil are building it
3. it will help trade
5. How did the American and French Revolutions affect South Americans? pg. 336
The colonist in South America were encouraged to fight for their independence
6. Describe the land in the tierra helada, which is located in the Andes. pg. 357
The “frozen land”- harsh climate, minimal vegetation
7. What happens to the Amazon River during the monsoon season? pg. 298
the river floods in some places to more than 100 miles wide
8. List 3 facts about the population of Brazil: pg. 310
1. diverse
2. 40% of South Americans live there
3. has mix of cultures
9. Brazil is one of the world's leading producers which products?
coffee, sugar cane, tropical fruit
10. 3 bodies of water that touch the Tropical North Regions are? pg.329-330
Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea
11. Which two countries competed for the land that is present day Brazil? pg. 313
Spain and Portugal
12. Why was free land offered to people in the urban area of Brazil? pg. 316
to relieve poverty and overcrowding
13. The _______Spanish______ colonization lead to the large dominance of _____Roman
Catholic_____________ religion in South America? pg 368
14. What island group relates to Charles Darwin? pg. 330
Galapagos Islands
15. What dominate Indigenous group lived in the Andes Mountain range? pg 360
16. Describe what happens along the Ring of Fire. pg. 353
earthquakes and volcanic activity
17. What are some actions from Hugo Chavez that caused strained relationships with the
United States? (List 3 things Pg. 345
Hugo Chavez seized control of oil producing companies in Venezuela, frequently criticized the
United States, and became friendly with anti-US governments of Cuba and Iran
18. Which group is most responsible for deforestation of the rainforest? Pg. 318
logging companies
19. What were some of the accomplishments of the Inca? (List 3) Pg. 361
counting systems (quipu), roads and bridges, and irrigation systems
20. What makes living in the Andes challenging? Pg. 355
farming is difficult because of the rugged terrain
21. Do you think Globalization is destroying Indigenous cultures? yes or no? explain in detail
your opinion. Pg 372-373